Digital World

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The Digital World

They said that youth is the future of our country. Is youth our true future? Since youth is the
future, help our youth to achieve this media education and let them be a media literate youth. Media
literate youth are better able to understand complex message that we receive from the television,
internet, radio, magazines, books and other form of media. This media have the strong influence on how
we see the world. In other country being a media literate youth is a great advantage for a better future
because being one of the media literate youth, you can produce media or create media by yourself like
the one who create the facebook, twitter, instragram and other media. You can also write books, create
news and do what you want in media.

Through media literacy we can have media justice in our lives. We can help the youth that have
been victim in social media like cyber bullying. We can also use media justice if our youth (15-21 years
old) are interested in working on media policy and media justice issue but all of this will be impossible if
we will be irresponsible and lethargic in our life. However, there are some problems that need to be
considered regarding the utility of the media by some young individual.

First, according to study 20-30 people are connected in digital world means it is still in low
average more than the media literate youth in the other country. One of the reasons why is because
students nowadays are irresponsible in their social life because they can easily blinded in different post.
They are being irresponsible in sharing post and they lost connection in media. They easily believe in the
post without knowing the truth. They just share and like without understanding the content of the post.

Second, media literacy skills develop critical thinking skills. In our youth nowadays there are
absence in critical thinking because from infancy to now they don’t engaged themselves in media
education and the parents didn’t influence their child in this so that until now our youth is being
eyesless and clueless in their critical thinking is resulting in loss of interest in media and they do
judgment easily

Third, lack of understanding, evaluating and recognizing what the media maker wants us to
believe. They didn’t understand true message of news and effective news because youth nowadays are
focusing in different internet and mobile games and they don’t mind the importance of media. Absence
in evaluating, they can’t assess the media content well and they can’t distinguished the good and bad
side of the media. The youth is lack in recognizing the benefit of being a media literate they are being
more interested in having fun with their friends and they are more interested in watching television and
playing videogames.

Without media literacy in our lives we cannot connect with the others and cannot develop
different skills that we can use in the future. Our youth can achieve the success if they will involve
themselves in this. The youth need to be more responsible. Every youth needs to be more educated and
knowledgeable about this matter because media are powerful forces in the lives of every people so that
we should not waste the opportunity to know and grasp information through this. The parents also need
to influence their child so that at young age the child can involve the media literacy in their life.
Living in the digital world is not easy because you need to consider the safety of yourself and the
others and you need to protect your name. Some of the youth are not that attached in social media
because they are scared that they might be bullied in social media. Being attached sometimes in social
media causes a problem like cyber bullying and other so that the youth choose to divert their attention
in television, games and other to protect themselves, which is a half truth. However, not all parents let
their child to social media because the parents are scared that their will forget to study. It is not just
about for the youth alone, but for the sake and future of our country.

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