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11/1/2020 ISO-9001 - Basis and Principles of Quality Management Systems - GCC Standardization Organization


ISO-9001 – Basis and Principles of Quality Management Systems

Quality management systems based on eight basic principles, and these principles had been developed by experts from all the countries

participating in the Technical Committee ISO \ TC 176 is responsible for the specifications of quality systems ISO 9000, and the adoption of the

senior management of organizations to these principles combined will improve the performance of the organization. It is well known that the

specifications of quality management systems ISO 9001:2000 & ISO 9001:2008 is based on these principles, namely:

The first principle: The client is the focus of attention

The second principle: Leadership

The third principle: Involvement of staff at the facility

The fourth principle: Methodology of processes

The fifth principle: Managing with methodology of processes

The sixth principle: Continuous Improvement

The seventh principle: Decision-making based on facts

The eighth principle: Profitable partnership for both parties with suppliers

Phases of application and evaluation of quality management systems

In general, the organization wishing to apply the quality management system should follow these steps:

1. A study of the gap between the current situation of the organization and the requirements of the quality management system, generally

this study is conducted by competent in partnership with staff of the organization and used the various tools, including “audit” and

“personal interviews” and “questionnaires”. By the end it composed a specific image about the extent how near or far is the organization

from the quality management system desired. The core outputs of this study is to accurately identify the gap between the existing

system in the organization and the quality management system intended.

2. The senior management of the organization in partnership with specialists developed an implementation plan for the steps and actions

to be taken to cover the gap that has been identified in Step 1.

3. Be in parallel at the organization, adoption and implementation of a training program and sensitize all employees at the facility of the

requirements of a quality management system intended to set up the facility for the change required.

4. The officials and experts should implement the executive plan developed in Step 2 and the senior management of the organization

should provide the necessary resources for implementation. 1/3
11/1/2020 ISO-9001 - Basis and Principles of Quality Management Systems - GCC Standardization Organization

5. After the implementation of the new system and which supposed its conformity with the quality management system and for a

reasonable period confirms the stability of the new system, the senior management of the organization commissioned specialists with

appropriate expertise, both inside and outside the organization to conduct a comprehensive audit on the implementation of the new

system in the organization, and usually this is done in a systematic audit, and according established plan predetermined.

6. Audit results are usually “non-matches” to the requirements of a quality management system intended, and is assisted by senior

management of the organization to take appropriate corrective action to close the “no-matches”.

7. Organization is to implement processes contained in items 5 & 6 on a regular basis to maintain a satisfactory level of performance of the

organization and in accordance with the requirements of the quality management system.

Phases of getting ISO 9001 certification

The international standards ISO 9001:2000 and its updated counterpart ISO 9001:2008 represents general requirements for quality

management system suitable for application to any organization of any kind or size or subordination, these specifications represents quality

management system for most applications in the world and it is international standards issued by the organization ISO since 1987, It was the

latest of several amendments in 2008, and when applied to the organization it can get a certificate confirming the organization’s commitment

to the standards of this specification.

Steps to qualification, complying with ISO 9001

The steps in the preceding item represents basic steps for rehabilitation with the exception of some details and the following is a summary of

these steps:

1. Designation of representative of the administration has the authority to create a system and follow-up and communication with respect

to third-party system, and follows this studying the gap complying with ISO 9001 and to issue a gap report and set an operational plan

for the treatment gap.

2. Develop and implement a training program for employees and awareness about quality management system complying with ISO 9001.

3. Implementation of executive plan and put all the documents and processing systems organization to conform to the ISO 9001


4. Conducting an internal audit, and the discovery of non-matches and treated by corrective studied actions.

5. A senior management should make rebounds and planned periodic reviews of the organization and implementation of the Subject

system, solving the problems of implementation to be assured senior management to match the organization of the management

system and requirements contained in the standard ISO 9001.

6. The organization should select and contract with the point of certification that is recognized and which is in coordination with the

management representative of the organization arranging the timing of the audit,

7. The issuer of the certificate checks on the organization and in the case that the audit was positive, organization is granted ISO 9001

certification which is subject to periodic audits by the donor to ensure the continuity of matching the organization with the

requirements of international standard.

8. The benefits of getting ISO 9001 certification.

Analysis of all the organization’s operations in accordance with the international standard 2/3
11/1/2020 ISO-9001 - Basis and Principles of Quality Management Systems - GCC Standardization Organization

Documentation of all procedures and systems of work and record all operating events

Push-ups training

Entry new mechanisms of action

Focus on the customer satisfaction of internal and external

Always claim compatibility and performance

International recognition and improve the image of the organization

Meet the essential criterion in the domestic market and the international

Mechanism of rehabilitation of the facilities to get ISO 9001 certification

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