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Table 14.1 Structural Systems o oe Linask ae TENDS HTON 6) mtn rn a STS Ea eet 8 : _ aetaia s & see 8/8 3 pet cugme nar nary BB 2 2 Reece ooemayae sear male s Tie | ee see fs oo |e : ; tasumeaat |i & AS = | Pa ‘ore BIB « + SEE yest ae aT Hast ie cqenema oman |e ub § Sea Rierrers y BIE ieee se a Spada! Sure moment names etal (SI Be | os 2p eae PEE mite |i 4 Moses wath 42 | a8 poy mane a * tec it %% 2 LeBESe a) Je oe Aan % (Seay slit 6 See ae = me ed we ws 7 gis | nee TT {Ses skh 0 for exmbiation of ucts aaa, “saps atoctulaetens re gto Secon 0208 ‘Shonen Semi nee Sar “Grate post conte sonoma Secicn 12125 ‘hated Scie laree Sara & eee pemtean Sato 18542 Sanus memont etn anes n Sau tare meang te Yogurt of ection 2118 may we an Ya eB. ‘iota itt of te bore nena careevred urna Saad in es Zone Ba See Sect 16825, Reproduced from the £997 edition of the Uniform Building Code, copyright © 1907, with permission of the publisher, the International Conference of Building Officials. Table 14.2 Vertical Structural Irregularities REFERENCE IRREGULARITY TYPE AND DEFINITION SECTION 1. Stiffness irregularity—soft story Asoft story is one in which the lateral stiffness is less than 70 percent of that in the stor above or less 1629.84, Item 2 thar 80 percertt of the average stiffness of the three stories above. 2, Weight (mass) irregularity Mass irregularity shall be considered to exist where the effective qiass of arly story id miore than 150 percent olieciiectvemmect aiudecetsterr aioot |S" eae that is Jighter than the floor below need rot be con- sidered, 8. Vertical geometric irregularity Verlical geometric irregularity shall be considered to exist where the horizontal dimension of the lateral- force-resisting systen. in any story is more than 180 percent of that in an adjacent story, One-story penthouses need not be considered 1629.84, Item 2 4, Leplane discontinuity in vertical lateral-force- resisting element An ivplane offset of the lateral-load-resisting elements 1630.8.2 greater than the length of those elements a Discontinuity in capacity—weak story ‘A weak story is one in which the story strength is less than 80 percent of that in the story above. The story strength is the total strength of all seismic- resisting elemenits sharing the story shear for the direction under consideration. 1629.9,1 Reproduced from the 1997 edition of the Uniform Building Code, copyright (€) 1997, with permission of the publisher, the International Conference of Building Officials. Table 14.3 Plan Structural Irregularities REFERENCE IRREGULARITY TYPE AND DEFINITION SECTION 1, Torsional irregularity—to be considered when diaphragms are not flexible ‘Torsional irregularity shall be considered to exist when the maximum story drift, computed including ac dental torsion, at one end of the structure trans- verse to an axis is more than 1.2 times the average of the story drifts of the two ends of the structure. 1683,2.9, tem 6 2, Re-entrant corners Plan configurations of a structure and its lateral-force- resisting system contain re-entrant corners, where hoth projections of the structure beyond a te- entrant corner are greater than 15 percent of the plan dimension of the structure in the given direc- tion. 1633,2.9, Items 6 arid 7 8. Diaphragm discontinuity Diaphragms with abrupt discontinuities or variations in stiffness, including those having cutout or open areas greater tha 50 perceutt of the gross enclosed | 1693.2.9, Item 6 area of the diaphragm, or changes in effective diaphragm stiffness of more than 50 percent from one try to the next 4, Ont-of-plane offsets 1630.8.2; Discontinuities in a lateral force path, such as out-of- | 1638.2.9, Item 6; plane offsets of the vertical elements 2213.8 5, Nonparallel systems ‘The vertical lateral-load-resisting elements are not par- allel or synmetric about the major orthogonal axes of the lateral-force-resisting system. 1683.1 Reproduced from the 1997 edition of the Uniform Building Code, copyright © 1997, with permission of the publisher, the International Conference of Building Officials. Table 14.4 Occupancy Categories and Requirements SEISMIC [SEISMIC | WIND occu- IMPOR- | IMPOR- | IMPOR- PANCY OCCUPANCY OR TANCE | TANCE’ | TANCE CATE- FUNCTIONS OF FACTOR, |FACTOR, |FACTOR, GORY STRUCTURE J b I ‘1. Saserttia! | Group |, Division 1 Occupancies 125 1.50 fecattes’ | “having surgery and emergency Me eatment arece sire and pouice stations Garages and shelters ior emergency ‘velucles and exergency airerait Structures ancl shelters in emergency preparedness centers ‘Aviation control towers Structures anc equipment in goverment communication centers anct ther incites requized tor emergency response Standhy power-generating equipment. for Category 1 tactities “Tanks or cther structures containing housing cr supporting water cr cther ‘ire-suppression material or equipment required for the protection of Category 1, 2, or 8 atructaraa 2 Hasard | Group H, Divisions 1, 8, 8 and 1.26 180 LIB ous facile | 7 Occupaneies anc structures there ties sm nousing or supporting toxic cr explosive chemucals or substances Nonburlaig structires housing, supporting or centsming quantities of ‘tide pr expionive subatances thet, if coriained within a bualdnw, would cause thet buiding to he elastied es a Group H, Divison 1, 2 er? Occupancy 3. Special [Group A, Divisions 1 Zand 2.1 1.00 1.00 1.00 secupan- | Gecupanciea ey stmac- | Bulloinge housing Group i, Dist. tes song 1 and 3 Oceupancion vith a capacity greator than 990 stadente Biulstnge tovsing Group 8 Gecupancies nae for cole or sult eotea- or sia eapeaitygreaer than 900 staseres evap iors | ands Oceapencies nth 8 ore rede mospec. ate patios, mubrot nenite mn Category 1 cormap Divs Ocoupances ‘llstradtaresyith an excarsncy grocer than 8000 persons Stractozes and equipment in power-generating cstions, and other pubic Ly said Pot snencled i Calegeny 182 Category 2 above, aa Teiptted tor cortices opettion 4 Stardad | Auatrustures housing cccupancies | 1.00 1.00 1.00 eccupen: | op navirg functions not bated an epatmme | Category Ly 2 or Sana Group U ‘eres? Geoupancy tomers Saute! [Group U Occupancies except for 1.00 1.00 1.00 seneoua | towers sou ‘tures ‘phe Limitation of J, for panel connections in Section 1639.2.4 shall be 1.0 ‘by the entire conmiecter. 23trucural observation requirements are given in Section 1702. Sor archomae of mutunery anu equitanent required for Le aafety eyatama, the value of J, ahail be talcen a1. Reproduced from the 1997 edition of the Uniform Building Code, copyright @ 1997, with the permission of the publisher, the International Conference of Building Officials, Table 14.5 Seismic Coefficient C,, SOIL ‘SEISMIC ZONE FACTOR, Z PROFILE 17 = 0.075] Z=0.15 |Z=0.2 | 2-03 | Z=04 Sa 0.06 12 0.16 0.24 0.32, sy | 003 | 016 | 020 | 090 | con, So 013 | 025 | os2 | 045 | O5GN, Sp 018 o32 | 6.40 esa | O64, Sy 0.26 0.50 0.64 0.384 0.964, Se See Footnote 1 |Site: specie geotschnical investigation and dynam site responds analysis shall be per ‘orm to determine ceimnic coaitcients tor Stil Protie Iype Sp. Reproduced from the 1997 edition of the Uniform Building Code, copyright © 1997, with the permission of the publisher, the International Conference of Building Officeals. Table 14.6 Seismic Coefficient Cg SOIL SEISMIC ZONE FACTOR, Z PROPTE [z-0.078| Z-0.18 | Z-02 | z-03 | z-o4 s, | 006 | 012 | 016 | 024 | osan, Sa 0.08 o15 | 020 030 | o40n, Soe 0.08 O18 0.24 0383 O40N, Sp 0.12 0.22 0.28 0.36 O.44N, Se | 019 | o3c | os4 | 036 | og6N, Sp See Footnote | JSite-apecific gectechnical investigation and dynamic site reaponae analysia shall be per- formed to determ ine sesmc Coeticienls for Sol Prete lypesin Reproduced from the 1997 edition of the Unijorm Building Code, copyright © 1997, with the permission of the publisher, the International Conference of Building Officials. Table 14.7 Soil Profile Types AVERAGE SOIL PROPERTIES FOR TOP 100 FEET (30 480 mm) OF SOIL PROFILE sot sence SOIL PROFILE fone PRO- NAME/ Niewivc| Gndrained FILE | GENERIC Shear Wave MloriNcH ar TE act doen thas sionless | Strength, §,, soil psf {kPa} layers] {blows/ foot) Sy Hard Rock > 5,000 1,500) & Rock 2,500 to 6,000 — 7 (780 to 1,500) So | Very Dense Soil] 1,200 to 2,500 > 60 > 2,000 and Soft Rock | (860 to 760) (coy Sp | Stiff Soil Profile] 600 t0 1,200 | 15 to 50 | 1,000 to 2,000 (180 to 860) (60 to 100) Sgi_ | Soft Soil Profile < 600 «15 < 1000 so) 60) Sp | Soil Requiring Site-specific Kvahuation, See Section 1629.3.1 [Soil Profile ‘lype Sp also includes any soil profile with more than 10 feat (8048 mm) of aoit clay defined as a sbil with a plasticity index, H/ > 20, w,,, ™ 40 percent and s,, < 500 psf (@4 kPa), ‘The Plasticity Index, P/, and the moisture cortert, 2,,,, shall be determined in accordance with approved national standards Reproduced from the 1997 edition of the Uniform Building Code, copyright (© 1997, with the permission of the publisher, the International Conference of Building Officials.

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