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菁准考英语:高考英语外刊阅读 20200218


Goodish News of Climate Change

Emissions of carbon dioxide related to energy production have stabilized, for now.
Is it a peak, a stutter or just a brief pause? Time will tell. But whatever it is, on
February 11th the International Energy Agency (IEA), an intergovernmental (41)
______ which collects such data, announced that emissions of carbon dioxide in 2019
which were (42) ______ energy had remained the same (33.3bn tonnes) as the
previous year’s.

Energy-related emissions, which include those produced by electricity generation,

heating and transport, (43) ______ for more than 70% of the world’s industrial CO
pollution. The stall seems to have been caused by a(n) (44) ______ in coal use,
particularly in rich countries, combined with an increase in the use of renewable
As a result of this the CO2-intensity of electricity generation—a(n) (45) ______ of
how much of the gas is emitted per kilowatthour of juice produced—fell by nearly
6.5%,to 340 grams of CO2 per kilowatthour. It had already been (46) ______, but this
is three times the average for the past decade. Such declines more than offset the (47)
______ of increased electricity production. The average emission-intensity of power
generation in 2019 was “lower than all but the most efficient gas-power plants”,
according to the IEA.
This is not the first time energyrelated emissions have plateaued(保持稳定). Between
2013 and 2016 they hovered around 32.2bn tonnes a year, before (48) ______ again in
2017 as the use of coal to fuel developing economies increased. This (49) ______
plateau was accompanied by excited declarations that such emissions had peaked.
Similar (50) ______ have been made this week, perhaps also prematurely.(51) ______
changes in coal use, a sluggish economy may have played a part and the data show
that milder than usual weather caused a perceptible drop in emissions from several
countries with large, carbon-hungry economies.

The news is also (52) ______ by the latest data from the Amazon rainforest. This, one
of the world’s largest woodlands, has acted (53) ______ as an absorbing sponge for
CO2 by removing it from the atmosphere through photo-synthesis. Researchers at
Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research have shown that a vast part of the
south-east of the Amazon, about one fifth of its area, has lost its (54) _____ to soak up
the gas and is now a net source of emissions into the atmosphere instead. This land
has been widely deforested, so the result is little (55) ______. But it is disappointing.

菁准考英语:高考英语外刊阅读 20200218

41. A.circumstances B.environments C. contributions D.organization

42. A.available to B.similar to C.related to D.owing to
43. A. regard B.account C.desire D.evolve
44. A.decline B.increase C.promotion D. recovery
45. A.product B. idea C.measure D. result
46. A.floating B.falling C.disappearing D.remaining
47. A. solution B.change C.effect D.achievement
48. A.rising B.creating C.raising D.demanding
49. A.frequent B.previous C.natural D.disastrous
50. B.plans C.warnings D.comments
51. A.In place of B.In spite of C.Thanks to D.In addition to
52. A.tempered B.sensed C.attracted D.explained
53. A.accidentally B.absolutely C.historically D.accordingly
54. A.prospect B.ability C.need D.decision
55. A.anger B.hope C.devotion D.surprise

二、参考答案:41-55 DCBAC BCABD DACBD

2020 年 2 月 15 日《经济学人》P70
Emissions of carbon dioxide related to energy production have stabilized, for now.
Is it a peak, a stutter or just a brief pause? Time will tell. But whatever it is, on
February 11th the International Energy Agency (IEA), an intergovernmental
organization which collects such data, announced that emissions of carbon dioxide in
2019 which were related to energy had remained the same (33.3bn tonnes) as the
previous year’s.
是高峰、口吃还是短暂的停顿?时间会证明一切的。但不管怎样,在 2 月 11 日,
国际原子能机构,一个收集这些数据的政府间组织,宣布 2019 与能源相关的二
氧化碳排放量与前一年保持不变(333 亿吨)。
Energy-related emissions, which include those produced by electricity generation,
heating and transport, account for more than 70% of the world’s industrial CO 2
pollution. The stall seems to have been caused by a decline in coal use, particularly in
rich countries, combined with an increase in the use of renewable power.
污染的 70%以上。这种停滞似乎是由于煤炭使用量下降,特别是在富裕国家,
As a result of this the CO2-intensity of electricity generation—a measure of how much
of the gas is emitted per kilowatt hour of juice produced—fell by nearly 6.5%,to 340
grams of CO2 per kilowatt hour. It had already been falling, but this is three times the

菁准考英语:高考英语外刊阅读 20200218

average for the past decade. Such declines more than offset the effect of increased
electricity production. The average emission-intensity of power generation in 2019
was “lower than all but the most efficient gas-power plants”, according to the IEA.
近 6.5%,降至每千瓦时 340 克二氧化碳。它已经在下降,但这是过去十年平均
据,2019 年发电的平均排放强度“低于除效率最高的天然气发电厂以外的所有
This is not the first time energy related emissions have plateaued(保持稳定). Between
2013 and 2016 they hovered around 32.2bn tonnes a year, before rising again in 2017
as the use of coal to fuel developing economies increased. This previous plateau was
accompanied by excited declarations that such emissions had peaked. Similar
comments have been made this week, perhaps also prematurely.In addition to changes
in coal use, a sluggish economy may have played a part and the data show that milder
than usual weather caused a perceptible drop in emissions from several countries with
large, carbon-hungry economies.
这并不是第一次与能源有关的排放稳定下来。2013 年至 2016 年间,它们每年徘
徊在 322 亿吨左右,2017 年随着使用煤炭为发展中经济体提供燃料的增加,这

The news is also tempered by the latest data from the Amazon rainforest. This, one of
the world’s largest woodlands, has acted historically as an absorbing sponge for CO2
by removing it from the atmosphere through photo-synthesis. Researchers at Brazil’s
National Institute for Space Research have shown that a vast part of the south-east of
the Amazon, about one fifth of its area, has lost its ability to soak up the gas and is
now a net source of emissions into the atmosphere instead. This land has been widely
deforested, so the result is little surprise. But it is disappointing.
(The Economist February 15th 2020 P69 )


accompany accompaniments unaccompanied

accompanied accompanist
accompanies accompanists according
accompaniment accompanying accordingly

菁准考英语:高考英语外刊阅读 20200218

announcer collected
account announcers collecting
accounted announces collection
accounting announcing collections
accounts unannounced collective
unaccounted collectively
atmosphere collectives
act atmospheres collectivism
acted atmospheric collectivist
acting collectivists
action average collectivities
actionable averaged collectivity
actioned averagely collectivization
actioning averages collector
actions averaging collectors
actor collects
actors brief uncollected
actress briefer
actresses briefest combine
acts briefly combinability
inaction briefs combination
unactioned combinations
cause combined
add causation combines
added causative combining
adding caused recombinant
addition causes recombination
additional causing recombinations
additionality recombine
additionally change recombined
additions changeable recombines
additive changed recombining
additives changer
adds changers comment
changes commentaries
changing commentary
agency unchangeable commented
agencies unchangeably commenting
interagency unchanged comments
announce declare
announced collect declaration
announcement collectable declarations
announcements collectables declared

菁准考英语:高考英语外刊阅读 20200218

declarer disappointingly effects

declarers disappointment
declares disappointments efficient
declaring disappoints efficiencies
undeclared efficiency
drop efficiently
decline droplet inefficiencies
declined droplets inefficiency
declines dropped inefficient
declining dropper inefficiently
deforest dropping electric
deforestation droppings electrical
deforestations drops electrically
deforested electrician
deforesting east electricians
deforests easterlies electricity
easterly electrics
develop eastward
developed eastwards emit
developer emission
developers economy emissions
developing economic emits
development economical emitted
developmental economically emitter
developmentally economics emitters
developments economies emitting
develops economise
redevelop economised energy
redeveloped economises energetic
redeveloping economising energetically
redevelopment economist energetics
redevelopments economists energies
redevelops economize energise
underdeveloped economized energised
underdevelopment economizes energiser
undeveloped economizing energisers
uneconomic energises
dioxide uneconomical energising
dioxides uneconomically energize
disappoint effect energizer
disappointed effected energizers
disappointing effecting energizes

菁准考英语:高考英语外刊阅读 20200218

energizing gas preheats

gaseous reheat
excite gases reheated
excitable gassed reheating
excitably gassing reheats
excitation unheated
excitations generation
excited generational history
excitedly generations historian
excitement intergenerational historians
excitements historic
exciter govern historical
exciters gov historically
excites governed historicism
exciting governing historicist
unexciting government historicists
governmental historicity
fall governments histories
fallen governor prehistories
falling governors prehistory
falls governorship
fell governorships hour
governs hourly
intergovernmental hours
five misgoverned
fifteen misgoverning hover
fifteenth misgoverns hovered
fifteenths ungovernable hovering
fifth hovers
fifthly gram
fifths gramme hunger
fifties grammes hungered
fiftieth grams hungering
fiftieths hungers
fifty heat hungrier
fives heated hungriest
heatedly hungrily
fuel heater hungry
fueled heaters
fueling heating in
fuelled heats inner
fuelling preheat innermost
fuels preheated inward
preheating inwardly

菁准考英语:高考英语外刊阅读 20200218

inwardness intensify largeish

inwards intensifying largely
intensities larger
include intensity largest
incl intensive largish
included intensively
includes late
including international lately
internationalisation lateness
increase internationalise later
increased internationalised latest
increases internationalises
increasing internationalism little
increasingly internationalist leetle
internationalists littleness
industry internationalization littler
industrial internationalize littlest
industrialisation internationalized
industrialise internationalizes lose
industrialised internationally loser
industrialises internationals losers
industrialising loses
industrialism juice losing
industrialist juices lost
industrialists juicier
industrialization juiciest make
industrialize juicily made
industrialized juiciness maker
industrializes juicy makers
industrializing makes
industrially kilowatt making
industries kilowatts makings
kw remade
institute remake
instituted land remakes
institutes landed remaking
instituting landing unmade
landings unmake
intense landless
intensely lands measure
intenseness landward immeasurable
intensification landwards immeasurably
intensified measurable
intensifies large measurably

菁准考英语:高考英语外刊阅读 20200218

measured nearness organiser

measurement nears organisers
measurements nearside organises
measures organising
measuring net organization
unmeasured nets organizational
netted organizationally
mild netter organizations
milder netters organized
mildest netting organizer
mildly nettings organizers
mildness organizes
new organizing
nation newer reorganisation
national newest reorganisations
nationalisation newish reorganise
nationalisations newly reorganised
nationalise newness reorganises
nationalised renew reorganising
nationalising renewable reorganization
nationalism renewables reorganizations
nationalisms renewal reorganize
nationalist renewals reorganized
nationalistic renewed reorganizes
nationalistically renewing reorganizing
nationalists renews unorganised
nationalization unorganized
nationalize offset
nationalized offsets part
nationalizing offsetting parted
nationally partial
nationals one partially
nationhood noone parting
nationhoods oneness partly
nations ones parts
nationwide oneself
near organize particularisation
nearby organisation particularise
neared organisational particularised
nearer organisationally particularises
nearest organisations particularising
nearing organise particularism
nearly organised particularisms

菁准考英语:高考英语外刊阅读 20200218

particularistic plateauing premature

particularities plateaus prematurely
particularity plateaux
particularization previous
particularize play previously
particularized playability
particularizes playable produce
particularizing played produced
particularly player producer
particulars players producers
playful produces
pause playfully producing
pausal playfulness
paused playing product
pauses plays counterproductive
pausing replay production
replayed productions
peak replaying productive
peaked replays productively
peaking unplayable productivity
peaks products
pollute unproductive
perceptible antipollution
imperceptible pollutant relate
imperceptibly pollutants interrelate
perceptibility polluted interrelated
perceptibly polluter interrelates
polluters interrelating
perhaps pollutes interrelation
polluting interrelations
photograph pollution interrelationship
photo pollutions interrelationships
photographed unpolluted related
photographer relatedness
photographers power relates
photographic powered relating
photographically powerful relation
photographing powerfully relational
photographs powering relations
photography powerless relationship
photos powerlessly relationships
powerlessness unrelated
plateau powers
plateaued remain

菁准考英语:高考英语外刊阅读 20200218

remained sameness
remaining space
remains seem spaced
seemed spacer
remove seeming spacers
removable seemingly spaces
removal seems spacing
removals spacious
removed several spaciously
remover severally spaciousness
removers unspaced
removes show
removing showed sponge
showing sponged
research showings sponges
researched shown sponginess
researcher shows sponging
researchers spongy
researches similar
researching dissimilar stable
dissimilarities instabilities
result dissimilarity instability
resultant similarities stabilisation
resulted similarity stabilise
resulting similarly stabilised
results stabiliser
sluggish stabilisers
rich sluggishly stabilises
richer sluggishness stabilising
riches stability
richest soak stabilization
richly soaked stabilize
richness soaking stabilized
soaks stabilizer
rise stabilizers
risen source stabilizes
riser sourced stabilizing
risers sources stabler
rises sourcing stablest
rising unsourced unstable
rose south stall
southerlies stalled
same southerly stalling

菁准考英语:高考英语外刊阅读 20200218

stalls tempered use

tempering misuse
stutter misused
stuttered time misuser
stutterer anytime misusers
stutterers timed misuses
stuttering timeless misusing
stutters timelessness reusable
timeliness reuse
surprise timely reused
surprised timer reuses
surprises timers reusing
surprising times unusable
surprisingly timing unused
unsurprised timings usability
unsurprising untimed usable
unsurprisingly untimeliness useable
untimely used
synthesis useful
synth ton usefully
syntheses tonnage usefulness
synthesise tonnages useless
synthesised tonne uselessly
synthesiser tonner uselessness
synthesisers tonners user
synthesises tonnes users
synthesising tons uses
synthesize using
synthesized transport
synthesizer transportable usual
synthesizers transportation unusual
synthesizes transported unusually
synthesizing transporter usually
synths transporters
transporting vast
tell transports vaster
retell vastly
retelling up vastness
retold upmost
telling upped weather
tells upping weathered
told ups weathering
untold upside weathers

菁准考英语:高考英语外刊阅读 20200218

week will rewrite

midweek unwilling rewrites
midweekly unwillingly rewriting
weeklies unwillingness rewritten
weekly willed rewrote
weeks willing unwritten
willingly writer
wide willingness writers
widely writes
widen world writing
widened unworldliness writings
wideness unworldly written
widening worldliness wrote
widens worldly year
wider worlds yearling
widest yearlings
width write yearly
widths prewrite years


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