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The Book of Tourism Vs Heritage: an international point of view ISBN: xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Cum-templare into a more vivid architectural experience – The

public space in the House of Culture in Mora

Madalena Folgado, MA
Lusíada University of Lisbon/CITAD, Research Centre in Territory, Architecture and Design, Portugal

This article aims to celebrate public spaces potential aliveness. In this sense, we will go
back in time and rethink, thus renew, the Roman cities foundation ritual. According to
Eugenio Trias it started with contemplation – cum-templare – which means to demarcate the
temple, by observing the sky; the apparent movement of the sun, and precisely define the
coordinates of the celestial meridians cardo and decomanus. Our approach will start at the
public space of the House of Culture in Mora, designed by Manuel Tainha. This small square,
in this cultural centre, in this small town in Alentejo – Portuguese region known by the
stillness of its inhabitants, related with the high temperatures in summer – will challenge us to
give a cultural response to the Conference topic “Renewing unto make an old downtown
street more dynamic”. This public space connects two downtown streets at different levels,
ultimately, our goal is to create different levels of understanding through architectural
experience with the surroundings – through art – and with the world. After all, “all paths
[used to] lead to Rome”.

Key Words: Architectural experience, Contemplation, House of Culture in Mora, Manuel


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