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Part English to Urdu Sentences

You just know how to get your work done. ‫ںیہمت سب اانپ اکم رکو ا ان آات ےہ۔‬

May all your dreams come true! !‫دخا رکے اہمترے بس وخاب وپرے وہں‬

You cannot be equal to me. ‫مت ریمی ربا ربی ںیہن رک ےتکس۔‬

I would not go that far. ‫ںیم اینت دور ںیہن اجؤں اگ۔‬

What’s the rush? ‫دلجی یہ ایک ےہ؟‬

Whose act is this? ‫ہی سک یک رکوتت ےہ؟‬

What enmity do you have with me? ‫ایک دینمش ےہ مت وک ھجم ےس؟‬

Where do we get such nice people in ‫آج ےک زامےن ںیم اےسی ولگ اہکں ےتلم ںیہ؟‬
today’s world?
I am not a burden to anyone. ‫ںیم یسک رپ وکئ وبھج ںیہن وہں۔‬

What are you blabbering? ‫ایک کب رےہ وہ؟‬

Why are you yelling at me? ‫مت ھجم رپ ویکں الِچ رےہ وہ؟‬

This shop is vacant to let. ‫ہی دواکن رکاےئ ےئلیک اخیل ےہ۔‬

I have this much sense. ‫اینت ھجمس وت ےھجم ےہ۔‬

He gives immense praise. ‫رعتفی رکےت ااکس ہنم ںیہن اتکھت۔‬

You could have said it to me politely. ‫مت ہی ابت ایپر ےس یھب وت ہہک ےتکس ےھ۔‬


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