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BacTerIAL ALGORITHMS (CGonT’D. ACID FAST | Mycobacteria | M, tuberculosis = Gram (+) wall bul doecett stain-due to waxy CW * Acid tas, abtigate aerobe » Respiratory transrrission Pathogen, contagious * Core faetr-trehaioca ‘mycoiste-nhib. WBC mégraton niloch, resp oxi. phosphor » Sulfatidessnhib, phagosome Tysceame lus + Niacin (41. calalase (+) at 37°C, Fyatesc + Slow qroeng * Drug resistance * Lowensinin-Jensen madium * DOG: isoniazid + rtampin + PyFazinimie (2 mo} then Isoniazid + rifampin (4 m0) M, aviur-intracellutare + Gram (+) wall bul doesn't stain cue io wary CW + Aad fast + Obligate aprobe * Sal organism + Opporturist, ner-centagious * Pulmonary ~» iss infections CA pis late AIDS pts M. leprae = Obiigale niraccelular bacteria * Tuberculoid (CMI damage) * Lesromatous leprosy (pact CMI) = DOC:apeone + rifampin + detzimine ‘M, marinum * Cutaneous lesions (ish tank grantor) * DOC: goniazig, ntamein, ethambutol SOME ATP | Rickettsias i A. rickettsti + Obligate intacllular bectera Gram-negative ommiope But slain poorly = Rocky MIT Spit Fevers an wricisianiées — trunk, palms, soles Vector: Dermacertar ick * Reservoirs ticks, sill rodents * Dicsterol diner indie F_Ab + WlelFelix (BOG: Barycyctine R. prowazekil + Obligaie intracellular bacteria + Epidemic typhus *Nector: Peaieutus louse += Reservoir: hurans, squire! fleas, ‘fying equimels Bartonella henselae Cal sot fever + Baniiary angomatseis in AIDS Ehrlichia + Ebvlichias: Morula in WEE DOC: denxyeyeine + E:ahafoensis:monoaytes + macrophages + E.phagecylophile- PMNS + nodes tek NO ATP, mod, peptidoglycan NO CELL WALL | Chlamydiaceae Mycoplasmas | I Chlamydia trachomatis M. pneumaniae + Obligate nracelluiar bactena += Gram-negative erumlope but stain poorty; lack muramic acid + Elementary body-ransmitiec ‘= Reviculste body-ntracellatar * Dr: gerology oF Hesue cunure growth confirmed by inclusion bodes (Fi Ab, Giemsa, icdine Serotypes D-K = U.S-Moat commen bacterial STD (HPY andl HISW2 mare eorarot) * Neanatalfadult nolus. conjunc, neonatal poem, urethane cervieits, PID, mntartaity ‘Serotypes Lt, 2.3 + Lymphogranuloma venereum + S1Din Atica, Acia, §. America Serotypes A,B, B,C * Trachorna-totic conjunctivitis + ‘con scarring. entropion + comaall scarring + Leading infectious cause tindness + DOC: Boxyoyaine or azithromycin Chiamydophila pheumoniae sTWAR agent + inspiralory infections + Probably very common + Polenial ansnciation with atherosclerosis + DOC: macroicine and tlranyetine + Lack call wall pepticoglycan — ron-Gram staining + Cholesterol (req) in mambe, + Atypical pneumonia in youth and ‘young adulis ‘Frag hing fouturable, extrscel) "Slow growth, special mecka: Myoo- ‘plasma, Eaton's or Haytiak’s mosi-sterois puripyrimisinas: mulbery colonies ‘Cold agguiutinins 9 65% cases ‘No Penkilins nor Cephalasprins DOC: enjhromycin, azithremyce urealyticum + Urethrts, peastatlis + Uresse positne No eed wall * DOC: erythramycin or tatracycine Chlamydophila psittaci ‘typical pneumonia + ds (parrots) + DOE: tetracycline “Aisa nols that Logionels and the spirochetes {Taeponema, Lepinspire. and Borrsta}—all Grarm-negative—do not show up reliably with Gram stain

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