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Name: Anam Ijaz Date: 31/JAN/2011

Major: Internatioal Relations

Course: Diplomacy

Relations between States: Instruments of Influence

In this chapter I go over the different techniques of diplomacy. How states influence
the other states through interactions, diplomatic moves, military, economics, foreign aid,
negations and even sometimes through use of force or coercive diplomacy.
As we all know diplomacy is how we do? And foreign policy is what we do?
Diplomacy means direct or government to government interactions, or influencing the states
that are forced to do things prescribed by the other or influencing states. The central
technique of foreign policy is diplomacy, and its central technique is communication. As we
see in 15th century kings prescribed diplomats in the courts of the other states to have better
communication and to reduce misunderstandings as well as distortion in interstate
communication. The techniques of protocol, diplomatic immunity, and non interference were
establish to avoid conflicts, status of diplomats and to prevent host governments from
interference and to prevent diplomats in interfering host states matter.
There are five major substantive functions of diplomacy:
 Conflict management.
 Solution of problems.
 The increase and facilitation of cross-cultural communications.
 Negotiations and bargaining on specific issue, treaties and agreements.
 General program managements.
Diplomatic communication should be open. Whole world argue o the method of old
diplomacy. According to them these secret treaties or secret diplomacy was a cause of world
wars. For the first time League of Nations promoted the idea to publish and register the
treaties. Then there is parliamentary diplomacy in which regular meetings under international
bodies are included. Representatives are permanently assigned and informal discussions take
place in single location among different diplomats of different states.
Now the modern diplomacy is shuttle diplomacy introduce by U.S.A. this kind is linked
with sort of flying between capitals and doing surveys to resolve and locate conflicts.
Negotiations are done to resolve conflicts and to prevent from conflicts. Negations have
two stages. First stage is good faith. Means states negotiate with each other for some
purposes and reasons like making propaganda, gathering intelligence and deception. Whereas
second stage is bragging over the actual terms of agreements (defining the working out
accords and solutions) it has basic features of debate and game. Means two important
techniques of bragging are persuasion as well as threats and promises.
There are many ways to solve conflicts such as use of force through conquest, then
forcible submission, deterrence, compromise, third party mediation, arbitration or
adjudication of some sort. Important thing of conflict resolution is the willingness of state in
realistic manner.
The use of international organization means use of coercive diplomacy as low as possible.
But we can see regional organizations well manage conflicts without using force where as
united nations can handle high intensity conflicts and also UN use force.
It is concluded from the history that the use of force is the most influencing tool of
diplomacy. The influenced got b the use of weapons is temporary. Another way to give
rewards to states is giving them promise of alliance. Military tool includes the use of force as
foriegn policy. But force also destroys and destructs the territory. The actual use of force
involves power and influence.
Nuclear age is now obsolete. Use of nuclear arms does at have any political gain as they:
destroy the state, devastation could be done in which no territory, wealth, or population
would be gained. Use of force is very dangerous as it has the risk of escalation.
Terrorism is a game which is also used as tool to influence especially by no state actors to
make attention towards them. State also use terrorism as a tool against population to gain or
increase control through fear. This kind of tactics includes exile, failure to protect some
citizens from crimes of others, arbitrary arrest, beatings, kidnappings torture and murders.
States also rely on resources and commodities for which they influnce the other states
through trade. This idea is a central of leverage and vulnarbity. These ideas apply to
economic recourses as well as economic requirements. The manipulation of economic
recourses takes many forms like trade, monetary policy, and international organizations. The
central use of economic techniques for international influence is the exploitation of the
vulnerability of other states.
State also use various ways to techniques to control the flow of goods: services and
resources between states. Foreign aid is major carrot technique. It involves the economic and
other good services.aid I also used to give military assistance, funds, economic development
or relief.
All the disscusion mentioned above are the main charatersitcs of diplomacy followed by
the states to have better relations among other states without losing any of their benefits.

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