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The following text us for questions 1-2. A.

Lucy had another precious

To: Jessica B. Lucy forgot the time for
I want you to know that I feel sorry for C. Jessica had to come to another
having missed our engagement day before engagement.
yesterday. I was looking forward to the D. They didn’t reschedule the
meeting but when I got to check the engagement.
calendar again, I found that it had already E. Jessica was not sure about the
passed. I know that you are very engaged meeting.
and the value of you precious time, but I The following text is for questions 3-4.
believe this thing of mine will not stop us
form making another similar engagement. To all employes
Having engagement with you is important
to me, and I can assure you that this would As winter approaches, we want yo remind
not be repeated again. you of our policy regarding absence due to
severe weather conditions. Now is good
Yours, time to prepare your car for safe travel in
winter weather ; our employes’ safety is
Lucy our greatest concern. We have rarely found
that it is necessary to close our offices
1. What does Lucy intend to say in her completely, however, we have done so
letter? when road conditions are too hazerdeous
A. To assure that the meeting is for travel. If you are unsure about weather
precious to report to work you may call employee
B. To apologize for missing the hotline at 555-5555. We will provide
meeting information concerning company hours in
C. To complainb about the the case of severe weather or any other
engagement emergency. Employees are expected to be
D. To arrange another engagement at work when the office is officially open;
E. To cancel the engagement if you are unable to be at work you must
notify your supervisor that your taking
2. Why couldn’t they meet as thet had personal leave.
Personal Manager, Beautiful hanging lanterns will be
Daniel the backdrop for an elaborate buffet, which
begins at 7.30 p.m. on December 31st. on
3. The main information in the offer will be a wide variety of Indonesian
announcement is …. and western cuisines. The event feature an
A. The company’s policy due to engaging experience that brings together
the had bad weather. well-known comedians, live bands, DJs
B. The company’s working hours and fashion show to keep the partygoers
in winter. entertained.
C. The road conditions in winter Colorful fireworks and the chance
weather. to fly one’s own wishing lantern will make
D. The company’s emergency an exotic and unforgettable welcome to
hotline. 2015. Be there for the chance to take home
E. The hazardous road condition. fantastic door prizes and complimentary
4. Which statement is true based on the Hyatt stays.
announcement above? Admintance starts at Rp. 300,000 (tax
A. The company prepares car for inclusive), will the first drink offered at
safe travels. Rp. 150,000 (tax inclusive).
B. The company free the
employees in bad weather. 5. Which is mainly offered in the
C. The company will close during advertisement above?
the bad weather. A. Fashion show
D. The company is closed B. Room to stay
officially just in emergency. C. Colorful firework
E. The company hotline will D. New year eve party
report the empeloyees absence. E. Indonesian and western
The following text is for questions 5-6. 6. To advertisement is offered to those
who want to …. What does the writer
Hyatt Regency Yogyakarta’s want to tell us?
Bogey's Terrace will come alive on New A. Pay for the tax
Year’s Eve, with it’s party, Night of the B. Stay in Hyatt Hotel
Lanterns. C. Welcome the new year
D. Entertain the partygoers
E. Find an excellent restaurant D. Her/his excellent card tricks
E. Her/his friend’s missing watch
The following text is for questions 7-9. 8. In the end of the story we know that …
Last week my friend, Ariann, A. The magic trick was not
invited me to go to a magic show. First the working.
magician played some card tricks. Then he B. The writer and Arienn are
pulled a rabbit of a hat. After that he asked magicians.
for my friend’s watch. She gave him a C. Arienn made the watch get into
watch and he put it in a box. He shut the her hat.
box carefully. Then he hit box with his D. Arienn lost her watch in the
magic stick and said some magic words. magic show.
The he opened the box and the watch was E. The magician found the watch
not there. Everybody was amazed. in his pocket.
“where is my watch?” the girl asked and 9. What might Arienn have felt when the
smilled. magician couldn’t find her watch in his
“don’t worry,” he answered. “I got it here pocket?
in my pocket.” A. Worried
He looked in his pocket but the B. Amused
watch wasn’t there. The magician got C. Confused
annoyed. He didn’t understand. D. Annoyed
“I am sorry,” he said. “This Trick isn’t E. Excited
working. There is a problem.”
Then the girl laughed and pulled out of the The following text is for questions 10-11.
watch out of her hat. Chrysanthemums, sometimes
“That’s amazing,” said the magician. called mums or chrysants are flowering
“How can the watch get into your hat?” plants of genus chrysanthemums in the
“Well, “Said the girl, ”I am a magician, family Asteraceae. They are native of Asia
too.” and northeastern Europe. Most species
(Listening Activies) originat from East Asia and the cetre of
diversity is in China.
7. What does the writer want to tell us? Chrysanthemums comes Greek
A. Her/his magic problem word “Chrys” meaning golden-the colour
B. Her/his magic show failure of the original flower-and “anthemon”
C. Her/his amusing experience meaning flower. The name was given to it
by Carolus, a Swedish who also known as long pursuit, during which officers
the father of modern taxonomy. fired warning shots.
The chrysanthemums flower blooms in We were informed that this ship
various forms, and it can be daisy-like, [called the Kyosei Maru] was hoarding
decorative, pompons or buttons. crude oil while en route to Malaysia.
Chrysanthemums blooms come in a huge We will find out more regarding how
variety of shapes and sizes and in a wide many boats were involved in this
range of colours. The most popular ones operation, Batam customs officer Emi
are yellow, white, purple, pink, and red. Luwidanto said on Wednesday.
He said the officers had also
10. The most popular onesare yellow, arrested the ship's captain, Yohanes
white, purple, pink, and red. Tumbelakas, and 10 crew members, and
What does the underlined word refer had examined their nationalities.
to? He said the crew had attempted to
A. Forms resist arrest by releasing five dogs to
B. Sizes attack officers who had boarded the
C. Shapes ship to conduct further inspections.
D. Colours 'The crew knew we were coming
E. Flowers for them and they released the dogs.
11. What is the original colour of We had to secure the dogs first before
Chrysanthemums? performing the inspection,’ he said.
A. Red Source:
B. Purple
C. Yellow 12. What is the news about?
D. White A. Customs officer’s shots
E. Pink B. Custom officer arrest
C. Crude oil smuggling
The following text is for questions D. Ship wreck report
12-13. E. Crude oil export
Customs officers in Batam have 13. The crew released the dogs when they
foiled an attempt to smuggle 1,300 knew we were coming for them.
matrix tons of crude oil carried by a The underlined word refers to?
ship headed to Malaysia, after an hour- A. The crew
B. The dogs
C. The boats observed scenes," scientists from the
D. The officers University of New South Wales School of
E. The inspections Psychology report in the Journal of
Experimental Psychology.
The following text is for questions 14-16. And while the psychological world
14. loves to emphasize the upside of staying
A. Well-informed happy and positive, the finding adds to
B. Well- behaved growing evidence that there's something to
C. Well-prepared be said for bad moods, too.
D. Well-known The theory is that people tend to be
E. Well-done less focused on their surroundings when
they're happy and carefree. A positive
15. mood makes us over confident, says team
A. Fisheas leader Joseph Forgas. We think we
B. Colours understand what's going on, but in reality
C. Shadow we're making snap judgments and forget
D. Sheaweed important things. In a negative mood
E. Beauty people think things through more
thoroughly, he says.
16. Refers For their study, researchers tested
A. Depict the memories of 73 randomly selected
B. Cover shoppers at a newspaper and stationery
C. Include shop in Sydney, Australia.
D. Describe Customers were either tested on
E. Decorate rainy days or sunny ones. The customers
spent, on average, about five minutes in
The following text is for questions 17-20. the shop. After they left, they were
People score significantly higher approached by research assistant who
on memory tests on rainy, cloudy days asked the to remember and list of many of
than they do on bright, sunny days. the object on the counter as they could
"This study is the first to show in a remember.
real-life setting that weather-induced mood Shoppers on the cloudy, rainy days
can have a significant influence on listed three times more items than
people's ability to remember casually customers tested on sunny days. The
"negative mood" participants also recalled C. Memories
more items correctly than incorrectly, a D. Moods
pattern that was completely reversed for E. Days
participants in a "positive mood state," the 20. The study shows that in rainy days…
researchers say. A. People have brighter memories.
Source: B. People get lower score on
memory test.
17. What does the text explain us? C. The cutomers spend more time
A. How rainy days influence our in the shop.
memory D. People tend to be in a good
B. Why customers buy more items mood.
ini rainy day E. Less customers go shopping.
C. How scientist select shoppers
for their study The following text is for questions 21-24.
D. How customers shop in the People everywhere love chocolate
rainy days. of every kind. Not only is it a tasty treat
E. Why research conduct the study for many, chocolate also boasts certain
18. What is the result of being over health benefits when consumed in
confident? moderation. Dark chocolate the healthiest
A. We will think more carefully variety promotes physical health and even
B. We can make proper functions as an aid for combatting foul
judgement. moods and stress.
C. We will be more focused on Chocolate can be used, in
surroundings. appropriate quantities, as one tool for
D. We understand what is going stress reduction. Dark chocolate has been
on well. found to improve mood by increasing
E. We usually forget important serotonin and endorphin levels in the
things. brain.
19. Customers were tested on either rainy Darker chocolate has lower
days or sunny ones. quantities of unhealthy ingredients, such as
What does the underlined word refer fat and sugar, than milk chocolate. Dark
to? chocolate that is at least 70 percent cocoa
A. Customers is the most beneficial variety, and it packs
B. Researchers loads of nutritious antioxidants. It even has
numerous health-promoting properties that 23. What may lead to plague accumulation
other kinds of chocolate do not contain. in arteries?
The antioxidants in dark chocolate A. Dark chocolate
can also lower blood pressure, increase B. Antioxidants
good cholesterol, decrease oxidation of C. Blood pressure
bad cholesterol, which leads to plaque D. Good cholesterol
accumulation in the arteries, and promote E. Bad cholesterol oxidants
blood sugar regulation. Dark chocolate can 24. Consuming too much Dark Chocolate
also lengthen the time it takes blood to clot is not very healthy because it
and increase healthy blood flow by making contains….
blood vessels more elastic. A. Milk
Source: Alissa Fleck, Demand Media B. Antioxidants
C. Cholesterol
21. What is the topic of the text? D. Serotonim
A. Benefits of chocolate for health E. Sugar
B. Nutritious antioxidants in
chocolate The following text is for questions 25-28.
C. Chocolate as medication of The recently issued policy on low-
deseases cost green cars (LCGCs), enabling people
D. Unhealthy ingredients in in lower classes to purchase family
chocolate vehicles, has sparked controversy among
E. Dark chocolate and its varieties people, especially those in major cities
22. In spite of having benefit, Dark such as Jakarta.
Chocolate…. It cannot be denided that any policy
A. Contains lower healthy have two impact – both positive and
ingredients negative. Some have applauded the ide,
B. May increase our blood saying that it is a good policy, enabling
pressure more people to own cars. As a result, the
C. Fasten the process of the blood state’s income from taxes levied on the
to clot automotive sector will grow and country’s
D. Should be consumed in certain middle class will be able to afford cars.
amount Moreover, motorcycylist might start
E. Leads to plague accumulation driving cheap cars, preventing the entry of
in arteries
low-cost cars from abroad or neighbouring 26. The text is intended to ….
countries such as Thailand. A. Refuse the policy in LCGCs
However, some others claim that it B. Initiate the LCGCs programme
will create more problems such as C. Encourage the LCGCs
increased traffic congestion in the city and programme
higher fuel consumption. D. Propose diferrent opinion on
The implementation of the cheap car LCGCs
programme has caused a chain reaction E. Recommended solutions on
and additional efforts is needed to mitigate LCGC negative effects
the negative impact. 27. What problem may the LGCCs policy
Therefore, relevant ministries such create?
as the Ministry or Transportation, Ministry A. It increase the needs of fuel
of public Works and the Ministry of B. It prevents the cheap car import
Eberagy and Mineral Resources will be the C. More people have their own
effected government agencies who must cars
strive to overcome the negative effects of D. Motorcyclist will drive cheap
this cheap car programme. cars
Basically, there is nothing wrong in E. It increases the state income
creating an opportunity for people to own frim taxes
cars, but traffic in the city should also be 28. “…. And additional efforts is needed to
considered by the stakeholders. mitiagate the negative impact.
Source: The underlined words means ….
A. Lighten
25. From the last paragraph we can infer B. Loosen
that the writer …. C. Worsen
A. Find LCGCs a great problem D. Brighten
B. Is unhappy with the policy E. Strengthen
C. Will eliminate the negative The following text is for questions 29-31.
effect of LCGCs There is something people should
D. Has no objection to the policy know before watching this movie, and that
on LCGCs is that takes place from 2002 to 2014. I
E. Complains about the LCGCs grew up in that same generation, so as I
programme watched this movie I felt like I was
growing up all over. It was increadble to by a talented director, “Boyhood” is the
experience that. An even for those who most powerfull and unique coming-offage
weren’t children growing up in those years film ever made and it it will be proclaimed
will still feel the sense of goingback in as a classic for the years to come.
The plot is very simple; what does 29. The review teels us that ‘Boyhood’ ….
it mean to grow up, becomes an adult, and A. Tells about the writer’s life
live? And as the years goes by, it become B. Was made for about 12 years
apparent that Mason is struggling to find C. Has a very special and unique
his place in life. Though there few plot
struggles he encounters and somethematic D. Is about how Linklater is
material overall the movie is hilarious and growing up
real. From Richard Linklater’s previous E. Is nominated as classic movie
films, I’ve noticed that the dialogue all of 2014
feels real. And it is so well done in this 30. “And it is so well done it this film”.
film. What does the underlined word ‘it’
Speaking of Linklate, I see an refers to?
Oscar nomination for directing coming his A. The plot
way, I see an Oscar nomination for B. The movie
directing coming his way. As he sat down C. The material
for Q&A on Boyhood, one of the things he D. The dialogue
said that struck audience was that he E. The struggle
though it was funny that people who saw 31. The last paragraph shows that the
“Boyhood” told him he improved as a writer ….
director .this was funny to him because A. Appreciate the movie so much
one of the first rules he mad before B. Summarize guided of the
himiling in 2002 was that he could not movie
change as a director for the sake of the C. Learn about growing up from
movie to have no continuity errors. The the story
only improvement going on is the superb D. Proclaims Boyhood’as a classic
acting from Ethan Hawke, Patricia fil
Arquette, and (of course) Ellar Coltrane. E. Feels the movie is hilarious and
With probably the best ending I’ve real.
ever seen for a movie and a story guided
32. 1) it’s easy to prepare the beverage playwright. She also wrote six romances
with our blender. under the name Mary Westmacott, but she
2) clean the pitcher after each use is best known for the 66 detective novels
with a little bit of dishwashing and 14 short story collections she wrote
detergent and rinse the blender under her own name. she also wrote
thoroughly. world’s longestrunning play, The
3) put the receipt ingredients in Mousetrap.
thepitcher and out lid on firmly and Born to a wealthy upper-middle-
switch the blender on. class family in Torquay, Devon, Christie
4) put the blender together, place the served in a hospital during the First World
blades in the retaining ringthen set War, before marrying and starting a family
the gasket over blades and inside in London. Although initially unsuccessful
ring. at getting her work published, in 1920, The
5) screw the retaining ring firmly to Bodley Head press published her novel
the buttom of the pitcher and be The Mysterious Affair at Styles, featuring
sure the retaining ring is seated. the character of Poirot. This launched her
6) choose a flat, dry surface on which literary career.
to operate your blender. The Guinness Book of World
7) set the pitcher onto the base and Records list Christie is the best-selling
plug the blender in. novelist of all time. Her novels have sold
8) drinking fruit juice in the morning roughly 4 billion copies, and her estate
is one of the simple ways to stay claims that her works rank third, after
healthy. those of William Shakespeare and the
A. 1,6,4,3,2,5,7,8 Bible, as the world's most-widely
B. 8,1,3,5,2,7,8,6 published books. According to Index
C. 8,1,6,4,5,7,3,2 Translationum, Christie is the most-
D. 6,3,4,2,5,7,8,1 translated individual author, and her books
E. 6,3,1,7,4,8,5,2 have been translated into at least 103
languages. And Then There Were None is
The following text is for questions 33-35 Christie's best-selling novel with 100
Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa million sales to date, making it the world's
Christie, DBE (nee Miller, 15 September best-selling mystery ever, and one of the
1890 – 12 January 1976) was an English best-selling books of all time. In 1971, she
crime writer of novels, short stories, and was made a Dame by Queen Elizabeth II at
Buckingham Palace. In 2013, The Murder
of Roger Ackroyd was voted the best
crime novel ever by 600 fellow writers of
the Crime Writers’ Association.

33. The last paragraph tell us about

Christie’s ….
A. First career 36. The text mainly tells us about?
B. Association A. How to use the peppermint oil
C. Press publisher in destroying Pests.
D. Guinness Book B. How mic spread the diseases
E. Greatest works C. How to destroy harmful pests
34. When did her carrier start to advance? D. Why mice us a harmful pest
A. In 1890 E. How to repel mice.
B. In 1920 37. How many steps are there on the text?
C. In 1971 A. Two
D. In 1976 B. Three
E. In 2013 C. Four
35. What does the text tell us about Agatha D. Six
Cristie…. E. Seven
A. She lived in Buckingham 38. “…can spread severe diseases
Palace. through their feces and parasites they
B. She was unsuccessfull novelist. carry.”
C. She started her career as a What does the underlined word refer
novelist. to?
D. She
Mice might wascute,
look inspired
but a they
lot bycan
be A. Food
harmful pets that destroy household items, eat and
Westmacott. B. Feces
mess with food and can spread severe diseases
E. She was the greatest after
through their feces and parasites they carry. Here
C. Mice
are some useful tips on how to repel house mice. D. Diseases
The Following text is for questions 36- E. paracites
First, use peppermint, put the peppermint near wall
corners.38. Then, pour generous amount of The Following text is for questions 39-
peppermint oil on cotton balls. After that place the 42.
saturated cotton balls on areas where mice are
possibly seen-around counter tops, under the
sofas in your living room. Finally, put them behind
shelves, wall corners or on the floor beneath your
kitchen sink.
Tomato soup is not only tasty but also healthy 42. How many steps are there are in the
for our body. To make a bowl of tomato soup, text?
you must prepare all ingredients such as 4 large
A. Five
tomatoes, spices, 1 small onion, ½ teaspoon of
salt, 8 cups of water, ¼ teaspoon of pepper, B. Six
small clove garlic, and ¼ teaspoon of butter.
C. Seven
First, Cut tomatoes, onions, and garlic into small
pieces. Then fry them in a pan with butter for five D. Eight
minutes. Add water, spices, salt and pepper. E. Nine
Heat it until the water boils. Stir it gently. Turn
down the heat and cover with a lid. Finally, a
bowl of tomato soup is ready to serve. The Following text is for questions 43 to
39. What is the best tittle for the text
Steps :
First, Connect the charger to your hand phone, the
A. How to put tomato into soup. flash symbol on the charger plug must face
upward. Second, Wait until the battery icon
B. How make tomato soup tasty.
appears on the screen.
C. How to make tasty tomato Third, Charge the battery approximately 5 hours or
soup. until the battery icon indicates that the battery is
fully charged.
D. How to make our body healthy. The last, Remove the charger by pulling out from
E. How to boil tomato soup. your hand phone.

40. “Tomato soup is not only tasty...” 43. What is the purpose of the text above?
The underlined word could be best A. tell the readers on how to
replaced by …. remove handphone batteray.
A. Bitter B. Tell the readers on how to
B. Yummy change handphone batteray.
C. Gummy C. Tell the readers on how to
D. Tummy change handphone batteray.
E. Sweet D. Tell the readers on how to
41. “Then fry them in a pan” check handphone batteray.
The underlined word refers to …. E. Tell the readers on how to chafe
A. Tomatoes handphone batteray.
B. Onions 44. “Charge the battery approximately….”
C. Small pieces The underlined word has the similar
D. Garlic meaning with ….
E. Tomatoes, Onions and garlic. A. Around
B. Immediately
C. Hurrily
D. Carefully
E. Sharply
45. Who might need this kind of text?
A. handphone seller
B. an expert user
C. a beginner
D. a pro user
E. a traveler

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