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菁准考英语:高考英语外刊原创 20200221

What Shampoo technician wanted

If new ways of learning are to help those who need them most, policymakers
should be aiming for something far more radical. Because education is a public good
whose (41) ______ spill over to all of society, governments have a vital role to play—
not just by spending more, but also by spending (42) ______.
Lifelong learning starts at school. As a(n) (43) _____, education should not be
narrowly vocational. The curriculum needs to teach children how to study and (44)
______. A focus on “metacognition” will make them better at (45) ______ skills later
in life. But the biggest change is to make adult learning routinely accessible to all.
One way is for citizens to receive vouchers that they can use to pay for training.
Singapore has such “individual learning (46) ______”; it has given money to
everyone over 25 to spend on any of 500 (47) ______ courses. So far each citizen has
only a few hundred dollars, but it is early days.
Courses paid for by taxpayers risk being (48) ______. But industry can help by
steering people towards the skills it wants and by working with MOOCs and colleges
to design courses that are (49) ______. Companies can also encourage their staff to
learn. AT&T, a telecoms firm which wants to equip its workforce with digital skills,
spends $30m a year on reimbursing employees’ tuition (50) ______. Trade unions can
play a useful role as organizers of lifelong learning, particularly for those—workers in
small firms or the self-employed—for whom company-provided training is unlikely.
A union-run training programme in Britain has (51) ______ from political parties on
the right and left.
To make all this training worthwhile, governments need to slash the licensing
requirements and other (52) ______ that make it hard for new comers to enter
occupations. Rather than asking for 300 hours’ practice to (53) ______ to wash hair,
for instance, the state of Tennessee should let hairdressers decide for themselves who
is the best person to hire.
Not everyone will successfully navigate the(54) ______ jobs market. Those most
at risk of technological disruption are men in blue-collar jobs, many of whom reject
taking less “masculine” roles in fast-growing areas such as health care. But to keep
the numbers of those left behind to a minimum, all adults must (55) ______ flexible,
affordable training. The 19th and 20th centuries saw stunning advances in education.
That should be the scale of the ambition today. (415)

41. A.resources B.benefits C.structure D.responsibility

42. A.wisely B.widely C.secretly D.really

菁准考英语:高考英语外刊原创 20200221

43. A.truth B. reason C.rule D.result

44. A.get B.think C.look D.turn

45. A.caring for B.playing with C.preferring to D.picking up

46. A.accounts B.descriptions C.notes D.traces

47. A.required B.desired C.expected D.approved

48. A.enjoyable B.negative C. wasteful D.necessary

49. A. relevant B.flexible C.complex D.persuasive

50. A.effects B.costs C.limits D.alerts

51. A.quantity B.quality C.instruction

52. A.keys B.barriers C.accesses D.paths

53. A.justify B.classify C.qualify D.simplify

54. A.shifting B.dominating C.boasting D.inputting

55. A.agree with B.insist on for D. have access to


2017 年 2 月 14 日《经济学人》P9

benefits approved traces relevant flexible complex persuasive quantity quality
instruction qualify simplify justify dominating

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菁准考英语:高考英语外刊原创 20200221



What Shampoo technician wanted

If new ways of learning are to help those who need them most, policymakers
should be aiming for something far more radical. Because education is a public good
whose benefits spill over to all of society, governments have a vital role to play—not
just by spending more, but also by spending wisely.
Lifelong learning starts at school. As a rule, education should not be narrowly
vocational. The curriculum needs to teach children how to study and think. A focus on
“metacognition” will make them better at picking up skills later in life. But the
biggest change is to make adult learning routinely accessible to all. One way is for
citizens to receive vouchers that they can use to pay for training. Singapore has such
“individual learning accounts”; it has given money to everyone over 25 to spend on
any of 500 approved courses. So far each citizen has only a few hundred dollars, but it
is early days.
账户”;它给 25 岁以上的每个人提供资金,让他们在 500 门经批准的课程中的
Courses paid for by taxpayers risk being wasteful. But industry can help by
steering people towards the skills it wants and by working with MOOCs and colleges
to design courses that are relevant. Companies can also encourage their staff to learn.
AT&T, a telecoms firm which wants to equip its workforce with digital skills, spends
$30m a year on reimbursing employees’ tuition costs. Trade unions can play a useful
role as organizers of lifelong learning, particularly for those—workers in small firms
or the self-employed—for whom company-provided training is unlikely. A union-run
training programme in Britain has support from political parties on the right and left.
花费 3000 万美元用于支付员工的学费。工会可以发挥有益的作用,作为终身学

菁准考英语:高考英语外刊原创 20200221

To make all this training worthwhile, governments need to slash the licensing
requirements and other barriers that make it hard for new comers to enter occupations.
Rather than asking for 300 hours’ practice to qualify to wash hair, for instance, the
state of Tennessee should let hairdressers decide for themselves who is the best
person to hire.
使新来者难以进入职业领域的障碍。例如,田纳西州不应该要求 300 个小时的
Not everyone will successfully navigate the shifting jobs market. Those most at
risk of technological disruption are men in blue-collar jobs, many of whom reject
taking less “masculine” roles in fast-growing areas such as health care. But to keep
the numbers of those left behind to a minimum, all adults must have access to
flexible, affordable training. The 19th and 20th centuries saw stunning advances in
education. That should be the scale of the ambition today.
低水平,所有成年人都必须获得灵活、负担得起的培训。19 世纪和 20 世纪的教
育取得了惊人的进步。这应该是今天雄心壮志的规模。 (415)
(Economists 20170214 P9)


5 Advantages Of Online Learning: Education

Without Leaving Home
Traditional Education And Advantages Of Online Learning
There are several problems with the traditional system of education. First of all, you
need to pay thousands of dollars per term to attend a prestigious school. With all those
budget cuts, busy classrooms, and course shortages, you won’t always get the chance
to study exactly what you want.

It’s no wonder why millions of students from all around the world opt for online
degree programs or take at least one college course through an online platform.
Online learning has to be the greatest revolution in contemporary education. It made a
huge change in the system and opened great opportunities for everyone who wants to
learn something.

Nevertheless, online education is still related to stereotypes. People often think that
online students are not smart enough for a traditional college or university, they are
lazy, and they don’t get “real” degrees. These claims discourage many people from
taking online courses, so they get stuck in the traditional educational system that
consumes a huge deal of money, nerves, and years of their lives.

Allow us to explain why online learning is more awesome than you think. We have 5
advantages of online learning that will make you reconsider your attitude towards this
type of education.

菁准考英语:高考英语外刊原创 20200221

Advantages Of Online Learning

1. You can learn whatever you want!
You can pick the program of your dreams in traditional education, too, but that would
involve traveling away from home, living in a completely unknown city, and
struggling in an extremely competitive learning environment. With online education,
you can take any program or course present in traditional four-year universities.

Learn everything

For example, let’s say you’re mostly interested in neuroscience. All it takes is a
Google search for such online course, and you’ll easily find the online programs
offered by some of the most prestigious universities from all around the world. You
can take such a course even if you have no aspirations to apply that knowledge in
your future profession, but you’re simply curious to discover new interests and
understand how the human brain works. The great variety of online programs and
courses is a huge advantage of this type of education. It doesn’t matter where you live
and what you want to study – you can always find a suitable course or even a degree
program that you can follow from home.

2. Comfort.
Forget about attending classes for hours, sitting in an uncomfortable chair, and
suffering from back pain by the end of the day. You will not be bound to physical
class session when you opt for online education. All lectures and needed materials are
provided via online platforms, so you’ll easily access them from the comfort of your
home. You will not take public transport to get to campus, you won’t have to spend
money on gas for your car, you won’t have to get up early to get dressed for class…
the list of conveniences goes on and on.

ComfortComfort is a strong advantage, but it can go both ways. You mustn’t allow
yourself to get too comfortable when studying from home, so it would be best to
abandon the couch for few hours a day and set up an inspirational studying
environment in your home. All you need is a large desk and a nice, comfortable chair.

3. Online courses look great on a resume.

It doesn’t matter where your career stands at this moment; an online program will
always look good on your resume. It will show potential employers that you’re
committed to learning and you’re eager to obtain more knowledge and new skills.
Hiring managers don’t see online degrees as inferior to traditional ones. A degree is a
degree. If you obtain an online degree from a prestigious university, you’ll boost your
career with the speed of light. You will certainly become a better candidate for a job
promotion, and your resume will look much better when you apply for new positions.

4. Self-paced learning.
When you start browsing through interesting online courses and programs, you’ll
notice the Self-Paced label on most of them. What does this mean? Self-paced
learning means that the students can start completing the targets at any time, and he
can arrange a learning schedule that meets his individual needs. Self-placedWhen you
enroll in a traditional college program, you’ll have to forget about work, hobbies, and

菁准考英语:高考英语外刊原创 20200221

even family. In such setting, studying has to be a priority. That’s why many single
parents and people who work decide to forget all about their dreams to get a higher

A self-paced system enables them to make progress with rhythm that suits them. This
type of system does not require attending live sessions; you can access the materials at
any time that works for you. If you have to work or take care of your home and
children during the day, you can study at night. That’s an advantage the traditional
educational system cannot beat.

5. Lower costs.
The fact that online programs are cheaper when compared to the ones held in a
traditional campus setting is enough to convince you to consider them. The average
tuition for online courses depends on multiple factors, so it varies from one program
to another. If, for example, you want to enroll in the Big Data Specialization program
provided by University California, San Diego through Coursera, you’ll pay $399. You
also have an option to pay $49 per course. Financial Aid is available for learners who
cannot afford this fee, so that’s something you should always keep in mind.


We saved the best part for last: many online courses are completely free of charge.
MIT, for example, offers all course materials online without any charges. Free courses
don’t usually come with certificate of completion, but they are still more than useful
for anyone who wants to learn from prestigious educators.

Online Education Is Totally Worth The Effort

Online courses and degree programs are more convenient and cheaper than their
counterparts in traditional education. Those are the two main advantages of online
learning that lead many students to opt for online platforms when they want to earn a
degree or certificate.
The best thing about online learning is that you can learn in a relaxed manner even if
you don’t want to get certified. You only need passion for learning and a quick online
search that will take you to the right course. From that point on, you will be the
master of your own education.



abandon accessibility advantageously

abandoned accessible advantages
abandoning accessing advantaging
abandonment inaccessibility
abandons inaccessible afford
access advantage affordable
accessed advantaged afforded
accesses advantageous affording

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affords rearranging backer

unaffordable backers
aspire backing
aid aspirant backs
aided aspirants backward
aider aspirate backwardness
aiders aspirated backwardnesses
aiding aspirates backwards
aids aspirating
unaided aspiration beat
aspirations beaten
allow aspired beater
allowable aspires beaters
allowance aspiring beating
allowances beatings
allowed attend beats
allowing attendance unbeatable
allows attendances unbeaten
apply attendants better
application attended bettered
applications attendee bettering
applied attendees betterment
applies attender betterments
applying attenders betters
apps attending
disapplication attends big
reapplication unattended bigger
reapplications biggest
reapplied attitude biggish
reapplies attitudes bigness
reapply attitudinal
arrange available binder
arranged availability binderies
arrangement unavailability binders
arrangements unavailable bindery
arranger binding
arrangers average bindings
arranges averaged binds
arranging averagely bound
prearrange averages unbind
prearranged averaging unbinding
prearranges unbound
prearranging awesome
rearrange awesomely boost
rearranged awesomeness boosted
rearrangement booster
rearrangements back boosters
rearranges backed boosting

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boosts carers unchanging

both caring charge
uncared chargeable
brain uncaring charged
brained chargee
brainier career chargees
brainiest careerist charger
braininess careers chargers
brainless charges
brains certain charging
brainy certainly uncharged
browse certainty cheap
browsed uncertain cheapen
browser uncertainly cheapened
browsers uncertainties cheapening
browses uncertainty cheapens
browsing cheaper
certificate cheapest
budget certificated cheaply
budgetary certificates cheapness
budgeted uncertificated
budgeting child
budgets certify childhood
certification childhoods
busy certifications childish
busied certified childishly
busier certifies childishness
busies certifying childless
busiest childlessness
busily chair childlike
busying chairs children
busyness childrens
candidate chanced claim
candidacies chances claimant
candidacy chancing claimants
candidates mischance claimed
candidature claiming
change claims
care changeable unclaimed
cared changed
careful changer class
carefully changers classed
carefulness changes classes
careless changing classier
carelessly unchangeable classiest
carelessness unchangeably classiness
carer unchanged classing

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classless comparisons consumerism

classlessness incomparable consumerist
classy incomparably consumers
subclass consumes
subclasses compete consuming
college competed contemporary
colleges competes contemporaries
collegian competing
collegians competitive convenience
competitively conveniences
come competitiveness inconvenience
came competitor inconvenienced
comer competitors inconveniences
comers uncompetitive inconveniencing
comes uncompetitiveness
cometh convenient
comin complete conveniently
coming completed inconvenient
comings completely inconveniently
comfort completes convince
comfortable completing convinced
comfortably completion convinces
comforted completions convincing
comforting incomplete convincingly
comfortingly incompletely unconvinced
comforts incompleteness unconvincing
uncomfortable uncompleted unconvincingly
uncomforted consider cost
consideration costed
commit considerations costing
commitment considered costings
commitments considering costless
commits consideringly costlier
committal considers costliest
committals reconsider costly
committed reconsideration costs
committing reconsiderations
uncommitted reconsidered couch
reconsidering couched
compare reconsiders couches
comparability unconsidered couching
comparably consume counterpart
compared consumable counterparts
compares consumables
comparing consumed curious
comparison consumer curiosities
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curiosity dependent undressed

curiously dependents undresses
depending undressing
cut depends
cuts undependable eager
cutter eagerly
cutters discourage eagerness
cutting discouraged uneager
cuttings discouragement
uncut discouragements earn
discourages earned
day discouraging earner
dailies earners
daily discover earning
daylight discovered earnings
daylights discoverer earns
days discoverers unearned
midday discoveries
discovering easy
deal discovers easier
dealer discovery easiest
dealers rediscover easily
dealership rediscovered easiness
dealerships rediscoveries
dealing rediscovering educate
dealings rediscovers educated
deals rediscovery educates
dealt Undiscovered educating
undealt education
dream educational
decide dreamed educationalist
decided dreamer educationalists
decidedly dreamers educationally
decider dreamily educationist
deciders dreaming educationists
decides dreamless educations
deciding dreamlessly educative
undecided dreamlike educator
dreams educators
degree dreamt miseducated
deg dreamy uneducated
degrees undreamed
undreamt effort
depend effortless
dependability dress effortlessly
dependable dressed efforts
dependably dresses
dependant dressing employ
dependants dressings employability
depended undress employable

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employed financed
employee environment finances
employees environmental financial
employer environmentalism financially
employers environmentalist financials
employing environmentalists financier
employment environmentally financiers
employments environments financing
employs underfinanced
unemployable exact unfinanced
unemployed exactly
unemployment exactness find
inexact finder
enable inexactness finders
enabled finding
enabler explain findings
enablers explained finds
enables explainer found
enabling explainers unfound
end explains follow
ended explanation followed
ending explanations follower
endings explanatory followers
endless unexplained following
endlessly follows
ends extreme
unended extremely forget
unending extremes forgetful
extremism forgetfully
enrol extremist forgetfulness
enroled extremists forgets
enroling extremities forgettable
enroll extremity forgetting
enrolled forgot
enrollee factor forgotten
enrollees factored unforgettable
enrolling factoring unforgotten
enrollment factors
enrollments four
enrolls family forties
enrolment familial fortieth
enrolments families fortieths
enrols subfamilies forty
preenrol subfamily fortyish
preenrolled fours
preenrolling fee fourteen
preenrollment fees fourteenth
preenrollments fourteenths
preenrols finance fourth

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fourthly gidday homing

fourths goodday
gooder hour
free gooders hourly
freed goodies hours
freedom goodly
freedoms goodness huge
freeing goody hugely
freely hugeness
freer great
frees greater human
freest greatest humanism
unfree greatly humanist
unfreed greatness humanistic
greats humanists
future humanity
futures high humanly
futurism higher humanness
futurist highest humans
futuristic highly inhuman
futuristically highs inhumanity
futurists nonhuman
hire nonhumans
gas hired
gaseous hirer in
gases hirers inner
gassed hires innermost
gassing hiring inward
get hobby inwardness
gets hobbies inwards
gettin hobbyist
getting hobbyists individual
got individualise
gotten hold individualised
held individualism
go holder individualist
goer holders individualistic
goers holding individualists
goes holdings individuality
going holds individualize
goings unheld individualized
gone individually
goner home individuals
goners homed
gonna homeless inferior
gunna homelessness inferiorities
went homes inferiority
homeward inferiors
good homewards

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inspire knows misled

inspiration unknowable
inspirational unknowing learn
inspirations unknowingly learned
inspired unknown learnedly
inspires unknowns learner
inspiring learners
uninspired knowledge learning
uninspiring knowledgable learns
knowledgeable learnt
interest knowledgeably relearn
interested knowledges relearned
interestedly relearning
interesting label relearns
interestingly labeled unlearn
interests labeling unlearned
uninterested labelled
uninteresting labeller lecture
labellers lectured
involve labelling lecturer
involved labels lecturers
involvement unlabeled lectures
involvements unlabelled lectureship
involves lectureships
involving large lecturing
uninvolved largeish
largely light
job larger lighted
jobber largest lighters
jobbers largish lighting
jobbery lights
jobless lazy lit
jobs lazier unlit
keep lazily list
keeper laziness listed
keepers listing
keepin lead listings
keeping leader lists
keeps leaderless unlisted
kept leaders
leadership live
know leaderships lived
dunno leading lives
knew leads living
knowable led livings
knowed mislead
knowing misleading look
knowingly misleadingly looked
known misleads looker

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lookin manners minders

looking mindful
looks master mindfulness
unlooked mastered minding
masterful mindless
lower mastering mindlessly
lowered masterly mindlessness
lowering masters minds
lowers mastery
lowest moment
material momentarily
main materialism momentary
mainly materialisms moments
mains materialist
materialistic money
make materialistically moneyed
made materialists moneys
maker materiality monied
makers materially monies
makes materials
making multiple
makings matter multiples
remade mattered
remake mattering need
remakes matters needed
remaking needful
unmade mean needing
unmake meaning needless
meaningful needlessly
manage meaningfully needs
manageable meaningfulness unneeded
managed meaningless
management meaninglessness nerve
managements meanings nerveless
manager means nerves
manageress meant nervily
managerial meet neuroscience
managers meeting
manages meetings nevertheless
managing meets
mismanage met new
mismanaged unmet newer
mismanagement newest
mismanages newish
mismanaging mind newly
unmanageable minded newness
mindedly renew
manner mindedness renewable
mannered minder renewables
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renewal openings part

renewals openly parted
renewed openness partial
renewing opens partially
renews reopen parting
reopened partly
nice reopening parts
nicely reopens
niceness unopened passion
nicer passionate
nicest opportunity passionately
opportunities passionless
night passions
nightly opt
nights opted pay
nts opting paid
opts payable
notice payed
noticeable option payee
noticeably optional payees
noticed optionally payer
notices options payers
noticing paying
unnoticeable pace payment
unnoticed paced payments
pacer pays
obtain pacers prepaid
obtainable paces prepay
obtained pacing prepayment
obtaining prepayments
obtains pain unpaid
unobtainable pained
painful people
offer painfully peopled
offered painfulness peoples
offeree paining peopling
offerees painless
offerer painlessly physical
offerers painlessness physicality
offering pains physically
offeror parent pick
offerors parentage picked
offers parental picker
parented pickers
open parenthood picking
opened parenting pickings
opener parentless picks
openers parents picky
opening unpick

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unpicked prestige progresses

unpicking prestiges progressing
unpicks prestigious progression
platform priority progressive
platforms priorities progressively
prioritisation progressives
point prioritise
midpoint prioritised promote
midpoints prioritises promo
pointed prioritising promos
pointedly prioritization promoted
pointer prioritize promoter
pointers prioritized promoters
pointing prioritizes promotes
pointless prioritizing promoting
pointlessly promotion
pointlessness problem promotional
points problematic promotions
pointy problematical
problematically provide
position problems provided
positional unproblematic provider
positioned providers
positioning profession provides
positions professional providing
reposition professionalism
repositioned professionality public
repositioning professionally publically
repositions professionals publicly
professions publics
potential semipro
potentialities semipros quick
potentiality unprofessional quicken
potentially quickened
potentials programme quickening
program quickens
present programed quicker
presentable programing quickest
presentably programmable quickie
presentation programmatic quickies
presentational programmed quickly
presentations programmer quickness
presented programmers
presenter programmes relate
presenters programming interrelate
presenting programs interrelated
presents interrelates
unpresentable progress interrelating
progressed interrelation

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interrelations preschooler
interrelationship rhythm preschoolers
interrelationships rhythmic preschooling
related rhythmical preschools
relatedness rhythmically schooled
relates rhythmics schooling
relating rhythms schools
relation unschooled
relational right
relations righthand search
relationship righthanded searched
relationships righthander searcher
unrelated righthanders searchers
rightist searches
relax rightists searching
relaxation rightmost searchingly
relaxed save see
relaxer saved saw
relaxers saver seeing
relaxes savers seen
relaxing saves seer
saving seers
require savings sees
required unsaved seest
requirement unseeing
requirements say unseeingly
requires said unseen
requiring saying
sayings self
resume says selfhood
resumed sez selfish
resumes unsaid selfishly
resuming unsayable selfishness
resumption selfless
schedule selflessly
revolution nonscheduled selflessness
revolutionaries reschedule selves
revolutionary rescheduled unselfish
revolutionise reschedules unselfishly
revolutionised rescheduling unselfishness
revolutionises sch
revolutionising scheduled session
revolutionist schedules sessional
revolutionists scheduling sessions
revolutionize unscheduled
revolutionized set
revolutionizes school sets
revolutionizing preschool setting
revolutions preschooled settings

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subset sitter specialties

subsets sitters specialty
unset sittin
sitting speed
short sittings sped
shortage speeded
shortages skill speedier
shorten skilful speediest
shortened skilfully speedily
shortening skilled speeding
shortens skillful speeds
shorter skillfully speedy
shortest skilling
shortish skills spend
shortness unskilfully misspent
unskilled spender
show unskillfully spenders
showed spending
showing smart spends
showings smarten spent
shown smartened unspent
shows smartening
smartens stand
simple smarter standin
simpleness smartest standing
simpler smartly stands
simplest smartness stood
simplification smarty
simplifications start
simplified special restart
simplifies specialisation restarted
simplify specialisations restarting
simplifying specialise restarts
simply specialised started
unsimplified specialises starter
specialising starters
single specialism starting
singled specialisms starts
singleness specialist
singles specialists stereotype
singling specialities stereotyped
singly speciality stereotypes
specialization stereotypical
sit specializations stereotypically
resat specialize stereotyping
resit specialized
resits specializes stick
resitting specializing sticker
sat specially stickers
sits specials sticking

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sticks suits rethinks

stuck unsuitability rethought
unstuck unsuitable thinker
unsuitably thinkers
still unsuited thinking
stilled thinks
stiller system thought
stillest subsystem thoughtful
stilling subsystems thoughtfully
stillness systematic thoughtfulness
stills systematically thoughtless
systems thoughtlessly
strong unsystematic thoughtlessness
stronger unsystematically thoughts
strongest unthinkable
strongly take unthinking
retake unthinkingly
struggle retaken unthought
struggled retakes
struggler retaking time
strugglers retook anytime
struggles taken timed
struggling taker timeless
takers timelessness
student takes timeliness
students takin timely
studentship taking timer
studentships takings timers
took times
study timing
studied target timings
studies targeted untimed
studious targeting untimeliness
studiously targets untimely
studying targetted
targetting total
suffer totaled
suffered term totaling
sufferer midterm totality
sufferers midterms totalizing
suffering preterm totalled
sufferings termed totalling
suffers terming totally
termism totals
suit termly untotalled
suitability terms
suitable toward
suitably think towards
suited rethink
suiting rethinking tradition

菁准考英语:高考英语外刊原创 20200221

trad upmost unvaried

traditional upped unvarying
traditionalism upping variability
traditionalist ups variable
traditionalists upside variables
traditionally variably
traditions use variance
misuse variances
transport misused variant
transportable misuser variants
transportation misusers variate
transported misuses variates
transporter misusing variation
transporters reusable variations
transporting reuse varied
transports reused varies
reuses varying
travel reusing
traveled unusable want
traveler unused unwanted
travelers usability wanna
traveling usable wanta
travelled useable wanted
traveller used wanting
travellers useful wants
travelling usefully
travels usefulness will
useless unwilling
tuition uselessly unwillingly
tuitions uselessness unwillingness
type user willed
subtype users willing
subtypes uses willingly
types using willingness

understand usual wonder

misunderstand unusual wondered
misunderstanding unusually wonderful
misunderstandings usually wonderfully
misunderstands wondering
misunderstood variety wonderingly
understandable varietal wonderment
understandably varieties wonders
understanding wondrous
understandingly vary wondrously
understandings invariable
understands invariably work
understood invariance rework
invariant reworked
up invariate reworking

菁准考英语:高考英语外刊原创 20200221





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