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Finance as the science and art of managing money .

setting general policy, guiding corporate affairs, and approving

major expenditures.
 How much they save.
 How they invest their savings . President or Chief Executive Officer (CEO) corporate
 How firms raise money from investors. official responsible for managing the firm’s day-today operations
 How firms invest money in an attempt to earn profit. and carrying out the policies established by the board of directors.

2 Career Opportunities in Finance  Limited Partnership (LP)

 S Corporation (S corp)
 Financial Services  LImited Liability Company (LLC)
 Managerial Finance  Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

Financial Services is the area of finance concerned with the design MAXIMIZE SHAREHOLDER WEALTH
and delivery of advice and financial products to individuals ,
business and governments Maximize the wealth of the owners for whom it is being
operated, or equivalently, to maximize the stock price.
Managerial Finance concern the duties of the financial manager
in a business. MAXIMIZE PROFIT

Financial Manager actively manages the financial affairs of all Earnings Per Share (EPS)
types of business , whether private or public , large or small ,
profit seeking or not for profit. The amount earned during the period on behalf of
each outstanding share of common stock, calculated by dividing
Legal Forms of Business Organization the period’s total earnings available for the firm’s common
stockholders by the number of shares of common stock
Sole Partnership a business owned by one person and operated outstanding.
for his or her own profit.
Timing the receipt of funds sooner rather than later is preferred.
Unlimited liability condition of sole proprietorship (or
general partnership) , giving creditors the right to make claims Cash Flows not necessarily result in cash flows available to the
against the owner’s personal assets to recover debts owed by the stockholders.
Risk the chance that actual outcomes may differ from those
Partnership a business owned by two or more people and expected.
operated for profit.
Return and risk are, in fact, the key determinants of
Articles of partnership the written contract used to share price, which represents the wealth of the owners in the firm.
formally establish a business partnership.
Risk Averse requiring compensation to bear risk.
Corporations an entity created by law.
Stakeholders groups such as employees, customers, suppliers,
The Role of Management Finance creditors, owners, and others who have a direct economic link to
the firm.
Stockholders the owners of a corporation , whose ownership , or
equity , takes the form of either common stock or preferred stock. THE ROLE OF BUSINESS ETHICS

Limited liability a legal provision that limits stockholders liability Business Ethics standards of conduct or moral judgment that
for a corporation’s debt to the amount they initially invested in apply to persons engaged in commerce.
the firm by purchasing stock.
Ethics and Share Price
Common Stock the purest and most basic form of corporate
ownership. Ethical behavior is therefore viewed as necessary for achieving
the firm’s goal of owner wealth maximization.
Dividends periodic distributions of cash to the stockholders of a

Board Of Directors Group elected by the firm’s stockholders and Treasurer the firm’s chief financial manager, who manages the
typically responsible for approving strategic goals and plans, firm’s cash, oversees its pension plans, and manages key risks.
Controller the firm’s chief accountant, who is responsible for the The Agency Problem
firm’s accounting activities, such as corporate accounting, tax
management, financial accounting, and cost accounting. Agency problems problems that arise when managers place
personal goals ahead of the goals of shareholders.
Foreign Exchange Manager the manager responsible for
managing and monitoring the firm’s exposure to loss from Agency costs arising from agency problems that are borne by
currency fluctuations. shareholders and represent a loss of shareholder wealth.

RELATIONSHIP TO ECONOMICS Management Compensation Plans

Marginal Cost–benefit Analysis economic principle that states Incentive plans management compensation plans that tie
that financial decisions should be made and actions taken only management compensation to share price; one example involves
when the added benefits exceed the added costs. the granting of stock options.

Emphasis on Cash Flows Stock Options extended by the firm that allow management to
benefit from increases in stock prices over time.
Accrual Basis in preparation of financial statements, recognizes
revenue at the time of sale and recognizes expenses when they Performance Plans that tie management compensation to
are incurred. measures such as EPS or growth in EPS. Performance shares
and/or cash bonuses are used as compensation under these plans.
Cash Basis recognizes revenues and expenses only with respect to
actual inflows and outflows of cash. Performance Shares of stock given to management for meeting
stated performance goals.
Decision Making accountants devote most of their attention to
the collection and presentation of financial data. Cash bonuses paid to management for achieving certain
performance goals.
statements, develop additional data, and make
decisions on the basis of their assessment of the associated CHAPTER 2 : The Financial Market Environment
returns and risks.
Financial institution an intermediary that channels the savings of
CORPORATE GOVERNANCE individuals, businesses, and governments into loans or
Corporate Governance the rules, processes, and laws by which
companies are operated, controlled, and regulated. COMMERCIAL BANKS, INVESTMENT BANKS, AND THE SHADOW
Individual versus Institutional Investors
Commercial banks institutions that provide savers with a secure
Individual Investors who own relatively small quantities of shares place to invest their funds and that offer loans to individual and
so as to meet personal investment goals. business borrowers.

Institutional investors investment professionals, such as banks, Investment banks that assist companies in raising capital, advise
insurance companies, mutual funds, and pension funds, that are firms on major transactions such as mergers or financial
paid to manage and hold large quantities of securities on behalf of restructurings, and engage in trading and market making
others. activities.

Government Regulation Glass-Steagall Act An act of Congress in 1933 that created the
federal deposit insurance program and separated the activities of
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) an act aimed at eliminating commercial and investment banks.
corporate disclosure and conflict of interest problems. Contains
provisions about corporate financial disclosures and the Shadow banking system a group of institutions that engage in
relationships among corporations, analysts, auditors, attorneys, lending activities, much like traditional banks, but do not accept
directors, officers, and shareholders. deposits and therefore are not subject to the same regulations as
traditional banks.
Principal–agent Relationship an arrangement in which an agent
acts on the behalf of a principal. For example, shareholders of a Financial markets Forums in which suppliers of funds and
company (principals) elect management (agents) to act on their demanders of funds can transact business directly.
Private placement the sale of a new security directly to an Bid price the highest price offered to purchase a security.
investor or group of investors.
Ask price the lowest price at which a security is offered for sale.
Public offering the sale of either bonds or stocks to the general
public. International Capital Markets

Primary market Financial market in which securities are initially Eurobond market the market in which corporations and
issued; the only market in which the issuer is directly involved in governments typically issue bonds denominated in dollars and sell
the transaction. them to investors located outside the United States.

Secondary market Financial market in which pre owned securities Foreign bond that is issued by a foreign corporation or
(those that are not new issues) are traded. government and is denominated in the investor’s home currency
and sold in the investor’s home market.
International equity market a market that allows corporations to
Money market A financial relationship created between suppliers sell blocks of shares to investors in a number of different countries
and demanders of short-term funds. simultaneously.

Marketable securities Short-term debt instruments, such as U.S. The Role of Capital Markets
Treasury bills, commercial paper, and negotiable certificates of
deposit issued by government, business, and financial institutions, Efficient market a market that allocates funds to their most
respectively. productive uses as a result of competition among wealth-
maximizing investors and that determines and publicizes prices
Eurocurrency market International equivalent of the domestic that are believed to be close to their true value.
money market.
Securitization the process of pooling mortgages or other types of
Capital market A market that enables suppliers and demanders of loans and then selling claims or securities against that pool in the
long-term funds to make transactions. secondary market.

Bond Long-term debt instrument used by business and Mortgage-backed securities that represent claims on the cash
government to raise large sums of money, generally from a flows generated by a pool of mortgages.
diverse group of lenders.
Preferred stock A special form of ownership having a fixed
periodic dividend that must be paid prior to payment of any Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) An agency created
dividends to common stockholders. by the Glass-Steagall Act that provides insurance for deposits at
banks and monitors banks to ensure their safety and soundness.
Broker market The securities exchanges on which the two sides of
a transaction, the buyer and seller, are brought together to trade Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act an act that allows business combinations
securities. (that is, mergers) between commercial banks, investment banks,
and insurance companies, and thus permits these institutions to
Securities exchanges organizations that provide the marketplace compete in markets that prior regulations prohibited them from
in which firms can raise funds through the sale of new securities entering.
and purchasers can resell securities.
Dealer market the market in which the buyer and seller are not
brought together directly but instead have their orders executed Securities Act of 1933 An act that regulates the sale of securities
by securities dealers that “make markets” in the given security. to the public via the primary market.

Market makers securities dealers who “make markets” by offering Securities Exchange Act of 1934 An act that regulates the trading
to buy or sell certain securities at stated prices. of securities such as stocks and bonds in the secondary market.

Nasdaq market an all-electronic trading platform used to execute Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) The primary
securities trades. government agency responsible for enforcing federal securities
Over-the-counter (OTC) market where smaller, unlisted securities
are traded.
Ordinary Income earned through the sale of a firm’s goods or Balance Sheet
Balance sheet Summary statement of the firm’s financial position
Marginal Tax Rate The rate at which additional income is taxed. at a given point in time.

Average Tax Rate A firm’s taxes divided by its taxable income. Current assets Short-term assets, expected to be converted into
cash within 1 year or less.
Interest and Dividend Income
Current liabilities Short-term liabilities, expected to be paid within
Double Taxation Situation that occurs when after-tax corporate 1 year or less.
earnings are distributed as cash dividends to stockholders, who
then must pay personal taxes on the dividend amount. long-term debt Debt for which payment is not due in the current
 Capital Gain the amount by which the sale price of an
asset exceeds the asset’s purchase price. balance sheet Summary statement of the firm’s financial position
at a given point in time.
Current assets Short-term assets, expected to be converted into
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) the practice cash within 1 year or less. current liabilities Short-term liabilities,
and procedure guidelines used to prepare and maintain financial expected to be paid within 1 year or less.
records and reports; authorized by the Financial Accounting
Standards Board (FASB). Paid-in capital in excess of par The amount of proceeds in excess
of the par value received from the original sale of common stock.
Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) The accounting
profession’s rule-setting body, which authorizes generally Retained earnings The cumulative total of all earnings, net of
accepted accounting principles (GAAP). dividends, that have been retained and reinvested in the firm since
its inception.
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) A not-for-
profit corporation established by the SarbanesOxley Act of 2002 to Statement of stockholders’ equity Shows all equity account
protect the interests of investors and further the public interest in transactions that occurred during a given year.
the preparation of informative, fair, and independent audit
reports. Statement of retained earnings Reconciles the net income earned
during a given year, and any cash dividends paid, with the change
Stockholders’ report Annual report that publicly owned in retained earnings between the start and the end of that year.
corporations must provide to stockholders; it summarizes and An abbreviated form of the statement of stockholders’ equity.
documents the firm’s financial activities during the past year.
Statement of cash flows Provides a summary of the firm’s
Letter to stockholders Typically, the first element of the annual operating, investment, and financing cash flows and reconciles
stockholders’ report and the primary communication from them with changes in its cash and marketable securities during
management. the period.

THE FOUR KEY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Notes to the financial statements Explanatory notes keyed to
relevant accounts in the statements; they provide detailed
(1) the income statement, information on the accounting policies, procedures, calculations,
and transactions underlying entries in the financial statements.
(2) the balance sheet,
Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Standard No. 52
(3) the statement of stockholders’ equity, and Mandates that U.S.–based companies translate their foreign-
currency-denominated assets and liabilities into dollars, for
(4) the statement of cash flows. consolidation with the parent company’s financial statements.
This is done by using the current rate (translation) method.
Income statement Provides a financial summary of the firm’s
operating results during a specified period. Current rate (translation) method Technique used by U.S.–based
companies to translate their foreign-currency-denominated assets
Dividend Per Share (DPS) The dollar amount of cash distributed
and liabilities into dollars, for consolidation with the parent
during the period on behalf of each outstanding share of common
company’s financial statements, using the year-end (current)
exchange rate.
Ratio analysis Involves methods of calculating and interpreting
financial ratios to analyze and monitor the firm’s performance.

Cross-sectional analysis Comparison of different firms’ financial

ratios at the same point in time; involves comparing the firm’s
ratios to those of other firms in its industry or to industry

Benchmarking A type of cross-sectional analysis in which the

firm’s ratio values are compared to those of a key competitor or
group of competitors that it wishes to emulate.

Time-series analysis Evaluation of the firm’s financial

performance over time using financial ratio analysis.


Liquidity A firm’s ability to satisfy its short-term obligations as

they come due.

Current ratio A measure of liquidity calculated by dividing the

firm’s current assets by its current liabilities.

Current ratio = Current assets/ Current liabilities

Quick (acid-test) ratio A measure of liquidity calculated by

dividing the firm’s current assets minus inventory by its current

activity ratios Measure the speed with which various accounts are
converted into sales or cash—inflows or outflows.

inventory turnover Measures the activity, or liquidity, of a firm’s


average age of inventory Average number of days’ sales in


average collection period The average amount of time needed to

collect accounts receivable.

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