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11/1/2020 OHSAS 18001 - Basis and principles of management systems for occupational health and safety - GCC Standardization

dization Organization


OHSAS 18001 – Basis and principles of management systems for

occupa onal health and safety
OHSAS 18001

British Standards Institute BSI

British Standards Institute (BSI) is almost the largest of its kind in the world to establish and disseminate the standard specifications, and BSI

issued British National Standards famous with letters BS, and it is a private sector foundation authorized by the British government to

represent the United Kingdom in the issuance of British national standards and to represent in the field of Standards in organizations and

international agencies such as the ISO & IEC and other international standards devices and regional, and BS specification enjoys with

unrivaled international respect and treated as such.

Basis and principles of management systems for occupational health andsafety

The group of British Standards OHSAS 18001 issued by the Organization of British Standards Institute (BSI) in 2007 are the Specifications

which enjoys with unrivaled international recognition, which aims to develop agroup of specifications for management systems for

occupational health and safety under the figure and an OHSAS 18001 This is to address the following topics:

Planning to determine, evaluate and control the risk

Management program for Occupational Health and Safety

Organizational structure and responsibilities

Training, awareness and competence

consultation and communication

Operating Monitor

Emergency preparedness and reactions when they occur

This standard has been designed in 2007 version to be compatible with the two standards ISO 9001 & ISO 14001

Stages of implementation and evaluation of management systems for occupational health and safety OHSAS 18001

In general, the interested organization in applying the system for the management of occupational health and safety by the following steps:… 1/3
11/1/2020 OHSAS 18001 - Basis and principles of management systems for occupational health and safety - GCC Standardization Organization

1. Performing study on the laws in the state that apply to the Foundation and to its employees, its products and its activities and services

and determine the necessary standards adhered to.

2. Performing integrated analysis of arising effects from the products, processes and services in the business in so-called risks analysis of

functional health and safety.

3. Performing field measurements of the gap between what is found and the standards adhered to in order to set goals and policy of

functional health and safety of the facility which is called the initial survey

4. Performing study of gap between the status-based management of the organization and between management system requirements of

occupational health and safety, and is generally conducted this study in knowing specialists in partnership with the employees of the

Organization and useing the various tools, including “audit” and their “personal interviews” including “questionnaires” At the end of it

consists specific image about how far or near of Organization management System of Occupational Health and Safety desired. And

theessential output of this study is to determine exactly the existing gap between the existing system in the organization and

management system of occupational health and safety targeted.

5. The senior management of the organization in partnership with specialists developed an implementation plan for the steps and actions

should be taken to cover the gap that has been determined in step 3 & 4.

6. A training program and awareness is adopted and implemented in parallel in the organization for all employees in the foundation for

requirements of management system of occupational health and safety targeted to prepare the foundation for the desired change.

7. The established operational plan is implemented by officials and experts in Step 2 and the senior management of the organization

should provide with the necessary resources for implementation.

8. After the implementation of the new system and is supposed to be conformed to the management system of occupational health and

safety and for a reasonable period confirms the stability of the new system the senior management of the organization commissioned

professionals with appropriate expertise, both from within the organization or outside for applying an comprehensive audit for

implementation of the new system in the organization, and usually this audit is done systematically according to the plan already


9. Audit results are usually “non-matches” with the requirements of the management system for functional health and safety target, and is

assisted by senior management of the organization to take appropriate corrective action to close the “no-matches”

The organization is implementing the processes contained in items 8 & 9 on a regular basis to maintain a satisfactory level of performance of

the organization and in accordance with the requirements of the management system of occupational health and safety.

Stages to obtain certificates of OHSAS 18001

The OHSAS 18001 specification represents General requirements for the management system functional health and safety suitable for

application to any organization of any kind or size or dependency and these specifications represent a system for the management of

occupational health and safety most applied in the world, it is a British specification issued by the Organization of BSI British in 2007, and

when applied the organization can get a certificate confirms the commitment of the organizations with the standards of this specification.

Steps of qualification according to OHSAS 18001 standard… 2/3
11/1/2020 OHSAS 18001 - Basis and principles of management systems for occupational health and safety - GCC Standardization Organization

The contained steps in the previous item represent the basic steps for qualificationwith the exception of some details and the following is a

summary of these steps:

1. The appointment of a representative of the administration has the authority to create a system and follow-up and communication with

external authorities respect to the system, andthe following is studying the gap according to OHSAS 18001 standard and issuing a gap

report andestablish an operational plan for the gap treatment.

2. Perform a preliminary survey

3. A training program and awareness for employees is developed and implemented about the Management System for Occupational

Health and Safety complying with OHSAS 18001 specification

4. Performing the Operational plan, Putting all the documents, and processing all systems for the organization complying with OHSAS

18001 specification

5. Performing an internal audit, and the discovery of non-matches and treatment by studied corrective actions

6. A senior management can make rebounds and planned periodic reviews of the organization and implementation of the exist system,

and resolve the problems of implementation can rest assured senior management for matching of the organization to the management

system and requirements contained in the OHSAS 18001 specification

7. The organization selected and contracted with recognized destination forissuance certification which perform with coordination with

the management representative of the organization by arranging the timing of the audit,

8. The destination for issuance certification checks on the organization and in the case of the audit was positive the organization is granted

OHSAS 18001 certification subject to the periodic audits by the donor destination to ensure the continuity of matching to the

organization with the requirements of international standard.

The benefits of the application and obtain certificates of OHSAS 18001

1. Reduce the potential for accidents in the organization

2. Reduce downtime in the organization and thus reducing the cost

3. Showing legal and legislative.compatibility

4. Showing a commitment to health and safety for all those interested in the work of the organization.

5. Showing futuristic thinking and developed methodologies.

6. Getting customers and new business partners.

7. The best management for health and safety risks in the present and in the future.

8. Reduce the cost of public liability and insurance.

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