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English 1- Lessons

Period: Sep-Dic 2020-03 Friday October 30 2020

Automotive (A2-1) Prof. Antonio León Hernández
Lesson 7: Does and doesn’t
Name:Jesus Alexander Mejiaz Castillo
Instructions: Read carefully all the text below and then do the activities required. After that,
you must upload it to the platform for it to be checked by the teacher. You can use a dictionary
or any other type of supporting resource for you to do it.

Verbo Auxiliar Does

El Verbo auxiliar Does, es un verbo usado para hacer preguntas en Presente Simple, con las
terceras personas del singular (he, she, it) y se llama así porque ayuda al verbo a formular
preguntas. Por sí solo, no tiene significado alguno, pero debemos escribirlo cada vez que
deseemos hacer preguntas en tiempo presente simple con he, she, it. De igual forma, does, es
usado para contestar de forma corta las preguntas, como se muestra a continuación:

1. Does Linda live in Villahermosa? Vives Linda en Villahermosa?

Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t. Si ahí vive / No, ella no.
2. Does your mother study high school? Estudias tu mamá la preparatoria?
Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t. Si, ella si / No, ella no.
3. Does Luis like pizza? A Luis Le gusta la pizza?
Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t. Si, si le gusta / No, no le gusta.
Nótese que toda pregunta con Does, debe ser respondida con does o doesn’t.

Como se puede observar, los verbos no cambian gracias al uso del auxiliar Does en la
estructura interrogativa como se muestra:

Subject Verb in
Does + he, she. it + original form + Complement + ?

Toda pregunta debe llevar escrito al final el signo de interrogación ? (Question Mark) De no
hacerlo, estaría incorrecta la pregunta; así también cada pregunta debe iniciar usando Does en

Activity 1: Ordena las siguientes palabras para hacer preguntas en presente simple:
Ejemplo: write / ? your brother / poems / does Does your brother write poems?
1. go / Dany / does / to movies / ?
Does Dany go to movies?
2. meat / your dog / ? / does / eat
Does your dog eat meat?
3. David / play / ? / the guitar / does
Does David play the guitar?
English 1- Lessons
Period: Sep-Dic 2020-03 Friday October 30 2020
Automotive (A2-1) Prof. Antonio León Hernández
4. work / does / your sister / ?
Does your sister work?
5. at home / ? / help / does / your dad
Does your dad help at home?
6. does / TV / Jake / watch / ?
Does Jake watch TV?
7. ? / swim / your mother / does
Does your mother swim?

Activity 2: Contesta con Yes, he, she, it does o No, he, she, it doesn’t. No olvides poner una
coma despuès de Yes y NO.
Ejemplo: Does your father like pizza? Does your teacher live in USA?
Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.

1. Does your grandfather like Mexican music?

No, she doesn't
2. Does your pet play with you?
Yes, he does
3. Does your brother or sister study?
Yes, he does
4. Does your mother make cakes?
No, She doesn't
5. Does your cellphone have many photoes?
Yes, it does

Stay home, study and be safe! 😊

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