Students Will Be Able To Identify and Compare Different Educational Systems Around The World

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Objective: students will be able to identify and compare different educational systems around the world.

Length: 40-50 minutes

Number of students: 16

Skills: listening and speaking

Pre-10 minutes

1. Make puzzles with the following pictures, then give each student part of a puzzle, they’ll
mingle around the classroom and find their group according to the picture, when they are
together they are going to share what information do they know about this country: customs, language,
education system, etc…..

While-10-15 minutes

1. With the country given they’ll search for a video on youtube about the educational system in the country
given, a video of about 5 minutes maximum.
2. When ready they’ll prepare around 4 questions to ask the class about their video.


How was education 100 years ago in Australia?

What happened in the Second World War?

What is the meaning of industrialized?

How were students treated in their process?

Post-30 minutes

1. Finally they’ll present their video and when the video is over each student will be in charge of one group
2. They’ll interact with that group and ask the questions they have, they’ll say if the answers are correct or not
and make any necessary corrections.
3. This is done in order for them to interact, not like open questions in which a few students have the chance to

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