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-modifies the way command line carries out a command.

-consist of a forward slash(/) followed one or more letter or number.
-to determine the switches available for each command, use the /? switch, for instance DIR/?.

DIR /p
-Pauses after each screenful of information.
DIR /w
-Uses wide list format.

Using Wildcards
-a wildcard character is a keyboard character such as asterisk(*) that is used to represent characters that you are
search for.
DIR *.*
DIR *.doc

Display all files with an extension name of .txt use both /w and /p switches.

Changing Directory
-to change directory, use the CHDIR or CD command.
CD directoryName
CD Videos
-using two dot(..) after cd, specifies that you want to change to the parent directory.
-using backslash after cd, specifies that you want to change to the root directory.

1. Using CD goto Documents>Downloads.
2. Goto the root directory.

Making Directorys
-to create a directory, use the MKDIR or MD command.
MD directoryName
md myFiles

1. Make a directory named yourFirstName.
2. Goto the yourFirstName directory, make a directory named yourMiddleName.
3. Goto the yourMiddleName directory, make a directory name yourLastName.

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