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(;ticmicaI Compaiiy,Inc. '
Method No. ST-5.30-634


1. Thls method 1s intended for use in determining the
foamine tcndency of cas-treatlng aolutlons. It may be employed
also in comparing antifoam tcchnlques (Note 1).

2. A stream of nitrogen gas 1s passed through a gas
dispersion tube into a 250-ml. graduated cylinder containinn
50 ml. or the sample snlirtlon t.o be testpd. The total volume
occupied by the liquid and foam is defined as the foam height
(See Figure 1).
3. a. Cylinders, graduated; 250-1111.

b. Cas dispersion tube fitted with coarse,

fritt,ed-glaos end (Corning No. 39533).
c. Stop watch.
d. Gas flow regulator for regulating nitrogen
flow up to 500 cc per minute, auch as Fiecher
and Porter "Flowrator" with Tube No. 01N-150-
A/70- and glass ball float, OF equivalent
e. Nitrogen pressure regulator.
4. a. Nitrogen.
b. Dlstlllcd water.

*Method No. ST-5.30 i s s u e d -12/10/63 (over)

-1 -

. Ln

Method No. ST-5.30-63 P

*,.ED” RE L

5. a. put r.0 ml. 111 t \ w 3 v l i i t ton to be tested into a w

250-tnl. f i r . ~ i l urtt-d cyllnder.

b. Attach t tic nllr* prcaoaiire regulator to the

nitrogen cyllnder. With rubber tubing, connect
the exit of the nitrogen pressure regulator to
the inlet of the &as metering device, and also
connect the cxlt of the metering device t o the
gas disperslort tube (See Figure 1).
C. While nitrogen l a flowing through the tube,
positlon the dispersion tube immersed in the
sample solution with lts fritted end resting
on the bottom of the cylinder.
d. Adjust the rate of nltrogen flow to 125, 250 or
500 cc per minute, whichever gives the highest
foam height within the 250-ml. limit of the
e. Record thc maximum helpht of foam in mllllllters.
The maximum should occur within three minutee
(Note 2) of the start of nitrogen flow (Note 3). n
f. Wlthout lritcrrupting the flow of nitrogen, remove
the dispersion tube from the sample cylinder and
euccesslvely lmmcrae it for 30 oeconde in each
of twc cylltidcrs containing distilled water. Then,
after drying the outolde with absorbent tissue,
the tube l o rcady for lmmersion l n the next
1. Some antifoam techniyups which are employed involve simple
flltratlon or treatment uith sctivatcd carbon or other antifoam 0.
material followed by flltratlon I f neccsoary. Where filtration is 3
not required after addition of anti foam material, the amount needed
may be estimated by adding i t dropwlse to the orlginol material
already under test in the graduated cylinder until a desired r e -
duction in foam height le obf.aliied.
2. Upon.introduct1on of nitrogen g ~ e , t h e foam will rise to
eome mark but will stabilize in about thrce minutes.
3. For compariaon purpoeeq prepare a standard solution of
fresh gas-treating solution at tJie aerie concentration as the solu-
tion to be tested. and determine i t a . -”. .. T h i n w i l l d v c an
indication of t h e m o u n t of roaming to be expected from a solution
p-.- -.
t h P ’ 3 a s not been previoualy contaminated with foam producera or
ha‘atl foam added,
-2 -
. h.


Po I Leva-
N i trogon
Faed From
Begula t o r

Test S o l u t i o n Loval

F r i t t e d a l a s s Gee
D i s p e r s i o n Tuba
Figurr 1
Apparatus for Measuring Foaming Tendancisa of
Amino Gas-Troatlng S o l u t i o n s

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