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Swedish Store Gives Products Carbon

Emission Prices
Exercise 1
the production and release of gases, often those that are bad for the environment
India is building a 2,500-acre solar power farm to help reduce carbon emissions.
carbon dioxide
ˈkɑːrbən daɪˈɑːksaɪd
a gas that is produced when particular fuels are burnt
Cars release a large amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
the process of making a large amount of goods, materials, etc.
Our production process is very efficient.
greenhouse gas
ˈgrinˌhaʊs gæs
any of the gases that trap heat in the atmosphere and are linked to global warming
We need to lower our greenhouse gas emissions.
equal in amount, size, etc. as something else
His monthly salary is equivalent to what some people earn in a whole year.
Exercise 2
Swedish Store Gives Products Carbon Emission Prices
Swedish food company Felix has opened a store where the products are given prices
based on their carbon dioxide emissions. The more carbon dioxide created when
making a product, the higher the price.

According to Our World in Data, food production causes 26% of the world's emissions of
carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Foods that come from animals cause 31%
of food emissions. Another 27% of food emissions come from growing plants for people
and animals to eat. The other emissions come from things like land being used for farm
animals, and getting food from farms to supermarkets.

Customers at Felix's new "Climate Store" don't pay with normal money. Instead,
customers shop using "carbon dioxide equivalents" (CO2Es). According to the
company, to reduce human impact on the climate by 50%, customers shouldn't use
more than 18.9 kilograms of CO2Es in a week.

Felix hopes that its new store and the CO2E payments will help its customers
understand how their food choices affect the environment.

Thomas Sjöberg from Felix said that it needs to be easy for people to choose foods that
are better for the environment. In August, the company started using labels to show
which of its products have a low impact on the environment. It also publishes
information about the climate impact of all of its products on its website.

Felix is owned by the Scandinavian company Orkla, which announced in February that
it had decreased its greenhouse gas emissions by 50% between 2014 and 2018.

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