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Hello my name is…

Task Summary

What is your name?

I am
I am… You are
What is your English Level? He is
My English level is… She is This is the verb
‘to be’.
How old are you? It is

I am… We are
You are
Nice to meet you!
They are
Nice to meet you too!
Sven is a taxi driver
Task Summary

Accountant Shop assistant

What is your job?

Computer Tailor
I am a / an __________ programmer

What is her / his job?

He / she is a / an __________ Law student Taxi Driver

Receptionist Waiter
Are you French?
Task Summary

American German
The verb ‘to be’ is
placed in front of the
subject to form
Brazilian Greek questions.
An auxiliary verb is NOT
British Indian

Canadian Japanese
Are you _____________?
Chinese Moroccan
Yes I am / No, I'm not. I'm from...

French Swiss
Anne, this is Sven
Task Summary

Anne: Who’s that?

You: That’s Sven.

Let me introduce you…

Anne, this is Sven. He is in level 1. He

is 47 years old, he is a taxi driver and
he is German.
Sven, this is Anne!

Anne: Nice to meet you, Sven!

Sven: Nice to meet you too.

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