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Name: __________________________

Open your book on page 40 and read the story.

True or False?

It was cloudy and cold. ______

Ben brushed her teeth and had a bath. ____________

Ben’s birthday is on 10th March. ________

His friends didn’t want to play with Ben in the playground. ______

Ben went home by car. ______

Mum and dad organized a surprise birthday party for Ben. _______

His friends from the school were at the surprise party. _______

Answer the questions.

What did Ben look for when he got up? __________________________________________________________

How did Ben feel on the bus? _________________________________________________________________

Who came running up to greet him at home? ____________________________________________________

What happened when he turned on the lights? ___________________________________________________

Find the opposite of the words.

start the same

nobody finish

short bad

closed long

inside everybody

before opened

good after

different outside

Put the sentences in the correct order.

He played football at break with his friend.

He got up and the sun was shining. 1.

He looked under the bed for presents.

His dog greeted him.

He went home by bus.

He checked the calendar on the wall.

When he turned on the lights in the living, his parents and his friends were there.

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