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Nama: Romadoni Dwi Saputro

Kelas : X Animasi


Well done!

Good job!

I'm proud of you.



You did incredible job!

Congratulations for moving to the new house.

Contoh Dialog 1

A: Congratulation on winning the National English debate competition!

B: Thank you very much.

A: I've heard that you will go Denmark for the International Competition.

B: Yes, I am. Send me your best luck, please.

A: I am so proud of you. You are the greatest student I've ever known. Good luck.

Contoh Dialog 2

Hardi: What a great Motorcycle you have, Budi.

Budi : Thank you, Hardi. I just finished modifying it.
Hardi: You mean this is the old motorcycle that you used to drive to school?
Budi : Yes, it is.
Hardi: It looks a lot different. What did you do to it?
Budi : Not much. I had it paint with a brighter colour and add some new ccessories.
Hardi: Great job!
Budi : Thanks.

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