Reflection - Prac 2 - Abm - B - Roy

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12- ABM
PR 2


1. Having been oriented to the different topics in this course, which 3 Most Essential
Learning competencies do you consider yourself to be good at?

- Defines terms used in study.

- States research questions.

- Plans data collection procedure

2. Which 3 topics do you think are difficult for you?

- Writes a research title. (I think it will be a bit difficult for me/us to think of a topic.)

- Presents written review of related literature and conceptual framework.

- Indicates scope and delimitation of study

3. In 3-5 sentences, discuss how Practical Research 2 can benefit you as a student.

The benefit of practical research 2 to me is it will help me to have a detailed analysis of

everything. When you have a proper analysis of any topic, the result will appear to be
perfect and the knowledge will be enhanced. I can also get new ideas, insights and
strategies that I do not yet know.

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