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Examples of Narratives

 Marvel movies
 Hunger games
 Sailor Moon
 Twilight
 The Simpsons
 Romeo and Juliet
 Around the world in 80 days

Narrative – is a collection of connected events, a story. It can be a poet, novel or song. It can be
real or imaginary taking place in the past, present and the future. Are written not only to entertain
but to inform and present the writer’s moral, cultural and political perspectives. The oldest
narratives we have predate the written works. Past down from generations to generations or oral
tradition. A noun meaning spoken or written story.

Homer – a Greek poet, credited for writing the first two famous Western influential works which
is the Illiad and Odyssey.

Illiad – written 1000 years ago. Written here was “Achilles went for him, fast, sure of his speed
as the wild mountain hawk, the quickest thing on wings, launching smoothly, swooping down on
a cringing dove and the dove flits out from the under, the hawk screaming…”

Narratif – a French word were the root word of Narrative comes from.

Narativus – a Latin origin of narrative

Literary Devices:

 Plot
 Tone and mood
 Setting
 Character

Plot – the story part of the story. If revealed, the story becomes clear. The story’s structure. Easy
way to understand it is to break it down into parts. How the story is told, how its built and its

Parts of plot:

 Exposition
 Rising action
 Climax
 Falling action
 Resolution

Exposition – the background information about the story. Example, red hoodies and sick
grandma. Helps to know the people in the story. Helps you understand what’s going on

Rising Action – is the building action of the events that lead to the most important moment in
the story.

Climax – when the rising action reaches its peak.

Falling action – what happens immediately after the climax.

Resolution – the part of the story where everything works out one way or the other.

Tone – relates to the attitude of the narrator.

Mood – the feeling reader gets when reading the story.

*locate key words to identify the tone*

Edgar Allan Poe – brilliant in making moods in his stories.

Setting – where the story happens. The environment or surrounding where the story takes place.
Or can be social condition or weather.

Characters – they are who the story is about. Without this, there can be no stories.

Primary characters or major characters – super important characters

Secondary/ Minor – less important characters

Protagonist – good guys

Antagonist – bad guys

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