Reflection Paper

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GEC 008 – Ethics

Ethics deals with principles of ethical behavior in modern

society at the level of person, society, and in interaction with
environment and other shared resources. Morality pertains to the
standards of right and wrong that an individual originally picks up
from the community. The course discusses the context and principle
of ethical behavior in modern society at the level of individual, society,
and in the interaction with the environment and other shared
I have learned a lot of lessons from the subject given that our
professor is also teaching real life lessons that I can apply to
situations and circumstances that might happen to me. One of the
lessons that seeded in my heart is that love and relationship is not
about compatibility but complementary. We shall fill the empty spaces
and weaknesses of our loved ones. We should not find the same
among us and compare the differences because it would just cause
misunderstanding that will lead to pain and suffering. Another lesson
that seeded in me is that the golden rule of Confucius teaches only
reciprocity. In reality we should help or do good unto others without
expecting anything in return of the good thing we did to them.
The subject also developed my critical thinking skills and
widens my wisdom and understanding of the ethics and morality. I
have learned a lot of lessons about how to perceive the reality
correctly and in moral goodness. My problem-solving skills have also
developed as I listen and engulf every lesson of the book and from
the discussion of my professor. He was very industrious of discussing
lessons and did not waste any minute of an hour. I saw the
enthusiasm in his way of teaching.
In conclusion this subject is really pivotal for the development of
both emotional and intellectual capacity of a student. It teaches how
an individual shall react to situations concerning ethics and morality.
The lessons of the subject are not intended for the four corners of the
room alone but it shall be lived every day and also shall be developed
as time passes by. Ethics is a branch of philosophy that deals with
the correct and right way of thinking and doing acts.

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