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UNIVERSITEIT VAN PRETORIA OQuteursreg voorbehou UNIVERSITY OF PRETORIA DEPARTEMENT CHEMIE, DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY DATUM /DATE: 2004.06.23 TYD/ iM 90 min PUNTE/ MARKS: 75 CHM 171 HEREKSAMEN / RE-EXAMINATION Interne Eksaminatore (Internal Examiners: Prof C Strydom Dr FR Vogel EksterneEksaminator / External Examiner: Dr JT Chantson Studentenommer Student number Van en Voorletters Surname and Initials Handtekening Signature _ Punte/ Marks Eksaminator / Examiner Vraag! Question | 10 Question 2 6 Afdeling A Question 3 Section A Vraag/ Question 4 ‘Vraag! Question 6 6 8 Vraag/ Question 5 6 4 7 Vraag! Question 7 Afdeling B Section B oh Totaal | Total 5 Afdeling A/ Section A Instruksies / Instructions 1. Beantwoord alle vrac in ink, Antwoorde in potlood sal nie nagesicn word nic. Answer all questions in ink, Answers in pencil will not be marked. Geluidlose sakrekenaars mag gebruik word. Silent calculators may be used. 2. Geen Tipp-Ex of soortgelyke viocibare papiermiddels mag op die antwoordstel gebruik word nic Antwoorde wat nic nagesien most word nie, moet duidelik doodgetrek word. Do not use Tipp-Ex or any similar liquid paper produci on your paper. Answers that should not be marked, must be clearly indicated. Alle selfone moet afgeskakel wees cellphones musi be switched off Vraag 1 / Question 2 {10} Beskou die volgende molekuul: JOFy Consider the following molecule: YOFs LL Teken die Lewis-struktunr van hierdie molekuul. Gebruik simbole om dig valenselektrone van die verskillende atome voor te stel. Draw the Lewis structure of this molecule. Use symbols to represent the valence electrons af the different atoms. BI) 12 Gebmuik die VSEPA teorie om die elektronpaargeometrie van [OFs" te voorspel. Using the VSEPR theory precliet the electron pair geomesry of \OF2 nl Gee en skets die molekulére geometrie van 101 tussen die bindings aan. Give and sketch the molecular geometry of \OFy and indicate what the angles between the bones are. en dui die groottes van die hoeke 4 Indien dic molekuul formele ladings en 'n netto dipool besit, dui die ladings op die atome en die rigting van die dipoolmoment aan. / If formal charges exist indicate these on the atoms and show the direction of the net dipole moment. BI Vraag 2/ Question 2 16) 2} ‘n Plantdoder bevat 2,4-D (2,4-dichloorfenoksicasynsuur), CyH;C]20s, ‘n 1.236g monster van die plantdoder word ombind om dic chloor as die CT ioon vry te stel, Dit is as AgCl uepresipiteer met *n massa van 0, 1840g, Wat is die massapersentasic van dic 2.4-D in die monster? An herbicide contains 2, 40-D (2.4-dichloraphenoxy acetic acid), CsHfd1,0s, A 1.236g sample of the herbicide is decomposed to liberate the chlorine as CI ion This was precipitated as AgCL with mass of 0.1840y. What is the mass percent of 2,4-D in the sample? 4 Vraag 3 / Question 3 [6] Indien 3. dig mengsel © Wf 35.5 g Al at 200°C ts placed in 90.0 g HO at 65.0°C. what is the final temperature of t Al by 20.0°C by 90.0 g HO by 65.0°C -gooi word, wat sal die finale temperatuur van he mixture? C G20) 7 4.184] g' Kt cD 0.902 Ig" K" Vrang 4 / Question 4 i8I ende reaksic owing reaction Beskou die v Consider the ¥ (aq) + NOs (aq) — hi) = NOG) Suurmedium f Acid medixm a) Ken oksidasiegeralle toe aan elke element. Assign oxidation numbers 10 each element, [2] b) Gee die ongebalanscerde oksidasie hal freaksie Give the unbalanced oxidation halfreacton (4 ©) Gee die ongebalanscerde reduksie hallreaksie Give the unbalanced reduction half-reaction fl] d) —_ Balanseer die reaksie. Toon al die stappe. Balance the reaction. Show all the steps, 5! Question § en AG! vir die gegewe reaksi “aluchate NG" for the given reaction by Cus} + HO = C0) + ;HOw CuO) SEP, (klfmol) - - $° GK" mol”) 188.7 43.5 3 iol HO (2) [H.0@ 130.6 vra | Question 6 Bereken die ewowigskonstante vir die volgende reuksie by 25°C. Calculate the eaguitibrinem constant for the following reaction at 25°C. Nits) + Cds) > Ni*fag) + Cais) Eg = P= 9.6485 x 04 o1sy Afdeling B/ Section B: Veelvuldige keusevrae / Multiple choice Instruksies: Beantwoord die vrac op kant 2 van dic antwoordblad. Maak scker dat jy alle persoonlike inligting op albei kante invul. Merk net cen keuse per vraag. Gebruik alleenlik ‘n potlood. Instructions: Answer all the questions on side 2 of the answer sheet provided. Make sure that you complete the personal detaits on both sides of the answer sheet. Mark anly one choice per question. Use a pencil only. Punte per vraag / Marks per question a G 00207) x 0.0076102 1.0079201 x 10° 1 In bostaande uitdrakking is al die hoeveelhede gemeet. Dic aantal betekenisvolle syfers in die amtwoord is: All quantities tn the expression above are measured quantities. The mumber 00 figures in the answer is significant a 8 b. 7 « 6 4 5 e. 4 £ 3 g 2 h i i 0 j geeneen / none 2 hemiese formule van n: 1 is: / The chemical formula of sodium oxalate is. a x b. -NaCH,COO © NaCiEhr ad NaC.0, 2 NasC,O, f g NaHCO; bh -NaHSO, i j geeneen ! none a Die totale aantal clektrone met drasimomentamkoantumgctal (0) = 1 in ‘n neutrale silikonatoom is: The total mmber of electrons with angular momentum quantum number (0) ~ 4 in a nen silicon atom is a 29 b 8 c 4 ad 8 2 4 £ 3 g 2 h 1 i 0 j geeneen / none 4 Die elektronkonfigurasie van “n neutrale loodatoom is: The electron configuration of a neutral atom of tead is a b. F6d 6 ©. 4 ¢. [Xe}és"4f"3d"%6 t g [Xelosaf"5d"ep? [Xe}6s*af"“5a" i j geeneen {none Vrae 5-8 verw Questions 5 — ys na die volgende struktuurformule / referred to the following structure formula H CG oH Oo 1 4 H. NSC 6.66" i aoe H 1 1 Za t A B 5 Die totale aantal pare alleenelektrone in die molecule is: The total number of pairs of lone electrons in this molecule is. a geen/ zero b 1 c. a. 3 e. 4 f g 6 bh 7 i 4 geeneen f none 6 Dic totale aantal atome in dic molecule wat sp* yehibridiseer is, is The otal number of atoms in the molecule which are sp” hibridised is a 1 b. ¢ 3 a 4 e 5 £ 6 g 7 bh 8 i 9 i geonven / none 7 Die oksidasiegetal van atoom A is The oxtdation state (number) of atom A is - 8 0 b c -1 a +2 e £ +3 g 3 b. i 4 ij geeneen / none 8 Die formele lading van atoom B is The formal charge of atom Bis a 0 bo = ¢ “1 d +2 é, 2 £ +3 g 3 bh “4 i “4 J geeneen / none Dis standaard molare verbrandingsentalpie van butaan ig -2877 kJ The standard molar enthalpy of combustion of burane is is 2877 kl CHHyo(g) + 13/2 OXg) = 4COx(y) + 5HO(2) ‘Wat is die entalpie verandering van verbranding van 15.00 ¢ C.Hic? Whats the enthalpy change for the combustion of 15.00 g CAH, a B15 kd b. -2219KI ce, -1N4k) a -742.5 KF ec 912kI 10 1 14 Borcken die verdampingswarmte van titan (IV) chloried uit die entalpie veranderings van die ogewe reaksies? ine the heat of vaporization of titania (IV) chloride the enthalpies of reaction Tis) + 2Ch(g) + TICLE) AH = -804.2 0) Tis) + 2Ch{e) > TCLs) SH =-763.210 a -15674k] b. 0.949K) c. 41.0k) d 613K) e. 13674KI Voorspel die tekens van AH, AS en AG vir die verbranding van waterstofge ¢ signs af var AH, AS and SG far the combustion of hydrogen gas ai 2H) + Oly) > 2:00) a AH <0,AS<0,AG<0 bd. AH <0,AS>O,AG<0 c. AH <0, AS>0.AG <0 d AH >0,AS<0,AG<0 ¢ AH >0,AS<0.4G>0 AG" wane Vit die gegewe reaksie by 25.0°C 1e S3",, for the reaction below 2HS(@) + O2(s) = 21.0) = at AHP wasie = 442.4 Ki, en A MH aq = ~442.4 Ke, cand SS an PE’. vir die volgende elektrochemi 1¢ E°.: for the following electraci Pt | Hag) [A (aq) || Po** (ag) | PhSOs) | Pb jgende standaard reduksiepotensiale is ge owing standard reduction potentia 2H (aq) + 2¢ = He) E* = 0,000 V PbSOu(s) + 2e —> Pb(s) + SO, (aq) E°= 0356 V c. 0.178 ¥ f yeengen / none Pb Pb Pb cu Cu eneen / none menorp u STANDARD REDUCTION POTENTIALS IN AQUEOUS SOLUTION AT 25°C* Reduction Half Reaction ) +2 H,O%(ag) = 2° + SO} (aq) + 41,0" g) + 8 H,O"(aq) + 5 Au*(aq) + 3 e— ) + 14 H,O%(eq) + 6 = 4 H,O'(ag) +4 ) + 4 H,O"(aq) +3 7 HO) +267 +6H,00) Ci*(aq) + 2 OH-(aq) He) fitldlddeytruld 1 2HOW) He Cu" (aq) +2 Sn*(eq) +2 dbs dddedvrdd | tbddds *ln volts (\’) versus the standard hydrogen electrode Periodieke tabel van die elemente f Periodic table of the elements aA, 2 " He 4,070 20 aA an 5A 6A 7A _ | 4.0026 3 4 5 6 7 a 8 10 ui Be B c N a F Ne sen | gate sat 12.011 | 140087 | t5.e804 | 18.0084 | 20,1797 a 2 2 14 15 16 7 18 Ma tg Al si P s cl 2egiea | 24,050 28 an cy 68 7B an, 40 aseais | 20,0085 | 30,9739 35,4527 19 20 2 2 a 28 26 27 28 29 an 33 24 K a vi v cr in co Ni cu Zn Ga ns 5A 9.0903 | 40,078 47,00 | 09415 | 51,9961 | 54,9300 saaaa2 | 50,603 | oa545 | osa9 | o9.r23 ror | vasa | ree6 ar an a a0 a 43 4 45 46, ar a0 4a 50 51 64 Rb Sr ¥ Ea Nb Te Ru Rh Pa Aa. ca Im su sh Xe asasrs | 0762 | aacasa | 1,224 | aagana | soa | can) | 101.07 | 02,9055 | 108,42 | so7.o502 | 112,411 | signe | torte | r2tzs7 | 197,60 | 1269048 | tat.2a 5 56 st R 73 "4 78 76 W 78 79 60 81 82 83 aa 86 cs Ba Lat Hr Ta w Re os tr Pt au. Hg Tt Pb Bi Po. Bn sa2,0084 | 497.327 | 190,908 | 170.49 | ranoare | tas | 126,207 | 190.2 | 192,22 | 195.08 | 195,0008 | 200,59 | 2oaaeaa | 207.2 | 208,9804 | aug) | aim | (a2 a7 88 89 104 10s, 108 107 108 108 410 14 Fr Ra Rett Rr Ha Sq Ns Hs. Mt | Discovered Oiscaveredt (223) | 926.0284 _| 227.0078 | (26!) csz | sy | 282) | 2s) | (easy | Nov94 | Deos 50 69 0 st «2 63 64 65 66 a7 es 69 2” n LANTHANIDES* ca Pr Na Pm si Eu ca Th Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu 140,115 | 140.9076 | 14424 | (145) | 190,36 | 151,965 | 157,26 | r9no283] 162,50 | to4303 | 167.28 | t6R.9342| 173.04 | 174.067 fn 2 9 94 95 100 to1 ACTINIDES"* Pa u Np. Pu An Bi ct ae aai.oase | zan,oa [2az.o402 | yan | 24ay earn | @54) (say R- 2.314 Time

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