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My childhood YOUTUBE

My name is Miguel and here are some facts about me and my childhood memories.


- When I was little I listened to Guns and Roses which is a rock band from the United
States. My favorite songs from them were November Rain and Civil War.

Videogames/ Games:

- When I was little I used to play with my action figures for example my Spiderman toy or
my Superman toy. I loved making them fight against each other. I also liked playing with
my friends in the park. We played soccer and hide and go seek.


- Some food and snacks I used to love eating were Arroz Zambito which is Rice pudding,
jello, and pudding. They were so easy to make and so delicious. I also would go to the
store and get some gum or chips as a snack.

Movies/TV shows:
- Some shows I used to love watc​hing were ​Barney ​and Bob the Builder. I loved all of
their songs and wanted to be like Bob the Builder.

Thank you for listening to my childhood facts. I hope this helped you get to know me a
little bit more. See you guys next time!

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