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Energy Conversion and Management 196 (2019) 739–750

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Synthesis of Na+ trapped bentonite/zeolite-P composite as a novel catalyst T

for effective production of biodiesel from palm oil; Effect of ultrasonic
irradiation and mechanism

Mostafa R. Abukhadraa,b, , Sherouk M. Ibrahima,c, Sobhy M. Yakoutd,e, Mohamed E. El-Zaidyf,
Ahmed A. Abdeltawabg
Materials Technologies and Their Applications Lab, Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Beni-Suef University, Beni-Suef City, Egypt
Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Beni-Suef University, Beni-Suef City, Egypt
Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Beni-Suef University, Beni-Suef City, Egypt
Department of Biochemistry, College of Science, King Saud University, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia
Department of Analytical Chemistry and Control, Hot Laboratories and Waste Management Center, Atomic Energy Authority, Cairo 13759, Egypt
Department of Botany and Microbiology, College of Science, King Saud University, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia
Department of Chemistry, College of Science, King Saud University, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia


Keywords: Bentonite/zeolite-P composite (B/ZP) was synthesized by simple alkaline hydrothermal treatment at 150 °C for
Bentonite 4 h and characterized by different analytical techniques. The composite was introduced as a low-cost catalyst of
Zeolite enhanced physiochemical properties and catalytic activity in the transesterification of palm oil into biodiesel.
Heterogeneous catalyst The catalytic activity of B/ZP catalyst was inspected by normal stirring mixing and under ultrasonic irradiation
Palm oil
of different powers (20–60%). The best biodiesel yield by normal stirring (96.2%) was achieved at operating
conditions of 210 min as conversion time, 20:1 as a methanol-to-oil molar ratio, 5 wt% as a catalyst loading,
90 °C as temperature and 900 rpm as stirring speed. The conversion reaction under the ultrasonic irradiation
(power 60%) gives biodiesel yield of 98.8% after 120 min as reaction time using 5 wt% as catalyst loading, 20:1
as a methanol-to-oil ratio, and 90 °C as temperature. The ultrasonic irradiation is of positive impacts in reducing
the conversion time interval, reaction temperature, catalyst loading, and methanol-to-oil molar ratio with bio-
diesel yield similar to that obtained by normal stirring at its best conditions. The catalyst is of higher activities
than several homogenous and heterogeneous catalysts and can be reused several times with high catalytic ac-
tivity especially using an organic solvent either by normal stirring or under the ultrasonic irradiation. The
physicochemical specification of the obtained biodiesel by both methods matches the requirements of STM D-
6571 and EN 14214 international standards.

1. Introduction [11–14].
The transesterification reaction for oil into biodiesel performed
The renewable and clean energy resource attracted the considera- mainly in the existence of a potential catalyst either homogenous cat-
tions of the responsible energy and environmental organizations as a alyst or heterogeneous catalyst to accelerate the process [14,15,3]. The
potential solution for the future energy shortage problems and the as- previous literature reported that the applying of homogenous catalysts
sociated hazardous emissions of traditional fuels [1–4]. In the later is of high catalytic activities but they suffer from non-reusability, high
years, biodiesel and biofuels were suggested as an effective and eco- separation costs, high corrosion properties, and of toxic residuals
friendly alternative for traditional fuels [6,7]. It was reported that the [5,16]. However the heterogeneous catalysts are of lower catalytic ac-
produced biodiesel from the transesterification of vegetable oil and tivities than homogenous catalysts, they are environmental materials of
animal fats is of biodegradable properties, no toxic emissions and ex- low fabrication cost and can be reused several times with simple se-
cellent diesel technical properties [8–11]. This qualifies it to be used paration and recovery techniques [1,14].
directly in the engines or integrated into a blend with petroleum diesel The recorded low catalytic activities of heterogeneous catalysts

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.R. Abukhadra).
Received 1 April 2019; Received in revised form 31 May 2019; Accepted 14 June 2019
0196-8904/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.R. Abukhadra, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 196 (2019) 739–750

related to the weak interactions between them and the liquid phases of 70 µm and then was activated by thermal treatment in an electric
the transesterification system (oil and alcohol). This assigned mainly to muffle furnace at an activation temperature of 750 °C for 4 h to obtain a
the high immiscibility between such components which result in high product of high chemical reactivity and open crystalline structure [28].
mass transfer resistance and in turn low activity rates [11,17]. The After that, 6 g of the thermally activated sample was incorporated in an
incorporation of an ultrasonic source as mixing technique during the alkaline solution (12 g of NaOH + 100 mL distilled water) under stir-
transesterification reactions can provide high mixing properties and ring (500 rpm) at a reaction temperature of 70 °C for 2 h. Then, the
enhance the catalytic activities of heterogeneous catalysts by the as- alkaline activated bentonite was transferred into conversion reactor
sociated activation energy and cavitation phenomenon [11,18]. The consist of Teflon autoclave lined by stainless to complete the hydro-
cavitation phenomenon associated with continuous generation of fine thermal conversion of it at a reaction temperature of 150 °C for 4 h. By
emulsion droplets between the liquid phases and collapse of such dro- the end of the conversion process, the sample was cooled, separated by
plets results in the generation of continuous micro-streams, microjets, centrifugation, washed and finally dried for 24 h at 65 °C. The final
and shockwaves in the system [17,19]. This provides effective mixing product was labeled as B/ZP and kept for further characterization and
properties between the immiscible liquids; reduce the mass transfer applications.
resistance, and enhance velocity gradients [2]. The previous effects
cause an increase in the interaction area between the present phases
which promotes the transformation rates at low temperature, short time 2.3. Characterization of the catalyst
intervals, and low alcohol-to-oil molar ratio [20]. Moreover, the ul-
trasonic waves are of impressive effect in reducing the particle size of The structural properties of the investigated bentonite, as well as the
the solid catalyst which can increase the exposed active catalytic sites synthetic B/ZP composite, were inspected from the XRD patterns ob-
and the surface area [2]. tained by a PANalytical X-ray diffractometer (Empyrean). The surficial
Fabrication of the heterogeneous catalysts from natural materials morphological features were inspected by field emission Scanning
became the main interest of the researchers in the later periods to re- electron microscope (Gemini, Zeiss-Ultra 55). The possible alteration in
duce the total production cost and for their environmental properties the chemical functional groups from bentonite to B/ZP composite be-
[3,21]. From the known natural materials, clay and zeolite materials fore and after the conversion reactions was studied using FTIR-FT
were applied widely as a heterogeneous catalyst in the biodiesel pro- Raman spectrometer (Vertex 70). The textural properties including BET
duction after their functionalization by acidic and basic chemical surface area and pore size distribution were studied using
groups or by supporting their structures with alkali elements (sodium Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) and Barrett–Joyner–Halenda (BJH)
and potassium) and metal oxide [1,22,23]. Zeolite either in synthetic or methods, respectively.
natural forms is of alkali aluminosilicate chemical composition, micro-
porous properties, extraordinary ion-exchange capacities, and eco-
friendly properties which are vital properties for superior catalytic ac- 2.4. Transesterification system
tivities [23–28]. This also was recorded for clay minerals as they exhibit
flexible chemical structure, low cost, high ion replacement capacities The used transesterification system was designed for two mixing
[4,28]. The commonly studied clay and zeolite based catalysts are technologies (normal magnetic stirring and ultrasonic irradiation). The
natural zeolite, mordenite, Zeolite-A, zeolite-X, zeolite-Y, sodalite, system consists of three-necked glass bottom-flask (250 mL) as a con-
bentonite, kaolinite and chrysotile [13,23,30–38] version reactor equipped with water-cooled glass condenser as a reflux
Recently novel hybrid products between natural clays and synthetic system in addition to and a thermocouple thermometer. For the de-
zeolite were produced as composites and evaluated as promising ma- signed system by normal stirring, the reactor was connected with an
terials of superior physicochemical properties [28,37,38]. Bentonite/ electric magnetic stirrer with a digital heater to control the reaction
zeolite-P composite was synthesized by Shaban et al., [28] as a hybrid temperature (Fig. S1 in the supplementary data). The typical experi-
product of enhanced surface area, ion exchange capacity, porous mental procedures involved mixing of 40 mL palm oil with a certain
structures, and of good swelling properties. Unfortunately, the catalytic amount of B/ZP catalyst under stirring till attending the selected re-
activities of such hybrid materials in the transesterification of oil into action temperature. This followed by the addition of preheated me-
biodiesel have not been investigated. Thus, this study aims to synthesis thanol to the mixture and confirming the very high sealing for the inlet
a novel composite of bentonite/synthetic zeolite-P (B/ZP) as a catalyst and outlet parts. The values of the controlling factors were adjusted to
in the transformation of palm oil into biodiesel by normal stirring be within a range from 30 min to 300 min for the time interval, from
mixing and under ultrasonic irradiation in a comparison study. The 2 wt% to 6 wt% for the used catalyst quantity, from 5:1 to 30:1 as
conversion reactions were accomplished based on the commonly stu- methanol-to-oil ratio, from 40 °C to 120 °C as temperature, and from
died factors as conversion time, temperature, catalyst loading, me- 200 rpm to 1300 rpm as stirring speed.
thanol-to-oil molar ratio, stirring speed and the reusability of the cat- For the ultrasonic assist transesterification system, it was built by
alyst. fixing the reactor parts into an ultrasonic bath (2L capacity) of 20 kHz
frequency, and 400 W full power (Branson ultrasonic processor) (Fig. S2
2. Experimental method in the supplementary data). The effect of the ultrasonic waves was
studied within a power range from 20% (80 W) to 60% (240 W) and the
2.1. Materials transferring of the ultrasonic waves was performed by filling the bath
volume by distilled water. The experimental procedures were accom-
Raw bentonite (SiO2 (54.82%), Al2O3 (17.56%), Fe2O3 (9.5%), plished by the same steps which were used in the normal stirring system
Na2O (2.6%), MgO (2.5%), CaO (2.4%), TiO2 (1.45%), and LOI (9.2%)) but without magnetic stirring and within the time range from 30 min to
from Western desert bentonite quarry and NaOH (97%) was used in the 150 min.
preparation of Na+ trapped bentonite/zeolite-P catalyst. Commercial By the end of each conversion test, the resulted oil samples were
palm oil, pure methanol of chemical analytical grade (99.8%, Sigma poured into the separating funnel after filtration above Whitman filter
Aldrich) was used in the transesterification system. paper and left till the complete separating of dense glycerol layers from
the yield biodiesel. After that, the yielded biodiesel was heated for
2.2. Preparation of the catalyst 240 min at 70 °C to achieve successful evaporation for any excess in the
incorporated methanol and washed by sodium sulfate to remove the
The raw bentonite sample was ground extensively to be less than residual water molecules.

M.R. Abukhadra, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 196 (2019) 739–750

2.5. Analysis of the biodiesel samples The obtained pattern of B/ZP declared the distinctive peaks of
zeolite-P at about 12.46°, 16.6°, 21.66°, 28.1°, 33.38° and 38° [28]
Gas chromatography (Agilent 7890A) device was used to determine (Fig. 1C). This associated with disappearance for several montmor-
the quantities of fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) in the biodiesel sam- illonite peaks as well as obvious reducing and shifting for its main peak
ples. The analytical procedures involved dilution of the obtained bio- as it appeared at 2Theta angle of 6.73° (Fig. 1C). This reduced peak was
diesel sample by n-hexane and the FAME content was inspected by an defined by Ma et al., [39] as an indicator peak of montmorillonite
Agilent-7890A Series gas-chromatograph system connected with flame mineral which confirming the synthesis of hybrid material from ben-
ionization detector, split/splitless injection system, and capillary tonite and synthetic zeolite-P [28]. The XRD pattern of the catalyst after
column (DB WAX, 30 m × 0.25 m × 0.25 µm) with inert hydrogen gas the transesterification reaction showed no variation in the main peaks
as carrier and 100:1 split ratio. The detector and the injector tem- of B/ZP catalyst except a slight reduction in the intensities of the peaks
perature values were fixed at about 280 °C during the analysis of the which can be related to the possible coating of the catalyst particles
samples. The starting temperature of the oven is 120 °C and increased with glycerol and methyl ester molecules (Fig. 1D).
regularly by 10 °C per min for 50 min till attained 260 °C. An internal
standard of methyl heptadecanoate was used during the analysis of the 3.1.2. Morphological features
sample to quantify the FAME content in the biodiesel samples by in- The morphological features of bentonite, B/ZP catalyst, and the
jection of 1 µl of the samples into the system. After that, total biodiesel spent catalyst were inspected from SEM images in Fig. 2. Bentonite
yields were calculated considering the quantity of the formed fatty acid appears as clusters of agglomerated particles composed of stacked
methyl based on Eq. (1) [6]: layers and decorated by tiny chunks related to the associated mineral
(Fig. 2A). The SEM images of B/ZP showed massive grains of bentonite
(Weight of biodiesel x % FAME )
Biodiesel yield (%) = × 100 disseminated by tiny grains of nearly cubic form and distributed ran-
Weight of oil (1)
domly throughout the bentonite surface (Fig. 2B and C). The present
cubic grains are well developed zeolite-P crystals and their distribution
3. Result and discussion on the bentonite grains as substrate reflected the successful fabrication
of composite from bentonite and zeolite-P without destruction for the
3.1. Characterizations characteristic morphology of bentonite. The spent B/ZP catalyst ex-
hibits no changes in its morphology after the transesterification reac-
3.1.1. Structural properties tion by normal stirring except small distortion for the particles
The bentonite precursor showed the existence of montmorillonite (Fig. 2D). While the spent catalyst after the ultrasonic assist transes-
clay mineral as the dominant type of smectite clay groups (Fig. 1A). The terification showed obvious disintegration of it into finer grains with
other crystalline phases as kaolinite, calcite, and quartz were identified destruction for its original morphology (Fig. S3 in the supplementary
as associated impurities. The characteristic XRD peaks of montmor- data).
illonite were recognized at 2θ angles of 6.55°, 19.85°, 25.1° and 28.35°
which were assigned to (0 0 2), (0 2 0) and (1 0 5) lattice planes, re- 3.1.3. Textural properties and catalyst mechanism
spectively (card No: 00-003-0010 and No: 00-058-2010). The present Table 1 showed the textural properties of B/ZP composite in com-
montmorillonite is of 12.96 nm average crystallite size and 13.48 Å d- parison with raw bentonite and commercial synthetic zeolite-P. The
spacing. The thermal activation resulted in a significant reduction in the specific surface area of the synthetic composite is 512 m2/g which is
intensities of the montmorillonite peaks and the d-spacing value higher than that of raw bentonite (91 m2/g) and zeolite-P (123 m2/g).
12.85 Å (Fig. 1B) which related to the partial dehydration and de- Moreover, the composite emphasized enhanced porous structure with
struction of the montmorillonite structure during the activation process. an average pore diameter of 5.8 nm as compared to 10.4 nm and 1.2 nm
Additionally, most of the impurities related peaks were disappeared for bentonite and zeolite-P, respectively. Also, the ion exchange capa-
after the thermal activation. city enhanced greatly to be 387 meq/100 g which is higher than the
estimated values for bentonite and zeolite-P (Table 1).

3.1.4. Chemical properties

The change in the functional groups with the fabrication steps of the
composite was evaluated based on the FT-IR spectra of them (Fig. 3).
The spectrum of bentonite showed the bands of structural OH within
the area from 3100 cm−1 to 3700 cm−1 in addition to a band at
16406 cm−1 related to the interlayer water molecules [28,40,41]
(Fig. 3A). The structural SieO and AleO groups were identified by their
bands at 1000 cm−1 and 918 cm−1, respectively [40]. The observed
bands from nearly 400 cm−1 to 1000 cm−1 related to MgeFeeOH,
SieO–Mg, and Si–O–Al groups [36] (Fig. 3A).
The FT-IR spectrum of B/ZB catalyst showed a clear deviation for
the main bands of OH groups and bending water molecules with a
noticeable increase in their intensities (Fig. 3B). Additionally, two ab-
sorption bands at 3625 cm−1 and 918 cm−1 were disappeared which
confirmed the successful activation of bentonite by NaOH and effective
hydration of its layer during the transformation reactions. The new
detected band at 1429 cm−1 related to the coordinated water molecules
within the pores of the synthetic zeolite [25]. This supported by the
chemical composition of the synthetic B/ZP catalyst (SiO2 (51.46%),
Al2O3 (14.52%), Fe2O3 (7.5%), Na2O (10.3%), MgO (1.52%), CaO
Fig. 1. XRD patterns of raw bentonite (A), calcinated bentonite (B), synthetic (1.62%), TiO2 (0.77%), and LOI (12.6%)). The enrichment in the so-
bentonite/zeolite (B/ZP) catalyst (C), and the spent B/ZP catalyst after the dium content related mainly to the synthetic zeolite and reflected the
reaction (D). effect of the alkaline alteration on the structure of bentonite.

M.R. Abukhadra, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 196 (2019) 739–750

Fig. 2. SEM images of raw bentonite at magnification of 2000×, scale bar = 10 µm, and accelerating voltage = 30 kV (A), bentonite/zeolite-P catalyst at magni-
fication of 500X, scale bar = 500 µm, and accelerating voltage = 15 kV for (B) and 1400×, scale bar = 10 µm, and accelerating voltage = 30 kV for (C), and spent
bentonite/zeolite-P catalyst after transesterification reaction at magnification of 1700×, scale bar = 10 µm, and accelerating voltage = 30 kV (D). The SEM images
were taken by Gemini, Zeiss-Ultra 55-high filed emission Scanning electron microscope.

The FT-IR spectrum of the spent catalyst after the conversion re- significant increase in the rate with the gradual increase in the time
actions showed the main groups of B/ZP with noticeable changes in intervals [42]. This was emphasized to be a logic result for the high
their positions and intensities in addition to the appearance of other immiscibility between methanol and palm oil at the initial stages (low
new bands (Fig. 3C). The detected new bands at about 2950 cm−1 and conversion time intervals) which cause an incomplete transformation of
1320 cm−1 were assigned to the CeH bond in methyl and/or methylene the present FAME into biodiesel and this can be avoided by expanding
groups of methyl esters that were adsorbed by the composite particles the time interval [3,43].
[1,32]. The further increment in the time intervals is of a reversible effect
which resulted in decreasing the biodiesel yield (%) to be 84% after
3.2. Catalytic transformation of palm oil 300 min (Fig. 4A). This behavior was assigned to the reversible nature
of such reactions in addition to the possible hydrolysis of the formed
3.2.1. The conversion reactions by normal stirring mixing esters to free fatty acids [44,45]. Therefore, 210 min was selected as the Effect of conversion time intervals. The transesterification period best time for the transformation of palm oil into biodiesel in the pre-
is a vital parameter due to the immiscibility nature of reactants in the sences of B/ZP as a basic heterogeneous catalyst.
system. The influence of time intervals on the catalytic conversion of
palm oil by B/ZP catalyst was studied within a range from 30 min to Effect of methanol-to-oil molar ratio. Evaluation of methanol-to-
300 min (Fig. 4A). The other controlling parameters were fixed at 70 °C oil-ratio as a vital factor in the transesterification of palm oil was
as temperature, 15:1 as an alcohol-to-oil molar ratio, 4 wt% as catalyst studied within a range from 5:1 to 30:1. The other factors were adjusted
loading, and 500 rpm as stirring speed (Fig. 4A). There is a gradual at 210 min as time, 70 °C as temperature, 4 wt% as catalyst loading, and
increment in the obtained biodiesel yield with expanding the time 500 rpm as stirring speed (Fig. 4B). The presence of methanol in the
interval from 30 min to 210 min achieving the best biodiesel yield transesterification reaction is a critical component as each one mole of
(87%) at this time (Fig. 4). The results revealed slow changes in triglyceride interacts with three moles of alcohol to generate three
transesterification rate during the initial stages of the reactions and a moles of FAME and one mole of glycerol [16,46]. The presence of

Table 1
Textual and physical properties of B/ZP catalyst in comparison with bentonite and zeolite-P.
Sample Cation exchange Swelling Specific Surface Micropores volume Mesopores volume Total volume Average pore size
capacity (meq/100 g) capacity area (m2/g) (ml/g) (ml/g) (ml/g) (nm)

Bentonite 104 8.37 91 0.013 0.262 0.312 10.4

Zeolite-NaP 320 2.54 123 0.36 0.01 0.37 1.2
Bentonite/Zeolite- 387 5.62 512 0.244 0.175 0.422 5.8

M.R. Abukhadra, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 196 (2019) 739–750

predicted mass transfer of the reactants (B/ZP catalyst, palm oil, and
methanol) and impacts the used methanol-to-oil molar ratio [54]. Thus,
the best results can be obtained at a reaction temperature of 90 °C. Effect of catalyst loading. The quantity of the used catalyst is an

effective parameter either for its economic value or for its impact on the
conversion efficiency of palm oil. The vital effect of B/ZP loading was
studied within a range from 2 wt% to 6 wt% after fixing the other
conditions at 210 min as time, 20:1 as a methanol-to-oil ratio, 90 °C as
temperature, and 500 rpm as stirring speed (Fig. 4D). The obtained
biodiesel yields declared a gradual enhancement in the percentages
with using higher catalyst loading from 2 wt% (74.5%) till 5 wt%
(93.6%) (Fig. 4D). The recorded increment in the biodiesel yield with
increasing the used B/ZP mass attributed to the associated increase the
total surface area and the quantities of the exposed active catalytic sites
The observed reduction in the biodiesel yield with using catalyst
loading of 6 wt% (92.4%) related to the possible formation of dense
slurry of high viscosity with using high quantities of the solid catalyst.
This reduces homogeneity between the mixed reactants and reduces the
Fig. 3. FTIR spectra of raw bentonite (A), bentonite/zeolite-P catalyst (B), and
interaction chances between them [16,56] (Fig. 7). Moreover, the rest
the spent catalyst after the transesterification reactions (C). un-reacted catalyst particles increase the mass transfer resistance which
reduces the conversion rate of palm oil [1,52].

methanol in a sufficient ratio accelerates the solubility of the present Effect of stirring speed. The stirring speed is a critical parameter
phases, reduces the mixture viscosity, improves the mixing
in all the heterogeneous catalytic transesterification reactions as it
homogeneity and reduces the mass transfer resistance which induces
controls the immiscibility between the reactants and preserves
the transesterification reaction in the forward direction with high
homogenous mixture within the reaction period [57]. The stirring
biodiesel yield [3,6,44]. Furthermore, the interfacial area between
speed as transesterification parameter was studied within a range from
the present immiscible liquids does not affect by increasing the
200 rpm to 1300 rpm at fixed values of 210 min as time, 90 °C as
methanol-to-oil ratio. This provides a high-frequency passage for the
temperature, 20:1 as methanol-to-oil ratio and 5 wt% as catalyst
solid catalyst through it which causes a considerable increase in the
loading (Fig. 4E). The catalytic activity of B/ZP increased linearly
exposed surface area and the catalytic activity of it [1,47,48].
with increasing the stirring speed from 200 rpm to 900 rpm which
In the studied B/ZP system, the resulted biodiesel yield from palm
reflected in increasing the biodiesel yield from 88.6% to 96.2%
oil increased from 71% to 90.3% with increasing the methanol-to-oil
(Fig. 4E). Increasing the stirring speed assists greatly to wipe out the
molar ratio from 5:1 to 20:1 (Fig. 4B). The further augmentation in the
mass transfer resistance between the liquid phases (palm oil and
ratio to be higher than 20:1 is of reversible effect and resulted in a
methanol) and preserves high mixing homogeneity between all the
noticeable reduction in the obtained biodiesel yield (Fig. 4B). The ex-
solid and liquid reactants which ensures effective conversion reactions
cessive methanol content is of several negative impacts including (1)
with high yields [57,58]. The further increase in the stirring speed
the deactivation of B/ZP catalyst, (2) the dilution of the reactants
above 900 rpm is of slight negative effect on the resulted biodiesel yield
mixture, (3) the change in the polar groups of methanol which con-
as it decreased only by 0.5% and 1% with increasing the speed by
verting them to emulsifiers, and (4) the significant dissolution of the
1000 rpm and 1300 rpm, respectively. The previous behavior might be
formed glycerol byproducts by it which can shift the reaction towards
related to the role of the high stirring speed in increasing the turbidity
the reversible side [6,49]. Thus the excessive methanol content reduces
between the reactants which reduce the homogenous mixing between
the transesterification rate, raises the total production cost and com-
them and cause random dispersion of them on the walls of the system.
plicates the recovering processes [3,48,50].
The previous effects are of negative impacts on the equilibrium balance
of the reaction and reduce the transesterification efficiency. Effect of the reaction temperature. Investigation of the catalytic
activity as a function of the operating temperature was performed at 3.2.2. The conversion reactions under ultrasonic irradiation
fixed values of 210 min as time, 20:1 as alcohol-to-oil ratio, 4 wt% as B/ Effect of ultrasonic irradiation time. The influence of ultrasonic
ZP catalyst loading and 500 rpm as stirring speed (Fig. 4C). The irradiation on enhancing the catalytic activity of synthetic B/ZP during
influence of temperature was studied within a range from 40 °C and the transesterification of palm oil into biodiesel was studied within time
120 °C. The plotted results showed an increase in biodiesel yield with range from 30 min to 150 min and under ultrasonic irradiation of
the increment in the reaction temperature from 40 °C to 90 °C achieving different powers (20% (80 W), 30% (120 W), 40% (160 W), 50%
the best value at 90 °C (92.8%) (Fig. 4C). This behavior can be (200 W), and 60% (240 W)). The other parameters were adjusted to
explained based on the nature of the transesterification processes as be at 5 wt% as catalyst loading, 90 °C as temperature and 20:1 as a
endothermic reactions [6,51]. The operation of the reaction at high methanol-to-oil ratio (Fig. 5A).
temperature gives the reactants high kinetic energies and increases the The obtained results revealed a continuous increment in the bio-
interaction chances between alcohol and triglyceride molecules which diesel yield with the gradual augmentation in the time intervals from
induce the mass transfer and promotes the solubility of the present 30 min to 150 min with clear enhancement in the values with in-
liquid phases which in turn enhances the catalytic conversion reactions creasing the ultrasonic powers. Using ultrasonic irradiation of 20%,
[1,10,16,52,53]. 30% and 40% powers resulted in biodiesel yields of 96%, 96.5%, and
Performing the reaction at a temperature above 90 °C is of slight 97.5% after 150 min, respectively (Fig. 5A). The applying of the highest
effect and of negative effect with temperatures above 100 °C (Fig. 4C). ultrasonic powers of 50% and 60% resulted in superior conversion ef-
The over increasing in the temperature can increase the escaping ficiency of very high biodiesel yields within short time intervals
chances of the evaporated methanol from the system which hinders the (Fig. 5A). For the ultrasonic power of 50%, the obtained biodiesel yields

M.R. Abukhadra, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 196 (2019) 739–750

Fig. 4. influence of the operating parameters on the conversion of palm oil into biodiesel using B/ZP catalyst, (A) time intervals, (B) methanol-to-oil molar ratio, (C)
temperature, (D) catalyst loading, and (E) stirring speed.

enhanced to about 98.5% after 90 min as a reaction time interval. Using of palm oil in the presence of B/ZP as a heterogeneous catalyst can give
ultrasonic irradiation at 60% power achieved the best biodiesel yields higher biodiesel yield than by normal stirring method within short time
as the obtained percentages are 96.5%, 98.7% and 98.8% after 60 min, intervals.
90 min, and 120 min, respectively.
The noticeable enhancement in the biodiesel yield with raising the The ultrasonic effect at a different catalyst loading. Investigation
ultrasonic power can be assigned to the effect of high ultrasonic waves
of the positive influences of the ultrasonic irradiation in enhancing the
in inducing the acoustic movements and the formation of numerous
effectiveness of the applied B/ZP masses was inspected in the presences
cavitation bubble of low stability [19,59]. The collapse of such less
of an ultrasonic source of different powers (from 20% to 60%) using
stable cavitation bubbles resulted in high micro-mixing processes and
different masses of the catalyst (2–6 wt%). The other parameters were
increases the jet velocities between the boundaries of the reacting liquid
adjusted at 90 °C as temperature, 20:1 as methanol-to-oil ratio and
phases. This promotes the effective formation of fine emulsions that
120 min as the time interval (Fig. 5B). As appeared in the plotted
accelerate the mass transfer and enhance the efficiency of the transes-
curves, the yield percentage increases by increasing the applied catalyst
terification reaction [2,59].
loading and the influence of catalyst loading showed great
It is worth to be mentioned that, the further increment in conversion
enhancement with increasing the ultrasonic power from 20% to 60%.
time intervals above 120 min is of slight or negative impact on the
(Fig. 5B). Biodiesel yields of 95.3%, 95.8%, 97.3%, 98%, and 98.5%
obtained biodiesel yield for all the studied ultrasonic powers (Fig. 5A).
were obtained using 4 wt% of B/ZP as catalyst loading under ultrasonic
Thus, applying the ultrasonic irradiation during the transesterification
irradiation of 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, and 60% powers, respectively.

M.R. Abukhadra, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 196 (2019) 739–750

Fig. 5. Influence of ultrasonic irradiation of different powers on the conversion of palm oil into biodiesel by B/ZP catalyst at different reaction parameters, (A)
conversion time intervals, (B) catalyst loading, (C) methanol-to-oil molar ratio, and (D) the reaction temperature.

The obtained values showed a slight increase with increasing the to-oil ratio of 20:1 as the biodiesel yields increased to 96%, 96.5%,
applied catalyst loading by 5 wt%, and 6 wt% for all the inspected ul- 97.8%, 98.6% and 98.8% with increasing the ultrasonic power by the
trasonic powers. This can be assigned to predict scattering of ultrasonic previous order (Fig. 5C). The further increase in the molar ratio above
irradiation which can be resulted in weak cavitation effects [17].The 20:1 is of a negative impact and resulted in the reduction of the ob-
best biodiesel yields for ultrasonic irradiations of 20% power, 30% tained biodiesel yields at all the studied ultrasonic powers. Therefore
power, and 40% power are 96%, 96.5% and 97.8%, respectively; and the ultrasonic irradiation can improve the obtained biodiesel yields (%)
were obtained using 6 wt% B/ZP as catalyst loading (Fig. 5B). For the but has no effect on the optimization of methanol/oil ratio which is of
reactions which were conducted using ultrasonic irradiation of 50% and agreement with the previous literature [17,19,59].
60% powers, the best biodiesel yields of 98.6% and 98.8% were
achieved using 5 wt% B/ZP as catalyst loading. Therefore, the used
masses of B/ZP catalyst can be reduced and give high biodiesel yields The ultrasonic effect at a different reaction temperature. The role
by applying the ultrasonic irradiation as mixing technique instead of a of ultrasonic irradiation in enhancing the role of temperature and/or
normal stirring method. reducing the required temperature for effective conversion reactions
was investigated within a temperature range from 40 °C to 120 °C. The
operating parameters were selected to be 120 min as transesterification The ultrasonic effect at a different methanol-to-oil ratio. The role time, 20:1 as methanol-to-oil ratio and 5 wt% as catalyst loading
of ultrasonic treatment in enhancing the catalytic activity of B/ZP as a (Fig. 5D).
function of the methanol-to-oil molar ratio was investigated at a fixed The biodiesel yield showed gradual increment with increasing the
time interval (120 min), 90 °C as temperature and 5 wt% as catalyst temperature till 90 °C for all the studied ultrasonic powers with sig-
loading (Fig. 5C). The methanol-to-oil molar ratio was studied within a nificant enhancement with the augmentation of power from 20% to
range from 5:1 to 30:1 using different powers of ultrasonic irradiation 60% (Fig. 5D). Under ultrasonic irradiation of 50% power, the biodiesel
(20–60%). increased by 90.3%, 93.6%, 95.4%, 97.4%, and 98.6% with the gradual
The obtained results reflected the possible production of biodiesel increment in temperature by 50 °C, 60 °C, 70 °C, 80 °C, and 90 °C, re-
with yields higher than 90% using 10:1 as a methanol-to-oil molar ratio spectively (Fig. 5D). With using ultrasonic irradiation of 60% power,
under ultrasonic irradiation of powers 40%, 50%, and 60% (Fig. 5C). the biodiesel yield increased to 91.5%, 94.7%, 96.2%, 97.5%, and
Increasing the ratio to 15 (methanol):1 (oil), resulted in increasing the 98.8% at reaction temperature of 50 °C, 60 °C, 70 °C, 80 °C and 90 °C,
biodiesel yield by 94.2%, 94.6%, 95.4%, 96.3%, and 96.8% with the respectively. This gives other advantages for using ultrasonic irradia-
increment in the ultrasonic power by 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% and 60%, tion in the heterogeneous catalytic conversion of palm oil as it can
respectively. The best catalytic performance was obtained at methanol- reduce the required temperature for effective production of biodiesel as

M.R. Abukhadra, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 196 (2019) 739–750

irradiation (Fig. 6). This related to the predicted leaching of the present
catalytic sites (sodium ions) from B/ZP composite and the deactivation
of it by the over adsorbed transesterification by-products during the
reaction which reduce the possible interaction between the reactants
and the basic catalytic sites [1,2,22]. This assumption was confirmed by
the FT-IR spectra of the spent catalyst as it showed several functional
groups related to the adsorbed oil byproducts (Fig. 3).
For using distilled water as solvent, the obtained biodiesel yields are
96.2% (cycle 1), 94.3% (cycle 2), 91.6% (cycle 3), 85% (cycle 4), 78.4%
(cycle 5), 72% (cycle 6), 67.4% (cycle 7), and 62% (cycle8) under
normal mixing stirring. Under ultrasonic irradiation, the obtained va-
lues for the same cycles in order are 98.8%, 95.3%, 91%, 85.4%, 74%,
69%, 63% and 57.4%. For applying methanol in the regeneration of the
catalyst, the resulted yields are 96.2% (cycle 1), 95.7% (cycle 2), 93.4%
(cycle 3), 90.2%, (cycle 4), 87.3% (cycle 5), 83.5% (cycle 6), 78.4%
(cycle 7), and 72% (cycle8) by normal stirring mixing. While the ob-
tained values under the ultrasonic irradiation are 98.8% (cycle 1),
97.2% (cycle2), 93% (cycle 3), 87.5% (cycle 4), 80% (cycle 5), 74.2%
Fig. 6. The reusability studies of B/ZP catalyst in the transesterification of palm (cycle 6), 67% (cycle 7), and 61% (cycle 8). For the reusability results
oil using different solvents (distilled water, methanol and acetone).
after washing by acetone, the conversion processes resulted in biodiesel
yields of 96.2% (cycle1), 96% (cycle 2), 94.8% (cycle 3), 90.5% (cycle
compared to normal stirring. 4), 88% (cycle 5), 85% (cycle 6), 79.6% (cycle 7), and 71.8% (cycle 8)
by stirring mixing processes. Under the ultrasonic effects, the obtained
yields at the studied reusability cycles are 98.8% (cycle1), 97.5% (cycle
3.2.3. The catalyst reusability 2), 94.3% (cycle 3), 88% (cycle 4), 81% (cycle 5), 73.5% (cycle 6), 65%
The suitability of the catalyst be used for several rounds were stu- (cycle 7), and 60% (cycle 8). The results revealed that using organic
died for eight runs either by normal stirring mixing or under ultrasonic solvents (methanol and acetone) can achieves better results in reusa-
irradiation. The operating conditions for normal stirring tests were bility tests than distilled water which can credit mainly to the high
fixed at 210 min as a reaction time, 20:1 as a methanol-to-oil molar efficiency of organic solvents in the removal of the adsorbed transes-
ratio, 5 wt% as catalyst loading, 90 °C as a reaction temperature and terification by-products on the surface of the catalyst. Additionally, the
900 rpm as stirring speed (Fig. 6). The reusability tests under the ul- catalyst showed higher stability by normal stirring mixing processes
trasonic irradiation were performed at a fixed time of 120 min, me- than under the ultrasonic irradiation which is of great agreement with
thanol-to-oil ratio of 20:1, temperature of 90 °C and ultrasonic irra- other studies [2].
diation of 60% power (Fig. 6). After each run, the solid catalyst was
separated and washed extensively by three different solvents including
distilled water, methanol, and acetone. Then the washed solid fractions 3.2.4. Mechanisms of catalyst formation and biodiesel generation
were dried in an electric oven at 70 °C for 5 h. The synthetic catalyst is a hybrid material composed of two silicate
The reusability results using the inspected three solvents revealed minerals with different crystal structures; montmorillonite with a
the suitability of B/ZP as a catalyst to be used for eight times with layered structure and zeolite-P with tectosilicate structure (Fig. 7). The
significant biodiesel yields (Fig. 6). The catalytic activity of B/ZP composite was synthesized by the partial hydrothermal transformation
showed considerable reduction with increasing the reusability cycles of bentonite in an alkaline solution. The resulted hybrid product ap-
from cycle1 to cycle 8 either by normal stirring or under ultrasonic peared as bentonite aggregates decorated by tiny cubic zeolite crystals

Fig. 7. Schematic diagram for the formation B/ZP catalyst and the effect of alkaline activation on it.

M.R. Abukhadra, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 196 (2019) 739–750

which give it numerous advantages represented by the formation of a Table 2

product with a highly porous structure, high surface area, ion exchange Physicochemical properties of the produced biodiesel in comparison with the
capacity, and basicity. Additionally, the bentonite sample still shows its international standards.
characterization properties of the amazing layered structure and ion Contents Unit ASTM D- EN 14214 Biodiesel Biodiesel
exchange properties. Moreover, the alkaline activation of montmor- 6751 (Ultrasonic) (Stirring)
illonite mineral affected greatly the crystal structure of it as it became
Viscosity mm2/s 1.9–6 3.5–5 3.84 4.12
saturated by sodium ions as replaceable ions or as trapped ions.
Moisture Wt. (%) < 0.05 < 0.05 0.041 0.034
Structurally, montmorillonite composed mainly of an octahedral sheet content
between two tetrahedron sheets [41] (Fig. 7). The corner sharing of the Flash point °C > 120 > 120 178.5 176
structural silica tetrahedrons results in the formation of structural open Cloud point °C −3 to 15 – 6.4 5.8
Pour point pp −5 to 10 – 5.4 5.7
molecular cavities that can act as traps for the sodium ions during the
Cetane 47–65 51–120 53.7 55.3
alkaline activation [28,60] (Fig. 7). Also, sodium ions can be inserted number
within the structure of montmorillonite by partial replacement of Si and Density g/cm3 0.82–0.9 0.86–0.9 0.872 0.864
Al ions and as trapped free ions within the interlayer water molecules
[1,22] (Fig. 7). Moreover, the alkaline activation is of etching effect on
the surficial siloxane groups and cause hydration for the montmor- glycerol [6] (Fig. 8).
illonite sheets [28]. All the previous effects enhance the ion exchange
properties, the total basicity, the surface area and cause more exposing 3.2.5. Physicochemical properties of the final biodiesel yield
for the functional groups that are of high catalytic activities [40,60] The resulted biodiesel at the best transesterification conditions was
(Fig. 7). evaluated based on the required specifications of the international
The catalytic conversion of oil into biodiesel in presence of alcohol standards (EN 14214 and ASTM D-6751) (Table 2). The properties of
(methanol) accomplished mainly by two steps; (1) cracking of the ester the finally generated biodiesel either by normal stirring or by ultrasonic
bonds between the triglyceride molecules, and (2) effective substitution irradiation strongly match the requirements of the international stan-
with the alcohol short chains producing the biodiesel [3] (Fig. 8). B/ZP dards. The measured cetane indexes are higher than 45 for both sam-
catalyst is a basic catalyst and enriched in alkaline catalytic sites that ples which give a strong recommendation for the possible using of the
play vital roles during the cleavage processes of the oil triglycerides as obtained biodiesel directly as fuels in diesel engines [1]. Generally, the
well as the alcohol (methanol) molecules [61]. The alkaline treatment production of biofuels with low cetane index is of high difficulty to be
enhances the exchangeable properties of the incorporated sodium ions used in the engines and associated with the releasing of hazardous
and the presences of sodium ions as structural elements induced the gasses and emissions [66]. Moreover, the viscosity of the produced
formation of negative charges on the present oxygen atoms. This en- biodiesel samples is of significant values to be used effectively in the
hances the alkalinity of the product and its catalytic activity during the lubrication applications, fuel injectors, and fuel atomization. Finally,
alkaline hydrolytic mechanism [62,63]. Additionally, the previous ef- the determined high flash points give the products high safety proper-
fects can cause an increase in the stability of the formed polarized ties for handling, storing and transportation [3].
molecules as alkali methoxides and fatty acid salts [3].
The catalytic conversion reactions start by the polarization of the
present triglycerides ester groups in the C-O bonds between the glycerol 3.2.6. Comparison study between the catalytic activity of B/ZP and other
groups and the fatty acid moieties [64]. Also, the used methanol mo- heterogeneous and homogenous catalysts
lecules affected by the polarization processes under the catalytic in- The catalytic activity of B/ZP composite as compared to other het-
teractions of the basic sodium sites of B/ZP composite (Fig. 8). The erogeneous and homogenous catalysts was accomplished as a function
polarization step followed by cracking processes for both the methanol of the obtained biodiesel yields at the best transesterification conditions
and triglyceride molecules. This followed by integration between the of palm oil (Table 3). For the heterogeneous catalysts, the obtained
produced methoxy groups and the fatty acids alkyl chains [65] (Fig. 8). biodiesel yield by normal stirring is of higher percentage (96.2%) than
The possible interactions between the generated intermediates during several types of the presented catalysts in Table 3 as KOH/bentonite,
the catalytic transesterification of oil resulted in the formation of me- SrO, BaO, CaO, activated carbon/CaO, Sr/ZrO2, SO4-ZrO2, CaO–CeO2,
thyl esters with various types of fatty acid moieties (biodiesel) and cesium/silica, and coconut coir husk derived catalyst (Table 3). Ad-
ditionally, the catalyst can give such high biodiesel yields by normal

Fig. 8. Schematic diagram for transesterification of palm oil into biodiesel by the synthetic B/ZP catalyst.

M.R. Abukhadra, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 196 (2019) 739–750

Table 3
Comparison between the obtained biodiesel yield by B/ZP catalyst and other heterogeneous and homogenous catalysts in literature.
Catalyst Time T (°C) Methanol-to-oil ratio Catalyst loading (wt.%) Stirring speed (rpm) Ultrasonic power Yield (%) References

Heterogeneous catalysts
Coconut coir husk derived catalyst 3h 130 12:1 10 500 0 89.8 [67]
Cesium/silica 3h 65 20:1 3 – 0 90 [68]
K2CO3/palygorskite 3.5 h 65 12:1 5 800 0 97
Seashell-derived Ca, Zn and Al compounds 3h 60 30:1 10 – 0 98 [69]
Sulfonated graphene 10 h 100 20:1 10 – 0 98 [70]
Rice husk ash-based catalysts 4h 65 9:1 7 800 0 91.5 [71]
CaO–CeO2 4h 65 12:1 5 – 0 95 [72]
Ostrich eggshell- CaO 1h 60 9:1 8 – 120 W 92.7 [73]
KF/Ca-Al hydrotalcite 5h 65 12:1 5 – 0 97.98 [74]
SO4-ZrO2 10 min 250 25:1 0.5 – 0 90 [75]
Sr/ZrO2 87 min 115 29:1 2.7 – 0 79.7 [76]
Activated carbon/CaO 80 min 190 15:1 5.5 0 80.9 [77]
BrO and SrO 50 min 65 9:1 2.8 – 200 W 95 [59]
CaO 1h 65 15:1 3 – 120 W 77.3 [78]
BaO 1h 65 15:1 3 – 120 W 95 [78]
SrO 1h 65 15:1 3 – 120 W 95 [78]
KOH bentonite 3h 60 6:1 3 – 0 90.7 [66]
SrO 3h 80 12:1 5 – 0 98.2 [79]

Homogenous catalysts
CyN1,1PrSO3H][p-TSA] 2.5 h 120 21:1 3 – 0 98.7 [80]
NaOH 30 min 60 6:1 1 250 0 97 [46]
KOH 15 min 60 9:1 1 – 28–70 kHz 93 [81]
KOH 15 min 60 9:1 1 – 0 89 [81]
Et3NHSO4 3h 170 15:1 5.2 – 0 82.1 [82]
KOH 50 min 60 15:1 1 600 0 96.9 [82]
Na+ trapped B/ZP 3.5 h 90 20:1 5 900 0 96.2 This study
Na+ trapped B/ZP 2h 90 20:1 5 0 240 W 98.8 This study
Na+ trapped B/ZP 1.5 h 90 20 :1 5 0 240 W 98.7 This study
Na+ trapped B/ZP 2h 90 20 :1 4 0 240 W 98.5 This study
Na+ trapped B/ZP 2h 90 15:1 5 0 240 W 97 This study
Na+ trapped B/ZP 1h 90 20:1 5 0 240 W 96.5 This study
Na+ trapped B/ZP 2h 70 20:1 5 0 240 W 96.2 This study
Na+ trapped B/ZP 2h 60 20:1 5 0 240 W 94.7 This study

stirring at lower temperature values than SO4-ZrO2, Sr/ZrO2, activated normal stirring resulted in biodiesel yield of 96.2% after 210 min using
carbon/CaO, sulfonated graphene, and coconut coir husk derived cat- 5 wt% as catalyst loading, 20:1 as a methanol-to-oil ratio, 90 °C as
alyst; and at lower time interval than KF/Ca-Al hydrotalcite, rice husk temperature, and stirring speed of 900 rpm. The conversion reaction
ash-based catalysts, sulfonated graphene, and CaO-CeO2. under the ultrasonic irradiation (power 60%) gives biodiesel yield of
Applying the ultrasonic irradiation resulted in enhancing the cata- 98.8% after 120 min as a reaction time using 5 wt% as catalyst loading,
lytic activity of B/ZB and achieved higher biodiesel yield than all the 20:1 as a methanol-to-oil ratio, and 90 °C as temperature. The ultrasonic
presented catalysts in Table 3, and within short time interval than most irradiation is of positive impacts in reducing the conversion time in-
of them. Additionally, the B/ZB catalyst can achieve better results at a terval, reaction temperature, catalyst loading, and methanol-to-oil
temperature value lower than that used for SO4-ZrO2, Sr/ZrO2, acti- molar ratio with biodiesel yield similar to that obtained by normal
vated carbon/CaO, coconut coir husk derived catalyst, cesium/silica, stirring at its best conditions. The catalyst is of higher activities than
sulfonated graphene, CaO–CeO2, BrO, CaO, and SrO. This gives the several homogenous and heterogeneous catalysts, and can be reused
synthetic composite high technical and economic value as it is of simple several times with high catalytic activity specially using an organic
preparation processes and of lower cost than most of the presented solid solvent. The specifications of the final produced biodiesel by both
heterogeneous catalysts in the transesterification of palm oil. methods match the requirements of STM D-6571 and EN 14214 inter-
Regarding the homogenous catalysts, the best biodiesel yield was national standards.
obtained by CyN1,1PrSO3H][p-TSA] (98.7%) and achieved after 2.5 h
using 20:1 methanol-to-oil molar ratio and 3 wt% catalyst loading at a Recommendation
temperature value of 120 °C (Table 3). The previous makes a preference
for B/ZB catalyst under ultrasonic irradiation of 60% power as 98.8% Further studies will be conducted to investigate the catalytic activity
biodiesel was obtained after only 2 h using 20:1 methanol-to-oil ratio at of B/ZP catalyst at the pilot scale and using the chemicals at their
90 °C as reaction temperature. However, the alkaline solutions of NaOH commercial grades
and KOH resulted in significant biodiesel yields within short time in-
tervals, the synthetic B/ZP catalyst is of higher yield than them at its
Declaration of Competing Interest
best conditions

The authors declared that there is no conflict of interest.

4. Conclusion
Bentonite/zeolite-P composite (B/ZP) was synthesized and char-
acterized as a heterogeneous catalyst of basic properties. It was applied The authors extend their appreciation to the Deanship of Scientific
effectively in the transformation of palm oil into biodiesel by normal Research at King Saud University for funding this work through re-
stirring and under ultrasonic irradiation. The conversion reaction by search group No. RG-1440-043.

M.R. Abukhadra, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 196 (2019) 739–750

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