Liberal Humanist Approach On

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Liberal Humanist Approach on ‘Chhuti’

Chhuti is a story of a thirteen years old boy named Fatik. In the beginning of the story readers find Fatik by the

bank of the river with his friends. The story describes the attitude and manners, their likings and disliking of some

boys of teenager ages. Their mentality and matter of interest is quite different. They like to play for their own

enjoyment. This is why; they do not bother that whether their tasks create any disturbance for others.

Fatik’s mother is a widow. She feels very disturbed and tensed due to the activities of Fatik. She wants to get rid of

these sufferings. So whenever she got the offer from her brother, she gave consent instantly to take away Fatik

from the village to his house which is situated in Kolkata. Though apparently she gave consent, but when Fatik

react delightedly at his uncle’s offer and get prepared to go with him, at that time she was shocked. The affection

of a mother becomes vividly.

The boys of this particular age face different types of problems. They do not get the affection from others as they

get at their early childhood. The guardians behave rudely with them. They do not allow their all activities

positively. They consider the boys as little matured. But actually the boys are not as matured as they considered.

Rather, when they try to act or to follow like an aged person, at that times the senior persons take them as naughty

or violent groups. The boys can not adjust with the whole environment. They need affection at this age severely.

Particularly they need the lovely touch of their very much. The guardians should be more considerable and

generous about them.

When Fatik went to Kolkata with his uncle, at that time he firstly suffers from homesickness and secondly he

received a very harsh behavior from his aunt. As he suffered from loneliness and does not get any chance to move

freely, so he missed all of his earlier charming experience a lot. He missed the beautiful scenery of river,

swimming, playing with kite and mostly his mother.

He could attend to the studies at his school. This is why; he was given punished by his teachers. In the school his

cousins did not help him at all; even they did not recognize him cordially.

Due to all these insults and sufferings he became sick. After his sickness, he thought about inconvenience of his

uncle’s family and so he escaped. At last he was found in a position of extreme sickness. Finally we see that, Fatik

was madly wanted to be free from all these sufferings.

The characteristics of Fatik are very much common to us. Peoples of all ages, and all places are very familiar to

this great attitudes. So the story creates a universal appeal for them.

The language of the story is very nice and acceptable. An extreme of sincerity is frequently seen here- Which

indicates a universal truth. So the story touches our heart and makes us emotional. Because of this sincerity, the

conventional distance between the language and the theme gets removed.

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