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  Department of CSE

Project Report
CSE251#Electronic Circuits

Project Number : 02

Project Title : Design an Adder Circuit using Operational Amplifier for a Specified Input.

 Section         : 06
Group            : 07
Group Members   :
 Md. Saifur Rahman
 Md. Arman Sheikh
 Nishat Sultana Supty

Submitted To            :           M Saddam Hossain Khan (SHK)

                                                           Senior Lecturer
                                  Department of Computer Science & Engineering
 Date of Submission : 14-05-2020
To Design an adder circuit using operational amplifier.
This project is about to design an adder circuit using operational amplifier. And we have to
use the weighted summer method with inverting amplifier. We have to do proper calculations
and finally we have to simulate our theoretical circuit using pspice to justify our calculations.
An adder circuit is a circuit that can add voltages from the input and provides the summed up
voltage at the output. This project is about to design an adder circuit with the help of
operational amplifier. In the design there should be three inputs and one output. And the
output should be the summation of the three inputs .There are two operations can be done
with an operational amplifier to make an adder circuit. One option is inverting and the other
is non inverting. We are going to use inverting amplifier circuit to build the design of the
required adder circuit.


Vy Vout=Vx+Vy+Vz

Figure 1: Block Diagram of three input adder circuit


Figure 2: Circuit Diagram of Three Input Adder Circuit.

In this inverting amplifier circuit, the output voltage, (Vout) need to be the sum of the input
voltages, Vx , Vy and Vz .

We know , The gain of Inverting Amplifier is, Here, Vout = Output Voltage
Vout −Rf
Av= = Vin = Input Voltage
Vin Rin
∴ Vout= ×Vin Rf = Feedback Resistance
Rin = Input Resistance
From Figure 2, Using weighted summer,

Vout=− ( RRf1 × Vx )−( RRf2 × Vy)−( RRf3 × Vz)……………………(1)

Lets Consider all the input impedances are same, Rin = R1 = R2 = R3. we can simplify the
above equation as:
Vout= (Vx+ Vy +Vz) …………………………………...(2)
According to the requirements , Vout = Vx+Vy+Vz……………………………..(3)
Applying equation (3) in equation (2) we get,
Vout = (Vout)
Rf = Rin [Resistance cannot be negative]
If the values of all the resistances are same ,Rf= Rin = R1 = R2 = R3. Then the adder circuit
will fulfil all the given requirements.

Theoretical Experiment
From figure 2,

Let , Vx = 5 V , Vy = 4V , Vz = 3V
And Rf = R1 = R2 = R3 = 5KΩ

∴ Vout =− ( RRf1 × Vx )−( RRf2 × Vy)−( RRf3 × Vz)

= −( Vx+Vy +Vz) [Rf = R1 = R2 = R3]
= -(5+4+3) V
= -12V
Here , x = 0 V (Virtual ground)
Vx−x 5−0 Vy−x 4−0 Vz− x 3−0
Ix = = =1 mA ; Iy = = =0.8mA ; Iz = = =0.6 mA
R1 5k R2 5k R3 5k

Simulation Result

The simulation result is given below :

Figure 3: Simulation Result of Three input Adder circuit.

Table 1: Simulated Data

Vx Vy Vz x Ix Iy Iz Vout

5V 4V 3V 12uV 1mA 800uA 600uA -12V

Comparison between theoretical calculation and simulated data is give below:
Table 2: Comparison Table
Vx (V) Vy (V) Vz (V) x (uV) Ix (mA) Iy (mA) Iz (mA) Vout (V)
Theoretical 5 4 3 0 1 0.8 0.6 -12
Simulated 5 4 3 12 1 0.8 0.6 -12

Comment:All the values of theoretical data and simulated data are same except the value of x,
the virtual ground.

The Adder circuit is a very flexible circuit indeed. It enables us to effectively add or sum
several individual inputs. If the input resistors (R1, R2, R3) are all equal. It is notable that
when the summing point is connected to the inverting input the circuit will produce the
negative sum of the input voltages. Likewise, when the summing point is connected to the
non-inverting input it will produce the positive sum of the input voltages.

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