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Quality Form

Omareyah School
QF4 / QP7 - 11 English Language Department
Rev. C

Answer Sheet
Student’s Name Type Grammar. U 2
Grade & Section 10 (All) Semester 1st Date … / Oct./ 2020

Q 01: GRAMMAR. Read the following sentences, then choose the best answer that fits
each space :
1. Stop posting rude comments online or I (will report) / am reporting you.

2. He will be working/ (will have been working) for over 40 yrs. when he finally retires.

3. This time next week, we are talking\ (we’ll be talking) on Skype.

4. Smoke is coming out of the engine. (It’s going to explode)\ It will explode!

5. (Shall we go)\ Do we go on holiday next June? What do you think?

6. The show will have been finishing\ (will have finished) by the time I turn on the TV.

Q2: Correct the verb between the brackets using Future forms:
1) Oh, good! The clouds have gone. It (isn’t going to rain) later.
2) They’ll be tired because they (will have been working) all night.
3) (Will you follow) me on Twitter, please?
4) (Shall I cook) some pancakes for breakfast?
5) No, I (won’t be researching) my history project at eight o’clock tonight.
6) The parade (will have ended) by the time Chester gets out of bed.

Q3: Compose sentences using the following tenses.

1- Future simple: *Students’ own answers*
2- Future continuous: ……………………….....………………………….…….…………………………….
3- Future perfect: ……………………………….…………………………….….……….………………..……
4- Future perfect continuous: ………...….…………………………….….….…………………….…….
5- Be going to: ……..…………………………………………………………….…….…………………………

QF4/QP7-11 Rev. C
6- Shall: …………...………………………………………………………………….…….…………………………
Thank you, dear students

QF4/QP7-11 Rev. C

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