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Chapter 1 Introduction

1. Which of the following is the primary objective of a firm? A. employees' benefits B. satisfaction of
customers C. satisfaction of suppliers D. prompt payment to creditors * E. maximize stockholder wealth

2. Financial risk involves ___. A. fluctuation in exchange rates B. different interest and inflation rates C.
balance of payments position D. A and B * E. A, B, and C

3. Three sweeping changes include ___. A. the end of Cold War B. industrialization and growth of the
developing world C. the creation of the North American Trade Agreement D. increased globalization * E.
A, B, and D

4. Managers are generally defined as ___. A. stockholders * B. agents C. creditors D. suppliers E.


5. Which of the following is not one of seven principles of global finance? A. market imperfection B. risk-
return tradeoff C. portfolio effect D. comparative advantage * E. company advantage

6. Incentives for multinational company managers include the following except ___. A. stock options B.
bonuses C. perquisites D. salary increases * E. vacation


7. Environmental factors affecting international operations are as follows except ___. A. foreign customs
B. foreign economic factors C. foreign political situations D. foreign legal aspect * E. international

8. Three major risks in international business are ___. A. political, financial and weather B. economic,
political and people * C. political, financial and regulatory D. accounting, management and information
E. marketing, ethics and political

9. Conflicts of interest for multinational corporations do not include ___.

A. the interests of sovereign governments may be different B. the goals of multinationals are divergent
from host countries C. some conflicts may exist within multinational subsidiaries D. multinational
companies may conflict with local laws * E. multinational managers live in different time zones

10. The conflict between owners, employees, suppliers, and customers of a company is known as ___. A.
regulatory risk B. problem of agency C. conflict of multiple environments * D. conflict of interests E.
none of the above

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