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[B) environmental Mgmt. (MU-SEM 8) 153 Introduction and Detintion of Environment.

Syllabus Topic : Introduction and Definition of Environment

by 1.1 Introduction and Definition of Environment

ENVIRONMENT is the surroundings or control conditions in which all living organisms

exist. Thus the Environment may vary from micro level to macro level. In case of some
local studies such as study of an ecosystem or solid waste management, it is the micro
level study.

On the other hand global issues such as Green House Effect or Ozone Depletion form the
macro level studies.

Pollution is deliberate or accidental contamination of environment. Any manmade

activity contributes to pollution. With rapid urbanization and industrialization, there

has been tremendous burden on the natural resources.

It has also lead to various types of pollutions such as air pollution, water pollution, noise
pollution and land pollution.

As all the civil engineering projects depend directly on natural resources civil engineer

has to have greater concern about the environment. With stringent norms being

introduced, the civil engineer has to be well aware of different types of pollutions and

ways and means to overcome them.

Pollution studies are an integral part of civil engineering
Hence Environmental

Ya 1.1.1 Main Features of Environment

"GQ. 3.2.2 Write about the main ieee of SoS

nisms, Non-living factors and their

The environment comprises basically of Living orga
mutual interaction.
c Factors, mainly comprise of different
: The living organisms, also called Bioti
factors, also called Abiotic Factors are
ses, plants and animals whereas nonliving
ater, light etc.

cad SUCHIN SHAM Veoture

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[ EB Environmental Mgmt. (MU-SEM 8) 1-4 Introduction and Defintion of Environm.
The interaction between these two factors leads to format
ion of Ecology which is a Par
When there is a proper balance between these factors
it leads to healthy environment
(e.g. a self Sustaining ecosystem without the external interference
, especially man).

When this balance gets disturbed due to external interference, it leads to various types
of pollutions.

For example, when an industry discharges its waste in nearby water body, without
Proper treatment, there is an imbalance leading to degradation of environment ang
imbalanced ecology.

M@ 1.1.11 Biotic Factors

These factors can be broadly classified in three functional

groups such as :
= Producers

— These are self nourishing organisms. Green plants (autotrophs)

and algae are the
examples of this group.
- The autotrophs take solar energy and convert it into chemical energy
in the process
of photosynthesis. This stored energy is utilized by other organis

= Consumers

These are other organisms that depend on producers for their energy source (called
_ heterotrophs). e.g. man, birds, animals, fish etc. ,

ese are mainly the bacteria and fungi that decompose the decayed

groups such as :

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el Environmental Mgmt. (MU-SEM 8) 1-8 Introduetion and Detintion af Environment.

ex Climatic Factors

Thesse incluidde precipi :

tatiion, light, temperature, atmospheric humidity and wind,
e preci pitat

«F Physlographic Factors

— Th ese
sé include
i all such
factors that have their origin in the form, behaviour and
structure of earth’s surface.

— Physical and chemical constituents of the soil, such as its structure, chemical

properties ete. fall under this category.

~a. 1.1.2 Need of Environmental Studies

meee eee see eee ere eee
eee e255 - ee eee ese
weeeeerewe seeseeeerereer

are as listed below :

The main basic needs of environmental studies
and economic developments.
Proper planning of urban, rural, industrial
h we live. —
gst various parts of the society 1 n whic
To establish better communication amon

To maintain peace and harmony

diseases (means demography) in a
of births, deaths,
To contro! changin g number

community over a period of tim
s of :
ble ms due to growing population which include shortage
To control the pro

(i) natural resources

(ii) health care services

(iii)educational ins
and land
(iv) water, sanitation
(v) transport
cr ea se in crim e an d other social problems
To keep in
ms of po or st at us of fe male and children
To monitor proble

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ey) Vehecrwrnerted grr (WAS Ot, &)
1-4 Introduction and Defintion of Errore,
Syllabus Topic : Significance of Environmental Manag es
ement 4s) Creperneren

We 1.2 Significance of Environmental Management for Contemporary

Environment takes into consideration
all conditions required for the survival for the
survival of corporate sectors, Absence of environmental consideration causes
cepl\ogical damaye and a balance between the
demands of economic development and the
need for management of environmental process precise knowledge of various facets of
sound environmental managements is the sine qua non for sustainable
which meets not only the requirements of the present generation but also of
~ Environmental management is especially valuable for internal management initiative
with a specific environmental focus. Such as cleaner production, supply chain
management initiatives with a specific environmental focus, such as cleaner production,
supply chain management,

~ Management system, Environmental management type information is increasingly

being used for

~ It becoming more important not only for environmental management decisions, but for
all types of managerial functions with special emphasis on eco-efficiency and strategic
position concept of environmental management.

Following points shows the significance of Environment Management (EM) :

1, Environment Management draws attention in another sense, which offers an idea
about industrial development, a nation’s economic progress and social welfare and
the fulfilment of responsibility towards society.

2, Negotiation between the management and society helps organizations seek to

strategically manage a fresh and emerging issue with distinct users.
Pollution control being burning subject of discussion environmental management
ghows the extent to which pollution has been controlled by the corporate.
jronmental management improves performance through better management of
ronmental cost and thus benefits the natural and human environments.

onmental management is helpful in discharging organizational accountability

oreasiny, environmental transparency, Sustainable development is possible

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6) 1-7 Introduction and Defintion ot Erer
Environmental Mgmt (MU-SEM
as it helps include ecological ability of
with the help of environmental manngement

supports green re porting to combat effectively all
6. Environmental management
in the global economy where existence of a strong
negative public opinions
unfriendly industries is found.
environment lobby against environmentally
mption patterns
unsou nd production and consu
7, Environmental management reflects
assets like water.
, misuse and scanty use of reso urces and
allocation of scanty resources in the e conomy is possible with the help
environmental management.
the application of environme ntal
8. Impressive decision taking through
ental problems.
reduce or eliminates many environm

23. 1.2.1 Corporate Responsibilities

ae a

Employees failing to
must be noticed a t all levels and by all the
Environmental friendly code of conduct
ental protection should be clearly
Corporate commitment to environm
left unturned in
ine task and no stone will be
Environmental protection is a genu
ogical balances;
preserving and safeguarding ecol
ent, vehicles, etc.
ce, rep lac eme nt an d repairs of machinery, tools, equipm
should be done properly and in
des ign sho uld be mad e as far as possible to incorporate eco-fr
Alteration in product
materials and other inputs;
d and so
ene rgi es like sol ar ene rgy , wind energy, etc. must be use
Renewable sources of
ate on any day or in any month is against enviro
If the working of the corpor
k apology;
interest, staff doing this must see


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1-8 Introduction and Definas.. A Eng
Number of PROs to communicate with the external world and
ty et,
Tat © commitment
: to the world at large must be recruited; | tap
10, Co TA
“Porate manager should be proactive rather than active. The adequate Measure,
be initi
iMated to protect environment before the new technology is put to use or adortes
11. Envi ;
| "ronmental engineers must be recruited for seeking their; opinion
On’ environm,-
re ated matters and for involvement
. .in establishing
ek “Say
a cleaner and efficient Prodizes:

System thereby Minimizing wastage and ensuring optimum usage of al] the
materials; =
12, Participation in activities like social forestry, community
forest efforts, CNViron men
cleaning works, etc. may be made;

13. The audit report should contain the audit findings (or a summary of these findings)
reference to supporting evidence. Subject to agreement between the lead auditor ang the
MD, the audit report may also include the following:

i. the identification of the organization audited and of the client

li. the agreed objectives, scope and plan of the audit

iil, the agreed audit criteria including a list of reference documents against which ths
audit was conducted |
iv. the period covered by the audit and the date(s) the audit was conducted

v. the identification of the audit team members

vi. a statement of the confidential nature of the report contents

vii. the distribution list for the audit report

14. Environmental management is a response to human actions considering the

natural ecosystems.
seriousness and significance of today’s disastrous human impact on
base and a less pervasive
It is comforting to know that with a smaller global population
use of technology.
come and work
It is indeed expected that both conservationists and developers will
together over the need to make econom ic devel opmen t sustai nable, wi thout it beisé

resources and vital habitats.

undermined by long-term damage to natural

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(MU-SEM 8) Introduction and Defintion of Environment.

Syllabus Topic : Carrier Opportunities

wa 1.2.2 Career Opportunities in Environmental Management

- Environmental resource management is a wide interdisciplinary area at the junction of

Environmental sciences and Management and Organization studies.

- Hence there are possible career opportunities for graduates with a degree in
Environmental resource management.

- Following are the same of the carrier option in environmental management.

(i) Environmental manager is the most obvious career opportunity for a graduates with
a degree in Environmental resource management .

- It supervise the environmental performance of various organization both private and


- It develop and implement new strategies to maintain and develop the corporate

(ii) Specializations of environmental resurce management consist of soil management,

water management, biodiversity management and many other.

(iii)/There are some graduates holding a degree in environmental resource management

choose engineering management consultancy are their career path.

(iv) There are many graduates with a degree in environmental management start their
career in public sector or in human resource management.

- Usually graduates in Environmental resource management start their career after

receiving a master or MBA degree in this area.

- Graduates with a bachelor degree usually start their career with entry-level positions or

- Various environmental companies can able to provide the intership for fresh graduates.

- Environmental managers oversee projects related to the protection and conservation of

natural ecosystems and human health.

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rots a Cxfieticr, gz
sics of career in environment tz) r. a

Pe : folevng ha nn verde te ai SET

PB) aed
1 | Degree required | Bachelor's degree
i jence, en_IBceTIng
2. | Education field of study | Environmental 53
ent skills,
~ —
an ee

3. | Key skills | Manage Dee

4.) Li | Ce ‘fication recommended

_—aaee oe
5. | Job Growth (2018-2028) | 8%* —$—$—___

6. | Median salary (2018) | $71,730"

Environmental management
is a field focused on the preservation, op STV etinn
regulation of the environment.

Careers in environmental managements may be found im the fields of ene

transportation, logistics and engineering.
Employers may include private businesses, government agencies ang
organizations. -

An environmental manager serve as an expert in the management of envin



Using your environmental knowledge and expertise it is possible to disogver nt

prevent further environmental damage, cleanup protected areas and preserve no

According to the U.S. bureau of labor statistics, the greatest number of job oppor
for environmental scientists are in the fields of management and scientific and teat

As of 2018, the average salary for professionals in these fields was $77.580.

Syllabus Topic : Environmental Issues Relevant to India

»i 1.3 Environmental Issues Relevant to India

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Environmontal Mgmt. (MU-SEM 8 1-11 Introduction and Defintion of Environment.

These are explained briefly as follows :

1. Green house effects

- Green house is a building made of glass in which plants are grown.

- Tho greenhouse effect is warming of the earth’s surface and the air above it.

- It is caused by gases in the air that trap energy from tho sun.

- These heat-trapping gases are called greenhouse gases.

- They include water vapour, carbondioxide and methane.

2. Climate change

It means a change in the global or regional climate patterns particularly from the mid to
late 20 century onwards and mainly due to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon
dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels.

3. Global warming

It is the slow gradual rise in the temperature of the earth due to emission of excess
quantities of a number of radiation-tripping gases like carbondioxide, methane, chloro-
flurocarbon, ozone, nitrogen oxides which are together called as green house gases.

4. Acid rain

- Its water contains higher acidity level due to dissolved CO:, sulphur oxides and
nitrogen oxide gases, from the factories, mills etc.

- It causes damage to trees, crops, building and rivers.

5. Ozone layer depletion

- Atmospheric ozone absorbs ultraviolet radiation from the sun which cause skin
cancer and damage to cataracts and as well as damage to plants and marine

- Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) gases used as coolants in refrigerators cause depletion of

this ozone layer, such that 1 atom of chlorine can destroy 100000 ozone molecules.

6. Nuclear accidents

They are mainly due to nuclear fusion, which cause explosion and also release
dangerous radioactive radiations which affect the human life for decades together.
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eter Sete we Ore og Seite, ee
—— Mare (Me) 0M)
tainable Devolopmert
Syliabus Topic : SUS hy Be ence
1 1.4 Sustainable Development _ ~ LA,
DM Ge ~- ee ee
-- ~a-

'GQ. 1.4.2 Write a short note on sustainable

’ £,

ae svints
to considered vie plarcirg Ord contra,
developer: ; ‘ 4
1 GQ. 1.4.3 State ond explain various
' sustainable building, Deb ewe rs ee eres eres,
e's ss eo a ~--_ ewe Pa weaenvew ~ -_—- ~-- ae -

’ any fields like ALU igs

- Concept of sustainable development can
be applied many >
agriculture, environment etc.
j veloprnent a iAlerrs -
~ Let us discuss environmental aspects of sustainable
(1) It must maintain a stable resource base means nh atural reseurees toe * | \ Ol.

replenished at a faster rate than they are used up.

(2) It includes maintaining biodiversity,
‘ ‘ atmosphericj stability
lity aand tther Ry
ex, te

’ functions.

(3) Environmental-social aspect of sustainability deals with our interactions wis, yg

environment. This include designing and planning of our home and cities, cxre -
available resources. It also includes the ways we interact with the envirormess,

(4) Environmental-Economic aspect of sustainability includes the interaction etsy

environment and economics. Environmentally products must be used
commer ang
widely so that these are less hazardous to us and our environment with Tespert
their packages, garbages, left overs and also their prices are less and
affordable ww

Their wide-spread .use will further out their prices and make
them more and mer:

(5) Thus concept of sustainable development is of great importance for

stabilizing public
economy and growth per capita.

(6) Establishing more industries, agricultural activity and job opportunities.

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sion —


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1-13 trirod
La] environmontal Mgmt. (MU-SEM 8)
= Ntroduction and Defintion of Environment

% 1.4.1 Engineer's Role in Achieving Sustainable Developm
introduced with the Brundtlan
ntal and human affairs was
S ‘cle tio “Pr in environme able s the need s of
eclaration of 1987: “Sustain development is development that meet
the eT without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own

is putting
All the development that is taking place in developing countries like India
more and more pressure in the urban areas rather than the rural areas. Hence
understanding the need of urban sustainability is very important issue at present.

tw 1.4.2 Urban Sustainability

growing desserts, soil degradation and loss of wild life species are
occurring across the globe.
services for them.
Cities are growing faster than government can develop infrastructure
Cities are huge
Slums surrounding the cities are causing serious health pollution.
consumers of water, electricity, fossil fuels and
ar metabolism where it uses only local
. An ideal Sustainable city should have a circul
into the system.
resources and all wastes are recycled back
have been able to sustain this way of
While large Chinese cities like Shanghai ng their
rece ntly , pres sure for urba niza tion and global trade is destroyi
until fairly
are creating tremendous
tai nab ili ty,whil
w e easier accessible forms of energy like coal,
pollution problems.
ludes the following «
rem edi es for mor e sus tai nable resource utilization inc
effi cien t ene rgy use and utilizing energy from renewable
o More
t pub lic tra nsp ort sys tems.
o More efficien
ption of foss il fuel s through automobile traffic.
reduce consum
o More compact cities to

Wat er man age men t by appropriate landscaping.

o uced
y water management an d red
eff ici ent re circ ul at ion systems like gre oo
er tr ea tm en t.
for wastewat
burden on civic bodi es i
es (gl ass , pl as ti cs
i , metals and chhee micals).
ing of inorganic wast
More efficient recycl "_A SACHIN SHAH Ventur
: 1. Where Authors inspire inn

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LAD envionmenta Momt, (MU-80M 4) “1A Introductlon and Datinr, .

i‘ “a en

© More eMeient recyeling of organte wanton like sewage and clinical Water,
> ‘Taking all the above anid aapects into account, it jx clear that the whole
Nn Bh cree
induatry haa then a aignificant impact, both d irectly and indirectly, op saat ly 1.4.4
4. Re
hy De
Sustainable development in the urban environment,

% 1.4.3 Role of Construction Sector for Sustain able Dev Clopmen 146 &
-GQ.7 tt.
Ben e
ane nnnen n
nnnennenannntiit REESE EEE TF ae
t GQ. 1.4.5 State the role of construction sector for sustainable develo Lees Loe -, 7 Enebur
- Main challenges faced by the construction sector are : - Th
© Urban and rural area planning

© Life cycle design of buildings

© Production and manufacture of building materials

o = Site production and manufacture

o Organizing the entire building processes

© Facility management of buildings _

o Recycling and waste management.

- Clients, owners, developers and investors should have important role in disseminating
sustainable construction, since they represent the demand of the building seca.
Planning system should be altered in order to promote sustainable development.

- Individual car use should be reduced and car-pooling should be promoted, use of publt
transport system should be increased.

- Home working and combining office and living space should be increased. More op
spaces and green areas should be developed and reserved in the planning stage itself.

- As far as construction is concerned, the rules, standards, and certification schemes fc

sustainability and eco compatibility should be introduced in the design activity of at
- project.

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Environmental Mgmt. (MU-SEM 8)
1-15 Introduction and Defintion of Environment.

wa 1.4.4 Role of Engineers towards Achieving Sustainable

-=-= - - Fo ge a ym = - nF REST Aa Saal erage an

ee ee eee eH =
~ SS SL ee Sous

Engineers play a vital role in the development of the society at large. They face many
hurdles in their respective fields, as follows:

- The Engineers have to face and overcome following hurdles :

° They generally have to work within their national framework of law and policy;
otherwise their contribution can be constrained.

Wide variation in the perception of responsibility to future generations and ethical


The downgrading of environmental concerns in times of economic decline.

Need for professional capacity to understand and implement cleaner production and
Sustainable Development objectives at levels of responsibility.

- The role of engineers ; Engineers from all disciplines can play a vital role in achieving

°o The Engineer must possess an initiative in Eco-efficiency to consider setting a target

of achieving a many-fold improvement in production in the long term with a possible
increase in the next two decades.

Fresh water to be given the "highest priority". A strategic approach has to be

reached to preserve, protect and supply fresh water.

Safe substitute for toxic chemicals should be developed and those technologies shall
be transferred to developing countries. Hazardous wastes, like radioactive wastes
should be disposed off in the country in which they were originated.

Efficient use of materials and energy.

A major effort in reducing greenhouse gas emissions; this involves sustainable

energy, new technology and energy efficiency.

Support for internalization of environmental costs in energy pricing and for transfer
of clean technologies to developing countries.

- Engineers must become knowledgeable in achieving sustainable development principles

and must be continuously trained about the current sustainable development


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Environmental t. (MU-SEM8 Introduction and Defintion of Ep, Cray

technologies applicable to their area of work, may be Computers, Hlectrons

Biotechnology or any core branch of Engineering.
Engineers must incorporate long-term environmental impacts and costs int, th,
analysis of alternative solutions being considered.

Engineering responsibilities must be re-addressed by incorporating Sustainahy,

development principles into the codes of ethics of engineering organizations throughou
the world.

Engineers must continuously participate in public explanation of the Principles of

sustainable development as relate to their profession.

@ 1.4.5 Environmental Impact Assessment

1L GQ. 1.4.7 Write a note on environment impact assessment.

a ae ea as a ae a ee RE SO Pete A ey

For execution of any big development project, an ELA is mandatory
these days. EIA jg
tool to predict the impacts or the damage a project will have on the environment, whey
the project is executed.

There are @ 30 categories of industries for which Environmental Clearance from Centra
Government is required in India.
Any development projects such as Construction of Dams, construction of Thermal Power
Plants, Nuclear Power Plants, have some adverse (negative) as well as some beneficial}
(positive) impacts on environment.

These impacts or damages are to be analyzed critically before the project is taken up.

The main objectives of EIA are :

o To analyse the ill effects of any up-coming project on the environment in a rational
manner i.e. the study shall be unbiased.

o To suggest remedial measures to overcome the adverse impacts, thus reducing the

o To obtain required environmental clearances from the concerned authorities such as

Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), State Pollution Control Board (SPCB),
Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF) etc.

o To select suitable site(s) for the project taking into consideration

the environmental
impacts of the project vis-a-vis cost-benefit analysis
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h Deere Magers fr
! NAD. py

~ hs oe
Rt Mlewoing
eyes tet for arTying
ae wot
a t an iA
i Status
atus . te environmental
oC OMisting © ———___.,
. ;
Study of project activities

7 € ;
ie «a
x i S. Svageesteons tn to minimise
we adverse effects
j ,
) 4. Potluhon abatement

~ Identifving damages

> 1, Status of existing environmental conditions

Jetai d
A detaile y
study > of of prevailing
ih : nmental conditi
enviro a ons in and around the study
area is required to be carried out, before Starting any project.

All the parameters such as physical (water, air, land ete.) and social environment
(economical conditions, employment status, cultural & historical importance ete),
should be studied in detail.

It shall be specifically noted that, whatever may be the benefits of the project, the
present environmental conditions and quality of life shall not get disturbed due to
the project under consideration.

> 2. Study of project activities

For any project, there are various activities involved right from its conceptmalizanon
to completion.

Even in a manufacturing industry, during the manufacturing of any product,

understating the process details including raw material requirement, waste

generation from different sources needs to be understood completely before
out an EIA.
sometimes alternative sites Bre
In case of mega projects like dams or road projects,
like noise uring construction or
suggested as the project activities for such projects
es in the nearby forest reserves.
due to traffic movement may disturb the speci

> 3. Suggestions to minimize adverse effects

ion of som e proj ect, it is like ly that the project will ae have adverse
~ Onc omp let
the industry.
construction or during running ¢
on the environment either due to

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lS -
a (MUSE A)
1-1A Iitrochsetion and Defintian of Environment.
The waste .
arged : i.

in the Environment from a particular industry such ag

“Suga T Indust3 yor Yy ,
y oral harmaceutical Industry, may have harmful elementa in it,
~ Hence
“iA A re Proper measures to curb pollution from such industries should appear in an
Port. Thisi wil]i help to reduce th
| e da mage to the environmen
> : t. _
4. Pollutio:
n abatement
Pollution Prevention is not a difficult »
task these days. Many techniques »
available for reducing all types of pollutions such as pollution of Air, Water, Land c


The treatment methodologies should be incorporated in the project management

itself. This will help to curb the pollution to a great extent.

It is very easy to assess the likely adverse impacts or the damages to the
environment due to the project under consideration, once the treatment technologies
are incorporated in the Environment Management Plan (EMP) of the Project under

> 5. Identifying damages

In almost all projects, there will be some or the other adverse impacts associated
with the project. There can be short term or long term effects of a project which are
reversible or irreversible.

Also the effects may be restricted to local scale such as the surrounding area of an
Industry or may have effects on global scale, such as emission of Green House

Quantifying the damages is also an important task for predicting the likely impacts.

The intensity and duration of exposure of a particular pollutant are equally

important for establishing the damage.

For example, exposure to vehicular pollution even for a small duration, increases the
level of Carbon Monoxide (CO), It reacts with blood to form COHb ie. Carboxy
Hemoglobin. However, this is a reversible reaction and hence, after some time again
CO gets removed from the blood.

- On the other hand, some toxic elements such as lead may not show any immediate
ill-effects but may get accumulated in blood over a longer period causing S°™*
permanent damages.

Tm om lo f

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part os
EM a) 2
gEoaronrnental Mart (Mu
— HUT OCK IMCS arsed Keates ot Eemetres

ee The
th likely; damages
Kee due toa project are also coquired to be cate arrtend en

or ineignifcant and pr imary (direct) or secondary Cindipeet)

_—_— Syllabus Tople : Energy Scenario

rF F.C na eee naeae = memenoesmemsannrsmecieendieeanieee nied

Energy has prime importance for the economic development of any country.

Energy can be classified into several types based on the following criterta :

Primary and secondary energy

Commercial and nen commercial energy

Renewable and Non-Renewable energy.

> 1, Primary and secondary energy

Primary energy sources are found or stored in nature. Commen primary energy
sources are coal, oil, natural gas, and biomass (such as weed)

Other primary energy sources available include nuclear energy fem radivective
substances, thermal energy stored in earth’s interior and potential energy Gus
to carth’s gravity.

> 2. Commercial energy and Non Commercial energy

(i) Commercial energy

The energy sources which are available in the market for a definite price are
called as commercial energy.
Commercial energy forms the basis of industrial, agricultursl transgect
commercial development in the modern world
gas ete.
Examples : Electricity, lignite, coal, oil, natural

(ii) Non-commercial energy

_ ‘The energy sources which are available in the commercial market for & price gre
classified as non-commercial

imanabee onl SED NEN Teena

koala Tech<Nee
Sioa Big.

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(Hs) Environmental Mamt, (MU-SEM 8) 1-20 Introduction and Dofintion of Environmony,
Example : lirewood, agro waste in rural areas; solar energy for water heating,
olectricity generation, for drying grain, fish and fruits; animal power fo,
transport, threshing, lifting water for irrigation; wind energ
y for lifting wate,
and electricity generation, ete.

> 3, Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy

- Renewable energy is energy which is obtained from sources that are essential
inexhaustible. Examples of renewable resources include wind power solar
power, geothermal energy, tidal power and hydroelectric powe

The most important feature of renewable energy can be harnessed without the
release of harmful pollutants.

% 1.5.1 Indian Energy Scenario

'| GQ. 1.5.2 Explain Indian energy scenario.

a ae a ee en ee

Coal dominates the energy mix in India, contributing to 55 % of the total primary energy

- Over the years, there has been a marked increase in the share of natural gas in primary
energy production from 10 % in 1994 to 13 % in 1999.

(i) Coal supply

India has huge coal reserves, at least 84,396 million tonnes of proven recoverable
reserves (at the end of 2003).

This amounts to almost 8.6 % of the world reserves and it may last for about 230
years at the current Reserve to Production,

India is the fourth larges producer of coal and lignite in the world.

(ii) Oil supply

- Oil accounts for about 36 % of India’s total energy consumption.

- India today is one of the top ten oil-guzzling nations in the world

(iii)Natural gas supply

- .
Natural gas accounts for about 8.9 per cent of energy consumption 1n the cou nty
-__Natural gas reserves are estimated at 660 billion cubic meters.
Tech-Neo Publications .......... Fhere Authors inspire innovation 4 Shc SH ie
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[) Environmental Mgmt. (MU-SEM 8)
(iv) Electrical en
ergy suppl
- The all India installed ca

- It consistin 8
of 28,, 860 Mw hydh ro, 77,931 MW-thermal
1,869 MW-wind (Minis and 2 72 -
try of Power).
me eee a
(v) Nuclear power supply

Nuclear power contributes to about 2.4 per

cent of electricity generated in India.
India has ten nuclear power reactors at five nuclear power stations producing

(vi) Hydro power supply

- India is endowed with a vast and viable hydro potential for power generation of
which only 15 % has been harnessed so far.

- Itis assessed that exploitable potential at 60 % load factor is 84,000 MW.

Q.1 Define the environment.
nment management for contemporary man
Q.2 Describe the significance of enviro
te the var ious carrier opp ort uni ties in case of environment manage
Q.3 Sta
to India’.
vironmental issues relevant
Q.4 Write a short note on “En

development. _
Q.5 Commenton Sustainable
scen ario.
Q.6 Write a short note on Energy

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nn Mgmt, (MU-SE

[ ] e m r o a m e

(ky) Pvirenny

"Za 222 Write a short note on Global warming, a —_—_

Rae rene re mh ere oe TS me
yo 2-1-3
' GQ. 2.4.2 What are the effects of Global Warming ?
ER twt(‘<é‘“‘é@ lo :
SS Se eS ' GQ: 2-4
It is the slow gradual rise in the temperature of the earth due ‘
of radiation-tripping gases tik
Ndue ty po as ‘
quantities of a number
* ae : P
og. 9 S™Mon of \ GQ. Bed

chlorofluorocarbon, ozone, nitrogen oxides whiuch &trbagon

ch arear together » called Mioxiqdo, Meth“thy
, 7
S Rreon| LOUSY ba---*
> Increase In Sea Level

Increase in Sea Level increase i ea type

. ; 9 a temperature of earth atmosphere re 1 =
melting and thermal expansion of ocean which increases the 8ea lev l 8ults into Racy
YON | ove

eS Effect on Water Resources

- Due to global warming rainfall patterns are changing, '

— In some places excess rain fall-occurs while in

some places no rain fall
. : . * occurs Wi
this the period of rain fall occurrence is changing. i

ts Effect on Agriculture and Forest

Due to global warming rainfall and temperature of region gets changed resulting in
reduction in crop yield and forest growth.

rs Effect on Ecosystems

adopting problem which

Due to global warming many animals and species are having
results into their extinction.

t= Effect on Human Health

bal war min g drought and floo ds are becomin g more comm
- Due to glo
squitos etc.
ter bo rn e di se as es , infections due to mo
This increases th e wa

Ut Veo

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