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Climate change is affecting our world at a rapid pace and preemptive efforts are being taken to

stop this phenomenon. While some people argue that individual efforts, if made with good
intent, can bring a potent effect to stop ongoing damage to our atmosphere, others believe
that these efforts are fruitless, claiming that effective and convincing climate improvement can
only be brought by combined and coherent efforts of governments and large corporations. The
latter opinion has more merits and I am in total agreement with this view.

I am an adamant supporter of the view that efforts at the level of governments and large
companies must be taken to tackle the issue of climate change. One such measure would be to
restrict the usage of hydrocarbon burning engines for various commercial activities. For
instance, electric engines can replace old diesel powered ones in cars, which would reduse
carbon emissions, ultimately cleaning our enveronment. Recently, it has been observed that
various car companies such as, General Motors and Toyota, have switched their mode of
production in favour of electric engines, bringing this technology in the hands of millions of
people globally who can now play a role in preventing climate change. In addition, governments
can force power producing companies to focus on renewable energy sources such as
hydroelectric, wind sources, and solar energy. Although these methods produce energy at high
cost, they will help in reducing pollutants and cleaning the atmosphere.

Others, on the contrary argue that efforts made on individual level can improve our climate and
prevent global warming. Firstly, they can use recycled products for daily use, limiting the
hazardous effects of plastic on our surroundings. Many suggest that the best way to exercise
this change is to use paper bags instead of plastic bags. This is because plastic has destroyed
our world especially our oceans, as it does not decompose easily and causes harm to aquatic
species. Furthermore, people can speed up afforestation by planting more trees because trees
help in reducing carbon dioxide levels in air. Therefore, individual efforts should be encouraged
as they are effective.

In light of the above mentioned arguments, I conclude that governments and large companies
can effectively address the problem of global climate change by promoting renewable energy
sources and discouraging carbon emitting engines. However, despite the aforementioned
benefits, some people still prefer individual efforts such as reducing plastic usage and
promoting afforestation. I firmly believe that the former opinion has more merits.

Mukhiddinov Jaloliddin
Group 142
Id 2004404

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