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Quarter 1

TLE Grade 11

PIVOT-AIVLearner’s Material


Quarter 1

Module 3



Introduction to ICT


Development Team of the Module

Author: ANTONIO D. MONTEMAYOR B.S.C.S, B.S.Ed, MA Educ.Mgmt. 39 Units




Layout Artist:

Lhovie A. Cauilan, Teaching Ai

DepartmentfEducation Region 4A

CALABARZON Office Address: Gate 2 Karangalan Village, Cainta Rizal

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Guide in Using PIVOT Learner

For the Parents/Guardian

This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by

educators both from public and private institution to assist you, the teacher
or facilitator in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12
Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social, and economic
constraints in schooling.

This learning resource hopes to engage the learners in guided and

independent learning activities at their own pace and time.Furthermore,
this also aim to help learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while
taking into consideration their needs and circumstances.

As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this
module. You also need to keep track of the learners’ progress while allowing
them to manage their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to
encourage and assist the learners as they do the tasks included in the
For the Learner

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful
opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace and
time. You will have to process the contents of the learning resource while
being an active learner.
I What I need to know?

This module was designed and written wit help you master the skills,
knowledge, and a contrast the nuances of varied online platf achieve
specificandclassaddressobjectivessituational chal of this module permits it to
be used in many language used recognizes the diverse vocabul are arranged
to follow thecoursestandard.Butsequenctheor which you read them can be
changed to corres now using.

The module is divided into two lessons, namely:




After going through this module, you are expected to:

Identify problems areas using Mathemactical Techniques and Analyze appropriate

Mathematical computations base on job requirements.

Use Relevant Technologies effectively in accordance with job requirements.

I What is new?

Alternatively referred to as the counting frame, an abacus is a mechanical device used to
assist a person in performing mathematical calculations and counting.

Who built the first abacus?

It is still unknown who built the first abacus and when it was built. There is evidence of the
abacus used in Mesopotamia going back as early as 2700 B.C., for use with their sexagesimal
numbering system. The abacus was also used in other early civilizations, including the Chinese,
Egyptian, Greek, Persian, and Roman civilizations.

Why was the abacus used?

Before computers, calculators, or even arithmetic using paper and pencil, the abacus was the
most advanced device for crunching numbers. Before the abacus, the only methods people had
to use for their mathematical calculations were their fingers and toes, or stones in the dirt.

Is the abacus still used today?

Yes, even today in certain parts of the world the abacus is still used as a primary counting
device or as a backup to more modern counting devices.
Why should I learn or teach the abacus?
Learning to use the abacus helps teach you a new way of counting and how to add and subtract
using complementary numbers. By learning to solve problems in new ways, you can come up
with better and often easier solutions to all sorts of problems.

How to use the abacus

Before learning to use the abacus, realize there are different types of abacus'. For example, the
classical abacus or Chinese abacus has five beads on the bottom and two beads at the top. The
modern abacus, Japanese abacus, or soroban has four beads at the bottom and one bead at the
top. We are using the modern abacus for examples on this page.

The upper beads are called the "Heavenly beads" and are worth five in the first column. The
lower beads are called "Earthly beads" and are each worth one in the first column. When
moving a bead towards the middle bar (reckoning bar), it's considered counted and when no
bead is touching the reckoning bar that column is equal to zero. The separation dots and off-
colored beads vary depending on the abacus, but are always used to separate numbers into sets
of three. These markers can also mark your first position if you do not want to start counting
from the far right. The beads values start in the far right 1's column, which are beads valued
between 1 and 9. Going from right-to-left, the beads values increase to the 10's place, 100's
place, 1,000's place, etc.

To use the abacus, lay it on a flat surface and set it to zero by making sure no beads are
touching the reckoning bar. If you have a reset button, press it to reset the beads. To count on
the abacus start on the far right side of the abacus, and slide one earthly bead up to the
reckoning bar using your thumb. One bead touching the reckoning bar makes the abacus equal
1. Slide three more beads up make the abacus value four (3 + 1 = 4). Because the modern
abacus only has four Earthly beads, if you want to count to five, you must move the heavenly
bead down to the reckoning bar using your index finger. At the same time, move all Earthly
beads down. If you wanted the total to be seven, move two earthly beads up to the reckoning
bar (5 + 2 = 7).

To count to higher numbers, move further left, depending on how high you want to count. For
example, the picture of the abacus is equal to "283" with nine beads moved towards the
reckoning bar. The third column (100's column) has two beads counted for 200. The second
column (10's column) has a Heavenly bead counted for 50, and three Earthly beads counted for
30 giving it a total of 80. Finally, the first column (1's column) has three beads counted. Adding
all columns together (200 + 80 + 3) gives you the total of 283.
How do I add using the abacus?
To add on an abacus, each number is added to the abacus going left-to-right. For example, if we
wanted to add 200 + 123 move two Earthly beads in the 100's column towards the reckoning
bar for 200. Next, add one Earthly bead in the 100's column for 100, 2 Earthly beads in the 10's
column for 20, and then finally three beads in the 1's column for three. Once completed, the
abacus equals 323.

What if there are not enough beads to add in a


Whenever you run out of beads, you need to use complementary numbers. See
the complementary number section for further information and a list of complementary

How do I subtract using the abacus?

Simple subtracting on the abacus is like adding on the abacus, put your first number in and then
subtract from that number going left-to-right. For example, to do 200 - 100, add 200 to the
abacus by moving two Earthly beads up in the 100's column then subtract 100 from the 100's
column to get a total of 100.

What if there are not enough beads to take away?

If there are not enough beads to take away from a column, use the complement number of what
you are trying to subtract. See understanding complementary numbers for further information
and examples.

Understanding complementary numbers

Generally speaking, "complements" are any two numbers less than ten that, when summed, add
up to ten. They are used in calculations involving more than one column. It is crucial to
memorize the five sets of complementary numbers contained in the box below. They are
essential if you want to do all forms of addition and subtraction on an abacus.

9 and 1
8 and 2

7 and 3

6 and 4

5 and 5

Using complementary numbers to add on the

Below is a listing of the steps on how to add numbers together using an abacus. We have
broken these steps into bullet points to make them easier to follow.


When adding, if the column doesn't have enough beads subtract the complementary number
from the column and add one bead to the column to the left.

Many of these examples you can probably do in your head. However, following the steps using
your abacus demonstrates all the required steps.

How to add 4 + 7
 Set the abacus to four.

 Subtract three (the complement of seven) Earthly

beads from the 1's column.

 Add one Earthly bead to the 10's column.

 The total should be 11 (10+1=11).

How to add 7 + 9
 Set the abacus to seven.

 Subtract one (the complement of 9) Earthly bead

from the 1's column.

 Add one Earthly bead to the 10's column.

 The total should be 16 (10+5+1=16).

How to add 19 + 6
 Set the abacus to 19.

 Subtract four (the complement of six) Earthly beads

from the 1's column.

 Add one Earthly bead to the 10's column.

 The total should be 25 (20+5=25).

How to add 22 + 19
 Set the abacus to 22.

 Subtract one (the complement of nine) Earthly bead

to the 1's column.

 Add one Earthly bead to the 10's column.

 The total should be 31 (30+1=31).

Using complementary numbers to subtract on the

Below is a listing of the steps on how to subtract numbers together using an abacus. We have
broken these steps into bullet points to make them easier to follow.


When subtracting, if the column doesn't have enough beads add the complementary number to
the column and subtract one bead from the column to the left.
How to subtract 10 - 6
 Set the abacus to 10.

 Add four (the complement of six) Earthly beads to the 1's


 Subtract one bead from the 10's column.

 The total should be four.

How to subtract: 40 - 8
 Set the abacus to 40.

 Add two (the complement of eight) Earthly beads to

the 1's column.

 Subtract one bead from the 10's column.

 The total should be 32 (30+2).

How to subtract 83 - 25
 Set the abacus to 83.

 Subtract two beads from the 10's column.

 Add five (the complement of five) Heavenly bead to

the 1's column.

 Subtract one bead from the 10's column.

 The total should be 58 (50+5+3).

How to subtract 62 - 19
 Set the abacus to 62.

 Subtract one bead from the 10's column.

 Add one (the complement of nine) Earthly bead to the 1's

 Subtract one bead from the 10's column. To do this, as the 10's column equals 50 with the

Heavenly bead, subtract the Heavenly bead and add four Earthly beads.

 The total should be 43 (40+3).

How to subtract 392 - 125

 Set the abacus to 392.

 Subtract one bead from the 100's column.

 Add one (the complement of nine) Earthly bead to

the 10's column.

 Subtract two beads from the 10's column.

 Add five (the complement of five) Earthly bead to

the 1's column.

 Subtract one bead from the 10's column.

 The total should be 267 (200+50+10+5+2).

 Analytical Engine, generally considered the first computer, designed and partly
built by the English inventor Charles Babbage in the 19th century (he worked on it until
his death in 1871). While working on the Difference Engine, a simpler
calculating machine commissioned by the British government, Babbage began to
imagine ways to improve it. Chiefly he thought about generalizing its operation so that
it could perform other kinds of calculations. By the time funding ran out for his
Difference Engine in 1833, he had conceived of something far more revolutionary: a
general-purpose computing machine called the Analytical Engine.

Analytical Engine A portion (completed 1910) of Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine.

Only partially built at the time of Babbage's death in 1871, this portion contains the "mill"
(functionally analogous to a modern computer's central processing unit) and a printing
mechanism.Science Museum London
 The Analytical Engine was to be a general-purpose, fully program-controlled, automatic
mechanical digital computer. It would be able to perform any calculation set before it.
There is no evidence that anyone before Babbage had ever conceived of such a device,
let alone attempted to build one. The machine was designed to consist of four
components: the mill, the store, the reader, and the printer. These components are the
essential components of every computer today. The mill was the calculating
unit, analogous to the central processing unit (CPU) in a modern computer; the store
was where data were held prior to processing, exactly analogous to memory and storage
in today’s computers; and the reader and printer were the input and output devices.

 As with the Difference Engine, the project was far more complex than anything
theretofore built. The store was to be large enough to hold 1,000 50-digit numbers; this was
larger than the storage capacity of any computer built before 1960. The machine was to be
steam-driven and run by one attendant. The printing capability was also ambitious, as it had
been for the Difference Engine: Babbage wanted to automate the process as much as
possible, right up to producing printed tables of numbers.

 The reader was another new feature of the Analytical Engine. Data (numbers) were to
be entered on punched cards, using the card-reading technology of the Jacquard loom.
Instructions were also to be entered on cards, another idea taken directly from Joseph-Marie
Jacquard. The use of instruction cards would make it a programmable device and far more
flexible than any machine then in existence. (In 1843 mathematician Ada Lovelace wrote in
her notes for a translation of a French article about the Analytical Engine how the machine
could be used to follow a program to calculate Bernoulli numbers. For this, she has been
called the first computer programmer.) Another element of programmability was to be its
ability to execute instructions in other than sequential order. It was to have a kind of
decision-making ability in its conditional control transfer, also known as conditional
branching, whereby it would be able to jump to a different instruction depending on the
value of some data. This extremely powerful feature was missing in many of the early
computers of the 20th century.

 By most definitions, the Analytical Engine was a real computer as understood today—
or would have been, had Babbage not run into implementation problems again. Actually
building his ambitious design was judged infeasible given the current technology, and
Babbage’s failure to generate the promised mathematical tables with his Difference Engine
had dampened enthusiasm for further government funding. Indeed, it was apparent to the
British government that Babbage was more interested in innovation than in constructing

All the same, Babbage’s Analytical Engine was something new under the sun. Its most
revolutionary feature was the ability to change its operation by changing the
instructions on punched cards. Until this breakthrough, all the mechanical aids to
calculation were merely calculators or, like the Difference Engine, glorified calculators.
The Analytical Engine, although not actually completed, was the first machine that
deserved to be called a computer.
D What I know?


Convert each binary into a decimal number.

1. 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 = 9. 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 =
2. 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 = 10. 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 =
3. 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 = 11. 11 1 1 1 0 0 0 =
4. 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 = 12. 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 =
5. 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 = 13. 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 =
6. 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 = 14. 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 =
7. 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 = 15. 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 =
8. 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 = 16. 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 =


Convert each decimal number into a binary number.

1. 137 = 11. 200 =

2. 128 = 12. 171 =
3. 63 = 13. 150 =
4. 213 = 14. 27 =
5. 49 = 15. 19 =
6. 111 = 16. 189 =
7. 242 = 17. 222 =
8. 192 = 18. 73 =
9. 89 = 19. 73 =
10. 2 = 20. 136 =

Perform the Operations

1. (4 ÷1) x 1 2. (6-52) + 33 x 2
3. 52 + 9 + ( 22 x 13 x 5) 4. (92 - 3) + 9
5. (6 x 3) x 7 6. (1 – 6 - 3)
7. (72 ÷ 1 – 8) + 73 + 4 8. (33 + 9) x (1 + 9 -2)
9. 9 + 9 + (62 - 6) x 4 10. 5 – (3-3) + 63 ÷ 1


Convert the following bytes into kilobytes (KB)

1. 32,000 bytes = ____ KB

2. 4,000 bytes = _____KB
3. 6,000 bytes = ____KB
4. 75,000 bytes = ___KB
5. 26,000 bytes = ___KB


Convert the following bytes into megabytes (MB)

1. 2,000,000 bytes = ____MB

2. 64,000,000 bytes = _____MB
3. 32,000,000 bytes = ______MB
4. 8,000,000 bytes = _____MB
5. 16,000,000 bytes = ____MB


Convert the following bytes into gigabytes (GB)

1.20,000,000,000 bytes = _____GB

2. 7,000,000,000 bytes = ______GB
3. 13,000,000,000 bytes = _____GB
4. 4,000,000,000 bytes = ______GB
5. 25,000,000,000 bytes = _____GB

What is in?




Circle the letter that corresponds to the one (1) best answer for each of the questions below.

Question 1: All functions of a computer are based upon the use and manipulation of numbers.
Which number system is most native to a computer?



Question 2: What is the decimal conversion of the binary number 11011001?




Question 3: What is the hexadecimal conversion of the decimal number 224?




Question 4: What is the decimal conversion of the hexadecimal number 7F?




Question 5: What is the binary conversion of the hexadecimal number CB?




Question 6: Which binary number represents the decimal number 133?



Question 7: What is the hexadecimal equivalent of the decimal number 241?




Question 8: What is the decimal value of the binary number 11111111?


Question 9: What is the definition of a bit?

the section of a network that is bounded by bridges, routers, or switches

a binary digit used in the binary number system, either 0 or 1

the interface on an internetworking device, such as a router

the network areas within which data packets that have collided are propagated

Question 10: Which of the following phrases best describes the decimal numbering system?

It is also called the Base 100 Number System.

It is based on powers of 1.
It uses the 10 symbols 0 - 9.

It is the same as the ASCII numbering system.

Question 11: Which numbering system is based on powers of 2?




Question 12: What is the decimal number 151 in binary?





Question 13: What is the binary number 11011010 in decimal?



Question 14: Convert the decimal number 43 to Hex.




Question 15: Hexadecimal is used to represent what kind of addresses?



Question 16: What is 16 raised to the first power (16 )?

decimal 1

decimal 16
hex FF
hex 16

Question 17: Convert the decimal number 2989 to Hex.




Question 18: What is the decimal value of the hex number ABE?




Question 19: What is the hex value of the binary number 11100010?





Question 20: Which numbering system is based on powers of 10?




D What is it?



A math concept is the 'why' or 'big idea' of math. Knowing a math concept means you know the
workings behind the answer. You know why you got the answer you got and you don't have to
memorize answers or formulas to figure them out. ... This takes us to the difference between a math
concept and a math fact.
What is Computer Measurement?

A measurement is determining a dimension, capacity, or quantity of an object, or the duration of a

task. In computers, measurements are constantly occurring and determining the computer's function.

A. Examples on Fundamental Operations

Examples on fundamental operations in simplifying mathematical expressions on

different types of questions on integers are discussed here step by step. 

The following examples will help us to understand the precedence of operations of addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division.

1. Simplify: 24 - 4 ÷ 2 x 3 


24 - 4 ÷ 2 x 3

[Here order is expressed in short as ‘DMAS’ where ‘D’ stands for division, ‘M’ for multiplication, ‘A’ for addition and,
‘S’ for subtraction]

= 24 - 2 x 3 [Performing division - 4 ÷ 2 = -2]

= 24 - 6 [Performing multiplication 2 x 3 = 6]

= 18. [Performing subtraction 24 – 6 = 18]

Answer: 18.

2. Simplify: 48 ÷ 8 x 3 + 2


48 ÷ 8 x 3 + 2

[Here order is expressed in short as ‘DMAS’ where ‘D’ stands for division, ‘M’ for multiplication, ‘A’
for addition and, ‘S’ for subtraction]
= 6 x 3 + 2 [Performing division 48 ÷ 8 = 6]

= 18 + 2 [Performing multiplication 6 x 3 = 18]

= 20. [Performing addition 18 + 2]

Answer: 20.

3. Simplify: (-20) + (-8) ÷ (-2) x 3


(-20) + (-8) ÷ (-2) x 3

= (-20) + 4 x 3 [Performing division (-8) ÷ (-2) = 8 ÷ 2 = 4]

= (-20) + 12 [Performing multiplication 4 x 3 = 12]

= - 8. [Performing subtraction -20 + 12 = -8]

Answer: -8.

4. Simplify: (-5) - (-48) ÷ (-16) + (-2) x 6


(-5) - (-48) ÷ (- 16) + (-2) x 6

= (-5) - 3 + (-2) x 6 [Performing division (-48) ÷ (- 16) = 48 ÷ 16 = 3]

= (-5) - 3 + (-12) [Performing multiplication (-2) x 6 = -12]

= -5 - 3 -12

= -8 - 12. [Performing addition -5 - 3 = -8]

= -20 [Performing addition -8 - 12 = -20]

Answer: -20.

4. Simplify: 52 - (2 x 6) + 17


52 - (2 x 6) + 17

= 52 – 12 + 17

= 52 + 17 - 12

= 57

Answer: 57

B. The letters stand for:Parentheses,Exponents,Multiplication and Division,

Addition and Subtraction

Consider the problem:

3(24 – 2 • 3)2 – 2 • 3

We begin by evaluating everything inside the parentheses, remembering the correct order of operations when doing so.

3(24 – 2 • 3)2 – 2 • 3 = 3(16 – 2 • 3)2 – 2 • 3

= 3(16 – 6)2 – 2 • 3
= 3(10)2 – 2 • 3

Now that we have evaluated everything inside the parentheses, we proceed to evaluate the exponents, followed by all
multiplication and division. Finally, we complete all necessary addition and subtraction.

3(10)2 – 2 • 3 = (3 • 100) – (2 • 3) = 300 – 6 = 294

Although the above example used integers, please note that the rules concerning the order of operations should also be
applied  to any of the classes of numbers we have already discussed.
5. (6.31 - 2.42) × 1.75 - 0.25 =

(A) 26.504175
(B) 0.7125
(C) 0.55
(D) 22.932215
(E) 0.825

Answer and Explanation

6. The correct answer is B. You must tackle what’s in the parentheses first. Within the parentheses, first calculate the
exponent, then subtract from 6.31. Multiple the result by 1.75 and then subtract 0.25. Do the steps in the wrong
order and you could end up with one of the other answer choices!

C. Basic Measurement Units in Computers

C. Decimal Number System
The number system that we use in our day-to-day life is the decimal number system. Decimal
number system has base 10 as it uses 10 digits from 0 to 9. In decimal number system, the
successive positions to the left of the decimal point represent units, tens, hundreds,
thousands, and so on.

Each position represents a specific power of the base (10). For example, the decimal number
1234 consists of the digit 4 in the units position, 3 in the tens position, 2 in the hundreds
position, and 1 in the thousands position. Its value can be written as
(1 x 1000)+ (2 x 100)+ (3 x 10)+ (4 x l)
(1 x 103)+ (2 x 102)+ (3 x 101)+ (4 x l00)
1000 + 200 + 30 + 4
As a computer programmer or an IT professional, you should understand the following
number systems which are frequently used in computers.

S.No. Number System and Description

Binary Number System
Base 2. Digits used : 0, 1

Octal Number System

Base 8. Digits used : 0 to 7

Hexa Decimal Number System

Base 16. Digits used: 0 to 9, Letters used : A- F

Binary Number System

Characteristics of the binary number system are as follows −

 Uses two digits, 0 and 1

 Also called as base 2 number system
 Each position in a binary number represents a 0 power of the base (2). Example 20
 Last position in a binary number represents a x power of the base (2). Example
2x where x represents the last position - 1.

Binary Number: 101012

Calculating Decimal Equivalent −

Step Binary Number Decimal Number

Step 1 101012 ((1 x 24) + (0 x 23) + (1 x 22) + (0 x 21) + (1 x 20))10

Step 2 101012 (16 + 0 + 4 + 0 + 1)10

Step 3 101012 2110

Note − 101012 is normally written as 10101.

Octal Number System
Characteristics of the octal number system are as follows −

 Uses eight digits, 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7

 Also called as base 8 number system
 Each position in an octal number represents a 0 power of the base (8). Example 80
 Last position in an octal number represents a x power of the base (8). Example
8x where x represents the last position - 1

Octal Number: 125708

Calculating Decimal Equivalent −

Step Octal Number Decimal Number

Step 1 125708 ((1 x 84) + (2 x 83) + (5 x 82) + (7 x 81) + (0 x 80))10

Step 2 125708 (4096 + 1024 + 320 + 56 + 0)10

Step 3 125708 549610

Note − 125708 is normally written as 12570.

Hexadecimal Number System

Characteristics of hexadecimal number system are as follows −

 Uses 10 digits and 6 letters, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F

 Letters represent the numbers starting from 10. A = 10. B = 11, C = 12, D = 13, E = 14,
F = 15
 Also called as base 16 number system
 Each position in a hexadecimal number represents a 0 power of the base (16).
Example, 160
 Last position in a hexadecimal number represents a x power of the base (16).
Example 16x where x represents the last position - 1

Hexadecimal Number: 19FDE16
Calculating Decimal Equivalent −

Step Binary Decimal Number


Step 1 19FDE16 ((1 x 164) + (9 x 163) + (F x 162) + (D x 161) + (E x 160))10

Step 2 19FDE16 ((1 x 164) + (9 x 163) + (15 x 162) + (13 x 161) + (14 x 160))10

Step 3 19FDE16 (65536+ 36864 + 3840 + 208 + 14)10

Step 4 19FDE16 10646210



2 (URT)


Technology can be most broadly defined as the entities, both material and immaterial, created by the
application of mental and physical effort in order to achieve some value. In this usage, technology refers to
tools and machines that may be used to solve real-world problems.

Technology is the study and transformation of techniques, tools, and machines created by
humans. Technology allows humans to study and evolve the physical elements that are present in their

The best advantage of any technology is that it increases the efficiency of a business process. We can
perform more tasks in less time. From shared drives to emails, communication, coordination, execution
and implementation of a lot of business processes has become swift and hassle-free, all thanks to
Advantages of Technology on Our Lives
From the wrist smartwatch we wear to the cars we drive, technology has changed every single aspect of
our lives. Here are some advantages of technology in our lives:

1. Ease of Access to Information

The World Wide Web, abbreviated as www has made the world a social village. This is because
information from all around the globe is widely available on the internet.

While most of the news you get to see on social media is purely factual, one may also see image results for
particular news. Not only more news is available, but all such information is also straightforward to access.

All thanks to modern technology (and computer giants like Dell, IBM, Apple, etc.).
One can get to read a book in the comfort of their bed and a cup of coffee. EBooks are available on the
internet for this purpose. The modern technology has replaced radios with televisions, and now even
televisions have been digitised to “LCD’s” and “LED’s”.

Efforts are underway to create more reliable sources of information. All this is possible only because of

2. Saves Time
Have you ever faced navigation problems in an unfamiliar town? Yes, we all have faced such issues when
we move to a new place. Be it a business trip or a vacation; modern technology allows you to enjoy your
outings by helping you navigate to anywhere.

One can search for a particular place and then even pinpoint their specific destination. The application
itself does rest.

It won’t even let you miss a single turn, and nowadays it even shows you the traffic situation on your route.

3. Ease of Mobility
Ever imagined your life without a car or a bike? Surely not because technology has placed these things
under our foot.

The importance of a vehicle can easily be judged from the fact that the distance between the United States
of America and Australia is nearly 15,187 kilometres but you can travel just in 16-17 hours.

Even less than in a day and believe me, you won’t be ever regretting these 16-17 hours of your life.
Airplanes, electric trains and cars which are being improvised every single day have made all this possible.
4. Better Communication Means
It is a fact that modern technology has replaced old technology. And we cannot imagine our lives without
this replacement. Letters were the most common mean of communication less than a century ago, but now
no one would even think of writing a letter because why prefer a parchment on a video call?

Instant messaging and sharing of photos and videos was never so easy before.

We have to accept that it’s only the use of technology, which makes it harmful otherwise nothing can beat
the level of comfort in our lives because of technology.

5. Cost Efficiency
One of the main goals of technology includes making things cheaper and more affordable for people.
Therefore, people see cost efficiency these days due to technology.

The machinery of great benefit is available for so less price that we cannot imagine.

More often competition takes place between two or more industries which results in even lesser prices.

6. Innovation In Many Fields

Technology has truly resulted in digitisation and modernisation in many fields. Either it is the field of
medicine or farming or electronics, technology has resulted in a global revolution.

Better techniques in farming have resulted in more and healthier food. The technique of “layer farming”
takes even less space and produces more food.

The better health of animals guarantees more yield of dairy and poultry products. The health sector has also
benefited a lot from technology boom. Even the incurable diseases like cancer have a proper cure now.

There are so many other fields also which cannot survive without the backbone of technology.

7. Improved Banking
Less than a decade ago no one ever thought that they would be paying in bitcoins rather than dollars.
Cryptocurrency has recently got viral because of its usefulness.

No one would now have to wait in the long line of banks just for paying their utility bills.
8. Better Learning Techniques
Bring some fun to your classroom. You can improve your teaching skills and integrate scientific methods
to bring motivation to your students. Many software and electronic gadgets are introduced to help students
with their education.

The simplest example of a calculator can amaze a person. Multiple calculations and various binary
operations, the answer comes with just a click.

9. Disable-d, Are Now Able-d

Modern science and technology have now made nearly everything possible. Recently, brails which works
on electronic pulses have been invented. Artificial foot, smart sticks and what not is invented.

Disabled are no more disabled. They are surely in the long run of success along with the normal ones.

10. Artificial Intelligence
The new concept of artificial intelligence is growing up fast, and it is gaining much popularity. The reason
behind is that this might bring a whole new era of revolution.

No humans would have to think anymore because the possibilities are that an AI System would be able to
think about how to improve it. This would give a break to the human generation and probably one of the
greatest favour of modern technology on us.

Advantages of New Technology in the Workplace

The technology developments are also helping to improve work environments and lifestyles of people in
the workplace. Investments in technology leads to employee motivation, well-being, high productivity and
growth for businesses that take the lead in its adoption.

Software Types
The term 'software' refers to the set of electronic program instructions or data a computer processor reads in
order to perform a task or operation. In contrast, the term 'hardware' refers to the physical components that
you can see and touch, such as the computer hard drive, mouse, and keyboard.
Software can be categorized according to what it is designed to accomplish. There are two main types of
software: systems software and application software.
Systems Software
Systems software includes the programs that are dedicated to managing the computer itself, such as
the operating system, file management utilities, and disk operating system (or DOS). The operating system
manages the computer hardware resources in addition to applications and data. Without systems software
installed in our computers we would have to type the instructions for everything we wanted the computer to do!

Applications Software
Application software, or simply applications, are often called productivity programs or end-user
programs because they enable the user to complete tasks, such as creating documents, spreadsheets,
databases and publications, doing online research, sending email, designing graphics, running businesses,
and even playing games! Application software is specific to the task it is designed for and can be as simple
as a calculator application or as complex as a word processing application. When you begin creating a
document, the word processing software has already set the margins, font style and size, and the line
spacing for you. But you can change these settings, and you have many more formatting options available.
For example, the word processor application makes it easy to add color, headings, and pictures or delete,
copy, move, and change the document's appearance to suit your needs.

What is the meaning of communication technology?

Communications technology, also known as information technology, refers to all equipment

and programs that are used to process and communicate information. Professionals in
the communication technology field specialize in the development, installation, and service of
these hardware and software systems.
What is more?


1. Which of the following is the binary form of 3010?

(a) 10111 (b) 10101 (c) 11011 (d) 11110

2. Which is the decimal form of the binary number 11.011?

(a) 3.17510 (b) 3.37510 (c) 4.17510 (d) 4.37510

3. Which of the following is the binary subtraction 1101 – 1011?

(a) 11 (b) 110 (c) 101 (d) 10

4. Which of the following is the binary sum 1011 + 1101?

(a) 11010 (b) 11100 (c) 11000 (d) 10100

5. What is the value of 1011102 in decimal?

6. What is the value of 10001012 in decimal?

7. What is the value of 11111 2 in decimal?

8. What is the value of 11112 in decimal?

9. Convert 110110111 from base 2 to base 8.

10. Convert 57 from base 8 to base 2

11. Convert 111000 from base 2 to base 16

12. Convert 228 from base 10 to base 2


E What I can do?

Give 10 Examples Of Artificial Intelligence In Use Today.


What else can I do?


What is the importance of computer technology in today world? NOT LESS THAN 100 WORDS.
A What I have learned?

1. Write in your words the topic that you like in this module? And Why?
2. Why computers does not succeed in earlier times.

A WHAT I can achieve?


A. Evaluate

a. 10 ÷ 2 + 12 ÷ 2 × 3 =

b. 7 × 2 + (7 + 3 × (5 − 2)) − 4 × 2 =

c. 3 + 4 × 5 =
d. 4 × 32 =
e. [4 − 1 + (5 + 3)] =
f. 15 − 12 × 2/(12/3) + 22=
g. (2 + 6)/4 × 3

B. Convert the following decimal numbers to equivalent binary numbers:

(a) 43 (b) 64 (c) 4096

C. Convert the following binary numbers to equivalent decimal numbers:

(a) 1101 (b) 11011 (c) 100101001

D. Convert the following octal numbers to binary

(a) 7423 (b) 3364 (c)33762

Discuss the Evolution of Computers (Essay)

What is the advantages and dis advantages of Technology? ( Essay)

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