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Name of the organization:

World Wildlife Fund

- It was created in 1961 by Julian Huxley
"One of a kind."
- Since 1985, WWF has invested more than $ 1.6 billion in more than 11,000 projects

Global changes that concern:

The main areas, which the organization labors to improve are forests, freshwater basins,
oceans and coasts, plant and animal species and toxic substances. WWF is working for an
ongoing global agreement on climate change.

Where the organization works:

WWF operates in almost 100 countries around the world, as well as in Bulgaria.

What they do:

The organization is mainly concerned with the conservation of biological diversity, the
sustainable use of renewable natural resources, the reduction of pollution and reckless
consumption of natural resources. WWF strives to combine the needs of humans with the
needs of other living beings with whom we share the Earth. It seeks to inspire people to
respect nature. WWF conducts an "climate tour" every year, during which everyone can
learn more about the problem and how to personally help allaying it. WWF is the creator of
the global Earth Hour initiative, during which people can show that they want something
serious to be done about climate change.
Specifically in Bulgaria, the organization supports responsible forestry, protects the Danube
and its tributaries and, works for sustainable rural development, helps the protected
Bulgarian nature.

What people can do to help WWF:

Together, we humans can protect our planet by adopting a more sustainable way of life and
by supporting the work of the World Wildlife Fund. This can be done by attracting like-
minded people and donors to support the work of the organization. By becoming volunteers,
actively participating in the organization's initiatives, telling as many people as possible why
it is important to protect nature and how each of us can contribute to it on a daily basis. By
starting to live in harmony with nature and use its resources wisely.

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