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Neuropsychiatric Genetics

Association of CRHR1 and CRHR2 with

Major Depressive Disorder and Panic Disorder
in a Japanese Population
Yoshinobu Ishitobi, Shinya Nakayama, Kana Yamaguchi, Masayuki Kanehisa, Haruka Higuma,
Yoshihiro Maruyama, Taiga Ninomiya, Shizuko Okamoto, Yoshihiro Tanaka, Jusen Tsuru,
Hiroaki Hanada, Koichi Isogawa, and Jotaro Akiyoshi*
Department of Neuropsychiatry, Oita University Faculty of Medicine, Hasama-Machi, Yufu-Shi, Oita, Japan

Manuscript Received: 29 June 2011; Manuscript Accepted: 1 March 2012

Major depressive disorder (MDD) and panic disorder (PD) are

common and disabling medical disorders with stress and genetic How to Cite this Article:
components. Dysregulation of the stress response of the Ishitobi Y, Nakayama S, Yamaguchi K,
hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis, including the corticotrophin- Kanehisa M, Higuma H, Maruyama Y,
releasing hormone (CRH) signaling via primary receptors Ninomiya T, Okamoto S, Tanaka Y, Tsuru J,
(CRHR1 and CRHR2), is considered to play a major role for Hanada H, Isogawa K, Akiyoshi J. 2012.
onset and recurrence in MDD and PD. To confirm the association Association of CRHR1 and CRHR2 with
of CRHR1 and CRHR2 with MDD and PD, we investigated 12 Major Depressive Disorder and Panic
single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (rs4076452, rs7209436, Disorder in a Japanese Population.
rs110402, rs242924, rs242940, and rs173365 for CRHR1 and
Am J Med Genet Part B.
rs4722999, rs3779250, rs2267710, rs1076292, rs2284217, and
rs226771 for CRHR2) in MDD patients (n ¼ 173), PD patients
(n ¼ 180), and healthy controls (n ¼ 285). The SNP rs110402 and
rs242924 in the CRHR1 gene and the rs3779250 in the CRHR2 multi-point feedback loop at HPA, limbic, brainstem, and pre-
gene were associated with MDD. The SNP rs242924 in the frontal brain areas. Extrahypothalamic effects are primarily medi-
CRHR1 gene was also associated with PD. The T-A-T-G-G ated directly through CRHR1s in the central amygdala, which
haplotype consisting of rs7209436 and rs173365 in CRHR1 causes downstream effects on the serotonin neurotransmitter
was positively associated with MDD. The T-A haplotype con- system, among others.
sisting of rs7209436 and rs110402 in CRHR1 was positively HPA system abnormality is often noticed in major depressive
associated with MDD. The C-C haplotype consisting of disorder (MDD) patients presenting anxiety as a symptom. The
rs4722999 and rs37790 in CRHR1 was associated with PD. These responsiveness of ACTH in MDD patients is lower than that
results provide support for an association of CRHR1 and CRHR2 observed in healthy subjects as measured by the CRF test [Pintor
with MDD and PD.  2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. et al., 2007]. When a dexamethasone suppression test is given to
panic disorder (PD) patients, the rate of the nonsuppression is the
Key words: major depressive disorder; panic disorder; SNP; same or higher compared to healthy control subjects. In the CRF
CRHR1; CRHR2 test in PD patients, the cortisol response to CRF is blunted [Charney
and Drevets, 2002]. Such phenomena are hypothesized to depend
on chronic over-secretion of CRF. Excessive levels of CRF desensi-
INTRODUCTION tize CRF receptor function and induce a state of diminished
Dysfunction of the stress-responsive hypothalamic–pituitary– pituitary sensitivity to CRF. A combined dexamethasone/CRF
adrenal (HPA) axis is a common feature of anxiety and mood
disorders [Bale and Vale, 2004; Nemeroff and Vale, 2005; Swaab Grant sponsor: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS); Grant
number: 20591371.
et al., 2005; Hauger et al., 2006]. Activation of the HPA axis is
*Correspondence to:
controlled and regulated by hypothalamic corticotrophin-releasing
Dr. Jotaro Akiyoshi, MD, PhD, Department of Neuropsychiatry, Oita
hormone (CRH), which activates CRH receptor 1 (CRHR1) in the University Faculty of Medicine, Hasama-Machi, Oita 879-5593, Japan.
anterior pituitary to mediate the production of adrenocorticotro- E-mail:
phic hormone (ACTH) [Smith et al., 1998; Timpl et al., 1998]. Article first published online in Wiley Online Library
ACTH in turn promotes the synthesis and release of cortisol from (
the adrenal gland. Blood cortisol levels are normally regulated by a DOI 10.1002/ajmg.b.32046

 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 1


test is widely used investigate MDD patients [K€ unzel et al., 2003]. served as controls. Patients in the MDD group had either pure
ACTH and cortisol responsiveness to CRF after dexamethasone MDD or MDD comorbid with anxiety disorders (31.8%). Among
are markedly increased in MDD patients compared to healthy the patients with PD, 33.9% had comorbid MDD and 5.6% had
control subjects [Isogawa et al., 2005]. This phenomenon is other anxiety disorders. Cases for MDD and PD were recruited
generally explained as a decreasing negative feedback of gluco- from Oita University Hospital in Oita. All cases were outpatients or
corticoid and vasopressin signaling on the HPA axis [Watson et al., stable in-patients. Each diagnosis was confirmed using the Mini-
2006]. International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) [Sheehan et al.,
Regarding morphological HPA changes, both pituitary gland 1998] and clinical records were also reviewed. The controls received
hypertrophy and adrenal gland hypertrophy are reported in MDD a short interview (MINI) conducted by one of the authors (J.A.) to
patients [Nemeroff et al., 1992]. ACTH and cortisol blood con- exclude a history of major psychiatric illness. Exclusion criteria were
centrations are also increased in MDD patients [Carroll et al., 2007]. (1) central nervous system disorders and medical disorders clearly
These reports demonstrate an HPA-axis hyper-activation in MDD. affecting cerebral function, (2) alcoholism or drug dependence, (3)
Interestingly, these abnormalities are known to normalize during personality disorder (SCID-II), (4) presence of brain injury or
remission. disease, (5) pregnancy, (6) mental retardation, (7) age <18 years,
The association between PD and HPA axis function have not (8) immediate danger of suicide, (9) treatment with lithium and/or
solved yet. Increasing evidence suggests that CRF may play a critical carbamazepine, and (10) endocrine disorder of the pituitary or the
role in mediating some types of anxiety responses, and that the CRF adrenal gland. The objective of the present study was clearly
system may be a possible therapeutic target for the treatment of explained and written informed consent was obtained from all
anxiety disorders [Bailey et al., 2011]; Central injections of CRF subjects. The study was approved by the Ethical Committee of the
activate ‘panic/defense’ responses [Ku et al., 1998] and injections of Faculty of Medicine, the University of Oita.
the panic-inducing agent doxapram activate CRF neurons [Choi
et al., 2005]. Consistent with these preclinical findings, clinical
evidence suggests that polymorphisms in the CRF1 receptor gene Genotyping
may be associated with panic [Keck et al., 2008] and that the CRF Genomic DNA was extracted from leukocytes using the standard
system may also be an important therapeutic target for PD phenol–chloroform method. The CRHR SNP selection was basi-
[Risbrough and Stein, 2006]. The fear response without HPA- cally performed according to the MAF standard (minor allele
axis activation has been activated during naturally occurring, frequency, HapMap Project, 2003) with estimates higher than
spontaneous panic attacks [Kellner and Wiedemann, 1998; Abelson 0.1. We selected six SNPs (rs4076452, rs7209436vrs110402,
et al., 2007; Preter and Klein, 2008]. rs242924, rs242940, and rs173365) in CRHR1 and six SNPs
The biological effects of CRH and the urocortins (UCN]s are (rs4722999, rs3779250, rs2267710, rs1076292, rs2284217, and
mediated by two distinct receptors, CRH receptor type 1 (CRHR1) rs226771) in CRHR2. Individual genomic DNAs were genotyped
and 2 (CRHR2), which both belong to the G protein-coupled for every SNP on the Taqman PCR SNP genotyping assay, using a
receptor superfamily of proteins [Perrin et al., 2006]. Two separate Roche LightCycler480 (Basel, Switzerland). The standard 10 ml PCR
genes encode the CRH receptors. CRHR1, a 415-amino acid reaction containing 2 ng genomic DNA was carried out using the
protein, exhibits high affinity towards CRH and UCN, but low Taqman PCR including Universal PCR Master Mix under the
affinity towards UCN2 and no affinity towards UCN3. CRHR1 is protocol guidelines.
primarily expressed in the CNS and the anterior pituitary. The
CRHR2 receptor shares 70% sequence identity with CRHR1 and is
expressed primarily in extra-CNS sites. The CRHR2 receptors Statistical Analysis
exhibit high affinity towards UCNs and no affinity towards CRH All of the parameter calculations, allele and genotype frequencies,
[Bale, 2005]. Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium calculations, pair-wise linkage dis-
To comprehensively map the polymorphic genetic variation in equilibrium analyses, haplotype analyses, and P-value permuta-
CRHR1 and CRHR2 in relation to MDD and PD, we analyzed tions were conducted online at [Shi and He,
12 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in MDD patients, PD 2005; Li et al., 2009], a robust and user-friendly platform with
patients, and healthy controls. integrated analysis tools particularly suited to association studies.
P-values were corrected using 10,000-permutation corrections. The
permutations considering both of the two test types (allelic tests and
MATERIALS AND METHODS genotype tests) were performed for each of the two disease analyses
(e.g., MDD vs. control, PD vs. control). The significance level was
Subjects set at a ¼ 0.05.
All cases and control subjects were ethnically Japanese and were
recruited in the vicinity of Oita prefecture, Japan. Subjects com-
prised 173 unrelated Japanese with MDD (91 males and 82 females;
age ¼ 41.6  16.2 years) and 180 unrelated Japanese with PD In the 638 Japanese samples, genotype distributions were in
diagnosed according to DSM-IV criteria (79 males and 102 females; Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium for all of the SNPs. The allele and
age ¼ 40.9  10.5 years (mean  SD)), while 285 unrelated healthy genotype frequencies of 11 SNPs in the 2 patient sample groups and
volunteers (173 males and 112 females; age ¼ 32.8  8.7 years) the healthy controls are listed in Tables I and III. The haplotype

TABLE I. Genotype and Allele Frequency of the Six SNPs in the CRHR1 Gene

Genotype distribution
Gene db SNP ID [M/m]a position (bp) Phenotype N MAFb P-value M/M M/m m/m P-value
CRHR1 rs4076452 [C/G] 41211660 Control 285 0.142 4 73 208
Depression 173 0.136 0.791 7 33 133 0.07
Panic 180 0.186 0.074 5 57 118 0.184
rs7209436 [C/T] 41225913 Control 285 0.144 4 74 207
Depression 173 0.13 0.558 4 37 132 0.442
Panic 180 0.181 0.135 6 53 121 0.24
rs110402 [A/G] 41235818 Control 285 0.221 175 94 16
Depression 173 0.237 0.001 130 39 4 0.008
Panic 180 0.2 0.445 115 58 7 0.673
rs242924 [G/T] 41241147 Control 285 0.114 3 59 223
Depression 173 0.116 0.013 8 24 141 0.013
Panic 180 0.167 0.022 8 44 128 0.033
rs242940 [A/G] 41248380 Control 285 0.119 4 60 221
Depression 173 0.095 0.262 4 25 144 0.176
Panic 180 0.114 0.265 5 42 133 0.465
rs173365 [A/G] 41256855 Control 285 0.116 3 60 222
Depression 173 0.095 0.335 4 25 144 0.133
Panic 180 0.144 0.201 4 44 132 0.392
Statistical analysis was performed using c2 test. P-value < 0.05 were indicated in bold.
M, major allele; m, minor allele.
MAF, minor allele frequency.

analysis of the two patient sample groups and the healthy controls CRHR1 and Major Depressive Disorder
are shown in Tables II and IV. The linkage disequilibrium among
the eleven SNPs is shown in Figures 1 and 2. The selection criteria According to the selection criteria, five SNPs (rs7209436, rs110402,
for haplotypes used in the haplotype analyses were adjacent SNPs rs242924, rs242940 and rs173365) of CRHR1 with strong D0 > 0.85
with pairwise D0 > 0.85. In our analyses, haplotypes with frequen- were in one block for MDD (Fig. 1). Two SNPs (rs7209436 and
cies above 0.03 were tested. rs110402) with strong pairwise D0 > 0.85 were in one block and

TABLE II. Haplotype Analysis of the Two Patients Sample Groups and the Control Group in the CRHR1 Gene

Depression Panic
Haplotype Ca-Freq Co-Freq P-value* Global P* Case-Freq Co-Freq P- value* Global P*
T-A-T-G-G 0.846 0.768 0.0003 1.14e5 0.771 0.768 0.1354 0.0017
C-G-G-A-A 0.090 0.109 0.9264 0.121 0.109 0.4182
T-G-T-G-G 0.006 0.077 5.82e6 0.020 0.078 0.0004
C-G-T-G-G 0.026 0.026 1.0000 0.035 0.026 0.2419
T-A 0.861 0.775 0.0013 3.75e5 0.792 0.775 0.4612 0.0046
C-G 0.127 0.140 0.5760 0.170 0.140 0.2043
T-G 0.009 0.081 9.47e6 0.029 0.081 0.0016
G-G 0.905 0.881 0.3260 0.3260 0.847 0.881 0.4546 0.4546
A-A 0.095 0.116 0.3260 0.130 0.116 0.4546
*Corrected P-value after 10,000 permutations and the global P was the P value for analysis of all haplotypes in one block. P-value < 0.05 were indicated in bold.

TABLE III. Genotype and Allele Frequency of the Six SNPs in the CRHR2 Gene

Genotype distribution
Gene db SNP ID [M/m]a position (bp) Phenotype N MAFb P-value M/M M/m m/m P-value
CRHR2 rs4722999 [C/T] 30693775 Control 285 0.444 87 143 55
Depression 173 0.384 0.077 70 73 30 0.090
Panic 180 0.433 0.745 60 84 36 0.748
rs3779250 [T/C] 30694260 Control 285 0.426 92 143 50
Depression 173 0.208 1.75e11 101 72 0 2.08e11
Panic 180 0.394 0.320 66 86 28 0.603
rs2267710 [C/T] 30696190 Control 285 0.398 99 145 41
Depression 173 0.398 0.056 81 68 24 0.029
Panic 180 0.406 0.890 65 84 31 0.598
rs1076292 [C/G] 30712701 Control 285 0.370 113 133 39
Depression 173 0.315 0.090 86 65 22 0.098
Panic 180 0.381 0.799 73 77 30 0.591
rs 2284217 [A/G] 30713608 Control 285 0.574 46 151 88
Depression 173 0.569 0.892 36 77 60 0.188
Panic 180 0.600 0.474 32 80 68 0.186
rs226771 [C/T] 30716643 Control 285 0.798 10 95 180
Depression 173 0.740 0.040 10 70 93 0.112
Panic 180 0.797 0.981 5 63 112 0.866
Statistical analysis was performed using c2 test. P-value < 0.05 were indicated in bold.
M, major allele; m, minor allele.
MAF, minor allele frequency.

another two SNPs (rs242940 and rs173365) of CRHR1 in another We found that rs110402 and rs242924 in CRHR1 were positively
block for PD (Fig. 2). Regarding CRHR2, two SNPs (rs4722999 and associated with MDD in terms of both allele and genotype dis-
rs3779250) with strong pairwise D0 > 0.85 were in one block and tributions (rs110402, allele: P ¼ 0.001, genotype: P ¼ 0.008, odds
another two SNPs (rs1076292 and rs2284217) were in another block ratio (OR) ¼ 1.81 [95% CI ¼ 1.25–2.60]; rs242924, allele:
for MDD (Fig. 3) while three SNPs (rs1076292, rs2284217, and P ¼ 0.013, genotype: P ¼ 0.013, OR ¼ 1.02 [95% CI ¼ 0.07–1.54]-
rs2267716) with strong pairwise D0 > 0.85 were in one block for PD ) (Table I). After a 10,000-permutations correction, rs110402 was
(Fig. 4). still significant in the genotype distribution (P ¼ 0.008). Haplotype

TABLE IV. Haplotype Analysis of the Two Patients Sample Groups and the Control Group in the CRHR2 Gene

Depression Panic
Haplotype Ca-Freq Co-Freq P-value* Global P* Ca-Freq Co-Freq P-value* Global P*
C-C 0.613 0.554 0.0817 5.55e16 0.469 0.554 0.0115 2.00e15
T-T 0.205 0.425 1.12e11 0.297 0.425 9.40e5
T-C 0.179 0.020 0.00e0 0.136 0.020 1.84e12
C-A 0.431 0.424 0.8620 0.1412 0.383 0.424 0.2882 0.4028
G-G 0.315 0.368 0.1012 0.363 0.368 0.9691
C-G 0.254 0.206 0.0960 0.237 0.206 0.2239
C-A-T 0.424 0.421 0.7896 0.1078 0.383 0.421 0.4762 0.7617
G-G-T 0.304 0.366 0.0749 0.363 0.366 0.7452
C-G-C 0.243 0.197 0.0826 0.203 0.197 0.6310

*Corrected P-value after 10,000 permutations and the global P was the P value for analysis of all haplotypes in one block. P-value < 0.05 were indicated in bold.

FIG. 1. CRHR1 SNPs and major depressive disorder and interaction FIG. 2. CRHR1 SNPs and panic disorder and interaction effects with
effects with control. SNPs indicate single-nucleotide control. SNPs indicate single-nucleotide polymorphisms. The
polymorphisms. The position of the CRHR1 gene and its introns position of the CRHR1 gene and its introns (filled rectangles) on
(filled rectangles) on chromosome 17 as well as a linkage chromosome 17 as well as a linkage disequilibrium (LD) plot of
disequilibrium (LD) plot of all tested SNPs using r2 as the all tested SNPs using r2 as the measure of LD is also shown.
measure of LD is also shown. r2 ¼ 1 indicates complete LD and is r2 ¼ 1 indicates complete LD and is depicted by the darkest
depicted by the darkest shade of blue. r2 < 1.0 are printed in the shade of blue. r2 < 1.0 are printed in the respective square for
respective square for compared SNPs, with darker shades of red compared SNPs, with darker shades of red representing higher
representing higher levels of LD. levels of LD.

analysis revealed that the T-A-T-G-G haplotype consisting of P ¼ 0.022, genotype: P ¼ 0.033, odds ratio (OR) ¼ 1.55 [95%
rs7209436 and rs173365 in CRHR1 was positively associated CI ¼ 1.06–2.27]) (Table I). Haplotype analysis revealed that the
with MDD (P ¼ 0.0003). The corrected global P value was T-A-T-G-G haplotype consisting of rs7209436 and rs173365 in
1.14e5. Haplotype analysis revealed that the T-A haplotype con- CRHR1 was not associated with PD (P ¼ 0.1354). The corrected
sisting of rs7209436 and rs110402 in CRHR1 was positively associ- global p value was 0.0017. Haplotype analysis revealed that the T-A
ated with MDD (P ¼ 0.0013). The corrected global P value was haplotype consisting of rs7209436 and rs110402 in CRHR1 was not
3.75e5 (Table II). associated with PD (P ¼ 0.4612).

CRHR2 and Major Depressive Disorder CRHR2 and Panic Disorder

Furthermore, we found that rs3779250 in CRHR2 was positively Finally, we found that rs3779250 in CRHR2 was not associated with
associated with MDD in both allele and genotype distributions PD in both allele and genotype distributions (Table III). Haplotype
(allele: P ¼ 1.75e11, genotype: P ¼ 2.08e11, odds ratio (OR) ¼ 2.83 analysis revealed that the C-C haplotype consisting of rs4722999
[95% CI ¼ 2.08–3.85]) (Table III). After 10,000-permutation cor- and rs37790 in CRHR1 was associated with PD (P ¼ 0.0115). The
rection, rs3779250 was still significant in the genotype distribution corrected global P value was 2.00e15 (Table IV).
(P ¼ 0.000). Haplotype analysis revealed that the C-C haplotype
consisting of rs4722999 and rs3779250 in CRHR2 was associated
with MDD. The corrected global P value was 5.55e16 (Table IV).
The main finding of the present study was a significant association
of the CRHR1 and CRHR2 genes with MDD and PD in a Japanese
CRHR1 and Panic disorder population. The data suggest that CRHR1 and CRHR2 might be
We found that rs242924 in CRHR1 was positively associated with involved in MDD and PD susceptibilities, and support previous
PD in both allele and genotype distributions (rs242924, allele: reports that MDD and PD may have a substantial overlap in terms

FIG. 4. CRHR2 SNPs and panic disorder and interaction effects with
FIG. 3. CRHR2 SNPs and major depressive disorder and interaction
control. SNPs indicate single-nucleotide polymorphisms. The
effects with control. SNPs indicate single-nucleotide
position of the CRHR2 gene and its introns (filled rectangles) on
polymorphisms. The position of the CRHR2 gene and its introns
chromosome 7 as well as a linkage disequilibrium (LD) plot of all
(filled rectangles) on chromosome 7 as well as a linkage
tested SNPs using r2 as the measure of LD is also shown. r2 ¼ 1
disequilibrium (LD) plot of all tested SNPs using r2 as the
indicates complete LD and is depicted by the darkest shade
measure of LD is also shown. r2 ¼ 1 indicates complete LD and is
of blue. r2 < 1.0 are printed in the respective square for
depicted by the darkest shade of blue. r2 < 1.0 are printed in the
compared SNPs, with darker shades of red representing higher
respective square for compared SNPs, with darker shades of red
levels of LD.
representing higher levels of LD.

of pathogenesis [Simon and Fischmann, 2005]. MDD and PD are for depression, in the presence of childhood maltreatment [Bradley
severe mental disorders underlying genetic components as well as et al., 2008; Polanczyk et al., 2009]. The TAT haplotype formed by
contributory experiential and environmental factors [Anisman rs7209436, rs110402, and rs242924 was associated with a significant
et al., 2008]. In our study, following 10,000-permutation correc- protective effect [Bradley et al., 2008; Polanczyk et al., 2009]. We
tion, we found that the CRHR1and CRHR2 genes were associated could find five SNPs (rs7209436, rs110402, rs242924, rs242940, and
with MDD and PD. rs173365) of CRHR1 with strong D0 > 0.85 were in one block for
Liu et al. [2006] first reported that the CRHR1 gene might be a MDD (Fig. 1). The T-A-T-G-G haplotype consisting of rs7209436
new susceptibility gene for depression. In their study, they found and rs173365 in CRHR1 was positively associated with MDD. The
significant allele and genotype associations with rs242939, and the T-A haplotype consisting of rs7209436 and rs110402 in CRHR1 was
haplotype defined by alleles G-G-T for rs1876828, rs242939, and positively associated with MDD (Table II). We did not find that
rs242941 was significantly over-represented in major depression the TAT haplotype was associated with MDD. We did not find
patients compared to controls. However, in our study, we used that there was strong positive association between the
rs4076452, rs7209436, rs110402, rs242924, rs242940, and rs173365 rs7209436–rs173365 haplotype and MDD (Fig. 1). Another group
from Liu’s study. In the present study, we found an association examined SNPs in CRHR1 in a large population sample [Grabe
between two SNPs (rs110402, rs242924) of the CRHR1 gene with et al., 2010]. They detected a significant moderator effect of the TAT
MDD. rs110402 was shown to be associated with an early onset of a haplotype on the risk of adult depression symptoms. However, the
first episode of depression [Papiol et al., 2007]. CRH is a crucial haplotype was associated with greater depressive symptoms only
activator of the HPA axis, binding to receptors that initiate the stress among individuals who experienced moderate-to-severe physical
response, concluding with the release of cortisol from the adrenal neglect. We could not examine the relationship between childhood
cortex. Recently, CRHR1 polymorphisms was shown to interact maltreatment and MDD. Both rs110402 and rs242924 showed a
with childhood maltreatment to predict HPA axis reactivity, which significant interaction with maltreatment in the prediction of
has been linked to both MDD and early life stress [Tyrka et al., cortisol response to the DEX/CRH test [Tyrka et al., 2009]. That
2009]. Difference in the CRHR1 function have been linked to risk the GG genotype of both SNPs was linked to higher cortisol

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Combined effects of exonic polymorphisms in CRHR1 and AVPR1B
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