Proyecto de Investigación Del Sistema Cardiovascular N°2: Exercise Therapy Benefits For Heart Failure

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Proyecto de investigación del sistema cardiovascular N°2

Título del texto Exercise Therapy Benefits for Heart Failure

Nombres y Apellidos Elvira Karajic Dzubur, MSN, FNP-C, and Cathlin Buckingham Poronsky, PhD, FNP-BC
del Autor

Año de la publicación 2018

Referencia Dzubur E, Poronsky C. Exercise Therapy Benefits for Heart Failure (Internet). SciencieDirect. 2018 (cited
Bibliográfica 16 August 2020). Available from:

Palabras Claves Aerobic exercise, exercise therapy, heart failure, strength training

Resumen del texto In this article he presents a brief summary in which he mentions that heart failure is a burden for family
patients and in health systems, pharmacological management is not succinct to manage the disease,
exercise therapy helps to reduce mortality, generating a higher survival rate, together with a significant
reduction in cardiac episodes and hospitalizations, presenting nurses as qualified personnel who will be
able to incorporate exercise successfully and safely into daily life.
Contenido Heart failure is a complex clinical condition that is well known for its various cardiovascular disorders
and although it has improved in the prevention of cardiovascular disease in the 21st century, a prevalence
of HF of 46% is expected by 2030 in global health.

The pharmacological treatment of HF should be related to healthy lifestyles such as maintaining a healthy
weight according to your body proportion, quitting smoking, limited use of alcohol, caffeine and physical
activity. Physical training in people with HF is a safe and effective therapy to improve maximum oxygen
consumption, muscle strength, and quality of life, for which the focus of this article is to explore the role
of physical therapy and its benefits in future patients.

In the article he mentions epidemiological data of which 23 million people in the world suffer from HF,
5.7 million live in the United States, surpassing the rates of pneumonia, cancer and strokes, poor
adherence to treatment is the main reason why there are remissions, which indicates that the majority of
readmissions are preventable, reducing the increase in hospitalizations and associated costs.

Risk factors for heart failure are in people over 65 years of age, in African-American men, health
problems such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity, sleep apnea, substance abuse such as alcohol, and
chemotherapy. The risk increases in people with poorly controlled chronic health problems such as
uncontrolled hypertension, diabetes increases your risk twice as much.

One of the main clinical manifestations is premature fatigue and dyspnea during physical exertion, which
negatively affects the ability to carry out daily activities, producing greater inactivity, one of the goals of
treatment for HF is to improve the quality of life of patients by improving your ability to carry out daily
activities and achieve a combination with drug treatment.

Pharmacological options seeks angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors combined with a beta-blocker B,
seeking the inactivation of the renin angiotensin system while beta-blockers B protect the heart
and overstimulation of the nevus system a combination between hydrazine and nitrates la therapy should
include aldosterone antagonists, others include diuretics for fluid retention, dioxin is mentioned for those
patients who do not tolerate beta-blockers.

Non-pharmacological options in addition to exercise and other therapies include healthy lifestyles in
which smoking is stopped, limited use of substances such as caffeine and alcohol, reducing the
consumption of sodium and fluids.

The benefits of exercise in HF helps in reducing the risk of presenting a coronary disease, acute
myocardial infarction, hypertension, diabetes and obesity, includes changes, decrease in physiological
changes in cardiac structures, improves respiratory function and oxygen saturation, increases blood flow
by increasing muscle oxidative capacity, although its benefits are mainly associated with aerobic
exercises, this being essential in addition to pharmacological treatment.

One of the most important benefits for HF patients is that it slows down and sometimes even reverses
cardiac remodeling. Exercise decreases the dilation and remodeling of the left ventricle, improves its
ejection fraction, its improvement was evidenced at three months, reaching a maximum point of six
months, remaining stable since then. In addition to providing physical benefits, it also provides many
psychological benefits, improving mood, self-efficacy, feeling improved quality of life.

The recommendations are to perform aerobic exercises in medium and high intensity intervals of 30 to 60
min, of which it is recommended to walk, ride a bicycle or jog together with strength training at least three
times a week although it is recommended that each session should be personalized According to the
patient's health situation, this should be monitored to prevent symptoms of exertion.
The role of nurses is to overcome implementation barriers, but being educators regarding the care and
treatments that patients should follow their bes, support networks should be established by family, friends,
and others to help implement healthy lifestyles by giving opportunity To clarify doubts, provide precise
indications and the possible incidents that would arise in the case of not following the treatment and above
all, framing its advantages.

The article ends by giving a very clear conclusion regarding exercise, which is a well-documented, cost-
effective, safe intervention for patients with HF that has multiple benefits, including the decrease in
cardiac remodeling; increased functional capacity and clinical improvement of symptoms, mood and self-
efficacy. Exercise therapy is associated with a lower risk of hospital admission, reduced mortality, and
improved survival rates. These improvements ultimately improve the quality of life.

Fecha elaboración 16/08/2020

Ficha RAE

Ruta de búsqueda
He entered the aulanet platform, entering the ELSEVIER database, entering the key words for heart
failure, entering the second page.

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