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Edward L. Thorndike: The

Article · January 2000

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2 authors, including:

John W. Donahoe
University of Massachusetts Amherst


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From the very outset of his work, Thorndike allied himself with the Darwinian proposition that
complex phenomena can arise as the cumulative effects of a selection process, here the process
envisioned by the law of effect. Thorndike’s selectionist approach, when combined with his connec-
tionism, laid the foundation for a synthesis of behavior analysis and neuroscience.
Key words: E. L. Thorndike, selectionism, connectionism, response-outcome associations

Edward L. Thorndike believed that com- Selectionism

plex behavior could be understood as an A selection process (see Figure 1) consists
emergent product of the cumulative action of of three interrelated steps—variation, selec-
relatively simple processes, notably those tion, and retention (see Dennett, 1995; D. L.
summarized by what he came to call the law Hull, 1973; Mayr, 1988; Sober, 1984). Varia-
of effect. ‘‘Complex as human life is, it is at tion provides the raw material upon which se-
bottom explainable by a few principles’’ lection operates. It is the source of whatever
(1905, p. 316). More pointedly, ‘‘it has been novelty arises from repeated iterations of the
shown that in great measure the intellects three-step process. Variation is undirected
and characters of men are explainable by a (Campbell, 1974) in the sense that the factors
single law [the law of effect]’’ (1905, p. 318). that affect variation are not correlated with
Thus, he endorsed a selectionist approach to those that affect selection. Selection by the
behavior from his earliest work (cf. Galef, environment favors (or disfavors) some vari-
1998). Thorndike was also a connectionist. ations over others, and confers whatever di-
That is, he believed that the strengths of con- rection is apparent in the process. Of course,
nections—what we now call synaptic effica- selection is not truly directed because its tra-
cies—changed as the result of the biological jectory is utterly dependent on the environ-
mechanisms that implemented the law of ef- ment. When the environment changes, the
fect. The importance that he ascribed to direction of selection changes. Only the rel-
these mechanisms led him to a neural restate- ative constancy of the environment permits
ment of the law of effect as the ‘‘law of ac- the illusion of direction or purpose. Finally,
quired brain connections’’ (1905, p. 165). the third step—retention—enables favored
With his commitment to selectionism and variations to endure long enough to contrib-
connectionism, Thorndike allied himself with ute to the variation upon which future selec-
the resurgent Darwinism of his time and, in tion operates. Without retention, the effects
so doing, foreshadowed the biobehavioral ap- of selection could not accumulate and the
proach of our time. After documenting possibility of complexity would not exist (see
Thorndike’s selectionist views, I close by not- Donahoe & Palmer, 1994; Palmer & Dona-
ing his prescient comments on a topic of cen- hoe, 1992).
tral interest in current associationist accounts Variation. Thorndike was explicit that what-
of animal learning—the nature of the asso- ever creativity or novelty emerged from the
ciations inferred to underlie instrumental process of selection was dependent on the
learning (i.e., operant conditioning). Thorn- pool of variation upon which the selecting en-
dike was an associationist as well as a selec- vironment acted. ‘‘The first necessity of men-
tionist and connectionist, but his association- tal progress is fertility in response. Unless the
ism differed from contemporary versions. baby does something, it can learn nothing’’
(1905, p. 209). He recognized that the initial
Address correspondence to John W. Donahoe, Depart-
ment of Psychology, Program in Neuroscience and Be- variants upon which selection acted were
havior, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachu- largely the reflexive relations provided by nat-
setts 01002 (E-mail: ural selection (i.e., respondents). ‘‘The start-


‘‘pleasure’’ (i.e., by reinforcement) and nat-

ural selection were apparent to Thorndike.
The development of human mental life may
be likened to that of the animal kingdom as a
whole. The present animal kingdom is the re-
sult of the extinction of those which did not
fit the environment. . . . Any man’s intellect
and character are the results of the existence
in his past of many connections, the elimina-
tion of those which did not fit their environ-
ment so as to bring satisfaction. (1905, p. 317)
Most important, the population of variants on
which selection operated was the behavior of
an individual organism. The focus upon the
behavior of the individual was an enduring
characteristic of Thorndike’s thinking, both
his early animal research and his later edu-
cational research. It is one of the chief char-
acteristics that differentiates Thorndike and
Skinner from their fellows. Even those who
other wise embraced Dar winian thinking,
such as Clark Hull (1943), sometimes inad-
vertently acted as if selection operated on var-
iations in the behavior of different organisms.
How else to explain the use of group exper-
imental designs that Fisher had correctly de-
vised to measure the effects of natural selec-
Fig. 1. The three-step process through which the re- tion (cf. Sidman, 1960)? An analysis of
peated action of relatively simple processes has the po- variation produced by individual differences
tential to produce complex outcomes, as in the emer- is appropriate in the study of natural selec-
gence of complex behavior through the cumulative effect tion but not of selection by reinforcement.
of reinforcement.
Thorndike’s focus on the single organism was
apparent in the graphs of the behavior of in-
dividual animals that he used to communi-
ing point for the formation of any association cate his findings (see Chance, 1999) and is
. . . is the set of instinctive activities’’ (1898, explicit in his writings. ‘‘The process is . . .
p. 13). Thorndike also acknowledged the simply the selection of the . . . movement
contribution to variation made by nonelicited from amongst the many sorts made because
behavior: ‘‘Progress was not by seeing of its relatively greater amount of resulting
through things, but by accidentally hitting satisfaction’’ (1905, p. 204). The foregoing
upon them’’ (1898, p. 106). A fuller appre- suggests that the focus of selection was a
ciation of the role of nonelicited behavior ‘‘movement’’ (i.e., behavior). However, other
awaited Skinner’s (1938) conception of the more complete statements indicate that
operant. Thorndike understood that varia- Thorndike considered the unit of selection to
tion was undirected with respect to the se- be an environment–behavior relation, not be-
lecting factor. ‘‘The one impulse, out of many havior alone (cf. Donahoe, Burgos, & Palmer,
accidental ones, which leads to pleasure, be- 1993; Donahoe, Palmer, & Burgos, 1997). To
comes strengthened’’ (1898, p. 45). His des- wit, ‘‘The one impulse, out of many acciden-
ignation of the selecting factor as ‘‘pleasure’’ tal ones, which leads to pleasure, becomes
or, at other times, as ‘‘satisfaction’’ sounds strengthened . . . and more firmly associated
quaint to modern ears, but his conception of with the sense-impression of that box’s inte-
undirected variation has a contemporar y rior’’ (1898, p. 45). And, ‘‘any act which in a
ring. given situation produces satisfaction becomes
Selection. The parallels between selection by associated with that situation, so that when

the situation recurs the act is more likely than that can be known about what is happening
before to recur also’’ (1905, p. 203). Finally, inside the behaving organism. His account will
Thorndike was sensitive to the fact that selec- be an important advance over a behavioral
tion produces complexity only by dint of var- analysis, because the latter is necessarily ‘‘his-
torical’’—that is to say, it is confined to func-
iation. ‘‘Purposive thinking equals spontane- tional relations showing temporal gaps. . . . It
ous thinking plus selection’’ (1905, p. 264). will make the picture of human action more
Retention. Thorndike also appreciated the nearly complete. (Skinner, 1974, pp. 236–237)
essential contribution of retention to the
emergence of complexity from a selection Skinner’s earlier reservations about forays
process. The behavioral repertoire initially in- into physiology stemmed from pragmatic
cluded only ‘‘instinctive activities’’ and other considerations—the absence of the requisite
‘‘movements,’’ ‘‘but this is the starting point neuroscience—not from principled objec-
only in the case of the first box experienced’’ tions to such a synthesis. Behavior analysts
(1898, p. 14). In subsequent boxes in which such as Jack Michael recognize that the pre-
his subjects were tested, the behavioral rep- sent situation is quite different: ‘‘I would
ertoire included the environment–behavior strongly urge anyone starting a research ca-
relations that had been selected in prior reer in behavior analysis in the late 1900s to
chambers. The critical role of the accumula- include extensive training in the neuroscienc-
tion of prior selections was especially appar- es. And I would also urge extensive training
ent in complex human behavior: ‘‘Selection in computer science sufficient to understand
and survival of the fit thoughts . . . are the computer modeling’’ (Michael, 1998, p. 160).
essentials of purposive thinking’’ (1905, p.
The Nature of the Selected ‘‘Association’’
Like Darwin before him, Thorndike did Consistent with Michael’s admonitions,
not know the biological mechanisms that en- Thorndike’s ‘‘most fundamental question’’ is
abled retention and upon which selection act- currently being pursued by integrating the
ed. Nevertheless, Thorndike believed that the experimental analysis of behavior and neu-
full development of his approach would re- roscience using neural networks (e.g., Dona-
quire the discovery of these mechanisms. hoe & Palmer, 1989, 1994). The intercon-
How the satisfaction following upon a connec- nected ensemble of units that constitutes a
tion strengthens it . . . must be left [an] un- neural network may be regarded as a much-
answered question. Neither psychology nor mutated descendant of Thorndike’s connec-
physiology has yet anything much better than tionism. It is ironic that simulation via neural
a guess to offer this, the most fundamental networks has recently been brought to bear
question of the mental life of man and the on a matter of contention between Thorn-
animal kingdom as a whole. All that can be dike’s early views of the law of effect and cur-
said is that the original satisfiers are as a rule rent statements of associationism, that other
events useful for the survival of the species branch of the Thorndikian tree. The issue is
. . . ; consequently any means by which the[y]
. . . could reinforce the connections causing
the nature of the association inferred to un-
them . . . would, when evolved, be maintained derlie operant—or instrumental—condition-
by natural selection. (1905, p. 316) ing. Present-day associationism generally
takes the position that an instrumental re-
(Note the use of the term reinforce in this sponse occurs because ‘‘the reinforcer is en-
statement.) ‘‘Everywhere we have to seek for coded as a consequence of the response’’
the physiological basis of mental facts and (Rescorla & Colwill, 1989, p. 291) or, stated
connections’’ (1905, p. 323). The developing in other terms, ‘‘instrumental learning leads
modern synthesis of behavior analysis with to the development of response-outcome as-
neuroscience—a biobehavioral approach— sociations’’ (Colwill, 1994, p. 31; see also Col-
would be welcomed by Thorndike as it would will & Rescorla, 1990). Concerning this view,
by Skinner. ‘‘The experimental analysis of be- Thorndike asked: ‘‘Do they [animals] ever
havior is a rigorous, extensive, and rapidly ad- conclude from inference that a certain act
vancing branch of biology’’ (Skinner, 1974, p. will produce a certain desired result, and so
255). do it? . . . Although it is in a way superfluous
The physiologist of the future will tell us all to give the coup de grace to the despised theory

that animals reason, I think it is worthwhile and theory (Vol. 31, pp. 1–72). San Diego, CA: Aca-
demic Press.
to settle this question once for all’’ (1898, p. Colwill, R. M., & Rescorla, R. A. (1990). Evidence for
39). ‘‘The commonly accepted view . . . is that the hierarchical structure of instrumental learning.
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