Lucent Star School Terminal Examination - 2010 Class - Ix Sub. - Science

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TIME:- 3:00 Hrs. M.M.:-90

Q.1. Match the following:- 1X5=5
Lichen Earth Warm
Utriculeria Symbiotic
Cutinus Respiration VIBGYOR
Spectrum Supernova
Sukra Planet Insectivorous

Q.2. Very short question (Any ten) 2X10=20
a) Which layer of the earth appear brightest on total Solar System.
b) What do you understand by Heterotrophic nutrition.
c) What is the name of respiratory organs of fish and insect
d) Write the full name of INSAT.
e) Where did photosynthesis occurs.
f) What is refraction of light?
g) What is telescope?
h) Name the satellite used to study weather?
i) Which steps are required for breathing process in human?
j) Which instrument (device) is used to see the celestial bodies.

Q.3. Answer in one word. 1X5=5
a) Which planet is called “Red Planet”?
b) Which satellite is used for spreading education?
c) Red, Green and Blue colours are called.
d) Which instrument is used to see the celestial bodies?
e) Who produce food themselves?

Q.4. Short question (Any five) 3X5=15
a) Write any three characteristic of Jovian planet?
b) What is the power of lenses? Write its Unit.
c) Explain method of injestion on food in Nepenthese?
d) What are the benefits of using solar cooker?
e) Explain anaerobic respiration?
f) What do things appear coloured? explain.
g) Why do stars twinkle?
Q.5. Fill in the blanks: 1X5=5
a) The nearest planet of sun is __________.
b) Red, Green and Blue colours are called __________.
c) Amoeba is a __________ organism.
d) Liver converts ammonia into __________.
e) Plants intake __________ and emit __________ while respiration.

Q.6. Multiple Choice Question: 1X10=10
a) Lichen is an example of-
i) Parasite iii) Symbiotons
ii) Saprophyte iv) None of these
b) Rhizobium is seen in the-
i) Maize roof iii) Branch of plant
ii) Legume plants iv) All of these
c) Respiratory organ of fishes of-
i) Gills iii) Trachea
ii) Skin iv) None of these
d) Respiration is __________
i) Reduction iii) Circulation
ii) Oxidation iv) All of these
e) The country of wind is-
i) America iii) Denmark
ii) Australia iv) Landmark
f) Which radiation provides heat-
i) Infrared iii) Ultraviolet
ii) Gamma iv) X-ray
g) Jovian planets are-
i) Gaseous bodies iii) Have Core of molten metals
ii) Not Natural Satellite iv) Have thin and rocky crust
h) The orbital motions of planets were first discovered by-
i) Scientists iii) Space travellers
ii) Indian Saints iv) Astronomers
i) The organization IRO work in-
i) India iii) America
ii) Japan iv) Russia
j) The power of a concave lense is-
i) Positive iii) Zero
ii) Negative iv) Indefinite
Q.7. Long question (Any five) 6X5=30
a) Drive the formula of convex lenses.
Explain with the help of a labelled ray diagram the defect of Hypermetropia and how
it is corrected.
b) Explain the construction and working of a compound microscope with the help of ray
What are communication satellite and how do they work.
c) What is black hole? How can it be felt when it is not at all visible.
What is Remote Sensing Satellite? Write its main function.
d) Why Biogas considered as an appropriate fule.
What is Geothermal energy?
e) Explain Respiration process in plants.
Write the difference between Respiration and breathing.
f) Explain Nutrition process in Grass hopper?
Explain in brief the various digestive glands in human being.

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