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Dear Mr.

Reiner, I hope you are having an excellent day, and that this message will not be viewed as
intrusive. I have come to you today to discuss about an extension for the assignment that will be due in
a few days. My current circumstances would make it difficult for me to progress any further in my
assignment due to my mother’s death. As you understand, this death was not of my own control. I will
have to attend her funeral later this week, which would interfere with the amount of time I would have
left to spend on my assignment. Obviously, the event would also take an emotional toll that would
negatively affect the quality of my work. In order to maintain a consistent quality in my work, I would
need to be in a positive or neutral state of mind. Anything less would result in unsatisfactory work. The
death of my mother reminds me of my own mortality, and how limited my time is on this planet. Every
memory of every person I have met, places I have been, and everything that I have studied, could be
wiped away in an instant. It is this abashing truth that makes it difficult for me to work. Hopefully, the
efforts I have shown in your classroom can make you consider my extension. I have stayed consistent
with the work you have provided all throughout the quarter and have maintained a high grade in doing
so. Anyways, I wish that you consider my extension, and with that, I bid you farewell.

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