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Name Of The Post Dental Surgeon, Employees' State Insurance Scheme, Class-2

Advertisement No 70/2018-19

Preliminary Test Held On 21-07-2019

Que. No.
001-300( GS & Concerned Subject)
Publish Date
Last Date To Send
Suggestion (S) 01-08 -2019

(1) All Suggestions are to be sent with reference to website published Question
paper with Provisional Answer Key Only.
(2) All Suggestions are to be sent in the given format only.
(3) Candidate must ensure the above compliance.

(૧) ઉમેદવાર� વાંધા-� ૂચનો ર�ૂ કરવા વેબસાઇટ પર પ્રિસધ્ધ થયેલ િનયત ન� ૂનાનો ઉપયોગ કરવો.

(૨) ુ બ વાંધા-� ૂચનો

ઉમેદવારોએ પોતાને પર�ક્ષામાં મળે લ સીર�ઝની પ્ર���ુ સ્તકામાં છપાયેલ પ્ર� ક્રમાંક �જ
ર�ૂ ન કરતા તમામ વાંધા-� ૂચનો વેબસાઇટ પર પ્રિસધ્ધ થયેલ પ્રોિવઝનલ આન્સર ક�ના પ્ર� ક્રમાંક
ુ બ અને તે સંદભર્માં ર�ૂ કરવા

(૩) ઉમેદવારોએ ઉક્ત � ૂચના� ંુ અ� ૂક પાલન કર� ંુ અન્યથા વાંધા-� ૂચનો �ગે કર� લ ર�ૂઆતો ધ્યાને
લેવાશે નહ�.
001. MkuLMkMk 2011 {wsçk, ¼khík yLku økwshkík hkßÞLke fux÷k xfk (%) ðMíke þnuhku{kt ðMku Au ?
(A) yLkw¢{u 31.14 yLku 42.60 (B) yLkw¢{u 42.60 yLku 31.14
(C) yLkw¢{u 13.59 yLku 12.87 (D) yLkw¢{u 12.87 yLku 13.59
002. Lke[uLkkt fÞk Mkt½ «Ëuþ (Union Territories) {kt MkuõMk huþeÞku {wsçk †eykuLke MktÏÞk ðÄkhu Au ?
(A) [tËeøkZ (B) Ë{ý yLku Ëeð
(C) ÷ûkrîÃk (D) Ãkwzw[uhe
003. økwshkíkLkk {nu÷ku yLku íkuLkk MÚkkLk ytøkuLke rðøkíkku, Ãkife fE çkkçkík ÞkuøÞ LkÚke ?
(A) ykÞLkk {nu÷ - ¼qs (B) rðsÞ rð÷kMk Ãku÷uMk - {ktzðe
(C) «íkkÃk rð÷kMk Ãku÷uMk - swLkkøkZ (D) y{h Ãku÷uMk - ðktfkLkuh
004. Lke[uLkk ðkõÞku íkÃkkMkku : -
1. £uL[ku Ãkktzu[uhe, fhif÷, [tÿLkøkh ðøkuhu Lkku fçkòu Ähkðíkk níkk yLku 1954 {kt yk ðMkkníkku ¼khíkLku ðkMíkð{kt Mkw«ík
fhðk{kt ykðu÷e níke.
2. ÃkkuxwoøkeÍku økkuðk, Ëeð, Ë{ý WÃkh fçkòu Ähkðíkk níkk. MkLku 1964{kt “ykuÃkhuþLk rðsÞ” çkkË yk «Ëuþ ¼khíkLkk
fçkò{kt ykðu÷ níkku.
(A) «Úk{ ðkõÞ ÞkuøÞ Au. (B) çkeswt ðkõÞ ÞkuøÞ Au.
(C) «Úk{ yLku çkeswt, çktLku ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ Au. (D) «Úk{ yLku çkeswt, çktLku ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ LkÚke.
005. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞw yuf{ ònuh ûkuºkLkwt MkknMk (PSU) LkÚke ?
(A) ¼khík nuðe E÷uõxÙef÷ ÷e{exuz (BHEL) (B) yuLk. xe. Ãke. Mke. (NTPC)
(C) yuLk. yu{. ze. Mke. (NMDC) (D) ISRO (EMkhku)
006. økwshkík{kt ykðu÷ LkuþLk÷ Ãkkfo / y¼ÞkhÛÞ yLku íkuLkk MkçktÄeík SÕ÷kyku Ãkife fÞk òuzfk ÞkuøÞ Au ?
1. òtçkw½kuzk MkU[whe 1. Ãkt[{nk÷
2. nªøkku¤økZ (Hingolgadh) Lku[h yußÞwfuþLk MkU[whe 2. hksfkux
3. ¾eszeÞk çkzo MkU[whe 3. ò{Lkøkh
4. þw÷ ÃkkLkuïh MkU[whe 4. ð÷Mkkz
(A) 1, 2 yLku 3 (B) 1, 3 yLku 4
(C) 1, 2 yLku 4 (D) 2, 3 yLku 4
007. Lk]íÞ (Dance) yLku íkuLkk MkçktrÄík hkßÞLke òuzeyku Ãkife fE òuzeyku ÞkuøÞ Au ?
1. çkkhzku [k{ (Bardo Chham) – yYýk[÷ «Ëuþ
2. rçknw (Bihu) – ykMkk{
3. LkkUøkfko{ (Nongkram) – {u½k÷Þ
4. nkuòøkehe (Hojagiri) – {ýeÃkwh
(A) 1, 2 yLku 3 (B) 1, 3 yLku 4
(C) 1, 2 yLku 4 (D) 2, 3 yLku 4
008. ¼khíkLkk yøkíÞLkkt çktÄ (Dams) yLku MkçktrÄík hkßÞkuLke òuzeyku Ãkife fE òuze ÞkuøÞ LkÚke ?
(A) íknuhe zp{ Tehri Dam – W¥khk¾tz
(B) ¼k¾hkLkktøk÷ zp{ Bhakara Nangal Dam – rn{k[÷ «Ëuþ
(C) Ëktíke ðkzk zp{ Dantiwada Dam – A¥keMkøkZ
(D) økktÄe Mkkøkh zp{ Gandhi Sagar Dam – {æÞ «Ëuþ


009. økútÚkk÷Þku yLku økútÚk ¼tzkhku íkÚkk íkuLkk MÚk¤ ytøkuLke òuzeyku Ãkife fE òuzeyku ÞkuøÞ Au ?
1. ntMkk {nuíkk økútÚkk÷Þ – ðzkuËhk
2. nu{[tÿk[kÞo ¿kkLk {trËh – Ãkkxý
3. ©e {nkðeh siLk ykhkÄLkk fuLÿ – økktÄeLkøkh
4. {nuhS hkýk ÃkwMíkfk÷Þ (Maherji Rana Library) – hksfkux
(A) 1, 2 yLku 4 (B) 1, 2 yLku 3
(C) 1, 3 yLku 4 (D) 1, 2, 3 yLku 4
010. 15 ykpøkMx 2018 Lkk hkus fux÷k{ku Mðíktºk rËðMk (Independence Day) Wsððk{kt ykðu÷ níkku ?
(A) 70{ku (B) 71{ku
(C) 72{ku (D) 73{ku
011. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk {nkLkw¼kð r[ºkf÷k MkkÚku Mktf¤kÞu÷ LkÚke ?
(A) ©e su{eLke hkpÞ (B) ©e síkeLk ËkMk
(C) ©e hkò hðe ð{ko (D) ©e WËÞ þtfh
012. ¼khíkeÞ MktMf]ríkLkk rðrþü ÷ûkýku{kt Lke[uLkk Ãkife fkuLkku Mk{kðuþ fhe þfkÞ ?
1. íkuLke «k[eLkíkk yLku MkkíkíÞ
2. rðrðÄíkk{kt yufíkk
3. Mkrn»ýwíkk
4. ykæÞkÂí{fðkË yLku ¼kiríkfðkËLkku Mktøk{ / Mk{LðÞ
(A) 1, 2 yLku 3 (B) 1, 3 yLku 4
(C) 1, 2 yLku 4 (D) 1, 2, 3 yLku 4
013. ¼khíkLke MktMf]ríkLkk ÷ûkýku yLku ðkhMkkLke Mkt˼o{kt Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ Au ?
1. Ãkt[íktºk, çkkiØ Ä{oLke òíkf fÚkkyku yu ykøkðe MktMf]ríkLke AkÃk W¼e fhu Au.
2. ¼khík{kt LkËeykuLku ÷kuf{kíkk fnu Au yLku MktMf]ríkLkku rðfkMk LkËeLku fktXu ÚkÞu÷ Au.
3. ¼khíkLkk þk†eÞ hkøkku rËðMkLkk y÷øk y÷øk “«nh” WÃkh ykÄkrhík Au.
(A) 1 yLku 2 (B) 1 yLku 3
(C) 1, 2 yLku 3 ÞkuøÞ Au. (D) 1, 2 yLku 3 yuf Ãký ðkõÞ ÞkuøÞ LkÚke.
014. Lke[uLkk ðkõÞku íkÃkkMkku
1. MktMf]ríkLkwt yÂMíkíð yLku MkkíkíÞ ÃkhMÃkhkð÷tçke Au yLku íkuLke yMkh {kLkðLkk yknkh, Ãkkuþkf, ðMkðkx, fkixwtrçkf
SðLk ðøkuhu çkkçkík Ãkh yMkh fhu Au.
2. ykÃkýk çktÄkhý{kt Ãký ykÃkýk ðkhMkkLkwt síkLk yLku Mkthûký fhðk {kxuLke òuøkðkE fhðk{kt ykðu÷e Au.
(A) «Úk{ ðkõÞ ÞkuøÞ Au. (B) çkeswt ðkõÞ ÞkuøÞ Au.
(C) «Úk{ yLku çkeswt çktLku ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ Au. (D) «Úk{ yLku çkeswt çktLku ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ LkÚke.

AIF - MASTER ] 4 [Contd.

015. Lke[uLkk ðkõÞku íkÃkkMkku.
1. MkkhLkkÚkLkku “Ä{ohkrsfk MíkqÃk” yu {kiÞo ÞwøkLkk MíkqÃkku{kt yøkúøkÛÞ MÚkkLk Ähkðu Au.
2. yu÷eVtxkLke økwVkyku, ystíkk, E÷kuhkLke økwVkyku yu økwVk MÚkkÃkíÞLkk ykËþo Lk{wLkkyku Au.
3. [ku÷k ðtþLke hksÄkLke Úktòðwh ¾kíku ykðu÷ “çk]nËuïh {trËh” yu «k[eLk ¼khíkLkk {trËhku{kt yøkíÞLkwt MÚkkLk
Ähkðu Au.
4. fkuýkfoLkk MkqÞo {trËh{kt szu÷ “fk¤k ÃkÚÚkh”Lku fkhýu íkuLku “fk¤k Ãkuøkkuzk” Lkk{u yku¤¾kÞ Au.
(A) 1, 2, 3 yLku 4 ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ Au. (B) 1, 2 yLku 3 ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ Au.
(C) 1, 2 yLku 4 ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ Au. (D) 2, 3 yLku 4 ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ Au.
016. ÷u¾f yLku íkuykuLke f]ríkyku Ëþkoðíke òuzeyku Ãkife fE òuze ÞkuøÞ Au ?
÷u¾f f]rík
1. {nkfrð ¼kMk fýo¼kh, QY¼tøk
2. {nkfrð fkr÷ËkMk yr¼¿kkLkþkfwLík÷{T
3. {nkfrð ¼ð¼qrík {k÷íke{kÄð
4. Ãktrzík MkkhtøkËuð Mktøkeík Ãkrhòík
(A) 1, 2 yLku 4 (B) 1, 3 yLku 4
(C) 2, 3 yLku 4 (D) 1, 2 yLku 3
017. ¼khíkLkk Mkw«rMkØ rfÕ÷kyku yLku íkuLkk hkßÞkuLku ÞkuøÞ heíku økkuXðku.
1. fktøkzkLkku rfÕ÷ku a. rçknkh
2. ®MknøkZLkku rfÕ÷ku b. rn{k[÷ «Ëuþ
3. hýÚkt¼kuhLkku rfÕ÷ku c. {nkhk»xÙ
4. hkuníkkMkLkku rfÕ÷ku d. hksMÚkkLk
(A) 1 - b, 2 - c, 3 - d, 4 - a (B) 1 - c, 2 - d, 3 - a, 4 - b
(C) 1 - d, 2 - a, 3 - b, 4 - c (D) 1 - a, 2 - b, 3 - c, 4 - d
018. ¼khíkLkk f]r»k Ãkkfku MkçktÄeík Lke[uLkk ðkõÞku Ãkife fÞwt ðkõÞ / ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ Au ?
1. [ku{kMkk{kt ÷uðk{kt ykðíkk ÃkkfLku hrð Ãkkf fnuðk{kt ykðu Au. su{kt {wÏÞíðu zktøkh, {fkE, swðkh, fÃkkMk suðk
ÃkkfkuLkku Mk{kðuþ ÚkkÞ Au.
2. rþÞk¤k{kt ÷uðk{kt ykðíkk ÃkkfLku ¾heV Ãkkf fnuðk{ku ykðu Au. yk Ãkkf{kt ½ô, [ýk, sð ðøkuhuLkku Mk{kðuþ ÚkkÞ Au.
(A) «Úk{ ðkõÞ ÞkuøÞ Au. (B) çkeswt ðkõÞ ÞkuøÞ Au.
(C) «Úk{ yLku çkeswt ðkõÞ çktLku ÞkuøÞ Au. (D) «Úk{ yLku çkeswt çktLku ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ LkÚke.
019. çknwnuíkwf ÞkusLkkyku yLku ÷k¼kÂLðík hkßÞ / hkßÞkuLkk òuzfkyku Ãkife fÞw òuzfw ÞkuøÞ LkÚke ?
(A) Ëk{kuËh ¾eý – Íkh¾tz, Ãkrù{ çktøkk¤ (B) ¼kfhk Lkktøk÷ – Ãktòçk, nrhÞkýk, hksMÚkkLk
(C) fkuMke – {æÞ«Ëuþ (D) LkkøkkswoLk – yktÄú«Ëuþ
020. rðãwík WíÃkkËLk MkçktÄeík Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ Au ?
1. Äwðkhý íkkÃkrðãwík WíÃkkËLk{kt yøkúøkÛÞ MÚkkLk Ähkðu Au. WfkE{kt s¤rðãwík {ÚkfLke MkkÚku íkkÃkrðãwík {Úkf Ãký
ykðu÷ Au.
2. økwshkík{kt s¤rðãwík WíÃkkËLk{kt WfkE yLku Lk{oËk LkËe ÞkusLkk «kusuõx yøkíÞLkwt MÚkkLk Ähkðu Au.
(A) «Úk{ ðkõÞ ÞkuøÞ Au. (B) çkeswt ðkõÞ ÞkuøÞ Au.
(C) «Úk{ yLku çkeswt, çktLku ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ Au. (D) «Úk{ yLku çkeswt, çktLku ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ LkÚkª


021. ËuþLkk {nkLkw¼kðku íkÚkk íkuykuyu MÚkkÃku÷ MktMÚkkykuLke òuze Ãkife fE òuze ÞkuøÞ LkÚke ?
(A) Mðk{e ËÞkLktË MkhMðíke – ykÞo Mk{ks
(B) Mðk{e rððufkLktË – hk{f]»ý r{þLk
(C) Mkh MkiÞË yn{˾kLk – y÷eøkZ {wÂM÷{ fkp÷us / ÞwrLkðŠMkxe
(D) ©e X¬h çkkÃkk – MkíÞ þkuÄf Mk{ks
022. økwshkíkLke f]ríkyku yLku íkuLkk ÷u¾fkuLke òuzeyku Ãkife fE òuze ÞkuøÞ Au ?
1. yrík¿kkLk – {rýþtfh híLkS ¼è
2. sqLkw rÃkÞh ½h – çk. f. Xkfkuh
3. «&™ – {fhtË ðsuþtfh Ëðu
4. sûkýe – hk{LkkhkÞý rð. ÃkkXf
(A) 1, 2 yLku 4 (B) 1, 2 yLku 3
(C) 1, 3 yLku 4 (D) 2, 3 yLku 4
023. Lke[uLkk ðkõÞku íkÃkkMkku.
1. ©e fLkiÞk÷k÷ {wLkþe îkhk ðuhLke ðMkw÷kík, ÃkkxýLke «¼wíkk, økwshkíkLkku LkkÚk, Ãk]Úðe ðÕ÷¼ suðe òýeíke Lkð÷fÚkkyku
÷¾u÷ Au.
2. rn{k÷ÞLkku «ðkMk, h¾zðkLkku ykLktË, SðLkLkku ykLktË suðk ÃkwMíkfkuLkk MkkrníÞfkh ©e ßÞkuíkeLÿ Ëðu níkk.
(A) «Úk{ ðkõÞ Mkk[wt Au. (B) çkeswt ðkõÞ Mkk[wt Au.
(C) «Úk{ yLku çkeswt ðkõÞ çktLku Mkk[k Au. (D) «Úk{ yLku çkeswt çktLku ðkõÞ Mkk[k LkÚke.
024. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞw MÚkkÃkíÞ, MkkiÚke Ãkkihkýef Au ?
1. ¼ðLkuïh ¾kíkuLkwt ÷ªøkhks {trËh (Lingraja Temple at Bhubneshwar)
2. Ëw÷e ¾kíkuLke ÃkÚÚkhLke nkÚkeLke {qŠík (Dhauli Rock-cut Elephants)
3. {nkçk÷eÃkwh{ ¾kíku ÃkÚÚkhLkk M{khf (Rock cut Monuments at Mahabalipuram)
4. WËÞøkehe ¾kíkuLkk ðkhknLkk Ãkqík¤k (Varaha Image at Udayagiri)
(A) 4 (B) 3
(C) 2 (D) 1
025. {kiÞoðtþ çkkçkíku òýfkhe ykÃkíkk Lkkxf “{wÿk hkûkMk”Lkk ÷u¾f fkuý Au ?
(A) rð»ýw økwÃík (B) þwÿf
(C) fkr÷ËkMk (D) rðþk¾k Ë¥k
026. hkßÞ yLku MkçktÄeík SÕ÷kyku Ãkife fÞwt òuzfwt ÞkuøÞ LkÚke ?
1. yYýk[÷ «Ëuþ – ytòð (Anjaw)
2. A¥keMkøkZ – ËLíkuðkzk
3. sB{w yLku fk~{eh – zkuzk
4. {ýeÃkwh – {{eík (Mamit)
(A) 4 (B) 3
(C) 2 (D) 1

AIF - MASTER ] 6 [Contd.

027. “{kuze yûkh{k¤k” (Modi Script)Lkku WÃkÞkuøk fÞk hkòyku îkhk fhðk{kt ykðu÷ níkku ?
(A) ðkuzeÞkh (Wodeyars) (B) Íu{kuheLk (Zemorins)
(C) nkuÞkMkk÷ (Hoyasalas) (D) {hkXk (Maratha)
028. AºkÃkíke rþðkS {nkhks Mkt˼o{kt Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk ðkõÞku Mkk[k Au ?
1. íkuyku Mk{Úko hk{ËkMkLkk rþ»Þ níkk.
2. íkuykuyu “[kiÚk” yLku “MkhËuþ{w¾e” ÃkØrík þY fhu÷ níke.
3. íkuyku «Úk{ Ãkuþðk níkk.
(A) 1, 2 yLku 3 (B) 1 yLku 2
(C) 1 yLku 3 (D) 2 yLku 3
029. ¼khík{kt ykðu÷ rðËuþe Þkºkefku yLku suíku Mk{ÞLkk þkMkf / þkMkLkLke rðøkíkku Ëþkoðíke òuzeyku Ãkife fE òuze ÞkuøÞ Au ?
1. {kfkuoÃkku÷ku – ÃkktzÞ hkßÞ
2. zkur{økkus ÃkuEs – f]»ýËuðhkÞ / rðsÞLkøkh
3. {LkqMke – snktøkeh
4. Ãkexh {tze – þknsnkt
(A) 1, 2 yLku 3 (B) 2, 3 yLku 4
(C) 1, 2 yLku 4 (D) 1, 3 yLku 4
030. Lke[uLkk ðkõÞku íkÃkkMkku.
1. s÷k÷wÆeLk r¾÷Syu økw÷k{ ðtþLke Mk¥kkLkku Lkkþ fhu÷ níkku íkuýu W÷u{kyku yLku W{hkðkuLke Mk¥kk{kt fkÃk {wfu÷ níkku.
frð y{eh ¾wþhku íkuLkk Ëhçkkh{kt níkk.
2. E.Mk. 1336{kt íkwøk¼ÿk LkËeLkk rfLkkhu rðsÞLkøkhLkwt hkßÞ MÚkkÃkðk{kt ykðu÷ níkwt. íÞkh çkkË f]»ýËuðhkÞ îkhk
Ërûký ¼khík{kt rðfkMkLkk ½ýk fk{ku fhðk{kt ykðu÷ níkk.
(A) «Úk{ ðkõÞ ÞkuøÞ Au. (B) çkeswt ðkõÞ Au.
(C) «Úk{ yLku çkeswt ðkõÞ, çktLku ÞkuøÞ Au. (D) «Úk{ yLku çkeswt ðkõÞ, çktLku ÞkuøÞ LkÚke.
031. {w½÷ fk¤Lkk nkuÆkyku ytøkuLke òuzeyku Ãkife fE òuze ÞkuøÞ LkÚke ?
(A) rËðkLk – {nuMkw÷ ÔÞðMÚkkLkku Mkðkuoå[ yrÄfkhe
(B) çkûke – fkÞËku ÔÞðMÚkk ò¤ðLkkhLkku y{÷Ëkh
(C) Mkÿ – Ä{oËk, MkËkðúík WÃkh æÞkLk hk¾Lkkh y{÷Ëkh
(D) {ehu çknkh – çktËhku, sfkík ðøkuhu çkkçkíku æÞkLk hk¾Lkkh y{÷Ëkh
032. ÷u¾f yLku íkuykuLke f]íkeyku Ëþkoðíke òuzeyku Ãkife fE òuzeyku ÞkuøÞ Au ?
÷u¾f f]rík
1. ÍeÞkWÆeLk çkhLke íkkhe¾u rVhkuÍþkne
2. y{e ¾wþhku yrMkfk
3. {r÷f {wn{Ë òÞMke ÃkÈkðík
4. fwíkwçkLk rMkrÃknh
(A) 1, 2 yLku 4 (B) 1, 2 yLku 3
(C) 1, 3 yLku 4 (D) 2, 3 yLku 4


033. MkhVuMke yuõx 2002 (SARFAESI Act 2002) ytøku fE çkkçkíkku ÞkuøÞ Au ?
1. NPA Lke ðMkw÷kík yLku çkkfe ÷kuLk hf{Lke ÍzÃkÚke ðMkw÷kík fhðe.
2. çkuLfku yLku LkkýkrfÞ MktMÚkkykuLku ðMkw÷kík {kxu ¾kMk yrÄfkhku ykÃku÷ Au.
3. ¾uíkeLke s{eLkLku yk ÷køkw Ãkzíkku LkÚke.
4. Yk. 20 ÷k¾ fhíkk ðÄkhu hf{Lke ÷kuLkLku ÷køkwt Ãkzu Au.
(A) 1, 2 yLku 3 (B) 1, 2 yLku 4
(C) 1, 3 yLku 4 (D) 2, 3 yLku 4
034. ðÄkhu Vwøkkðku (High inflation) ËhBÞkLk fE çkkçkíkku yLkw¼ðkÞ Au ?
1. MÚkkE ykðf Ähkðíkkt ÷kufkuLku ¾wçk {w~fu÷eyku Ãkzu Au.
2. rLkfkMk{kt ðÄkhku ÚkkÞ Au.
3. hkufký{kt ½xkzku ÚkkÞ Au.
4. çk[ík{kt ðÄkhku ÚkkÞ Au.
(A) 1, 2 yLku 3 (B) 1 yLku 4
(C) 2 yLku 3 (D) 1 yLku 3
035. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fE çkkçkíkkuLkku “«kÞkuhexe ÷uLzªøk”{kt Mk{kðuþ ÚkkÞ Au ?
1. ¾uíke ðkzeLkk rðfkMk {kxuLkwt {k¤¾wt
2. ÃkAkík rðMíkkhLkk økk{zkykuLkku rðfkMk
3. ÃkwLk:«kÃÞ Qòo (Renewable energy)
4. rþûký {kxuLkwt rÄhký
(A) 1, 2 yLku 3 (B) 1, 2, 3 yLku 4
(C) 2, 3 yLku 4 (D) 1, 2 yLku 4
036. {u¢ku EfkuLkkur{õMk (Macro-economics){kt Lke[uLkk Ãkife fE çkkçkíkLkku yÇÞkMk fhðk{kt ykðu Au ?
1. çkuhkusøkkhe{kt VuhVkh
2. ÔÞÂõíkøkík ykðf MkçktÄeík yÇÞkMk
3. ðMíkwykuLke ®f{íkku{kt VuhVkh
(A) 1 yLku 2 (B) 1 yLku 3
(C) 2 yLku 3 (D) 1, 2 yLku 3
037. “UNCTAD” (The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) îkhk MkLku 2018 Lkk ð»ko
{kxu ¼khíkLkku GDP (økúkuMk zku{uÂMxf «kuzõx)Lkku rðfkMk fux÷k xfk (%) ytËksðk{kt ykðu÷ Au ?
(A) 7.0% (Seven) (B) 8.0% (Eight)
(C) 6.0% (Six) (D) 5.0% (Five)
038. “Wã{ yr¼÷k»kk” (Udyam Abhilasha) fkÞo¢{ Lke[uLkk Ãkife fE MktMÚkk îkhk þY fhðk{kt ykðu÷ Au ?
(A) yuõÍe{ çkUf (Exim Bank) (B) Lkkçkkzo (NABARD)
(C) Mkezçke (SIDBI) (D) ykE yuV Mke ykE (IFCI)
039. ÞwLkku (UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network) îkhk çknkh Ãkkzðk{kt ykðíkkt nuÃkeLkuMk ELzuõMk
(Happyness Index) {kt 2018 {kt ¼khík ËuþLkku fÞku ¢{ Au ?
(A) 156 (B) 133
(C) 122 (D) 117

AIF - MASTER ] 8 [Contd.

040. 2017-2018 Lkk ð»ko{kt RBI Lkk heÃkkuxo {wsçk fÞk Ëuþ îkhk FDI {kt {n¥k{ hkufký fhu÷ Au ?
(A) LkuÄh÷uLz (B) MkªøkkÃkwh
(C) {kuhurþÞMk (D) s{oLke
041. ftÃkLkeLkk rzçkuL[h Äkhfku (Debenture holders) yu ftÃkLkeLkk .......... Au.
(A) {k÷ef (B) ÷uýËkh
(C) ËuðkËkh (D) zehuõxhku
042. ¾kÄÃkqhf yÚkoíktºk fu ytËksÃkºk (Deficit Financing) Lkk «Mktøku Mkhfkh Lke[uLkk Ãkife fkuLke ÃkkMkuÚke rÄhký {u¤ðu Au ?
(A) fku{þeoÞ÷ çkuLfku (B) rhÍðo çkuLf ykuV ELzeÞk (RBI)
(C) {kuxk ykiãkurøkf øk]nku (D) ELxhLkuþLk÷ {kuLkuxhe Vtz (IMF)
043. økwshkík hkßÞLkk çksux 2018-2019 (Budget) {kt Lke[uLke Ãkife fE çkkçkíkkuLke òuøkðkEyku fhu÷ Au ?
1. ytËkSík ¾[o 1,81,945 fhkuz Yk.
2. {kLk. {wÏÞ{tºke©e økúk{kuãkuøk ÞkusLkk ík¤u 50,000 fk{ËkhkuLku ÔÞks MknkÞ.
3. rþûký ûkuºk {kxu MkkiÚke ðÄw LkkýkrfÞ òuøkðkE.
4. ÃkkA÷k ð»kkuoLke Mkh¾k{ýe{kt økúk{-rðfkMk (Rural Development) {kxu çksux{kt ½ýku ðÄkhku.
(A) 1, 2 yLku 3 (B) 1, 3 yLku 4
(C) 1, 2, 3 yLku 4 (D) 1, 2 yLku 4
044. 42{ku çktÄkhýeÞ MkwÄkhku fE íkkhe¾Úke y{÷{kt ykðu÷ níkku ?
(A) 3 òLÞwykhe, 1977 (B) 3 òLÞwykhe, 1978
(C) 3 òLÞwykhe, 1979 (D) 3 òLÞwykhe, 1980
045. «kuxu{ MÃkefhLke {wÏÞ ¼qr{fk fE Au ?
(A) hkßÞMk¼kLke fkÞkoðkneLkwt Mkt[k÷Lk (B) [qtxkÞu÷k MkËMÞkuLku þÃkÚk ÷uðzkððkLke
(C) MktMkËLke fkÞoðkneLkwt Mkt[k÷Lk (D) ¾hzkLke [fkMkýe fhðkLkwt
046. çktÄkhý{kt “rþûkýLkku n¬” ytøkuLke òuøkðkE {kxu Lke[uLkk ðkõÞku íkÃkkMkku.
1. yk MkwÄkhku 86{k çktÄkhýLkk MkwÄkhkLku fkhýu íkk. 1 yur«÷, 2010Úke y{÷{kt ykðu÷ Au.
2. yk òuøkðkELku fkhýu 6 Úke 14 ð»ko MkwÄeLkk Ëhuf çkk¤fLku {Vík yLku VhSÞkík rþûký ykÃkðwt VhSÞkík Au.
(A) «Úk{ ðkõÞ ÞkuøÞ Au. (B) çkeswt ðkõÞ ÞkuøÞ Au.
(C) «Úk{ yLku çkeswt çktLku ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ LkÚke. (D) «Úk{ yLku çkeswt çktLku ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ Au.
047. “LÞkÞ íktºkLku fkhkuçkkhe íktºkÚke y÷øk hk¾ðkLke òuøkðkE” ¼khíkLkk çktÄkhýLkk fÞk ykxeof÷{kt fhðk{kt ykðu÷e Au ?
(A) 52 (B) 51
(C) 50 (D) 49
048. “{q¤¼qík Vhòu” ¼khíkLkk çktÄkhýLkk fÞk ¼køk{kt Ëþkoððk{kt ykðu÷e Au ?
(A) ¼køk - 3-A (B) ¼køk - 4-A
(C) ¼køk - 2-A (D) ¼køk - 5-A
049. hk»xÙÃkríkLkk nkuÆkLke {wËík ytøkuLke òuøkðkE ¼khíkLkk çktÄkhýLkk fÞk ykxeof÷{kt fhðk{kt ykðu÷e Au ?
(A) 54 (B) 55
(C) 56 (D) 57


050. WÃkhk»xÙÃkríkLke [qtxýe{kt fkuý {íkËkLk fhu Au ?
1. ÷kufMk¼kLkk MkÇÞ©eyku
2. hkßÞMk¼kLkk MkÇÞ©eyku
3. hkßÞLke rðÄkLk Mk¼kLkk MkÇÞ©eyku
4. ¼khíkLkk {íkËkLk fhe þfu íkuðk Lkkøkrhfku
(A) 1 yLku 2 (B) 1 yLku 3
(C) 2 yLku 3 (D) 1 yLku 4
051. Wå[ík{ LÞkÞk÷Þ îkhk yÃke÷ fhðk {kxu ¾kMk ÃkhðkLkøke ykÃkðk çkkçkíkLke òuøkðkE ¼khíkLkk çktÄkhýLkk fÞk
ykxeof÷{kt fhðk{kt ykðu÷ Au ? (Special leave to appeal, by the Supreme Court)
(A) 136 (B) 135
(C) 134 (D) 133
052. Ëhuf hkßÞ{kt yLkw¢{u økk{, {æÞðíkeo yLku rsÕ÷k Míkhu Ãkt[kÞíkkuLke h[Lkk fhðkLke òuøkðkE, ¼khíkLkk çktÄkhýLkk fÞk
ykxeof÷{kt fhðk{kt ykðu÷e Au ?
(A) 243-A (B) 243-B
(C) 243-C (D) 243-D
053. økwshkík Ãkt[kÞík yrÄrLkÞ{ 1993Lkku y{÷ õÞkhÚke þY fhðk{kt ykðu÷ níkku ?
(A) 15-4-93 (B) 15-10-93
(C) 15-4-94 (D) 15-10-94
054. nk÷{kt ø÷kuçk÷ Mkku÷kh fkWLMke÷ (Global Solar Council){kt Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk ¼khíkeÞLke rLk{ýqf, MktMÚkkLkk ðzk
íkhefu fhðk{kt ykðu÷e Au ?
(A) «rðý {nuíkk (B) ykrþ»k ¾LLkk
(C) rËLkuþ ÃkkxeËkh (D) hksÞ ½uhe
055. 15{k LkkýkÃkt[ MktçktrÄík Lke[uLkk ðkõÞku íkÃkkMkku.
1. ©e yuLk. fu. Mkª½ íkuLkk yæÞûk Au.
2. ¼khíkLkk çktÄkhýLkk ykxeof÷ 280 nuX¤ LkkýkÃkt[Lke h[Lkk fhðk{kt ykðu÷e Au.
3. íkk. 1/4/2020 Úke Ãkkt[ ð»koLkku Mk{Þøkk¤ku ykðhe ÷uðk{kt ykðþu.
4. Ãkt[ îkhk, MkuLMkMk 2011Lke ðMíkeLku æÞkLku ÷uðkLke hnu Au.
(A) 1, 2 yLku 3 (B) 1, 2 yLku 4
(C) 1, 3 yLku 4 (D) 1, 2, 3 yLku 4
056. ¼khíkLkk çktÄkhýLkk fÞk ykxeof÷{kt “[qtxýe rð»kÞf çkkçkík{kt LÞkÞk÷ÞkuLke ËhBÞkLkøkehe WÃkh «ríkçktÄ”Lke òuøkðkE
fhðk{kt ykðu÷e Au ?
(A) 329 (B) 328
(C) 327 (D) 326
057. Lke[uLkk ðkõÞku rLkÞtºkf-{nk÷u¾k ÃkheûkfLkk Mkt˼o{kt [fkMkku.
1. ¼khíkLkk rLkÞtºkf-{nk÷u¾k ÃkheûkfLke rLk{ýqf ¼khíkLkk çktÄkhýLkk ykxeof÷ 148Lke òuøkðkEyku {wsçk ÚkkÞ Au.
2. íkuykuLke rLk{ýqf hk»xÙÃkrík fhu Au yLku nkuÆku Mkt¼k¤íkk Ãknu÷k sYhe þÃkÚk ÷uðkLkk hnu Au.
3. íkuyku ÃkkuíkkLkku nkuÆku Ähkðíkk çktÄ ÚkkÞ íÞkhçkkË yLÞ Mkhfkhe nkuÆku Mkt¼k¤e þfíkk LkÚke.
(A) «Úk{, çkeswt yLku ºkeswt ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ Au. (B) «Úk{ yLku çkeswt ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ Au.
(C) «Úk{ yLku ºkeswt ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ Au. (D) çkeswt yLku ºkeswt ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ Au.

AIF - MASTER ] 10 [Contd.

058. fuLÿeÞ Mkíkfoíkk ykÞkuøk (Central Vigilance Commission) ytøku fÞwt ðkõÞ / ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ Au ?
1. fuLÿeÞ Mkíkfoíkk ykÞkuøkLke MÚkkÃkLkk 1964{kt ÚkÞu÷.
2. nk÷{kt íku MkuLxÙ÷ rðS÷LMk yuõx, 2003 {wsçk fkÞo fhu Au.
3. nk÷{kt ykÞkuøk{kt MkuLxÙ÷ rðS÷LMk fr{&™h WÃkhktík {n¥k{ ºký MkÇÞkuLke rLk{ýqf fhe þfkÞ Au.
(A) 1, 2 yLku 3 ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ Au. (B) 1 yLku 2 ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ Au.
(C) 2 yLku 3 ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ Au. (D) 1 yLku 3 ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ Au.
059. rþðkS {nkhksu ÃkkuíkkLkk hkßÞLke hksÄkLke fÞk MÚk¤u MÚkkÃke níke ?
(A) Ãkwýu (B) hkÞøkZ
(C) Mkíkkhk (D) ÃkwhtËhu
060. ÷kufÃkk÷ yLku ÷kufkÞwõíkLkk Mkt˼o{kt Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ Au ?
1. yk MktçktÄ{kt 2013{kt fkÞËku ÃkMkkh fhu÷.
2. ÷kufÃkk÷ MktMÚkk{kt [uh{uLk yLku yLÞ MkÇÞku nkuÞ Au.
3. MkÇÞkuLke ÷kÞfkík Lk¬e fhðk{kt ykðu÷ Au.
4. fkÞËk {wsçk ÷kufkÞwõíkLke rLk{ýqf økðLkoh©e îkhk fhðk{kt ykðu Au.
(A) 1, 2 yLku 3 ðkõÞku Mkk[kt Au. (B) 2, 3 yLku 4 ðkõÞku Mkk[kt Au.
(C) 1, 2, 3 yLku 4 ðkõÞku Mkk[kt Au. (D) 1, 2 yLku 4 ðkõÞku Mkk[kt LkÚke.
061. “÷kuf Mkuðk ykÞkuøkLkk fkÞkuo”Lke rðøkíkku ¼khíkLkk çktÄkhýLkk fÞk ykxeof÷{kt Ëþkoððk{kt ykðe Au ?
(A) 318 (B) 319
(C) 320 (D) 321
062. Lke[uLkk ðkõÞku íkÃkkMkku -
1. MktMkË yLku rðÄkLk {tz¤Lke [qtxýe {kxuLke {íkËkh ÞkËeyku íkiÞkh fhðe, yLku [qtxýe WÃkh Ëu¾hu¾ hk¾ðkLke Mk¥kk
[qtxýe ykÞkuøk{kt rLkrník ÚkÞu÷ Au. yk çkkçkíkLke òuøkðkE ¼khíkLkk çktÄkhýLkk ykxeof÷ 324 nuX¤ fhu÷ Au.
2. “÷kuf÷ çkkpze”Lke [qtxýe fkÞoðkne fhðk ¼khíkLkk çktÄkhýLkk ykxeof÷ ‘243 K’ nuX¤ hkßÞ [qtxýe ykÞkuøkLke
h[Lkk fhðk{kt ykðu Au.
(A) «Úk{ ðkõÞ ÞkuøÞ Au. (B) çkeswt ðkõÞ ÞkuøÞ Au.
(C) «Úk{ yLku çkeswt çktLku ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ Au. (D) «Úk{ yLku çkeswt ðkõÞ çktLku ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ LkÚke.
063. Lke[uLkk ðkõÞku íkÃkkMkku -
1. fuLÿeÞ Mkq[Lkk ykÞkuøk (Central Information Commission) íkk. 12/10/2005Úke fkÞkoÂLðík çkLku÷ Au. íkuLke
h[Lkk RTI Act, 2005 yLðÞu fhðk{kt ykðu÷e Au.
2. ykÞkuøk RTI Act, 2005{kt Ëþkoðu÷ f÷{ Lktçkh 18, 19, 20 yLku 25 nuX¤ fk{økehe fhu Au.
(A) «Úk{ ðkõÞ ÞkuøÞ Au. (B) çkeswt ðkõÞ ÞkuøÞ Au.
(C) «Úk{ yLku çkeswt çktLku ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ LkÚke. (D) «Úk{ yLku çkeswt ðkõÞ çktLku ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ Au.
064. yuf ÷tçk [kuhMkLke ÷tçkkE 18 {exh Au íkÚkk íkuLke Ãknku¤kE íkuLke ÷tçkkE fhíkk 2/3 sux÷e Au. yk ÷tçk[kuhMkLku Vhíku ðkz
çkLkkððk {kxu {exh ËeX 11 Yk. Lkku ¾[o ÚkÞku nkuÞ íkku fw÷ ¾[o fux÷ku Úkþu ?
(A) 540 (B) 600
(C) 660 (D) WÃkhLkk Ãkife fkuE Lknª

AIF - MASTER ] 11 P.T.O.

065. yuf ½zeÞk¤{kt 1 ðkøku 1 ztfku, 2 ðkøku 2 ztfk, 3 ðkøku 3 ztfk ...... ðkøku Au. yk Mktòuøkku{kt [kuðeMk f÷kf{kt fw÷ fux÷e
ð¾ík ztfk ðkøkþu ? (ztfk Ëh f÷kfu ðkøku Au.)
(A) 78 (B) 136
(C) 146 (D) 156
066. 106  106 – 94  94 = ..........
(A) 2004 (B) 2400
(C) 1904 (D) 2000
067. 45 fe÷ku{exh / f÷kfLke ÍzÃku síke yuf xÙuLk, suLke ÷tçkkE 130 {exh Au. òu íku yuf Ãkw÷ 30 Mkuftz{kt ÃkMkkh fhu íkku Ãkw÷Lke
÷tçkkE fux÷e nþu ?
(A) 200 {exh (B) 225 {exh
(C) 245 {exh (D) 275 {exh
068. Lke[uLkk þçËkuLku þçËfkuþ (Dictionary) {wsçk økkuXðku.
Direct, Divide, Divest, Devine
(A) Devine, Direct, Divest, Divide
(B) Devine, Direct, Divide, Divest
(C) Devine, Divide, Divest, Direct
(D) Devine, Divest, Direct, Divide
069. yuf fkh 1,02,000 Yk. {kt ðu[ðkÚke 15% ¾kux ÚkkÞ Au. yk Mktòuøkku{kt 15% LkVku {u¤ððku nkuÞ íkku yk fkh fux÷k{kt
ðu[ðe òuEyu ?
(A) 1,38,000 (B) 1,20,000
(C) 1,08,000 (D) 95,000
070. Lke[uLkk {q¤kûkhkuLke ©uýeLkk ykøk¤Lkwt ÃkË fÞwt nþu ?
G, H, J, M, ..........
(A) N (B) O
(C) P (D) Q
071. ¾k÷e søÞk Ãkqhku.
200, 190, 175, 155, 130, .......... yLku ..........
(A) 100 yLku 65 (B) 110 yLku 90
(C) 115 yLku 100 (D) 105 yLku 80
072. yuf ÷tçk½Lk zççkkLke ÷tçkkE 90 Mku.{e., Ãknku¤kE 50 Mku.{e. yLku ô[kE 1 {exh nkuÞ íkku íkuLkwt ½LkV¤ fux÷k ½Lk {exh
nþu ?
(A) 4500 ½Lk {exh (B) {exh

(C) {exh (D) 450 ½Lk {exh

073. 42 rðãkÚkeoykuLke Mkhuhkþ ô{h 12 ð»ko Au. òu rþûkfLke ô{h W{uhðk{kt ykðu íkku çkÄkLke Mkhuhkþ ô{h 13 ð»ko ÚkkÞ Au.
yk Mktòuøkku{kt rþûkfLke ô{h fux÷e nþu ?
(A) 13 ð»ko (B) 55 ð»ko
(C) 45 ð»ko (D) 43 ð»ko

AIF - MASTER ] 12 [Contd.

074. {q¤ MktÏÞkLkk 40% {ktÚke 40 çkkË fhíkk {¤íke MktÏÞk 40 nkuÞ íkku {q¤ MktÏÞk fE nþu ?
(A) 150 (B) 200
(C) 250 (D) 300
075. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fE çkkçkíku ¼khíkLkk y{wf rðMíkkhku{kt Ãkkýe{kt «Ëq»ký íkhefu òuðk {¤u Au ?
1. ykMkuorLkf (Arsenic) 2. Mkkuçkeoxku÷ (Sorbitol) 3. ^÷kuhkEz (Floride) 4. ÞwhurLkÞ{ (Uranium)
(A) 1 yLku 3 (B) 1 yLku 2
(C) 1 yLku 4 (D) 1, 2, 3 yLku 4
076. Lke[uLke Ãkife fE çkkçkík ‘økúeLk nkWMk EVuõx’ (Green House Effect) {kxu {wÏÞíðu sðkçkËkh LkÚke ?
(A) fkçkoLk zkÞkuõMkkEz (Carbon dioxide) (B) LkkExÙMk ykìõMkkEz økuMk (Nitrous oxide gas)
(C) õ÷kuhku^÷kuhku fkçkoLk (Chlorofluoro carbons) (D) {eÚkuLk økuMk (Methane gas)
077. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fE ðMíkwyku Mkk{kLÞ økh{e{kt «ðkne MðYÃk{kt nkuÞ Au ?
1. MkerhÞ{ (Cerium) 2. r÷rÚkÞ{ (Lithium) 3. çkúku{kELk (Bromine) 4. Ãkkhku (Mercury)
(A) 2 yLku 4 (B) 1 yLku 3
(C) 1 yLku 2 (D) 3 yLku 4
078. Lke[uLkk Ãkife MkkiÚke MkkY rðãwíkðknf (conductor of electricity) fkuý Au ?
(A) [ktËe (Silver) (B) íkktçkw (Copper)
(C) MkkuLkwt (Gold) (D) yçkh¾ (Mica)
079. çkhVLku ÷ktçkk Mk{Þ MkwÄe hk¾e {wfðk {kxu “÷kfzkLkku ðnkuh - sawdust” WÃkÞkuøk{kt ÷uðk{kt ykðu Au, fkhý fu -
(A) ‘÷kfzkLkku ðnkuh’ yu økh{eLkwt ykuAwt ðnLk fhu Au yLku çkhV ðÄkhu Mk{Þ MkwÄe ykuøk¤íkku LkÚke.
(B) ‘÷kfzkLkku ðnkuh’ økh{eLkwt ðÄkhu ðnLk fhu Au.
(C) ‘÷kfzkLkku ðnkuh’ çkhVLku [kUxíkku LkÚke.
(D) ‘÷kfzkLkku ðnkuh’ MkMíkku Au.
080. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fE ðMíkwyku çkuõxuheÞk îkhk ÍzÃkÚke rð½xLk (decomposed) Úkíke LkÚke ?
(A) hMkkuzk{ktÚke WíÃkLLk Úkíkku ¾kðkLkku çkøkkz / f[hku (B) Ã÷kMxefLke ðMíkwyku yLku Ã÷kMxefLke Úku÷eyku
(C) MkwfkE økÞu÷ ÃkktËzk / ð]ûkku (D) s{eLkLke ytËh hnuíkk «kýeykuLkk {]íkËun
081. “rðþk¤ ð]ûk”Lke ô{h òýðk þkLkku WÃkÞkuøk fhðk{kt ykðu Au ?
(A) ð]ûkLkwt ðsLk (B) ð]ûkLke ô[kE
(C) ð]ûkLkk ð]»k¼ ®høMk (annular rings) (D) ð]ûkLkk {q¤Lke ÷tçkkE
082. Lke[uLkk Ãkife þk{kÚke rðxkr{Lk “A” MkkiÚke ðÄkhu «{ký{kt {¤u Au ?
(A) MkVhsLk (Apple) (B) ò{V¤ (Guava)
(C) fXku¤ (Bean) (D) økksh (Carrot)
083. çkkÞLkhe MkeMx{ (Binary System) {kt yuf fe÷kuçkkEx (1 Kilobyte) Lkwt fux÷wt {wÕÞ Au ?
(A) 1000 çkkExTMk (Bytes) (B) 1024 çkkExTMk
(C) 10,000 çkkExTMk (D) 1,00,000 çkkExTMk
084. LED, LCD, CRT þçËku fkpBÃÞwxhLkk fÞk ¼køk MkkÚku Mktf¤kÞu÷k Au ?
(A) {kpLkexh (Monitor) (B) r«Lxh (Printer)
(C) MkkWLz MkeMx{ (Sound System) (D) Mku{e fLzõxh (Semi Conductor)

AIF - MASTER ] 13 P.T.O.

085. ¼khík{kt 2019{kt ø÷kuçk÷ yuðeyuþLk Mk{ex (Global Aviation Summit) fÞk MÚk¤u ykÞkuSík ÚkLkkh Au ?
(A) Ãkqýu (B) {wtçkE
(C) f÷f¥kk (D) [uLLkkE
086. htøkkMðk{e fÃk “Rangaswamy Cup” fE h{ík MkkÚku Mktf¤kÞu÷ Au ?
(A) nkpfe (B) r¢fux
(C) Vqxçkkp÷ (D) çkpz{eLxLk
087. ykp÷ÂBÃkf h{íkku (Olympic Games)Lkwt ð»ko yLku Þs{kLk ËuþLku ÞkuøÞ heíku økkuXðku.
1. 1996 a. y{uhefk (USA)
2. 2000 b. çkúkÍe÷ (Brazil)
3. 2004 c. økúeMk (Greece)
4. 2016 d. ykuMxÙu÷eÞk (Australia)
(A) 1 - d, 2 - c, 3 - b, 4 - a (B) 1 - a, 2 - d, 3 - c, 4 - b
(C) 1 - c, 2 - b, 3 - a, 4 - d (D) 1 - b, 2 - a, 3 - d, 4 - c
088. 2018, yurþÞLk økuBMk{kt ¼køk ÷uLkkh ¾u÷kzeyku yLku íkuykuLke h{íkLku ÞkuøÞ heíku økkuXðku.
1. Mkrhíkk økkÞfðkz a. rMð®{øk
2. ytrfíkk hiLkk b. Ëkuzðeh
3. {kLkð X¬h c. xuçk÷ xurLkMk
4. ytþw÷ fkuXkhe d. xurLkMk
(A) 1 - a, 2 - b, 3 - d, 4 - c (B) 1 - c, 2 - a, 3 - b, 4 - d
(C) 1 - b, 2 - d, 3 - c, 4 - a (D) 1 - d, 2 - c, 3 - a, 4 - b
089. Äe MkuLxh Vkph VkuÚko ELzMxÙeÞ÷ huðkuÕÞwþLk (The Centres for Fourth Industrial Revolution) Mkt˼o{kt Lke[uLkk
ðkõÞku Ãkife fÞk ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ Au ?
1. Äe ðÕzo EfkuLkku{ef Vkuh{ (The World Economic Forum) ytíkøkoík fkÞo fhu Au.
2. rðï{kt fw÷ 4 fuLÿku (Centres) Au.
3. ¼khík{kt çkUøk÷wY ¾kíku fuLÿ fkÞo fhu Au.
(A) {kºk 1 yLku 2 (B) {kºk 1 yLku 3
(C) {kºk 2 yLku 3 (D) 1, 2 yLku 3 çkÄks ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ Au.
090. Äe Ãkkuçkeíkkuhk ðkEÕz ÷kEV MkuL[whe (yÇÞkhÛÞ) (The Pobitora Wild Life Sanctuary) ytøku Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk
ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ Au ?
1. “fkÍehtøkk LkuþLk÷ Ãkkfo”Lkk rðfkMk rðMíkkh{kt ykLkku Mk{kðuþ ÚkkÞ Au.
2. økkin¥ke (Guwahati) Lkk Ãkqðo çkkswtyu yk MkuL[whe ykðu÷e Au.
(A) {kºk 1 (B) {kºk 2
(C) 1 yLku 2 çktLku ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ Au. (D) 1 yLku 2 çktLku ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ LkÚke.
091. Äe ELxhLkuþLk÷ rMkðe÷ yuðeyuþLk ykuøkuoLkkEÍuþLk (The International Civil Aviation Organisation) MkçktÄeík
Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ Au ?
1. yk MktMÚkk ÞwLkkExuz LkuþLMkLke ¾kMk (Specialised) MktMÚkk Au.
2. rþfkøkku (Chicago) Mkt{u÷LkLkkt XhkðkuLkwt y{÷efhý yLku Ãkk÷Lk fhLkkhe MktMÚkk Au.
(A) {kºk 1 (B) {kºk 2
(C) 1 yLku 2 çktLku ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ Au. (D) 1 yLku 2 çktLku ðkõÞku ÞkuøÞ LkÚke.

AIF- MASTER ] 14 [Contd.

092. G-4, øk]Ãk ykpV Vkuh LkuþLMk (Group of Four Nations) {kt Lke[uLkk Ãkife fkuLkku Mk{kðuþ Úkíkku LkÚke ?
(A) çkúkÍe÷ (Brazil) (B) òÃkkLk (Japan)
(C) s{oLke (Germany) (D) MkkWÚk ykr£fk (South Africa)
093. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fE çkkçkíkku, [wxýe ÷zíkk W{uËðkhu Vku{o Lkt. 26 {kt MkkuøktËLkk{k MkkÚku ykÃkðkLke nkuÞ Au ?
1. PAN Lktçkh/ykÄkh fkzo Lktçkh
2. Ãkzíkh VkusËkhe ËkðkykuLke rðøkík
3. ÃkkuíkkLke íkÚkk Lk¬e fhkÞu÷ ÔÞÂõíkykuLke r{ÕfíkLke rðøkíkku
4. ònuh MktMÚkkykuLku [wfððk Ãkkºk hf{Lke rðøkíkku
(A) 1, 2 yLku 3 (B) 1, 2 yLku 4
(C) 1, 3 yLku 4 (D) 1, 2, 3 yLku 4
094. Ä rðLkeík LkkhkÞý fuMk (The Vineet Narain Case), fE çkkçkík MkkÚku Mktf¤kÞu÷ Au ?
(A) fuLÿeÞ {krníke ykÞkuøk (CIC) (B) heÍðo çkuLf ykpV ELzeÞk (RBI)
(C) MkuLxÙ÷ çÞwhku ykpV ELkðuMxeøkuþLk (CBI) (D) LkuþLk÷ Ìkw{Lk hkEx fr{þLk (NHRC)
095. MkLku 2019 Lke “¾u÷ku ELzeÞk ÞwÚk økuBMk” (Khelo India Youth Games) fÞk MÚk¤u ykÞkuSík fhðk{kt ykðu÷
níke ?
(A) Ãkqýu (B) [uLLkkE
(C) f÷f¥kk (D) rËÕne
096. VeMf÷ heMÃkkpLkMkeçke÷exe yuLz çksux {uLkus{uLx (Fiscal Responsibilities and Budget Managment) MkçktÄeík
ynuðk÷ fkuý hsq fhu Au ?
(A) heÍðo çkuLf ykpV ELzeÞk (B) Lkkýk {tºke©e
(C) ¼khíkLkk rLkÞtºkf-{nk÷u¾k Ãkheûkf (D) [uh{uLk©e, Lkerík ykÞkuøk
097. nk÷{kt “{Äh ykpV ykp÷ çkkpBçk” (Mother of all bombs) Lkku y¾íkhku fÞk Ëuþ îkhk fhðk{kt ykðu÷ níkku ?
(A) ÃkkrfMíkkLk (B) òÃkkLk
(C) [eLk (D) LkuÃkk¤
098. nk÷{kt LkuþLk÷ økúeLk xÙeçÞwLk÷ îkhk fÞk hkßÞLku Yk. 100 fhkuzLkku Ëtz, økuhfkÞËuMkh fku÷MkkLkk ¾kuËfk{ hkufðkLke
rLk»V¤íkk çkÆ÷ fhðk{kt ykðu÷ Au ?
(A) Íkh¾tz (B) {u½k÷Þ
(C) {nkhk»xÙ (D) rçknkh
099. nk÷{kt ELxhLkuþLk÷ {kuLkuxhe Vtz (IMF) {kt [eV EfkuLkku{eMx (Chief economist) íkhefu òuzkLkkh Lkkhe fkuý Au ?
(A) økeíkk økkuÃkeLkkÚk (B) sÞtíke ½ku»k
(C) W»kk ÃkxLkkÞf (D) Eþk yk÷wðk÷eÞk
100. 106{e LkuþLk MkkÞLMk fkUøkúuMk fu su Ãktòçk{kt Þkusðk{kt ykðu÷e níke, íku{kt ©uc «Ëþof (Exhibitor) Lkku yuðkìzo fkuLku
ykÃkðk{kt ykðu÷ níkku ?

AIF - MASTER ] 15 P.T.O.

101. Musscle supplied by glossopharyngeal nerve is
(A) stylopharyngeus (B) stylohyoid
(C) styloglossus (D) thyrohyoid
102. Liver is divided in two halves by all except
(A) right hepatic vein (B) portal ven
(C) hepatic artery (D) common bile duct
103. origin of maxillary artery
(A) angle of mandible (B) neck of condyle
(C) body of mandible (D) coronoid
104. Tortuous pathways of the enamel rods near cuspal tips is referred to as:
(A) Enamel spindles (B) Enamel tufts
(C) Gnarled Enamel (D) Striae of Retzius
105. The odontoblastic process is composed of:
(A) Microtubules and small filaments (B) Tonofilaments and Keratin
(C) Microtubules and dentinal tubules (D) Macrotubules and tonofibrils
106. Weil’s zone is inconspicuous during:
(A) Late dentinogenesis (B) Early dentinogenesis
(C) Late enamel formation (D) Amelogenesis
107. The papillary zone of lamina propria in oral mucosa is absent/very small in:
(A) Buccal mucosa (B) Alveolar mucosa
(C) Tongue (D) Soft palate
108. The primordium of the parotid and submandibular glands appear during:
(A) 7th week (B) 6th week
(C) 10th week (D) 8th week
109. Tubercle of carabelli is found in permanent maxillary first molar.What is the position of it?
(A) Lingual to mesio lingual cusp (B) Buccal to mesiolingual cusp
(C) Lingual to distolingual cusp (D) Buccal to distolingual cusp
110. When all teeth are viewed facially the schematic outline of crown are:
(A) Trapezoidal,with the longest uneven side being the incisal or occlusal surface
(B) Trapezoidal, with the longest uneven side being the cervical region
(C) Trapezoidal,with the shortest uneven side being the occlusal surface
(D) Rhomboidal outline
111. Which of the following permanent teeth is least likely to have a divided pulp canal?
(A) Maxillary central incisor (B) Mandibular central incisor
(C) Maxillary first premolar (D) Mandibular first premolar
112. More occlusal surface can be seen from the mesial than from the distal in which premolar?
(A) Maxillary first (B) Maxillary second
(C) Mandibular first (D) Mandibular second
113. When teeth are in centric occlusion the position of the mandible in relation to the maxilla is
primarily determined by the:
(A) Intercuspation of teeth (B) Muscles of head and neck
(C) Ligaments of TMJ (D) None of above


114. Which of the following is not true regarding herpes zoster?
(A) Associated with vesicular eruption of skin
(B) Unilateral involvement
(C) Tzank test positive
(D) Primary Infection
115. Which of the following is not true regarding calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor?
(A) Occasionally tumor cells are arranged in cords or rows,mimicking adenocarcinoma
(B) Tumor cells have well outlined cell border with finely granular eosinophilic cytoplasm
(C) Nuclei are frequently pleomorphic with giant nuclei
(D) Tumor cells form scattered duct like structures with lumina of varying size
116. The complications of sjogren syndrome include:
(A) Hodgkin’s lymphoma
(B) Mucoepidermoid carcinoma and Hodgkin’s lymphoma
(C) Pseudolymphoma and Malignant lymphoma
(D) Burkitt’s lymphoma
117. All of the following are true about pulp polyp except:
(A) Excessive ,exuberant proliferation of chronically inflamed dental pulp tissue
(B) Generally occurs in children and young adults
(C) Lesion is tender on manipulation
(D) Teeth most commonly involved are deciduous molars and permanent first molar
118. Garre’s osteomyelitis is:
(A) Chronic osteomyelitis
(B) Chronic osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis
(C) sclerosing osteomyelitis
(D) condensing osteomyelitis
119. Photosensitive rash,Reynaud’s phenomenon,autoimmune disorders and arthritis are included
in the spectrum of
(A) Scleroderma (B) SLE
(C) Sjogren’s syndrome (D) Psoriasis
120. The hairpin or slightly curved shaped somewhat refractile structure found within the epithelial
lining of odontogenic cyst;
(A) Russell bodies (B) Rushton bodies
(C) Verocaybodies (D) None of above
121. “Gargoyle cell” and “Reiley bodies” in lymphocytes are seen in
(A) Hunter syndrome (B) Hurler syndrome
(C) Niemann Pick Disease (D) None of above
122. A 24-year old man developed multiple oral ulcers,several penile ulcers and ocular pain.The
lesions were not preceded by blisters.He was taking no medications and had no systemic
complaints.This pattern of disease suggests which of the following?
(A) Secondary syphilis (B) Erythema multiforme
(C) Primary herpes simplex infection (D) Behcet’s syndrome

AIF - MASTER ] 2 [Contd.

123. A 30-year old woman presents with recently acquired generalized tanning of skin and multiple
intraoral pigmented macules.Oral biopsy showed excessive melanin pigment in basal
keratinocytes.This patient should be suspected for having:
(A) Addison’s disease (B) Sunburn
(C) Kaposi’s sarcoma (D) Peutz-jeghers syndrome
124. The static bone cyst,if biopsied ,exhibits which of the following microscopic features?
(A) Virtually nothing,as it represents a dead space
(B) Hematopoietic tissue
(C) Fibrous tissue lined by respiratory type epithelium
(D) Salivary gland and other soft tissues that normally reside in the area
125. The mesenchymal component of odontogenic neoplasm that is composed of loose primitive
appearing connective tissue and resembles dental pulp microscopically is known as:
(A) Odontoma (B) Ameloblastoma
(C) Ameloblastic fibroma (D) Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma
126. Patients with central giant cell granulomas typically have which of the following abnormal
laboratory findings?
(A) Elevated immunoglobulins (B) Elevated serum alkaline phosphatase
(C) Elevated serum acid phosphatase (D) None of above
127. Periapical lesions(cyst and granulomas) found in a patient with teeth that show nearly obliterated
pulps and short spiky roots.Teeth exhibit normal clinical color.This patient probably has:
(A) Dentin dysplasia I (B) Dentin dysplasia II
(C) Dentinogenesis imperfecta (D) Amelogenesis imperfecta
128. All of the following tumors occur most frequently in mandible except:
(A) Ameloblastoma
(B) Calcifying Epithelial odontogenic Tumor
(C) Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor
(D) Peripheral odontogenic Fibroma
129. HIV –associated Kaposi’s sarcoma:
(A) Is typically seen in men over the age of 60 years
(B) Occurs most commonly in the buccal mucosa intra orally
(C) Is associated with one of the herpes viruses
(D) Has an excellent prognosis
130. Streptococci adhere to the oral surfaces and contribute to caries development as they:
(A) penicillinase resistant (B) Produce acid during metabolism
(C) Produce extracellular polysaccharides (D) Ferment carbohydrates
131. Brown tumor is seen in:
(A) Hyperparathyroidism (B) pigmented villonodular synovitis
(C) Osteomalacia (D) Neurofibromatosis
132. True regarding dentigerous cyst is all except:
(A) OPG is diagnostic aid
(B) Unilocular appearance
(C) commonly associated with unerupted third molar
(D) Associated with Basal cell Nevus syndrome


133. Acute exacerbation of chronic periapical lesion is called:
(A) microabscess (B) Monro’s abscess
(C) Phoneix abscess (D) Pauterier’s abscess
134. Which are the clotting factors synthesized in liver.
(A) II, VIII, IX, X (B) IX, X
(C) II, VII, IX, X (D) II, IX, X
135. Arterial supply of soft palate is derived from
(A) Ascending palatine branch of facial artery
(B) Branch of ascending pharyngeal artery
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Greater palatine artery
136. Frey’s syndrome is associated with
(A) Auriculotemporal nerve (B) Facial nerve
(C) Temporal nerve (D) Superior alveolar nerve
137. Tooth in antrum is best removed by
(A) caldwell luc (B) Transalveolar extraction
(C) Berger’s method (D) Intranasal antrostomy
138. Dautery’s procedure is
(A) Removal of coronoid process (B) Removal of condyle
(C) Down fracture of zygomatic arch (D) Recon touring of arch
139. Calcitonin injection is given as alternative for treatment of
(A) Ameloblastoma of mandible (B) Central giant cell granuloma
(C) Oroantral fistula (D) Internal derangement of TMJ
140. Local anesthesia which is fast acting and have short duration of action in children is
(A) Procaine (B) Lignocaine
(C) Tetracaine (D) Bupivacaine
141. Intrinsic factor for vitamin B12 absorbtion is produced in
(A) Liver (B) Duodenum
(C) Stomach (D) Pancreas
142. Best stimulator of respiratory centre is
(A) Decrease in arterial CO2 level (B) Increase in arterial CO2 level
(C) Increase in arterial O2 level (D) None of the above
143. Impaction of mandibular third molar which is least difficult to remove is
(A) Vertical (B) Distoangular
(C) Mesioangular (D) Both (A) and (C)
144. Surgical gut is
(A) Natural absorbable (B) Synthetic absorbable
(C) Synthetic non absorbable (D) None of the above
145. Diphenhydramine is
(A) Proteolytic enzyme (B) A steroid
(C) Antihistamine (D) Antiepileptic agent

AIF - MASTER ] 4 [Contd.

146. In direct osteosynthesis all are used except
(A) Lag screw (B) Wires
(C) Champy bone plates (D) Wiring arch bar
147. Painless ulcer of tongue is due to
(A) Dyspepsia (B) syphilis
(C) tuberculosis (D) None of the above
148. Hypovolemic shock is seen when blood loss is
(A) 10-20% (B) 20-45%
(C) 50-70% (D) 70-80%
149. Apertognathia is associated with
(A) Open bite (B) Deep bite
(C) Over bite (D) Cheek bite
150. Clarke’s technique is used in
(A) Osteosynthesis (B) Vestibuloplasty
(C) Transalveolar extraction (D) None of the above
151. Pterygoid trismus is a complication of which local anesthesia technique
(A) IAN block (B) PSA block
(C) Lingual nerve block (D) Buccal nerve block
152. Ashley’s flap of oroantral fistula is
(A) Free flap (B) Palatal pedicle flap
(C) Buccal flap (D) None of the above
153. Space needed between two implants for successful integration is
(A) 5 mm (B) 1 mm
(C) 0.5 mm (D) 3 mm
154. All are primary facial spaces except
(A) Buccal (B) Canine
(C) Infratemporal (D) Submandibular
155. Pulse assessed in infants is
(A) Brachial pulse (B) Carotid pulse
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of the above
156. Mucocele is related to
(A) Odontogenic infection (B) Ulcerative lesion
(C) Rupture of salivary gland duct (D) None of the above
157. Ketoconazole is used in treatment of
(A) Candidiasis
(B) Gram positive infection
(C) Gram negative infection
(D) Both gram positive and gram negative infection
158. Sedation by which route can be reversed rapidly
(A) Oral (B) Inhalation
(C) Intravenous (D) Intramuscular


159. The periodontal fibers that are reconstructed even after damage are
(A) Alveolar crest (B) Trans-septal
(C) Horizontal (D) Oblique
160. Which of the following is not a red complex microbe
(A) P. gingivalis (B) T. forsythia
(C) P. denticola (D) P. intermedia
161. Prognosis of periodontal treatment is poor for teeth
(A) Having short roots (B) Tapered roots
(C) More crown:root ratio (D) All of the above
162. Decalcified freeze-dried bone graft is an example of:
(A) Xenograft (B) Allograft
(C) Alloplast (D) Autograft
163. A child is involved in habit of chronic thumb sucking, clinical examination of patient will revel
(A) convex profile & broad arches (B) concave profile & narrow arches
(C) concave profile & broad arches (D) convex profile & narrow arches
164. Nikolski’s sign is seen in
(A) Desquamative gingivitis (B) ANUG
(C) Herpes (D) Gingival enlargement
165. The inter radicular bone is:
(A) Compact (B) Cancellous
(C) Exophytic (D) Osteophytic
166. Pocket elimination and increase in width of attached gingival is obtained by
(A) Modified widman flap (B) Laterally displaced flap
(C) Apically displaced flap (D) Papilla preservation flap
167. Which immunoglobulin is present in higher concentration in GCF
(A) IgA (B) IgG
(C) IgE (D) IgM
168. Collagen in principal fibers is
(A) Type I (B) Type II
(C) Type III (D) Type IV
169. Sulfur contamination from natural latex gloves inhibits the setting of
(A) Addition silicone (B) Condensation silicone
(C) Polythene (D) Polysulfide
170. The chief function of zinc in an amalgam alloy is to
(A) Ease of blending of alloy
(B) Act as a deoxidizer
(C) Reduce corrosion
(D) Eliminate mercury from direct metallic restorative materials
171. Which of the following is classified as a microhardness test?
(A) Knoop (B) Brinell
(C) Rockwell (D) None of the above

AIF - MASTER ] 6 [Contd.

172. Dental wax patterns should be invested as soon as possible in order to minimise distortion caused
(A) Elastic memory (B) Water absorption
(C) Reduced flow (D) Continued expansion of wax
173. The usual burnout temperatures for phosphate bonded investments range from
(A) 650-700°C (B) 1300-1500°C
(C) 750-1030°C (D) 350-500°C
174. Cavity varnishes should not be used under
(A) Resin restorations (B) Amalgam restorations
(C) Gold restorations (D) None of the above
175. At concentration higher than 50% of phosphoric acid, the depth of etch is found to
(A) Increase
(B) Decrease
(C) Remains constant
(D) Not applicable as phosphoric acid is not used for etching
176. The sprue former should be attached
(A) Perpendicular to a broad flat surface of the pattern
(B) Towards thinnest part of pattern
(C) At a 45° angle to the proximal area
(D) Any of the above
177. One of the best pickling solutions for gypsum bonded investment is
(A) 50% H2SO4 (B) 50% HCl
(C) 37% H3PO4 (D) 60% HNO3
178. The degree of saturation of a particular hue is known as
(A) Colour (B) Chroma
(C) Value (D) None of the above
179. Young’s Modulus of Dentin is
(A) 3 to 6 GPa (B) 11 to 18 GPa
(C) 20 to 25 GPa (D) 28 to 30 GPa
180. Intrument number of crosscut Wheel bur (0.8mm)
(A) 512 (B) 912
(C) 511 (D) 911
181. Which Rubberdam retainer is ideal for application on mandibular molar anchor tooth?
(A) W8 (B) 212
(C) 13 (D) W7
182. Filler particle size of Nanofill composites
(A) 0.005 - 0.01µm (B) 0.05 - 0.1µm
(C) 0.0005 - 0.001µm (D) 0.05 - 0.1mm
183. Which modification of class 2 cavity preperation is indicated if only proximal surface is faulty
with no occlusal surface involvement?
(A) Slot Preparation (B) Box only perparation
(C) (A) and (B) both (D) None of the above


184. How much increament of composite must be inserted into the tooth preparation?
(A) 2 to 3mm (B) upto 5mm
(C) 1 to 2 mm (D) 0.3 to 0.5 mm
185. Which monomer molecule contains both hydrophobic and hydrophilic ends?
186. Remineralization of damaged tooth structure occurs above the pH of ?
(A) 7.4 (B) 4.8
(C) 12.5 (D) 5.5
187. Which type of caries has highest prevalence amongst all dental caries?
(A) Smooth Surface (B) Proximal Surface
(C) Pit and Fissure (D) Cervical
188. Which organisms are most important in the initiation of enamel caries?
(A) Lactobacilli (B) P. Gingivalis
(C) Actinomyces Actinomycetemcomitans (D) Streprococcus mutans
189. Dontrix gauge is used for
(A) measure force (B) measure strength of wire
(C) measure wire destortion (D) measure wire deformation
190. Which type of Epidemiology is designed primarily to establish the cause of disease by investigating
association between exposure to a risk factor and the occurrence of disease?
(A) Descriptive Epidemiology (B) Experimental Epidemiology
(C) Analytical Epidemiology (D) None of the above
191. What is a measure of the strength of the association between risk factor and outcome?
(A) Relative Risk (B) Odds Ratio
(C) P Value (D) Exposure Rates
192. in orthowire Force =
(A) D4/L3 (B) D1/L
(C) D8/L8 (D) D4/L2
193. Optimal orthodontic force is
(A) Greater than cappilary pulse pressure
(B) Less than cappilary pulse pressure
(C) Equal to cappilary pulse pressure
(D) Does not depend on capillary pulse pressure
194. What is the amount of Fluoride present in outer enamel?
(A) 1100-1500 PPM (B) 2200-3200 PPM
(C) 7000-7700 PPM (D) 500-1000 PPM
195. Duraphat contain how much Stannus Fluoride?
(A) 0 PPM (B) 22600 PPM
(C) 7000 PPM (D) 12300 PPM
196. Recommanded intervals for APF application
(A) 3 or 6 months (B) 4 or 8 months
(C) 12 or 18 months (D) 6 or 12 monthss

AIF - MASTER ] 8 [Contd.

197. Interincisal angle is increased in
(A) Class II div I (B) Class II div II
(C) Bimaxillary protrusion (D) Class III
198. All of the following are self correcting anomalies except
(A) Ugli duckling stage (B) Mild lower anterior crowding
(C) open bite (D) end on molar relation
199. Which route has complete and rapid bioavailability?
(A) Oral (B) Intra Muscular
(C) Intra Venous (D) Sublingual
200. Which fibers get blocked first by Local Anesthesia?
(A) C Fibers (B) A
(C) A (D) B Fibers
201. What is composition of EMLA?
(A) Lidocaine (2%) and Prilocaine (2%)
(B) Lidocaine (2.5%) and Prilocaine (2.5%)
(C) Lidocaine (1%) and Prilocaine (1%)
(D) Lidocaine (1.5%) and Prilocaine (1.5%)
202. Peak anesthetic effect following topical application of Lidocaine occurs within?
(A) 15-30 seconds (B) 30 seconds to 1 minute
(C) 1-2 minutes (D) 2- 5 minutes
203. Against which type of siezures Phenytoin is ineffective?
(A) Absence (B) Tonic Clonic
(C) Atonic (D) Clonic
204. After oral injetion carbamazepine reaches it peak concentration after?
(A) 1- 4 hours (B) 30 minutes to 1 hour
(C) 4-8 hours (D) 15- 30 minutes
205. Which second generation H1 antagonist has higher incidence of drowsiness?
(A) Loratidine (B) Cetrizine
(C) Levo Cetrizine (D) Chlorpheniramine Maleate
206. Which NSAID is a weak antiinflammatory drug but is effective as antipyretic and analgesic at
typical doses?
(A) Aspirin (B) Ibuprofen
(C) Diclofenac (D) Acetamenophen
207. Time is taken by platelets to recover fully once Aspirin therapy is stopped
(A) 3-4 Days (B) 5-7 Days
(C) 8-12 Days (D) 13-17 Days
208. Percentage of Doxycycline’s oral dose absorbed on empty stomach?
(A) 100% (B) 90%
(C) 64% (D) 95%
209. Which ISO size file called as Pedo size or Child size?
(A) 0 (B) 1
(C) 2 (D) 3


210. Presence of a small, pigmented hypoplastic area on permanent tooth following injury to precursor
primary tooth is termed as
(A) Tauro tooth (B) Amelogenesis Imperfecta
(C) Turner Tooth (D) Ghost Tooth
211. Permanent tooth with closed root that has intruded less than 3 mm can reerupt without
intervention within
(A) 4-6 weeks (B) 4-8 weeks
(C) 2-6 weeks (D) 2-4 weeks
212. Trauma to the Orofacial structures is present in how many reported cases of child abuse?
(A) 30-55% (B) 40-50%
(C) 50-75% (D) >75%
213. Child’s first dental examination must be between
(A) 6-12 months (B) 12-18 months
(C) 18-24 months (D) 3-6 months
214. Fluoridated tooth paste for children less than 2 years of age should be given as
(A) Should not be given (B) Smear
(C) Pea size (D) Rice size
215. Stainless Steel crowns were introduced by
(A) Henry (B) Herbst
(C) Humphry (D) Rocky Mountain
216. Most of space loss after loss of primary tooth takes place during
(A) 1 week (B) 4 weeks
(C) 2 months (D) 6 months
217. What is usual time taken for premolar to move through 1 mm of bone?
(A) 2-3 months (B) 3-5 months
(C) 4-6 months (D) 6-8 months
218. Which is the most common time of cerebral palsy?
(A) Spastic (B) Athetoid
(C) Ataxia (D) Mixed
219. “f ” and “ v ” sounds are
(A) Bilabial sounds (B) Labiodental sounds
(C) Linguodental sounds (D) Linguoalveolar sounds
220. The class III soft palate is often associated with
(A) U-shaped palatal vault (B) Wide median raphe
(C) Narrow median raphe (D) V-shaped palatal vault
221. Tori are benign bony enlargements found
(A) Near the incisive papilla
(B) On the labial aspect of the mandible near the midline
(C) In the midline in the hard palate
(D) None of the above

AIF - MASTER ] 10 [Contd.

222. A major drawback of porcelain teeth is
(A) Poor translucency
(B) Poor colour stability
(C) Low abrasion resistance
(D) Method of attachment to the resin bases
223. Minor connectors of removable partial dentures should be
(A) Structurally rigid
(B) Flexible to allow movement
(C) Bulky for strength in embrasure spaces
(D) Lattice-like to cover the ridge crest
224. Ante’s law is useful for
(A) Determining the periodontal status of the abutment teeth
(B) Assessing the support of a fixed partial denture
(C) Determining the path of insertion of a fixed partial denture
(D) Measuring the span length of a fixed partial denture
225. Palatal augmentation prosthesis is useful for
(A) Velopharyngeal closure (B) Maxillary defects of the hard palate
(C) Velopharyngeal insufficiency (D) Deficits of tongue function
226. The recommended healing period for two-stage surgical approach for maxillary implants
(conventional loading) is
(A) 3 to 4 months (B) 1 to 2 months
(C) 6 months (D) 12 months
227. The facebow is a caliper-like device that is used to record
(A) The relationship between the maxilla and mandible
(B) The intercondylar distance
(C) The relationship of the maxilla to the Frankfurt horizontal plane
(D) Relationship between the jaws and the opening axis
228. Possible overextension in the retromylohyoid fossa is checked by
(A) Puckering of the lips
(B) Opening mouth wide and closing against the hand on chin
(C) Swallowing
(D) Pushing tongue against the clinician’s thumb
229. Buttressing seen on peripheral margin is
(A) Lipping (B) Ledge
(C) Osseous crater (D) Reverse architecture
230. Which of the following is a biodegradable membrane
(A) Polylactic acid (B) PTFE
(C) Goretex (D) Millipore

AIF - MASTER ] 11 P.T.O.

231. In which advanced diagnostic technique with each cycle there is an exponential increase in the
quantity of DNA
(A) Checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization
(B) By nucleic acid probe
(C) Polymerase chain reaction
(D) Flow cytometry
232. One of the following is not Leukocyte (neutrophil) disorder which causes periodontal
(A) Down syndrome (B) Chediak-higashi syndrome
(C) Papillon lefevre syndrome (D) Plummer Vinson syndrome
233. length of Anterion cranial base is
(A) Nasion to sella (B) Nasion to menton
(C) Nasion to bolton’s point (D) sella to bolton’s point
234. A collarless metal-ceramic crown is useful for improvement in
(A) Marginal integrity (B) Resistance form
(C) Esthetics (D) Ease of fabrication
235. A resin-bonded fixed dental prosthesis is contraindicated in the case of
(A) A single posterior missing tooth (B) Children
(C) Restored abutments (D) Significant clinical crown length
236. The saddle pontic
(A) Provides excellent hygiene
(B) Simulates the emergence profile of the missing tooth
(C) Is less susceptible to tissue proliferation
(D) Is recommended for all-metal fixed dental prosthesis
237. The lingual and buccal polished surface of a mandibular complete denture should be
(A) Determined by the patient’s speech
(B) Concave without creating an undercut
(C) Convex to give bulk for strength
(D) Determined by the position of the artificial teeth
238. The greater the average diameter of a clasp arm, all other factors being equal, it will be
(A) More flexibe (B) Less flexibe
(C) Weaker (D) None of these
239. The clinically acceptable range of tooth preparation taper for fixed dental prostheses has been
suggested as
(A) 5 to 22 degrees (B) 2 to 5 degrees
(C) 22 to 25 degrees (D) 1 to 4 degrees
240. The primary advantage associated with partial veneer crowns is
(A) Retention form (B) Resistance form
(C) Marginal adaption (D) Conservation of tooth structure

AIF - MASTER ] 12 [Contd.

241. The dental surveyor is used to
(A) Determine the relative parallelism of two or more surfaces of the teeth
(B) Verify the path of insertion of the prosthesis
(C) Determine the needed mouth preparation for a removable partial denture
(D) All of the above
242. The popularity of the chromium-cobalt alloys for removable partial denture framework has
been attributed to their
(A) Low hardness (B) High yield strength
(C) High modulus of elasticity (D) High density
243. Mandibular labial bar is indicated when
(A) There is a diastema (B) Labial inclination of teeth
(C) Lingual inclination of teeth (D) Periodontally weak teeth
244. Average dose of Insulin in Type 1 Diabetes patient is?
(A) 0.6-0.7 units/ Kg Body weight per day (B) 0.2-0.3 units/ Kg Body weight per day
(C) 0.4-0.5 units/ Kg Body weight per day (D) 0.8-1 units/ Kg Body weight per day
245. Which one is a Protease Inhibitor?
(A) Nevirapine (B) Nelfinavir
(C) Zidovudine (D) Maraviroc
246. What is pH of set MTA?
(A) 12.5 (B) 11.8
(C) 10.5 (D) 11.2
247. D16(mm) for 35 no H-File is?
(A) 0.69 (B) 0.65
(C) 0.63 (D) 0.67
248. The most effective recommended concentration of Sodium Hypochlorite is?
(A) 6 (B) 5.2
(C) 1.5 (D) 3
249. Relapse following orthodontic correction of rotation of teeth is associated with
(A) Supracrestal fibres (B) oblique fibres
(C) Horizontal fibres (D) Apical fibres
250. Warm vertical Condensation technique of filling for Root Canal was introduced by
(A) Stoner (B) Garcia-Godoy
(C) Schilder (D) Simonson
251. Wavelength of Er:YAG Laser is
(A) 2.94µm (B) 0.7µm
(C) 10.5µm (D) 2.42µm
252. Tetrodotoxin-Resistant (TTXr) Sodium channels are present on which nerve fibers?
(A) A (B) C
(C) A (D) A
253. The eyepiece of dental microscope has adjustable diopter settings ranging from?
(A) -1 to +1 (B) -2 to +2
(C) -2.5 to +2.5 (D) -5 to +5

AIF - MASTER ] 13 P.T.O.

254. Around what temperature annealing is done so it yields a suitable proportion of NiTi
microstructural phases and has a beneficial effect on mechanical properties of the instrument?
(A) 400°C (B) 300°C
(C) 900°C (D) 700°C
255. In orthodontic treated midline diastema which retainer should be used
(A) Hawley’s for 6 months (B) Hawley’s for 12 months
(C) Lingual bonded retainer (D) no retainer as it is self correcting
256. Apical constriction is located how short of radiographic apex?
(A) 2-3mm (B) 1-1.5mm
(C) 0.2-0.5mm (D) 0.5-1mm
257. Which bacteria is most commonly recocered from root canals of tooth with failed root canal
treatments and persistant root canal infections
(A) P. Gingivalis (B) E. Faecalis
(C) Actinomyces Actinomycetemcomitans (D) S. Sanguines
258. Which files are strongly recommended for pulpectomy?
(A) K-Files (B) Protaper files
(C) H- Files (D) NiTi- Files
259. Vital primary tooth treated by pulpotomy that later exhibit fistulae, internal resorption or bone
loss should be treated with
(A) Re Pulpotomy (B) Pulpectomy
(C) Apicectomy (D) LSTR
260. Normally after eruption root closure in permanent teeth occurs by
(A) 2 years (B) 3 years
(C) 2.5 years (D) 3.5 years
261. Concentration of N2O to reach relative anagesia in General Anesthesia
(A) 10-20% (B) 20-55%
(C) 55-70% (D) >70%
262. Which diagram is useful to study changes of values in the variable overtime
(A) Pie Chart (B) Bar Diagram
(C) Line Diagram (D) Pyramid
263. Which test is used to test the significance of difference in means for sample size larger than 30?
(A) Chi-square Test (B) Z-Test
(C) Student’s t-Test (D) Anova Test
264. Wavelegth of conventional light curing is
(A) 400-500 nm (B) 200-300nm
(C) 1000-2000nm (D) 600-700nm
265. for Viewing root fracture which of the following angulation can be used
(A) 90 degree (B) 90 & 45 degree
(C) 90, 45 & 110 degree (D) 45 & 110 degree
266. As per Consumer Protection (Amendment) Act, 1993 ‘s new section; complaint is admissible if
filed within
(A) 2 years (B) 3 Years
(C) 5 Years (D) 10 years

AIF - MASTER ] 14 [Contd.

267. Maximum permissable dose for a Dental X ray operator in a week is
(A) 100 milliroentgen (B) 10 milliroentgen
(C) 100 roentgen (D) 300 roentgen
268. Tell Show Do technique was formalized and developed by
(A) Chambers (B) Addelston
(C) Wright (D) Elsbach
269. middle thyroid vein drain into
(A) external jugular vein (B) anterior jugular vein
(C) internal jugular vein (D) braciocephalic
270. Posterior boundary of carotid triangle is
(A) superior Belly of omohyoid (B) posterior belly of digastric
(C) sternohyoid (D) sternocleidomastoid
271. Deep surface of hyoglossus is related to
(A) lingual nerve (B) hypoglossal nerve
(C) submandibular ganglion (D) glossophryngeal nerve
272. All are the causes of pulmonary hypertension except
(A) hyperventilation (B) morbid obesity
(C) high altitude (D) fenfluramine
273. Trigeminal nerve has how many nuclei in CNS
(A) three (B) four
(C) five (D) six
274. Midline foramina in incisive canal is called
(A) foramina of scarp (B) foramina of zergerelli
(C) foramina of larschak (D) foramina of stenson
275. Which of the following coagulation factor causes the cross linking and stabilization of clot
(A) factor XIII (B) Thrombin
(C) factor Viii (D) factor IX
276. Cyclic GMP act on
(A) Insulin (B) Thyroxin
(C) Atrial natriuretic factor (D) growth hormone
277. Difference in transudate and exudate is that the former has a
(A) low protein (B) cloudy appearance
(C) increased soecific gravity (D) high protein
278. Dinitrophinol causes
(A) inhibition of ATP synthase
(B) .inhibition of electron transport
(C) uncoupling of oxidation and phosphorytation
(D) accumulation of ATP
279. Glucose can be synthesised from all except
(A) amino acid (B) glycerol
(C) acetoacetate (D) lactic acid

AIF - MASTER ] 15 P.T.O.

280. Which of the following is not ketone bodies
(A) acetone (B) acetic acid
(C) acetoacetate (D) beta hydroxy butyric acid
281. Most of vitamin B12 in the body is stored as a
(A) methyl B12 (B) hydroxy B12
(C) cyano cobalamine (D) none of above
282. Preservative used in local anesthetics in india is
(A) 2.5% lignocaine (B) methyl hydoxyl benzoate
(C) Na paraben (D) cetrizine
283. Gottrons sign is seen in?
(A) lupus erythematosus (B) dermatomyositis
(C) scleroderma (D) bells palsy
284. hypercalcemia is not seen in
(A) primary hyper parathyroidism (B) tumourlysis syndrome
(C) multiple sclerosis (D) sarcoidosis
285. hemophilics show
(A) increase bleeding time & clotting time
(B) decrease bleeding time &clotting time
(C) decrease bleeding time & increase clotting time
(D) normal bleeding time & increased clotting time
286. in peripheral tissues which of the following contains substance p
(A) plasma cell (B) mast cell
(C) nerve terminal (D) vascular endothelium
287. True about alpha thalassemia trait
(A) increased HBf (B) increased Hba
(C) microcytosis (D) sever anemia
288. strawberry gingivitis is seen in
(A) wegeners granulomatosis (B) scorbutic gingivitis
(C) plasma cell gingivitis (D) leukemic gingivitis
289. The normal A/G ratio in blood is
(A) 5:1 (B) 2:1
(C) 1:2 (D) 1:1
290. Split skin graft can be applied over
(A) muscle (B) bone
(C) cartilage (D) eyelid
291. Lingual plate is indicated in all except
(A) periodontally weakened tooth (B) anterior ridge resorption
(C) high lingual frenum (D) vestibule of more than 8 mm
292. On microscopic examination enamel rods have:
(A) Key hole appearance in cross-section (B) Paddle appearance in cross-section
(C) Lanullate appearance in cross-section (D) None of the above

AIF - MASTER ] 16 [Contd.

293. The type of epithelium lining of maxillary sinus is
(A) Simple columnar (B) Pseudo stratified columnar and ciliated
(C) Stratified squamous (D) Simple squamous
294. In jaundice ,there is an unconjugated hyperbillirubinemia which is most likely due to
(A) hepatitis (B) cirrhosis
(C) Obstruction of bile canaliculi (D) increased breakdown of red cells
295. The fenton reaction leads to free radical generation when
(A) joining energy is absorbed by water
(B) hydrogenperoxide is formed by myeloperoxidase
(C) ferrous ions are converted to ferric ions
(D) nitric oxide is converted to peroxynitrite anion
296. Hereditary retinoblastomas develops the following chromosomal deletion
(A) 13q14 (B) 13p14
(C) 14p13 (D) 14q13
297. In marfans syndrom ,aortic aneurysm occurs most commonly in
(A) ascending aorta (B) descending aorta
(C) abdominal aorta (D) arch of aorta
298. Epstein Bar virus causes all except
(A) infectious mononucleosis (B) nasopharyngeal carcinoma
(C) burkitt’s lymphoma (D) carcinoma cervix
299. Positive shicks test indicates that person is
(A) immune to diphtheria (B) hypersesnsitive to diphtheria
(C) susceptible to diphtheria (D) carrier of diphtheria
300. On the stained slide ,clostridium tetani has the apperance of the
(A) bunch of grapes (B) chain of beads
(C) drum stick (D) safety pin

AIF - MASTER ] 17 P.T.O.

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