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ISSN 03621197, Human Physiology, 2013, Vol. 39, No. 6, pp. 590–601. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2013.

Original Russian Text © I.N. Pigarev, M.L. Pigareva, 2013, published in Fiziologiya Cheloveka, 2013, Vol. 39, No. 6, pp. 31–44.

Sleep, Emotions, and Visceral Control

I. N. Pigareva and M. L. Pigarevab
Institute for Information Transmission Problems (Kharkevich Institute), Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, 127994 Russia
b Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 117485 Russia

Received April 8, 2013

Abstract—It is known that sleep is connected with sensory isolation of the brain, inactivation of the con
sciousness and reorganization of the electrical activity in all cerebral cortical areas. On the other hand, sleep
deprivation leads to pathology in visceral organs and finally to the death of animals, while there are no obvious
changes in the brain itself. It is still unclear how the changes in the brain activity during sleep could be con
nected with the visceral health. We assumed that the same brain areas and the same neurons that, in wakeful
ness, process exteroceptive information, switch, during sleep, to the processing of the interoceptive informa
tion. Thus, the central nervous system is involved in regulating the life support functions of the body during
sleep. The results of our experiments supported this hypothesis, explained many observations obtained in
somnology, and offered mechanisms of several pathological states connected with sleep. However, at the
present level of the visceral sleep theory, there is no understanding of the wellknown link between the emo
tional reactions of the body and transition from wakefulness to sleep, and sleep quality. In this study, an
attempt is undertaken to combine the visceral theory of sleep with the needinformational theory of emotions
proposed by P. Simonov. The visceral theory of sleep assumes that in living organisms there is a constant mon
itoring of the correspondence of the visceral parameters to the genetically determined values. Mismatch sig
nals evoke the feeling of tiredness and the need of sleep. This sleep need enters the competition with other
actual needs of the body. In accordance with the theory of Simonov, emotions connected with a particular
need play an important role in their ranking for satisfaction. We propose that emotional estimation of the
sleep need based on visceral signals occurs in the same brain structures which undertake this estimation for
other behavioral needs in wakefulness. During sleep, the same brain structures involved in estimating emo
tions continue to rank visceral needs and define their order for processing in the cortical areas and in the high
est centers of visceral integration. In the context of the proposed hypothesis, we discuss the results of the stud
ies on the link between sleep and emotions.

Keywords: visceral theory of sleep, needinformational theory of emotion, visceral control

DOI: 10.1134/S036211971306008X

1. INTRODUCTION: THE MAIN PARADOX EEG. Both humans and animals choose, for sleep,
OF THE SLEEP STATE quiet and dark places with a soft bedding to decrease
the level of activation of proprio and extero(distant)
There is probably no other sphere of physiological receptors. In addition special neuronal mechanisms
science where the word “paradoxical” is mentioned as raise the thresholds for sensory information on its way
frequently as in sleep physiology. Everyone has heard to the cortex [1, 2]. All this makes an impression of the
about the paradoxical sleep phase and legends around
informational isolation of the brain during sleep. At
this state of the body. However, in our opinion, the
most paradoxical sleep phenomenon is that, despite this time, cortical output motor commands are also
numerous studies in the last century, there is still no blocked (socalled sleep atonia) [3]. In combination
generally acknowledged theory capable of explaining with bright images of dreams, these observations led
the functional purpose of this state. As for the diffi to conclusion that sleep is a state needed, first of all,
culty of developing such a theory, it is obviously con to support the brain’s efficient functioning. Reviews
nected with the main sleep paradox, which consists of of these studies are presented in several publications
the contradictions among the following phenomena [4–6].
that, at first glance, are difficult to combine. On the other hand, the most direct and logical
Transition from wakefulness to sleep is connected method of clarifying the functional role of sleep would
with pronounced changes in the electrical activity of be the analysis of the consequences of temporal exclu
the brain, first of all, of the cerebral cortex. In the peri sion of sleep from animal life (sleep deprivation). For
ods of slowwave sleep, cortical neurons pass to peri the first time such experiments were performed on
odical burst activity reflected in the slow waves of dogs in the 1930s in the laboratory headed by K. Bykov


[7]. Then, a large cycle of studies performed on rats sleep theory, has been recently published [19]. In
confirmed that sleep deprivation during several days terms of the suggested theory, many observations of
leads to numerous disturbances in the visceral sphere, experimental somnology were explained, and the
and finally to the death of experimental animals [8]. mechanisms of a number of pathologies related to the
Recently, a great number of studies showing visceral sleep state became clear.
disorders, first of all, of the gastrointestinal tract, However, there remained phenomena that did not
related to disturbances of normal sleep in humans have find explanation at the level of the development of the
been accumulated [9]. visceral sleep theory. There were numerous indications
A striking finding was that, in rats, the only organ of the connection of the sleep state with the emotional
that did not suffer from sleep deprivation was the brain reactions of the body. To a certain extent, all of them
[10]. This observation was frequently doubted, since it concerned the mechanism of transition from wakeful
is well known that sleep deprivation in humans is ness to sleep. The negative effects of acute emotional
accompanied by a decrease in attention and ability to sensations on the quality of subsequent sleep and shifts
solve complex tasks [11]. This apparent contradiction to the negative side of the emotional background after
was solved by the discovery of the local sleep phenom sleep deprivation were described. We consider the
enon [12, 13]. It was shown that in some cases sleep results of these analyses in detail below, in the con
development in some cortical zones can take place cluding section.
during behavioral wakefulness. Thus, it was natural to In this study, we searched for a logical connection
explain the cognitive consequences of sleep depriva between mechanisms of sleep triggering, control of
tion by turning off of several cortical zones rather than visceral systems, and mechanisms of the formation of
by the deterioration of brain efficiency. emotional reactions. The visceral sleep theory opened
It remained a puzzle how the informational isola an approach to understanding the relation between the
tion of the brain from the external world, which sleep state and the working of the visceral systems of
accompanies the transition from wakefulness to sleep, the body. In the sphere of the physiology of emotions,
could be connected with visceral health. the needinformational theory of emotions elaborated
Attempting to find a solution to this issue, we by P. Simonov and his coworkers remains the most
advanced a rather simple hypothesis. According to this developed [20, 21]. Both discussed approaches are
hypothesis, during sleep, the brain is actually isolated based on the analysis of information flows in the ner
from exteroreceptive information. However, the same vous system. Although, at first glance, these theories
brain neurons that, in periods of wakefulness, analyze concerned different issues of physiological activity, we
exteroreceptive information of different modality tried to bring these two directions together.
switch over to the analysis of interoreceptive informa In the second section of this paper, we shall con
tion coming from different visceral systems. Thus, the sider the main elements of the visceral sleep theory
central nervous system during sleep is involved in the and present the picture of changes of the main infor
process of visceral regulation. mation flows in the nervous system in the sleepwake
Despite the attractiveness of this approach, the fulness cycle suggested by this theory.
main obstacle—the generally recognized concept that In the third section, we shall try to combine Simo
cerebral cortex is a system of specialized processors nov’s propositions of the needinformational theory of
tuned to the analysis of signals of definite sensory emotions with concepts of neurophysiological mecha
modality—was in its way. This concept reflected itself nisms and the functional purpose of this state emerg
also in the adopted nomenclature of cortical zones, ing from the visceral theory.
such as visual, auditory, and somatosensory zones. Finally, in the fourth section, we shall briefly review
However, one should remember that during the cre the papers on the relation between sleep and emo
ation of computers, the development of specialized tional states and discuss these results in the approach
processors was very soon given up, and all modern suggested by us.
machines are based precisely on universal processors.
There is no doubt that the construction of computers
created by human is far simpler than the organization 2. ASSUMPTIONS OF THE VISCERAL
of the most powerful devices of information process SLEEP THEORY
ing known to us, namely, an animal’s brain. It is diffi The visceral sleep theory is based on the suggestion
cult to imagine that the principles of universal proces that the same cortical zones and the same neurons that
sors were not used in the process of creating a living in wakefulness analyze signals from exteroreceptors in
brain. This consideration urged us to conduct a series the state of sleep switch over to the analysis of interore
of experiments to check nontrivial predictions of the ceptive information. To test this hypothesis, responses
visceral sleep hypothesis. of different cerebral cortical regions to extero and
The results of experiments that would never have interoceptive stimulation in sleep and in wakefulness
been made in the absence of this hypothesis confirmed were compared. It was shown that neurons of the
this proposal [14–18]. A detailed review of these stud visual and somatosensory cortex of cats that in wake
ies, whose results allowed us to speak about the visceral fulness responded to visual and somatic stimulation in

HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY Vol. 39 No. 6 2013


slow wave sleep began to respond to the electrical nisms; therefore, we call them gate devices. These gate
stimulation of the intestine and stomach. These vis devices have also a second regulating input, which
ceral responses stopped in REM sleep and at awaken changes the threshold of signal propagation through
ing [14]. Similar results were obtained on monkeys the given device. Structures with similar properties are
[15, 16] and rabbits [17]. well known in neurophysiology. These can be, for
Further comparison of the natural myoelectrical instance, triad synapses or synapses providing presyn
activity of the digestive organs with cortical activity dur aptic inhibition.
ing sleep showed that appearances in the EEG of the cor Figure 1 shows the state of propagation pathways in
tex of short desynchronizations in the periods of slow wakefulness. Information on the environment and
wave sleep coincide with the appearance of migrating body state (the lower left corner of the scheme) passes
myoelectric complexes in the stomach activity [19]. through an open gate device and is directed for analy
Analysis of spike activity in the cortical visual areas sis to the central block, the cerebral cortex. It is very
of cats revealed in 30% of neurons in slow wave sleep likely that other brain structures also will be in a simi
changes in the spike frequency determined by the lar position. So far it has been experimentally demon
rhythmicity of the myoelectric activity of the duode strated that this is true for the cortex. The results of
num and stomach. Such a relation never manifested processing exteroceptive information in the cerebral
itself in wakefulness [22]. Finally, it was found that the cortex are transmitted to a block providing behavior
change in the composition of the intragastric medium and motor activity.
performed in the period of slow wave sleep (water infu In parallel, the output signals are transmitted to a
sion via fistula into the stomach) leads to changes in block that we name Consciousness. The activation of
the EEG pattern and activity of single neurons in the the neurons in this block leads to the feeling of self
brain cortex [18]. perceptions and the perceptions of the surrounding.
Note that the relationship of the organs of the The concept of consciousness is to a considerable
digestive system and the cortex was activated in peri degree intuitive, it is difficult to define it in physiolog
ods of slow wave sleep and stopped in REM sleep. ical terms, and apparently different persons give it a
Nevertheless, the visceral sleep theory does not regard slightly different meaning. Despite this, consciousness
slow wave and REM sleep as two essentially different is most frequently associated with the function of the
states. We assume that in both slow and REM sleep, cerebral cortex. The results of sleep investigation per
the brain is involved in processing of the visceral infor mit us to put in doubt the validity of such a conclusion.
mation and that during a complete sleep cycle, the The consciousness is active in wakefulness and almost
successive scanning of all life supporting systems of the completely switched off in sleep or under narcosis. At
body takes place. Usually this process begins in the the same time, the average level of activity of cortical
organs of digestion, respiration, and heart, which have neurons does not change significantly in these states.
a distinct rhythmicity. The interference of their activ One has to accept that either consciousness is not
ity synchronizing during slow wave sleep determines related to the activity of the brain’s neurons or the
the waves of cortical EEG. The scanning then passes localization of structures related to consciousness is
to organs having no rhythmicity, for instance, liver, different. In the first case, the issue of the localization
kidneys, locomotor and reproductive systems. Finally, of structures related to processes of consciousness
the brain itself is a visceral organ also requiring control makes no sense at all. The second choice opens an
of its state. The unrhythmical flow of afferentation experimental way to search for structures connected
from these organs does lead to desynchronization of with the realization of consciousness. If consciousness
the EEG in REM sleep. We assume that, although is active in wakefulness and switched off in sleep, it is
cerebral cortex receive different afferent flows in REM necessary to find structures whose neurons will behave
and slow wave sleep, the general trend of this process in a similar way. However, this is not the whole story.
ing is unique and directed on support of the workable The structures that need to carry out the role of the
condition of the visceral systems. “substrate of higher brain functions” should have a
The revealed alternation of cortical afferentation in wide range of associative connections with zones of all
the sleepwake cycle force one to change the concepts sensory modalities in the cerebral cortex. Structures of
concerning the organization of the main information basal ganglia have such connections [23]. Moreover, it
flows in the nervous system. The proposed structure of was shown that excitatory cortical projections to the
these flows in sleep and wakefulness suggested by us is neurons of basal ganglia are actually inactivated in the
shown in Figs. 1 and 2. state of sleep, and the background activity of neurons
In Figs. 1 and 2, the solid lines show the active of basal ganglia in these periods decreases to a com
informationconducting pathways, and the dotted plete stop [24–26]. Using the method of positron
lines show the pathways through which conduction at emission tomography [27], it was found that in
the given moment is stopped. The main elements of humans, on transition from wakefulness to sleep, the
the scheme are structures determining the possibility average level of cortical activity does not change, but
of conduction via one or another pathway. We do not the level of basal ganglia declines drastically. This is
associate these elements with definite nervous mecha only a small part of the data that cast doubt on the

HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY Vol. 39 No. 6 2013


Consciousness Wa k e f u l n e s s

Behavior, visceral
motor regulation

Brain cortex

Exteroreceptors and Autonomic nervous

proprioreceptors system


Environment and the

subject’s body Internal organs

Fig. 1. Scheme of information flows in the animal body in wakefulness. Solid lines indicate active channels of signals transmission.
Dotted lines indicate channels blocked for signal propagation. Black circles with parallel lines are gate devices opening and clos
ing propagation via this or another pathway. Arrows with circles at the end are inputs of controlling synapses determining state of
gate devices. Additional explanations are in the text.

traditional views of the place of the cerebral cortex in the visual cortex during REM sleep [29, 30]. However,
the hierarchy of the brain’s structures. However, a the relation of these spikes to visceral signals has not
detailed discussion of this issue is the subject of a sep been studied so far.
arate article. Parallel to the change of cortical afferentation to
The right part of the suggested scheme represents interoceptive, efferent cortical flows should also be
the animal’s body. In wakefulness, information con changed. Output signals from the cortex during sleep
cerning the state of internal organs comes to structures reflect the results of the processing of visceral informa
of the autonomic nervous system providing the local tion and should not be directed to structures associ
control of their work [28]. ated with behavior and consciousness. In the scheme,
During sleep, a radical change of information flows gate devices at these pathways are closed in the state of
in the nervous system occurs (Fig. 2). In an ideal case, sleep. At the same time conduction via the pathways
after receiving “permission” for sleep, gate devices from the cerebral cortex to structures associated with
simultaneously shift to the opposite position. The an associative processing of information from all vis
transfer of signals from extero and proprioreceptors ceral systems is opening. It is likely that the nuclei of
to the brain cortex is blocked. However, information the hypothalamus are such regions for associative vis
from the visceral systems of the body begins to come to ceral regulation. However, the efficiency of the cor
the cortex via the same input channels. ticohypothalamic relations in the sleepwake cycle
Most likely, the main structure in which afferenta has not been investigated.
tion from extero and proprioceptive switches to When visceral parameters via the involvement of
interoceptive is the thalamus. Active blocking of visual the cortex in the processes of their regulation are nor
signals transmission from the retina to the cerebral malized, the “command” for sleep is removed, the
cortex at the level of the thalamus was shown [1, 2]. It gate structures are shifted to the opposite position, and
is also well known that the pontogeniculooccipital the human or animal wakes up.
spikes reflecting activation passing from the pontine Such can be an ideal pattern of switching informa
nuclei through the lateral geniculate body appear in tion flows in the sleepwake cycle. However, one

HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY Vol. 39 No. 6 2013


Consciousness Dream

Behavior, visceral
motor regulation

Brain cortex

Exteroreceptors and Autonomic nervous

proprioreceptors system


Environment and the

subject’s body Internal organs

Fig. 2. Scheme of information flows in the animal body during sleep. Designations are the same as in Fig. 1.

should remember that the actual switching of gate 3. EMOTIONS AND MECHANISM
structures, especially under conditions of pathology, OF TRIGGERING AND SUPPORTING SLEEP:
can be extended in time. This can lead to the mixing of THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS
exteroceptive and interoceptive information at the According to the visceral sleep theory, the main
input to the cerebral cortex. Output signals from the elements providing transitions from wakefulness to
cortex can also be directed to incorrect addresses. Pre sleep and back are the gate devices opening or closing
viously [19], we considered in detail the possible con the conduction of extero or interoceptive informa
sequences of such false readdressing, and, on this tion (Figs. 1, 2). The change in the states of these gates
basis, simple mechanisms of such phenomena as sleep should proceed according to commands incoming
hallucinations, the restless legs syndrome, dreams, from the regions of the central nervous system regulat
sleep palsy, and somnambulism were suggested. In the ing the sleepwake cycle. Since these commands are
simple and of the same type for all neurons to which
same paper [19], a new phenomenon predicted by the they are addressed, their generation and transfer needs
visceral sleep theory, visceral hallucination, is a limited number of elements having branched projec
described, and the possible mechanism of emergence tions over a large surface of the correspondent region
of motion sickness (seasickness), as a particular case of of the nervous system. Neurons of several discovered
visceral hallucinations, is suggested. sleep “centers” have such properties [4]. Now it is
However, as noted, the visceral sleep theory did not important to understand how the command for transi
tion from wakefulness to sleep and back can be gener
concern an important aspect of the sleep process, ated.
namely, its interaction with emotional reactions.
The visceral sleep theory suggests that sleep is nec
Although sometimes the conclusion concerning emo essary to restore the efficiency of the visceral sphere of
tional arrousal in sleep was not sufficiently logically the body. Consequently, one can expect that current
and experimentally justified, the data of other studies parameters of the given visceral system have to be con
left no doubt of the presence of such a connection. So, stantly compared to the genetically predetermined
it seemed important for us to try to understand the values. This process is shown schematically in Fig. 3a.
nature of this interaction. The block determining the need (or pressure) of sleep

HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY Vol. 39 No. 6 2013


(a) (b)
Mechanism of need for sleep Mechanism of sleep development
Signals of
Current value Reference value tiredness from Signals of threshold
of visceral of visceral different control
parameters (A) parameters (B) visceral
Magnitude of need in sleep permitting sleep and
is proportional to mismatch
of input signals A and B
|A–B| directed to
Feeling Need synapses (Fig. 1)
of tiredness in sleep Neuron–threshold element

Fig. 3. Schemes explaining the first stage of sleep occurring independently in each visceral system and leading to appearance of
sleep pressure (a) and second stage permitting sleep (b).

subtracts from the current values of visceral parame In our situation N is need for sleep. We deliberately
ters (A) their reference value (B). The absolute magni used the word need for sleep as a synonym of the term
tude of this difference (|A – B|) will determine the feel that is more widespread in somnology, “sleep pres
ing of tiredness or pressure (need) for sleep coming sure,” to emphasize sleep’s similarity with any other
from the given visceral system, its individual organs, or behavioral situation. In his papers, Simonov also
their parts. included need for sleep in the number of basic biolog
At the subsequent stage of decision making on ical needs [20].
transition to sleep (Fig. 3b), signals of tiredness from The difference of AI and IN reflects the probability
different visceral systems should apparently be of satisfying this need under specific conditions. We
summed up in the device with threshold designated in suggest that the need for sleep, as all other needs of the
the scheme as the neuron–threshold element. The out body, passes through a stage of emotional assessment.
put signal of this threshold element will be the com The emotional assessment of the need for sleep is
mand permitting sleep. This command will switch the more likely performed in the same nervous apparatus
gate devices from the state for wakefulness into the in which the emotional assessment of other behavioral
state for sleep. The output signal of the threshold ele needs is performed. In the case of a high need for sleep
ment, as for any other neuron in the nervous system, and an environmental state providing greater possibil
does not entirely depend on the summed signals at the ities for sleep as compared to the needed amount, the
input. The second important element determining its emotion will be positive. In the case of sleep depriva
excitation is the threshold. The signal controlling this tion, when the available conditions for normal sleep
threshold should be the result of comparison of inde turn out to be considerably lower than those needed,
pendent parameters. First of all, it should accumulate the emotion will be negative. When the emotional
information on the magnitude of the need for sleep, on assessment of the need for sleep is formed, this need
the current position of the body in the environment, will be exhibited for an “auction of needs” together
and on the environmental state, and reflect the proba with all the actual needs of the body at the given
bility of the safe satisfaction of the need for sleep at the moment, and it will be solved which of them is given
given moment of time. preference. The value of the obtained emotional esti
Formulated in this way, the conditions of the tran mates will play a vital role, performing the known
sition to sleep immediately remind us about the switching function of emotions [20].
famous formula of emotions suggested by P. Simonov In the case that the need for sleep prevails, the
for assessing the value of the emotional reaction asso command coming from this level of the chain of deci
ciated with a definite behavioral need: sion making will lower the threshold in the “neuron
Emotion = function of [N ⋅ (AI–IN)], threshold element” block (Fig. 3), which will lead to
its activation. The impulses generated as a result of the
where N is the need value, AI is available information, lowering of the threshold will act as controlling com
and IN is information prognostically necessary to sat mands for the gate devices on information flows
isfy this need. (Figs. 1, 2) to switch them into the opposite position.

HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY Vol. 39 No. 6 2013


The animal or human will begin to fall into a sleep, sleep. However, after falling asleep, the same signals of
while their nervous system will switch to processing tiredness begin to reflect quite different and competing
signals coming from interoreceptors to restore body needs.
efficiency. Again, to select the sequence of connection for dif
Simonov wrote [20], that the switching function of ferent visceral systems to the blocks of central process
emotions is especially clearly seen in the process of the ing during the period of sleep, apart from the signals of
competition of motifs in determining the dominant the value of need for sleep coming from them, one
need. He wrote that the dependence of emotions not should also take into account the available informa
only on the amount of need but also on the probability tion at the given moment on the current state of this
of its satisfaction significantly complicates the compe system and the information needed for its restoration.
tition of coexisting motives, as a result of which behav So, we again return to the need to perform an emo
ior is frequently reoriented to a less important but tional assessment of the needs for different visceral
more easily attainable goal. The causes of several prob systems.
lems arising in the system of sleep control probably are Thus, during sleep, in the same way as during wake
dependent on this peculiarity of emotions. fulness, the brain structures connected with estima
It would seem that, at this point, we could consider tions of emotions can rank the arising visceral prob
our task accomplished. We suggested possible ways of lems and determine the sequence in which their sig
the interaction of the apparatus of emotional estimates nals are sent for processing to higher centers of visceral
and the system of sleep initiation. Analysis of this sur analysis and integration. As a result, various cortical
prising functional decussation opened the new ways areas will be involved in this process. Different initial
for understanding of information mechanisms of states of the bodies will determine a different process
pathological situations associated with falling asleep, ing order in the cortical zones of signals from visceral
as well as emotional and visceral disorders. However, systems. This will determine the individual EEG sleep
subsequent logical analysis demonstrated that the pattern.
mechanism of switching behavior from the wakeful One can proceed further and suggest that the
ness mode to the sleep mode was only the first level of mechanism of emotional assessment was created ini
the possible involvement of the apparatus of emotions tially for providing the work of visceral systems of the
in the organization of the sleep process. The next level body. Only later, with the brain’s complication and
of this participation extending already to the entire appearance of new forms of interaction of the organ
subsequent sleep period was immediately apparent. isms with the environment, the same developed and
We repeat again: during sleep, numerous informa useful algorithms of processing interoceptive informa
tion flows from interoreceptors distributed in all tion were applied also to processing of exteroceptive
organs of the animal or human body are directed to the signals. We can still observe reflections of this history
brain, and this raises the problem of processing and as visceral components of emotional reactions to
transferring this information to different brain cortical external stimulations during wakefulness. They may
areas and to higher integration centers of visceral sys seem sometimes useful, but more frequently have no
tems. functional sense. Like dreams, visceral components of
emotional reactions are not a serious hazard and
However, since from the informational point of therefore special mechanisms for their suppression
view, the states of sleep and wakefulness now seem to have not been formed. However, when due to the
be functionally symmetrical states, it can be assumed change of the efficiency of the synaptic transmission
that the general principles of the brain’s work with via this or another pathway, the harmonic picture of
input signals are similar in both situations. Let us try to the interchange of extero and interoceptive informa
apply the elements of the organization of complex tion, as well as signals of the emotional assessments of
behavior known to us from the study of wakefulness to this information is disturbed, we encounter patholog
the analysis of visceral information processing, hap ical situations of this or another level of severity. How
pening during the state of sleep. ever, the consideration of these cases is beyond the
In wakefulness, behavior is determined by a combi scope of this study.
nation of diverse needs of the body, and the brain In the concluding section of our paper, we shall dis
searches for ways to satisfy these needs, successively cuss the results of several studies devoted to investiga
assessing their importance. The most important ele tion of the link between sleep and emotions and try to
ment of such ranking is the emotional assessment of look at them in the context of the above mentioned
the need. concepts.
The combination of signals of tiredness, which
begin to come from different visceral systems already
in the state of wakefulness and reflect the deviation of 4. EMOTIONS AND MECHANISM
the current parameters of visceral systems from per OF TRIGGERING AND MAINTAINING SLEEP
missible normal values, form the general need for The connection of emotions and sleep was reported
sleep, which determines the transition of the body to in many studies on humans and animals. Note that

HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY Vol. 39 No. 6 2013


approach to experimental studies of emotions is con permit accepting with confidence the suggested local
nected with fundamental complications. The emo ization of the sources of the observed potential
tional state is exclusively subjective. In humans it was changes. However, the obtained results remain useful
found that emotional experiences about which the for planning future experiments with the use of new
experimenter becomes aware from the verbal reports and more accurate methodical procedures.
of the subject are usually accompanied by various Recently, comprehensive reviews of studies reflect
responses in the visceral sphere (changes in the heart ing the interrelations of emotions and sleep in humans
rate, respiration rate, skin galvanic reaction, etc.). were published [32, 33]. In most cases they demon
These visceral responses were concidered as an indica strated the connection of emotional excitement in the
tor and measure of emotional stress. In experiments period of wakefulness with the subsequent period of
on animals, the report of emotional sensations cannot sleep. First of all, it was manifested in the difficulty of
be received. However, it is quite justified to consider falling asleep [34]. As a result of the emotional arousal
that visceral responses identical to those that were before falling asleep, sleep becomes less deep, and fre
obtained in similar situations in humans can be quent episodes of waking (increased sleep fragmenta
assessed as the reflection of an emotional arousal. On tion) were recorded. Much attention was also given to
the other hand, one should not forget that in the state the reduction of the latency of the first episode of
of wakefulness similar changes in visceral parameters REM sleep [35].
occur constantly, without being accompanied by any These phenomena fit well to suggested above
emotional manifestations, and simply reflect the cur mechanisms of falling asleep. This mechanism pro
rent life activity of the body. Thus, no change, e.g., in pose that the need for sleep enters the competition
the heart rate, can be assessed as an undisputable with other behavioral needs, and emotional evaluation
reflection of emotional sensation. of these needs determine its outcome. Highly emo
This consideration becomes especially important tional events in the period of wakefulness creates a
when we analyze results obtained in the state of sleep. need in the assessment of this event to prolong the pos
The observed changes in the activity of visceral sys itive emotional state or decrease the effect of negative
tems were frequently interpreted as a consequence of emotions. The pronounced emotional component
the emotional experiencing of events in dreams. This increases the rating of this need. Thus, the rank of the
point of view for a long time was supported by the need for sleep decreases, and the onset of its domina
common belief that dreams are associated with peri tion is delayed. Now, for transition to sleep, a consid
ods of REM sleep since in this phase of sleep, the heart erably greater pressure of sleep is needed, i.e., a more
rate and respiration depth drastically change. This pronounced deviation of the parameters of the visceral
belief is still prevalent, although it was repeatedly dem systems from the norm.
onstrated that reports of dreams can be obtained also In the suggested approach, the physiological basis
at the awakening of the subjects during slow wave sleep of the recommendations on sleep hygiene becomes
[30]. As for slow wave sleep, the heart and respiration clear. Moreover, new key factors of the impact on the
rates are quite stable. Moreover, reports on dreams process of falling asleep open. Needs competition
obtained on awakening from REM sleep do not always determining the falling asleep depend not only on the
include emotional components. As for the visceral values of the needs but also on the information avail
storms of REM sleep, these are phenomena constantly able and necessary for their satisfaction. It is also worth
observed in each episode of such a state in humans and paying attention to the pathways of transfer to the
animals. That is hardly possible to conclude about brain of visceral information necessary for the forma
emotional activation in REM sleep based only on the tion of the need for sleep. One can expect that a short
changes in visceral parameters taking place in this term artificial increase of this activity will exert a pro
phase of sleep. nounced somnogenic effect.
In review of published data on the interaction of We shall pay special attention on the revealed
emotions and sleep we would like first to remind a decrease in the latency of the first episode of REM
series of fundamental studies performed on cats in the sleep after a strong emotional arousal before falling
1970s in the laboratory headed by T. Oniani [31, 32]. asleep [35]. This also fits into the suggested model.
In these studies, important observations were made The decrease in the latency of REM sleep, in other
that were later partly forgotten. It is enough to men words, simply means a decrease in the duration of the
tion the observations of prolonged desynchronizations first sleep cycle. How can the visceral sleep theory
on the background of deep nonREM sleep, con explain the phenomenon of dividing the process of
firmed by awakening thresholds. Several studies of this sleep into cycles? After falling asleep central nervous
group dealt with the pattern of activity of limbic brain system should deal with restoration of the visceral sys
structures in different sleep phases. Unfortunately, tems. With the use of emotional evaluation the prob
only visceral components were used as criteria of emo lems of various visceral systems are ranked and put in
tional reactions, and the EEG of different brain struc sequence for servicing. The simplest subsequent strat
tures was recorded monopolarly, using a common ref egy would be the elimination of all problems in the first
erence electrode. The latter circumstance does not system and transition to the next one. However, in this

HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY Vol. 39 No. 6 2013


case, it may turn out that towards the moment of Several papers dealt with the specific influence of
awakening that is frequently caused by external sig sleep deprivation on the subjective assessment of emo
nals, part of the visceral systems would remain without tional stimuli. Certainly, these data are not so simple to
the necessary servicing. Moreover, the urgency of their compare since they considerably depend on the pat
problems would still increase with time. Another, tern of the presented stimuli. However, the general
more reasonable strategy would be a preliminary tendency manifested itself always: sleep deprivation
assessment of the probable duration of the uninter shifted the emotional background to the negative side.
rupted sleep and distribution of this time between all For instance, an increase in the number of negative
urgent needs. Scanning all systems as a first approxi estimates was observed on presentation of visual
mation in this first cycle of sleep would allow us to images whose content was changed from emotionally
solve the most urgent problems. Under the possibility neutral to increasingly negative [44]. When a set of
of sleep continuation, one could pass to the next level pleasant, neutral, and unpleasant stimuli was used,
of task approaching in the second cycle, etc. up to the sleep deprivation did not affect the assessment of the
elimination of the need for sleep or its minimization pleasant and unpleasant stimuli. However, subjects
when the rating of the remaining need for sleep after sleep deprivation more negatively assessed neu
becomes lower than the competing rating of another tral images; their mood was distinctly negative, and
urgent need set from the sphere of exteroreception. the objective assessment of caution declined [45]. In
The suggested need in cyclic scanning of different vis this study, the conclusion was made that sleep is asso
ceral systems, parallel to the inner periodicity of many ciated with the fine regulation of the emotional assess
visceral processes may be kept in mind during discus ment according to “better safe than sorry” principle.
sion of the mechanisms of microcyclic changes in the Thus, an uncertain situation is more preferably
electrical activity of the brain in different stages of assessed as dangerous than as safe [45, 46].
sleep, which have recently attracted the attention of The effect of sleep deprivation on the perception of
researchers [36]. visual images of different emotional content was stud
After an event that caused an emotional arousal in ied also using papillography as an indicator of process
wakefulness when the need in assessing possible con ing cognitive and emotional information. The authors
sequences of this event actively competes with the [47] conclude that sleep deprivation changes the affec
need for sleep and postpone the period of falling tive estimate to a more negative one in ranking emo
asleep, the predicted period of uninterrupted sleep tionally neutral stimuli.
also decreases. As a consequence, the duration of sleep Despite the diversity of the experimental
cycles decreases; hence, the latency of the first episode approaches to the study of the effect of low quality of
of REM sleep. Indeed, the emotional arousal in wake sleep on the period of subsequent wakefulness, one
fulness played here a detrimental role and increased common picture was observed: it was always a shift of
sleep fragmentation. However, this hardly occurred in the emotional background towards the negative side
order to approach the experiencing of the emotional [48–50].
problems of wakefulness in dreams during the first epi The possible mechanisms of this phenomenon are
sode of REM sleep. also clear. If sleep as a result of deprivation procedures
The fact that the events of the day can affect the was excluded or interrupted, this means that for some
process of subsequent falling asleep is easily perceived visceral systems, the need for sleep was not satisfied.
intuitively. More interesting are the reports that there Hence, the available information on the satisfaction of
is also an inverse influence. The quality and quantity of this need (AI in Simonov’s formula of emotions)
sleep considerably change humans’ response to events turned out to be considerably smaller than the neces
of the subsequent period of wakefulness [37]. sary information (IN). As a result, a negative emo
tional state is evoked. The more sleep was reduced or
Under conditions of a deficiency of adequate sleep, disturbed, the more negative the emotional state at the
for instance, in the case of shift work, negative emo moment of awakening. It is well known that against the
tions to aversive events considerably intensify, while negative emotional background, all negative emotions
positive responses to pleasant events, in contrast, are become more unpleasant, and the attractiveness of all
inhibited [37, 38]. Prolonged sleep deprivation inten positive emotions decreases [51]. This was observed in
sifies the sensation of a depressive mood, anger, frus the aforementioned studies. One should take into the
tration, tension, and irritability [38–41]. Note that the account that probably also visceral problems that do
metaanalysis of the results of a large number of inves not reach our consciousness pass through the same
tigations showed that sleep deprivation affects the emotional assessments as the events during wakeful
mood rather than indices of cognitive responses [42]. ness. Thus, their interrelation is quite natural.
In subjects who woke up, a better mood was In some studies, the authors, due to the reasons
recorded in those cases when they were awakened after mentioned previously, relate to emotions mainly the
termination of the period of REM sleep, i.e., when the phase of REM sleep. Thus, after periods of sleep with
sleep cycle ended, compared to cases of awakening a high content of REM sleep, the subjects more fre
during REM sleep [43]. quently assessed the presented visual stimuli as nega

HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY Vol. 39 No. 6 2013


tive [52–54]. Based on these data, the conclusion was tion of the visceral sleep theory and mechanisms of
made that namely this state of sleep modulates the emotions, and to V.V. Raevskiy and E.V. Levichkina
processing of emotional information in humans. It is for their critical discussion of the manuscript.
considered that REM sleep is involved in the adequate The study was supported by the Russian Founda
emotional response necessary on the next day to assess tion for Basic Research, project nos. 130400941 and
the potential danger and control of reactivity in 130400741.
response to stimuli with an emotional, especially
threatening, background [55–57].
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