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Biochemical Identification of Gram (-)


I. Carbohydrate Utilization K/K – alkaline/alkaline: did not change color

 Lactose utilization-most important carbohydrate H2S--no color black
determination test K/A – change in color (yellow: acid)
 Lactose- glucose-galactoside bond-galactose H2S+ - automatic acidic environment
 B-galactoside permease-transport enzyme gas – represented by a space or crack
 B-galactosidase-enzyme hydrolyzes lactose into late fermenters – konting red
glucose and galactose.
 LFs-both enzymes; NLFs-neither; LLFs/DLFs-lack B- C. ONPG (o-nitrophenyl galactopyranoside)
gp but possess B-galactosidase  Test the ability of organism to produce β-
 CHO utilization: Oxidation(Aerobic); Fermentative galactosidase and hydrolyzes ONPG into galactose &
(Anaerobic) о-nitrophenol
 Asaccharolytic-do not use CHO; use organic  (yellow). (delayed/late lactose fermenters)
molecules for energy & carbon sources
A. Oxidation-Fermentation Tests Yellow (Presence of β-galactosidase)
 Differentiating glucose fermenters Lactose and dLFs, Shigella sonnei
(Enterobacteriaceae) from non-glucose fermenters
(Pseudomonas) Negative:
 Hugh-Leifson O/F Basal Medium (OFBM) Colorless (absence of enzyme)
 Contains 1% Carbohydrates and 0.2% peptone Non-lactose fermenters
original color: yellow

Fermenter: Change in color in both tubes.

Enterobacteriaceae II. Glucose Metabolic Ends Products
A. Methyl Red Test MR-VP (Clark and Lubs
Oxidizer: Change in color in medium)
tubes without mineral oil.  Determines the end products of glucose fermentation
Pseudomonas  First pathway produces mixed acid (MR - red)
 Second pathway produces acetoin (VP - pink-red)
Nonoxidizer: No change in
color in both tubes. Alcaligenes faecalis  Add 5 or 6 drops of methyl red per 5 ml broth
 Glucose → Pyruvate → Mixed acid + Methyl Red →
B. Triple Sugar Iron Agar Red
 Test whether a gram-negative rod utilizes glucose, Positive: Bright red color
and lactose/sucrose with phenol red as indicator indicative of mixed acid
Kligler Iron Agar(KIA)-glucose & lactose only fermentation
 Contents: (Escherichia coli)
a. 1% lactose, 1% sucrose and 0.1% glucose
b. Sodium thiosulfate and Ferrous sulfate Negative: Yellow Color
o Bacterium (acid envi) + Sodium thiosulfate (Klebsiella and
→ H2S gas Enterobacter)
o H2S + Ferric ions → Ferrous sulfide (black
precipitate) B. Voges-Proskauer Test – detection of the
c. Phenol red (pH indicator) production of acetylmethylcarbinol (acetoin) ->
oxidized to diacetyl
 Add 6 drops of α-naphthol and 2 drops of 40% KOH to
1 ml broth, expose to O2 and stand for 10-15 mins.

Positive: Red (pink-red) color at

the surface of the medium
(Klebsiella and Enterobacter)

Negative: Yellow Color (copper

like) at the surface of the medium
(Escherichia coli)
slant butt agar
slant – aerobic or anaerobic
inoculating needle: stab and streak method
III. Amino Acid Utilization IV. Miscellaneous Test
A. Decarboxylase and Dihydrolase Test A. Citrate, Malonate, or Acetate Utilization
 Determines whether an organism is capable of  Determine the ability of an organism to use sodium
decarboxylating an amino acid to form an citrate, malonate or acetate as the sole source of
amine/diamine carbon
 Contents: Glucose, peptones, bromcresol purple and  Indicator: Bromthymol blue
cresol red (pH indicators), amino acid at 1%  N2 souce: NH4 salts
1. Lysine: Lysine decarboxylase (enzyme) →
Cadaverine (amine) [product] + CO2
2. Ornithine: Ornithine decarboxylase →
3. Arginine: Arginine dihydrolase → Citrulline →
lysine and ornithine: decarboxylation
arginine: hydrolase original color: green
Positive: Blue
Only slant no butt

B. DNase
 Test the ability of the organism to hydrolyze DNA
 Oligonucleotides formed will be detected by 1 N HCL
Decarboxylase Positive: Hydrolysis of the
Base Medium surrounding medium (Clear
Zone) or halo (S. aureus and S.
Positive: marcescens)
(purple) color Negative: No clearing observed
(S. epidermidis and S.
Negative: acid saprophyticus)
(yellow) color Methyl green
metachromatic dye
Decarboxylase Reactions
C. Gelatin Liquefaction
K. subs.
 Used to determine the ability of an organism to
+ - -
pneumoniae produce gelatinases that liquefy gelatin. Gelatinase
K. subs. + - - breaks up proteins into peptides & amino acids.
oxytoca Positive: partial or total
E. + + - liquefaction of inoculated tube. Ex:
aerogenes S. aureus, Corynebacteria
E. cloacae - + +
P. vulgaris - - - Negative: Complete solidification
P. mirabilis - + - of tube. Ex: S. epidermidis,
B. Deaminase Test
 Test the ability of an organism to oxidatively D. Indole Production
deaminatephenylalanine to phenylpyruvic acid  Test for the ability of an organism to split tryptophan to
form the compound indole.
Positive: Green color develops on slant
after FeCl3 is added (Proteus spp.
Providencia and Morganella or PPM)
Tryptophan broth Kovac’s reagent PDAB (gives red color)
Negative: slant remains original color Positive:
after the addition of FeCl3. Pink to wine colored ring after
addition of Kovac’s reagent
(Escherichia coli, P. vulgaris)

No color change
(Klebsiella, Enterobacter, P.
F. Lysine Iron Agar Slant (LIA)
 Nitrate and Nitrite Reduction Test- differentiate  Determines the ability of the microorganism to
between bacteria based on their ability or inability to decarboxylate or deaminate lysine and form H2S
reduce nitrate (NO3−) to nitrite (NO2−) using anaerobic  Contents: Lysine (amino acid), Glucose (carbon
respiration source), H2S Indicator (ferric ammonium citrate &
zinc, alpha-naphthol nitrate and sulfuric acid - reagent sodium thiosulfate) and bromcresol
 no change with alpha- purple (pH indicator)
naphthol & sulfuric  Principle:
acid: nitrite absent o When glucose is fermented, the
 turns red with alpha- butt of the medium becomes
naphthol & sulfuric acidic (yellow)
acid: nitrite present, o If the organism decarboxylates
positive nitrate lysine, a purple butt / slant
reduction test forms; deaminates lysine, a
 no change with zinc: burgundy, plum, reddish-purple
positive nitrate color slant forms.
reduction test deamination only occurs
 turns red with zinc: anaerobically so it’s on slant
negative nitrate
reduction test

 Inoculate nitrate broth with an isolate and incubate for

48 hours.
 Add 10-15 drops each of sulfanilic acid and
N,Ndimethyl-1-naphthylamine. If the bacterium
produces nitrate reductase, the broth will turn a deep
red within 5 minutes at this step.
 If no color change is observed, then the result is
inconclusive. Add a small amount of zinc to the broth.
If the solution remains colorless, then both nitrate
reductase and nitrite reductase are present. If the
K/R: numerator
solution turns red, nitrate reductase is not present.
o K – decarboxylase
o R – deaminase
Organisms Nitrate reduction reading: alkaline/alkaline decarboxylase (+) /
Acinetobacter (-) Negative deaminase (+) H2S (-)
Enterobacter aerogenes + Positive G. Motility Indole-Ornithine (MIO)
Escherichia coli + Positive  Semisolid medium that detects motility, indole and
Salmonella typhimurium + Positive ODC
 Contents: Ornithine (amino acid), Glucose (carbon
E. Urease (Christensen’s agar [usual] or Stuart’s broth) source), and bromcresol purple (pH indicator)
 Test the ability of an organism to produce the enzyme
urease which hydrolyzes urea.
 Indicator is phenol red (Urea →ammonia + CO2)

Positive: Red (magenta)

throughout medium
Proteus, Providencia and
Morganella: rapid urease

Positive: Red (magenta) slant

or pink to orange through
medium slow or weak urease

Negative: no color change /


(w) (s) – weak or strong

H. Sulfide-Indole-Motility Agar (SIM)
 Determines the ability of the microorganism to form
H2S, indole, and observe for motility

Indole Production: Pink to wine

colored ring after addition of
Kovac’s reagent (tube 2)

H2S Positive: Blackening of the

medium (tube 4)

Motile: Diffuse growth extending

laterally from line of inoculation (tube 1-4)

Miscellaneous Test
o Indole
 Kovac’s
 Ehrlich’s
 Methyl Red
 Voges-Proskauer
o Citrate
 Biochemical Test – usually used to identify bacteria
o Urease

V. Rapid Biochemical Tests

A. Spot Indole
C. Oxidase
D. Catalase
E. Bile Solubility
G. Rapid Urease
H. Rapid hippurate hydrolysis

 Oxidase Test (tetramethyl-p-phehylenediamine

dihydrochloride) - determines presence of cytochrome

Positive: (violet color)

Psedomonas, Neisseria,
Micrococcus, Plesiomonas.

Negative: (colorless)

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