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NAME: ANKET PPNDEY Roll No! 185 8 O97 Goce Ch Date of Cubrurecien + 1eog|2o20 Ascii gnmew} . Of Assigns : 0! Cundation Erginacrig, CIVL8I4) Assiynnamag 08 Erginaeringy CNT @ Qed a gpsee? cexdting oda af a scaenplar vomd wax plain Vinsde qtearaner , cutsecls glearanes amd cue eaio. : pd og Thr cindesnall cliarcber of dat : cudting 2das CDs} Should be cticltl che Mahan ths dndornal diabaokey of das tam pdiny Auhs CDs) 46 give uncide qlearance C i) Treieke “Ghearones x heen by - oe (25-9) 100 a Poet good toma cat Crs ryalth in 06 a ae ro, Oatsilt Qtearmer * coe Ths outside dicruatte of dhe cudtiyy sodge should bo ri ghhhy moot than haf of Lampling tebe do get tee oud Quearance + Ovdcids tearance v's giton ky — © = (Ba ne y Poot good comping frOc2 8.» Het pratio choulel bo tufhsn 2-37, Tha oubtivg edge argyle (4) chenatel be cuWin 20% » Oweg Rabo | © The quteg sechic choutol bo tpl at dow as possthte, Consictout rith tho _etseengdh stg tui eOruoft Ok dts tarepliig Fube os alr as dhe unsidt amd lr ceelcrdé clearance weg picowsedt - Ase geatio 4 otuen by Dot = (2-97) x100 + Or When dae gateq vtabic uly Jor or ters dhe comple prortrally 4 censiclored Jo bs ondicturhsel e Distinguished hotusen yepyoontative amd onclicfurhsol Lam ple . . 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