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Journal of Dentistry 100 (2020) 103430

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Pulp and dentine responses to selective caries excavation: A histological and T

histobacteriological human study
Domenico Ricuccia,**, José F. Siqueira Jr.b,c, Isabela N. Rôçasb,c, Mariusz Lipskid, Amal Shibane,
Franklin R. Tayf,*
Private Practice, Cetraro, Italy
Department of Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Grande Rio University (UNIGRANRIO), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Department of Endodontics and Dental Research, Iguaçu University (UNIG), Nova Iguaçu, RJ, Brazil
Department of Preclinical Conservative Dentistry and Preclinical Endodontics, Pomeranian Medical University, Szczecin, Poland
Department of Restorative Dental Science, Faculty of Dentistry, King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia
Department of Endodontics, The Dental College of Georgia, Augusta University, Augusta, GA, USA


Keywords: Objective: The present study investigated the histobacteriological condition of human carious dentine, and the
Bacteria histological response of dental pulps after selective caries excavation to firm dentine and cavity restoration with
Caries adhesive procedures.
Dentine Methods: Twelve vital teeth with medium/deep occlusal caries from 12 patients were scheduled for extraction.
Pulpal response
The patients gave consent to have caries removed selectively and the cavity restored with adhesive procedures
Selective excavation
prior to extraction. Caries excavation was achieved using burs and sharp hand excavators until “leathery” or
“firm” dentine was encountered. After extraction, the teeth were completely-demineralised, processed for light
microscopy, serial-sectioned and stained with haematoxylin and eosin staining for histological examination of
dentine characteristics and pulpal responses. Additional sections were stained with Taylor-modified Brown and
Brenn technique for histobacteriological examination of bacteria infiltration of the dentinal tubules and dental
Results: The 12 teeth showed varying degrees of tertiary dentine formation. Chronic inflammatory cell infiltrates
were identified in the pulp of all specimens and appeared as scattered inflammatory cells or exiguous localised
accumulations. Capillaries were heavily congested with erythrocytes and polymorphonuclear leukocytes. A large
amount of stainable bacteria was observed in the dentine subjacent to the cavity floor in all specimens.
Conclusions: The present study demonstrated that “leathery” or “firm” carious dentine is infected. The remnant
bacteria in the dentine provoked subclinical pulpal inflammation over the entire evaluation period. The presence
of potentially-arrested caries does not necessarily mean that bacterial infection is absent or under control.
Clinical significance: Knowledge on the pulpal response to active caries and the inflammatory responses asso­
ciated with bacteria ingress into dentine is paramount in helping clinicians make an informed, rational choice
based on biologically-robust principles.

1. Introduction productive process that creates tertiary dentine to protect the dental
pulp from invasion by noxious agents [6,7]. Treatment recommenda­
Dental caries is a destructive disease of the oral cavity. If left un­ tions based upon these disparate views differ considerably. Whereas the
treated, it may cause irreversible damages to the dentine substrate, first group mandated total removal of soft caries in one or more ap­
dental pulp and the tooth periapex. Controversies exist in the literature pointments, the other group advocated leaving carious dentine beneath
concerning the role and impact of dentine and pulpal reactions that the restoration.
occur during caries attack. Many authors considered caries a progres­ The idea of leaving carious dentine on top of the pulp dated back to
sively destructive process [1–5]. Others opined that caries is a the seminal work of Pierre Fauchard (1678–1761), a French physician

Corresponding author.
Corresponding author at: PiazzaCalvario 7, 87022 Cetraro, Italy.
E-mail addresses: (D. Ricucci), (F.R. Tay).
Received 21 May 2020; Received in revised form 7 July 2020; Accepted 11 July 2020
Available online 13 July 2020
0300-5712/ Published by Elsevier Ltd.
D. Ricucci, et al. Journal of Dentistry 100 (2020) 103430

who was credited as the “father of contemporary dentistry”. While buttressed by clinical studies that identified no detrimental pulpal ef­
Fauchard was acclaimed for his fearless proposition to the peers of his fects associated with sealing in of bacteria [33]. Adversaries to these
era that the tooth worm theory was not adept at explaining the cause of esteemed consensus reports, however, deplored that definitive evidence
dental decay, his rationale for leaving caries was based on his appre­ is lacking on the fate of the residual micro-organisms in the retained
hension of exposing “nerves” in a tooth that rendered treatment out­ carious dentine. This group enunciated the necessity to simultaneously
come worse than the original disease [8]. Realising that the cause of perform microbiological studies to scrutinise the viability of bacteria
dental decay was sugar, he recommended using human urine (viz am­ that remain in carious dentine, and histologic studies to examine the
monia) for treatment of early caries, although the regime was met with responses of the underlying pulp [30]. To resolve this issue, the present
harsh resistance by physicians and patients. study strived to investigate the histobacteriological condition of human
Dr. Maury Massler made the distinction between active and arrested carious dentine, and the histological response of dental pulps after se­
carious lesions [6,9]. Whereas dentinal tubules in active caries are lective caries excavation to firm dentine and cavity restoration with
open, those present in arrested lesions are occluded in the calciotrau­ adhesive procedures. The hypothesis tested was that selective excava­
matic zone, the boundary between secondary dentine and tertiary tion arrests carious progression and prevents infection of dental pulp
dentine in arrested caries. According to Massler, this zone could not be without creating adverse pulpal reactions.
penetrated by irritants derived from the oral cavity. Dr. Margaret Byers
and colleague observed in rat teeth that sclerotic tertiary dentine is 2. Materials and methods
impermeable to relatively large fluoro-gold nanoparticles, and that the
tertiary dentine forms an effective barrier against the penetration of The present study included 12 carious teeth from 12 human subjects
toxic materials into the pulp [10]. The existence of a superficial layer of (8 females, 4 males). Their ages ranged from 18 to 62 years (mean 35
caries-affected dentine was reinforced by Dr. Takao Fusayama, who years). Four intact third molars (two maxillary and two mandibular)
stated that “when caries penetrates dentine, softening is always the were used as the control. The carious teeth were scheduled to be ex­
deepest, discolouration is the next and bacterial invasion is the last” tracted for prosthetic or orthodontic reasons. Only teeth meeting the
[11]. Even though bacteria remain in the softened dentine during following criteria were selected:
partial caries excavation, these organisms are entrapped within a
“stressful environment”, being secluded from nutrients derived from the a) presence of an exclusive occlusal caries lesion with intact inter­
oral environment and the dental pulp by tubular sclerosis and re­ proximal surfaces, as evidenced from periapical and bitewing
parative dentine [12]. radiographs;
Since their inception, some of the aforementioned claims have been b) caries lesion infiltrating 1/2 of the occluso-gingival dentine thick­
critically examined. Permeability of the calciotraumatic line and ter­ ness as evidenced from radiographs (designated as medium caries),
tiary dentine in chronic or arrested carious lesions have been identified or 2/3 or more of the dentine thickness (designated as deep caries);
in histological studies; penetration of bacteria, stains, silver nitrate or c) absence of spontaneous pain in the dental history; the tooth was
radiographic markers have been observed in vivo [13]. Bacteria have asymptomatic and diagnosed as reversible pulpitis based on clinical
been routinely observed in “leathery” dentine [14] and in specimens examination, thermal/electric pulp tests, and radiographs;
taken from the hard carious dentine [5,14–17]. d) periodontal probing depth not exceeding 5 mm; and
A clinical approach based on the basic pathological tenet that bac­ e) the tooth could be isolated with rubber dam.
teria left in the proximity of a wound are detrimental for tissue healing
has prevailed among many clinicians. Surveys conducted in different The study was conducted in accordance with ethical principles,
countries indicate that the majority of dentists prefer a non-selective including the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki (ver­
approach for caries removal [18–22]. Among the dental specialties, sion 2008). Each patient received thorough explanation on the purpose
endodontists are more inclined toward complete caries excavation, of the study, clinical procedures, possible discomfort and complica­
compared to general practitioners and paediatric dentists [21]. Never­ tions. All patients gave written consent. The experimental protocol was
theless, the notion of non-selective caries removal has been aggressively approved by the Institutional Review Board.
challenged in recent years, with inadvertent pulpal exposure considered
as a highly-unfavourable prognostic factor [12,23–26]. Because of the 2.1. Operative procedures
perceived metabolic changes in bacteria that persist in caries-demi­
neralised dentine [27], a different clinical approach, referred to as se­ Periapical and bite-wing radiographs were taken for all teeth prior
lective caries removal or indirect pulp capping, has been advocated to the experimental procedures. The clinical crown of each tooth was
[12,27,28]. The technique consists of removing only the superficial polished for 1 min with a rubber cup and prophylaxis polishing paste.
layers of soft dentine, and leaving carious dentine that is firm and After anaesthesia and rubber dam isolation, photographs of the occlusal
leathery over the pulpal surface; the soft dentine along the enam­ surface were taken. All clinical procedures were performed using a
odentinal junction is removed in a non-selective manner with low-speed magnifying device (EyeMag Pro 4x, Carl Zeiss Meditec Dentistry,
burs until the underlying dentine is hard on probing [12,28]. Oberkochen, Germany) or an operating microscope (OPMI PROergo,
The International Caries Consensus Collaboration, a group of 21 Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, Germany).
cariology experts from 12 countries, assembled in Leuven Belgium in The enamel cavitation was enlarged with high-speed cylindrical
2015 to discuss strategies on the management of carious lesions [29]. diamond burs with water spray. Superficial soft dentine was removed
The group reached a consensus that complete excavation of carious with stainless steel round burs in a low-speed hand piece with water
tissue to hard dentine is over-treatment and favoured selective, step­ cooling. Selective caries excavation was achieved using sharp hand
wise removal of carious tissue [30]. More recently, the European So­ excavators until “leathery” or “firm” dentine was encountered, with
ciety of Endodontology published a position statement that further re­ resistance to hand excavation [30]. Soft dentine long the enam­
inforces selective removal of carious dentine in teeth with reversible odentinal junction was removed using low-speed burs, until the dentine
pulpitis [31]. The rationale for selective caries excavation is based on was hard (scratchy) on probing [12,30].
the results derived from a few short/medium-term randomised clinical After caries excavation, each cavity was restored with a nanohybrid
trials [28,32]. These trials were of the consensus that bacteria, once resin composite using a 3-step dentine adhesive system. The restora­
isolated from their source of nutrition by a restoration of sufficient tions were finished and polished. Photographs were taken during all
integrity, either die or remain dormant, thereby posing minimal risk to phases of the restorative procedures. Patients were instructed to report
the health of the dentition [27]. The results of those trials were post-operative sensitivity or discomfort. The teeth were extracted after

D. Ricucci, et al. Journal of Dentistry 100 (2020) 103430

observation periods ranging from 1 to 9 months. Thermal and electric a Presence of stainable bacteria in the dentine overlying the pulp:
pulp tests were performed prior to extraction. Periapical radiographs some tubules occasionally colonised by bacteria (+); limited
and intraoral photographs of the occlusal surface were also taken before segments of dentine with a large number of tubules filled with
extraction. The teeth were extracted as atraumatically as possible, bacteria (++); large segments of dentin heavily filled with bac­
taking care to avoid root fracture. Immediately after extraction, each teria, with areas where dentinal tubular structure was lost (++
tooth was gently washed to remove blood and saliva and then immersed +);
in 10 % neutral buffered formalin. b Capillaries filled with blood in the odontoblastic and sub-odon­
toblastic layers underneath the cavity, indicating hyperaemia and
2.2. Histological procedures circulatory disturbances: yes/no;
c Presence of acute (neutrophilic leukocytes) and/or chronic in­
To facilitate pulp tissue fixation, each tooth root was severed 3 mm flammatory cells: lymphocytes, macrophages, plasma cells, for­
apical to the cementoenamel junction, using a diamond disk with co­ eign body giant cells) in the odontoblast and subodontoblast
pious water cooling. Each tooth was abraded with a high-speed cy­ layers (scattered inflammatory cells (+); mild, localised accu­
lindrical diamond bur with water spray in a mesiodistal or buccolingual mulations of mostly chronic inflammatory cells (++); moderate
direction until one or two pulp horns were exposed. Photographs were accumulations of chronic inflammatory cells (+++); severe ac­
taken of each tooth specimen prior to the successive step. cumulations of acute and chronic inflammatory cells (++++);
The specimens were completely demineralised for 4 weeks in 22.5 d Increase of leukocytes in the blood vessels afferent to the pulp
% (v/v) formic acid and 10 % (w/v) sodium citrate, with the end-point beneath the cavity, which is indicative of chemotaxis: yes/no.
determined radiographically. When the enamel was completely dis­
solved, the resin composite restoration that firmly adhered to the un­
3. Results
derlying dentine was removed with a high-speed round diamond bur
using copious water spray. The procedure was conducted under an
No patient reported post-operative discomfort. All teeth examined
operating microscope to avoid removal of dentine from the cavity floor.
in the present study were asymptomatic during the varying observation
The specimens were rinsed in running tap water for 24 h, dehydrated
periods and responded within normal limits to thermal and electric
using ascending grades of ethanol (50 %–100 %), cleared in xylene, and
pulp tests immediately prior to local anaesthesia for tooth extraction.
embedded in paraffin. Five micrometre-thick serial sections were cut
All teeth were extracted without complications. No specimens were lost
using a microtome until the entire pulp tissue in the chamber was ex­
during histologic processing and the staining protocols achieved op­
hausted. Six to eight sections were collected on each slide. Every fifth
timal results.
slide was stained with haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) for evaluation of
The four control intact teeth showed dental pulps with no changes
pulp changes. These stained sections were used to locate the areas ex­
in the dentine/predentine/odontoblast complex. Dentinal tubules could
hibiting the most severe inflammatory reactions. Additional slides were
be followed running parallel to each other through dentine and pre­
stained as needed. Selected slides were stained using the Taylor-mod­
dentine, with no reduction in numbers. Palisading layers of odonto­
ified Brown and Brenn technique for bacteria identification. The slides
blasts were observed with no reduction in the dimensions of these cells.
were examined using a light microscope (DMLB; Leica Microsystems,
No tertiary dentine or other calcifications were present. The pulp tissues
Wetzlar, Germany) for acquisition of digital photographs.
were free of inflammatory cell accumulations or dilated vessels. Brown
and Brenn staining did not reveal bacteria in the circumpulpal dentine.
2.3. Histological criteria

The following features were evaluated during histological ex­ 3.1. Tertiary dentine
amination (Table 1):
In the experimental group, all 12 teeth showed layers of tertiary
1 Changes predominantly attributable to the pre-existing caries lesion dentine with varying thickness (Table 1). Tertiary dentine was clearly
2) Presence/absence of irregular tertiary dentine on the pulpal side demarcated from the adjacent unaffected secondary dentine (Figs. 1
where dentinal tubules affected by the caries lesion ended in the H–I; 2 G–H; 3 K; 4 F–G, I and K). The transition from secondary to
pulp; tertiary dentine was characterized by a dark calciotraumatic line in H&
3) Reduction in the odontoblast layer. E-stained or Brown and Brenn-stained sections (Figs. 1–4). The tertiary
4 Changes attributable exclusively to persisting dentinal infection dentine contained a reduced number of tubules; the tubules were
sparsely-distributed and ran an irregular course. On the pulpal side, the

Table 1
Demographics of the specimens and information on their pulpal histology and bacteria status.
Case Sex Age Tooth Clinical Obser- Post- Pulp Tertiary Reduction of Stainable Inflammatory cells Capillaries PMNs in
number evaluation of vation opertaive response to dentine odontoblast bacteria in filled afferent
caries period symptoms tests prior to layer dentine vessels

1 F 43 32 Medium 9 m No Normal Yes Yes +++ ++ Yes Yes

2 F 45 32 Medium 1 m No Normal Yes Yes +++ + Yes Yes
3 F 42 32 Medium 3 m No Normal Yes Yes ++ + Yes Yes
4 F 34 1 Medium 3 m No Normal Yes Yes +++ + Yes Yes
5 F 18 32 Medium 1 m No Normal Yes Yes ++ ++ Yes Yes
6 F 62 17 Medium 1 m No Normal Yes Yes ++ + Yes Yes
7 M 29 1 Deep 1 m No Normal Yes Yes +++ + Yes Yes
8 M 19 1 Medium 8 m No Normal Yes Yes ++ + Yes Yes
9 F 26 17 Medium 6 m No Normal Yes Yes ++ + Yes Yes
10 M 38 1 Deep 2 m No Normal Yes Yes +++ ++ Yes Yes
11 F 32 1 Medium 2 m No Normal Yes Yes +++ ++ Yes Yes
12 M 37 16 Medium 5 m No Normal Yes Yes +++ ++ Yes Yes

D. Ricucci, et al. Journal of Dentistry 100 (2020) 103430

Fig. 1. Medium caries (Case 1, Table 1) (A) Pre-opera­

tive radiograph. (B) Pre-operative occlusal view. (C)
Photograph taken after non-selective caries excavation,
conditioning and bonding procedures. (D) Photograph
taken after restoration and polishing. (E) Post-operative
radiograph. (F) 9-month follow-up radiograph. (G)
Photograph taken after preparation of a mesiodistal
sectioning plane to allow pulp fixation. (H) Section cut
in the buccal portion of the pulp chamber, not encom­
passing the canal orifices (haematoxylin and eosin (H&
E), original magnification ×16). (I) Detail of the mesial
portion of the pulp chamber. Accumulation of cells with
dilated vessels can be observed (original magnifications
×50). (J) High magnificaton view from the centre of the
cellular concentration in (I). Mononuclear inflammatory
cells and Russel bodies (original magnifications ×400;
inset ×1000). (K) Dentine overlying the mesial portion
of the pulp chamber (Taylor’s modified Brown & Brenn,
original magnification ×16). (L) Semi-high magnifica­
tion of the area of the superficial dentine demarcated by
the rectangle in (K). The dentine is lined occlusally by a
red fuchsine-stained line, representing the hybrid layer.
Severe dentinal infection can be identified below (ori­
ginal magnification ×50). (M) High magnification view
of the rectangular area in (L). Lateral branches of the
dentinal tubules are filled with bacteria. A vertical
pocket engulfed with bacteria is observed on the right
(original magnification ×400). (For interpretation of
the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader
is referred to the web version of this article).

original odontoblast palisade layer in the affected areas was reduced in 3.2. Inflammatory cells
thickness. The odontoblasts sometimes appeared as a single layer of
flattened cells with small cell volume (Figs. 2G and H; 4 G). Inflammatory cells were identified in the pulp connective tissue in
all specimens. These appeared as scattered inflammatory cells (7 cases)

D. Ricucci, et al. Journal of Dentistry 100 (2020) 103430

Fig. 2. Medium caries (Case 2, Table 1) (A) Pre-operative

radiograph. (B) Pre-operative occlusal view. (C) The cavity after
“selective” caries excavation. (D) Photograph taken at comple­
tion of the restoration. (E) 1-month follow-up radiograph, taken
just before extraction. (F) Preparation of a mesiodistal sec­
tioning plane. Adaptation of the resin composite restoration is
optimal. (G) Section cut approximately at the centre of the pulp
chamber. Note the large band of tertiary dentine and the pulp
stones. Inset shows high magnification of the area of the mesial
wall indicated by the arrow, with a dilated capillary in the
subodontoblastic zone (H&E, original magnification ×16; inset
×400). (H) Detail from the pulp chamber roof, with the tertiary
dentine (TD) separated from the secondary dentine (SD) by the
so-called calciotraumatic line. Note the reduced odontoblast
layer (original magnification ×50). (I) Distal root canal orifice
showing an arteriole in which a number of polymorphonulear
leukocytes can be observed (original magnification ×100; inset
×400). (J) Section proximal to that in (G) (Taylor’s modified
Brown & Brenn, original magnification ×16). (K) Magnification
of the area demarcated by the rectangle in (J). Deep colonisa­
tion of the dentinal tubules by bacteria (original magnification
×100). (L) High magnificaiton view of the rectangular area in
(K) (original magnification ×400).

and mild accumulations (5 teeth). Moderate or severe inflammation known as Russel bodies (Fig. 1J).
was not observed in any of the 12 specimens. The inflammatory cells
were predominantly lymphocytes and plasma cells (Fig. 1H–J), some of
which exhibited occasional eosinophilic inclusions in their cytoplasm

D. Ricucci, et al. Journal of Dentistry 100 (2020) 103430

Fig. 3. Medium caries (Case 4, Table 1) (A) Pre-operative radiograph.

(B) The cavity after “selective” caries excavation. (C) Photograph
taken after completion of restoration. (D) 3-month follow-up radio­
graph, just before extraction. (E) A buccolingual sectioning plane was
prepared. Optimal adaptation of the restorative material. (F) Section
taken approximately at the centre of the pulp chamber. Overview. (H&
E, original magnification ×16). (GeH) Other section. Progressive
magnifications from the mesiobuccal pulp horn. A hyperaemic vessel
with several polymorphonuclear leukocytes in its lumen (original
magnifications ×100 and ×400). (IeJ) Progressive magnifications
from the palatal pulp horn. Hyperaemic vessels in the sub­
odontoblastic area (original magnifications ×100 and ×400). (K)
Section proximal to that in (F). The encircled area, magnified in the
inset, shows a thin band of tertiary dentine (Taylor’s modified Brown
& Brenn, original magnification ×16; inset ×400). (L) Detail of the
cavity floor with underlying dentine, which is heavily infected (ori­
ginal magnification ×50). (M) High magnification view of the area of
the cavity floor demarcated by the lower rectangle in (L) showing the
hybrid layer (red-stained) and the subjacent infected dentine (original
magnification ×400). (N) High magnification view of the upper rec­
tangular area in (L). Dentinal tubules clogged with bacteria (original
magnification ×400). (For interpretation of the references to colour in
this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this

3.3. Capillaries sections or longitudinal sections. These capillaries were heavily filled
with erythrocytes in the subodontoblastic region (Table 1; Figs. 2 G; 3
The dental pulp in all the 12 specimens showed varying numbers of I–J).
capillaries. Depending on their course, the capillaries were cut in cross

D. Ricucci, et al. Journal of Dentistry 100 (2020) 103430

Fig. 4. Deep caries (Case 7, Table 1) (A) Pre-operative

radiograph. (B) The cavity after “selective” caries excava­
tion. (C) Post-operative radiograph. (D) 1-month follow-up
radiograph, just before extraction. (E) A buccolingual sec­
tioning plane was prepared. (F) Section cut from the mesial
third of the pulp chamber. A thick band of tertiary dentine is
present (H&E, original magnification ×16). (G) Magnifica­
tion of the area demarcated by the rectangle in (F). Tertiary
dentine is lined pulpally by a single layer of flattened cells.
In the subjacent pulp, hyperaemic vessels with poly­
morphonuclear leukocytes in their lumen (original magni­
fication ×100; inset ×400). (H) High magnification view of
the vessel indicated by the right arrow in (G), with nu­
merous polymorphonuclear leukocytes in its lumen (original
magnification ×400). (I) Section taken approximately at the
centre of the pulp chamber revealing heavy colonisation of
the dentine left after “selective” excavation, up to tertiary
dentine (Taylor’s modified Brown & Brenn, original magni­
fication ×16). (J) Magnification of the area overlying ter­
tiary dentine. Vertical and horizontal pockets with loss of
tubular structure, packed with thick bacterial biofilms (ori­
ginal magnification ×100). (K) High magnification view of
the area demarcated by the upper rectangle in (I). Bacteria
have reached the calciotraumatic line, penetrating the ter­
tiary dentine in some areas (original magnification ×400).
(L) High magnification view of the area demarcated by the
lower rectangle in (I). Heavy bacterial infection (original
magnification ×400).

3.4. Leukocytes in the vessels experimental specimens (Table 1). Polymorphonuclear leukocytes were
also seen in the arterioles entering the pulp chamber, at the level of root
Examination of serial sections revealed increased numbers of poly­ canal orifices (Fig. 2I), in dilated vessels of the subodontoblastic layer in
morphonuclear leukocytes in the afferent pulpal vessels in all the pulp horns (Fig. 3G–H), or in pulpal vessels subjacent to the tertiary

D. Ricucci, et al. Journal of Dentistry 100 (2020) 103430

dentine (Fig. 4G–H). and hard dentin was referenced.

Although one may consider the presence of a caries-infected zone
3.5. Bacteria in dentine and a caries-affected zone, these zones do not correspond with softened
dentine and uninfected dentine, respectively. The present investigation
Taylor-modified Brown and Brenn staining revealed a reddish confirms that bacteria are present throughout the “leathery” or “firm”
fuchsine-stained line along the superficial dentine (Figs. 1K–L; 2 J; dentine left by selective excavation. This is in line with classical studies
3 K–M). This stained line represents the hybrid layer created by the describing the occurrence of bacteria in meticulously-cleaned dentine
adhesive procedures. A large amount of stainable bacteria was observed in approximately one-third of the cases [13]. The statement that firm or
in the dentine subjacent to the cavity floor in all specimens (Table 1). leathery carious dentine is only presumably infiltrated by micro-or­
The dentinal tubules were heavily colonised by bacteria to a consider­ ganisms, and should be referred to as “contaminated” tissue instead of
able depth (Figs. 1K–M; 2 J–L; 3 K–N; 4 I–L). High magnification “infected tissue” [38,39] is therefore a misconception. Although con­
images showed that the lateral branches of the dentinal tubules were taminant bacteria are not pathogens by definition [40], bacteria that
also colonised (Figs. 1 M; 4 L). In the cases that were clinically-eval­ heavily infiltrated demineralised dentine are without doubt infectious
uated as deep caries, bacteria had reached the transition between sec­ micro-organisms. Although one may challenge that the bacteria found
ondary and tertiary dentine (Fig. 4 I), and had penetrated the super­ in deep dentine could have originated from saliva leakage that occurred
ficial portion of tertiary dentine (Fig. 4 K). Bacterial colonisation was over time, factors such as the clinical intact status of the restorations,
particularly severe in some areas, forming longitudinal or horizontal absence of bacteria from the lateral walls, as well as formation of bio­
pockets within the secondary dentine. These pockets were clogged with films on the pulpal wall of the cavity preclude the possibility of new
bacterial accumulations, in which the dentinal tubules appeared to infection.
have widened and coalesced, with loss of tubular structure (Figs. 1 M; 4 Pulpal changes such as formation of tertiary dentine and reduction
I–J, L). of the odontoblast layer were present in all cases. These features are
attributed primarily to the carious process [4,41,42]. The presence of
4. Discussion inflammatory cells, congested capillaries in the subodontoblastic layer
and polymorphonuclear leukocytes in the afferent vessels, are in­
The recommendation for selective caries excavation is largely based dicative of unceasing irritation caused by the presence of noxious sti­
on the fear of pulpal exposure [23]. This is considered by many to be an muli derived from bacteria that resided within the secondary/tertiary
unfavourable prognostic factor in pulpal healing [26,30,31,34,35]. dentine. It should be mentioned that no severe inflammatory pulpal
Because pulpal exposure causes irreversible damage to the odonto­ changes were observed in any of the specimens and the reactions
blastic palisade layer and kills many primary odontoblasts [26], selec­ ranged from the presence of scattered chronic inflammatory cells to
tive caries removal has also been advocated to avoid stressing the pulp exiguous, localised accumulation of inflammatory cells. This is not
and to promote pulpal health [30]. Some clinicians also favoured this surprising, given that ten of the cases had medium caries (i.e. caries
procedure as a means of evading the high cost of invasive root canal extending to one-half of the remaining dentin thickness) and only two
treatment, which requires expensive equipment, supplies and highly- teeth had deep caries (i.e. caries extending to two-thirds of the re­
trained dental health personnel. These factors limit access to dental care maining dentin thickness). Untreated medium/deep carious lesions
in countries where financial, human and structural resources are scanty exhibit changes that are similar to those observed in restored teeth in
[36]. According to these authors, root canal treatment should be the present study [4,41]. Severe inflammatory responses are only ob­
avoided whenever possible, by replacing complete caries excavation served when the infection front reaches the innermost part of the ter­
with indirect pulp treatment [12]. tiary dentine, where bacteria are on the verge of penetrating the dental
A potential limitation of the present work is the small number of pulp [4,43]. Migration of inflammatory cells into the dental pulp is the
teeth examined. With respect to this issue, readers have to candidly result of pulpal response to slow, chronic diffusion of bacterial by-
consider that it is extremely difficult to obtain clinically-asymptomatic, products from the overlying dentine. Manifestation of chronic in­
restored carious teeth for histological examination. Despite this lim­ flammation was further supported by the identification of eosinophilic,
itation, extensive stainable bacteria were universally demonstrated in large, homogenous immunoglobulin-containing Russell bodies in the
all specimens. These stained bacteria were found in clinically “firm” plasma cells. These intracellular inclusions are indicative of active
dentine left by selective caries excavation. Bacteria were observed at synthesis of immunoglobulins in hyper-functioning plasma cells.
considerable depths away from the excavated cavity surfaces, within The presence of congested capillaries in the subodontoblastic layer
the dentinal tubules and their lateral branches, and in the tertiary is another sign of irritation. Capillaries contain little or no blood in
dentine occasionally. In the 2 cases that were clinically diagnosed as uninflamed dental pulps. They are usually flattened and obscured in H&
deep caries, bacteria were abundantly seen in longitudinal or trans­ E-stained sections [3]. However, capillaries are readily identified from
versal pockets within the partially-degraded secondary dentine. These injured dental pulps and they are a sign of hyperaemia. Likewise, the
observations do not lend credit to the long-held belief that bacterial presence of a large number of polymorphonuclear leukocytes in the
infection is only present in superficial dentine and that discoloured, arterioles and in the smaller vessels afferent to the pulp directly beneath
leathery or tertiary dentine is free from bacterial invasion [6,11,37], an the cavity is indicative of chemotaxis caused by active irritation [44].
idea that had been doctrinally-accepted by many up to recent years It is important to stress that all the teeth under investigation did not
[29,33]. develop post-operative pain. These teeth were asymptomatic over the
Observations from the present work, on the contrary, confirmed the entire observation period, and the subjects all responded normally to
results of earlier studies that bacteria were universally identified from pulp vitality tests prior to extraction. The complete absence of clinical
deep, firm, secondary dentine and tertiary dentine. The previous results symptoms in teeth even when dental pulps show varying degrees of
were based on classical histobacteriological staining, electron micro­ pathologic changes is not unreasonable. It is well known that symptoms
scopy and bacterial culture [5,13,14]. In those studies, bacterial growth appear during the late stages of the carious process; in some instances,
had also been observed occasionally in specimens harvested with the pulp may undergo necrosis without symptoms [4,41].
aseptic methodology from clinically-sound dentine after complete ex­ The absence of symptoms and normal response to pulp tests have
cavation of the partially-demineralised tissues [13,14,16]. Regrettably, been the parameters usually adopted for evaluating clinical success of
only the works of Massler [6,9] were cited in the recent literature as the selective excavation in clinical trials [32,45,46]. Although pulp vitality
rationale for the selective excavation approach; none of the afore­ was preserved in 88 % of the selective caries excavation cases after
mentioned classical studies that demonstrated bacteria in the leathery 36–45 months [32], it is prudent to point out that absence of symptoms

D. Ricucci, et al. Journal of Dentistry 100 (2020) 103430

may coexist with bacterial infection. Pulpal inflammation can be pre­ infection. The goal of caries removal is the elimination of infected tis­
sent for long periods (years) especially when caries is not particularly sues, as well as protection of the uninfected pulp wound with bio­
deep, as supported by histological evidence [41]. compatible and potentially bioactive dental materials to prevent bac­
It is important to reiterate that the ultimate biological goal in the terial contamination.
treatment of caries is to resolve pulp inflammation and to maintain
pulpal health. This goal can only be achieved when infected dentine is CRediT authorship contribution statement
completely removed by operative procedures (i.e. non-selective ex­
cavation). Complete caries removal should be followed by the place­ Domenico Ricucci: Conceptualization, Methodology,
ment of a fluid-tight restoration to prevent bacterial recontamination. Visualization, Writing - original draft. José F. Siqueira: Validation,
Histologic analysis of successfully-restored carious teeth, extracted for Formal analysis. Isabela N. Rôças: Data curation. Mariusz Lipski:
various reasons, reported pulps that are completely free of acute or Investigation. Amal Shiban: Investigation. Franklin R. Tay:
chronic inflammatory cells upon non-selective caries excavation. Conceptualization, Writing - review & editing.
Deposition of tertiary dentine represents a repair response of the pulp to
caries progression via the formation of calcified scar tissues [42]. Un­ Declaration of Competing Interest
inflamed dental pulps can only exist in the absence of stainable bacteria
on the cavity floor. When bacteria are present within a cavity, either The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
because of incomplete excavation or marginal leakage, varying interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ­
amounts of inflammatory cells are invariably observed in the pulp ence the work reported in this paper.
connective tissue [41–43].
The questions as to whether the pulp will succumb to the persisting Acknowledgements
dentinal infection by undergoing necrosis and how long the process
would take remain unanswered. The fate of the dental pulp is depen­ The authors deny any conflict of interest associated with the present
dent upon the number of remnant bacteria, their virulence, as well as study. The study was not supported by any grant body or commercial
the host resistance. As long as the coronal restoration remains intact, organization.
remnant bacteria may not have sufficient space to propagate to the
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