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One day a patient named Ida Ayu Made Namayanti come to the hospital with complaints of

stomach pain, then was treated by a nurse named Ni Kadek Ayu Gita Pradnya Dewi

Gita Pradnya : Hello, good morning

Dayu Namayanti : good morning nurse
Gita Pradnya : How can I help you?
Dayu Namayanti : yes nurse help me
Gita Pradnya : OK , I will ask your identity first, what is your name?
Dayu Namayanti : Dayu Namayanti, nurse
Gita Pradnya : Where do you live?
Dayu Namayanti : I am from gianyar
Gita Pradnya : How old are you?
Dayu Namayanti : 19 years
Gita Pradnya : Are you married?
Dayu Namayanti : not yet
Gita Pradnya : What's your educational history?
Dayu Namayanti : Senior high school
Gita Pradnya : What is your job?
Dayu Namayanti : merchant
Gita Pradnya : What is your complaint,?
Dayu Namayanti : My stomach hurts and has heartburn
Gita Pradnya : Do you feel dizzy too?
Dayu Namayanti : not a nurse, just heartburn and pain
Gita Pradnya : Do you have any complaints of fever?
Dayu Namayanti : there are no nurse
Gita Pradnya : Since when did you feel it?
Dayu Namayanti : since last night
Gita Pradnya : How many times did you defecate today?
Dayu Namayanti : I have defecated 3 times
Gita Pradnya : How is the consistency of the stool?
Dayu Namayanti : The consistency is fluid, nurse
Gita Pradnya : Ohh, from the signs and symptoms, it seems that your mother has diarrhea
Dayu Namayanti : I think so
Gita Pradnya : Is there blood?
Dayu Namayanti : no
Gita Pradnya : Is it mixed with mucus?
Dayu Namayanti : not really
Gita Pradnya : What was the last time you ate?
Dayu Namayanti : I eat spicy noodles level 30
Gita Pradnya : Do you like spicy food?
Dayu Namayanti :yes I like it
Gita Pradnya : What food do you like?
Dayu Namayanti : firecracker meatball, firecracker claw, orange juice
Gita Pradnya : Maybe that's the cause,
Dayu Namayanti : yes sister seems like that, please help me sisters
Gita Pradnya : Fine, I will help
Dayu Namayanti : usually what causes nurse's diarrhea?
Gita Pradnya : Diarrhea caused by e-choli bakteri
Dayu Namayanti : Where are the bacteria?
Gita Pradnya : It could be that the food we consume is less hygienic
Dayu Namayanti : What is less hygienic food like?
Gita Pradnya : raw food, and food that is cooked is not washed first
Dayu Namayanti : Can you get diarrhea?
Gita Pradnya : Of course
Dayu Namayanti : can diarrhea be contagious?
Gita Pradnya : Of course
Dayu Namayanti : What is the transmission?
Gita Pradnya : can be through food consumed together
Dayu Namayanti : then how do you treat it?
Gita Pradnya : You can take anti-diarrhea medicine
Dayu Namayanti : What is the name of the medicine?
Gita Pradnya : you can drink diapet, supertetra
Dayu Namayanti : Where can I buy it?
Gita Pradnya : many of them are sold in pharmacies or shops
Dayu Namayanti : Are there any side effects?
Gita Pradnya : Of course every drug has side effects
Dayu Namayanti : OK Nurse, what are the drinking rules?
Gita Pradnya : Usually it is already printed on the medicine package
Dayu Namayanti : Is there any other way besides taking medicine?
Gita Pradnya : Of course there is, you can take ORS
Dayu Namayanti : What is ORS, nurse?
Gita Pradnya : ORS is a solution made from salt water and sugar
Dayu Namayanti : ohh I see,
Gita Pradnya : Anything else you want to ask?
Dayu Namayanti : What fruit can we eat to treat diarrhea?
Gita Pradnya : You can consume guava
Dayu Namayanti : Can you immediately recover if you just eat fruit?
Gita Pradnya : Of course not

Gita Pradnya : What other complaints do you feel?

Dayu Namayanti : I also feel the thirst of the nurse
Gita Pradnya : Yes, of course, don't get dehydrated
Dayu Namayanti : how to deal with dehydration?
Gita Pradnya : Drink lots of water, okay?
Dayu Namayanti : good suster
Gita Pradnya : Anything else you want to ask?
Dayu Namayanti : What are the ways to prevent nurse's diarrhea?
Gita Pradnya : wash hands with soap, and consume hygienic food
Dayu Namayanti : fine, thank you nurse
Gita Pradnya : Anything else you want to ask?
Dayu Namayanti : Who does diarrhea usually affect?
Gita Pradnya : diarrhea most often occurs in young children
Dayu Namayanti : how did that happen?
Gita Pradnya : Because small children often eat without washing their hands first
Dayu Namayanti : Can diarrhea happen to babies?
Gita Pradnya : Of course
Dayu Namayanti : how to teach small children not to get diarrhea?
Gita Pradnya : teach proper and proper hand washing
Dayu Namayanti : good sister,
Gita Pradnya : Do you have a younger sibling at home?
Dayu Namayanti : yes I have a younger sister
Gita Pradnya : Don't forget to teach her about preventing diarrhea
Dayu Namayanti : OK Nurse, can diarrhea cause death?
Gita Pradnya : Of course, if the diarrhea is too bad
Dayu Namayanti : wow, I have to be aware of diarrhea
Gita Pradnya : Is the environment around your house clean?
Dayu Namayanti : Not really, someone is littering
Gita Pradnya : don't let your environment be polluted, you have to keep environmental
Dayu Namayanti : how to maintain environmental sanitation?
Gita Pradnya : throw garbage in its place, and always create a clean environment
Dayu Namayanti : Does the environment also cause diarrhea?
Gita Pradnya : Of course, a dirty environment will become a den of bacteria
Dayu Namayanti : OK nurse, what else is it, nurse?
Gita Pradnya : Don't forget to cut your nails, usually bacteria grow on your nails
Dayu Namayanti : How many days is the maximum for cutting your nails?
Gita Pradnya : It can be done every 3 days
Dayu Namayanti : fine nurse
Gita Pradnya : Anything else you want to ask?
Dayu Namayanti : not nurse. Thank you
Gita Pradnya : You're welcome,
Dayu Namayanti : if there are more complaints, can I call you back?
Gita Pradnya : If there is a serious complaint, contact me or the doctor immediately
Dayu Namayanti : So what should I do now?
Gita Pradnya : taking medicine, and getting enough rest
Dayu Namayanti : fine thanks
Gita Pradnya : Get well soon

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