Atividades Estruturadas Ensino E Aprendizagem de Inglês Com Língua Estrang - CEL0570

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Título - read the following description of a lesson stage in an English class, identify, and
identify the different roles teachers and students play in a classroom. Analyse it in
relation to the learning proccess

Objetivo - Constituir raciocínio analítico empregando a teoria aprendida sobre os

diferentes papéis de professores e alunos na sala de aula e aplicá-lo num exemplo
concreto de sala de aula.
Competências / Habilidades - Capacidade crítica em relação ao conteúdo aprendido e
posterior aplicação às diferentes situações na área de aprendizagem de uma língua
Desenvolvimento - Read the following description of a lesson stage in an English class.
Identify and discuss the different roles performed by the teacher and the learners in the
T = Teacher

St/Sts = Student/ students T hands in a piece of paper in which sts can read an
advertisement from a magazine.

T asks sts what sort of text it is and where they can find it. Sts say it?s an ad and they can
find it in traveling magazines. T allows sts 3? to go through the text so they can tell her
what sort of product it is advertising (a trip to Greece). T asks sts to identify words that
refer to the description of the place and sts come up with breathtaking/ wonderful
scenery/ typical cuisine. T writes these words on board and a st asks for the meaning of
breathtaking. T elicits the meaning of breath and take and leads st to the understanding
of the meaning of the word breathtaking. T presents sts with the following questions:
Would you like to visit this place? Why (not)? and tells sts to discuss them in groups of 3.
As sts discuss in their groups, T walks around monitoring their discussion and writing
down their mistakes on a piece of paper. After the 3? assigned are over, T tells students
she heard interesting ideas and asks for volunteers to share their ideas. T writes on B:? I
would like visit this place? and asks sts to correct the sentence.
Produto / Resultado - Identificar os diferentes papeis de professores e alunos na sala de
aula fazendo uso das diferentes funções estudadas, de modo a analisar o processo de
aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira.

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