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Washington, D.C.

Box 277, Mount Raiuier, Maryland 20822


(703) 683-2786



(WASHINGTON, D.C.)--A decision is expected soon in the appeal of a·

Freedom of Information Act lawsuit agai
. nst the U.S. Central Intelligence
Agency for the release of over 200 documents on U�identified Flying Objects.

The legal effort is being pressed by Ground Saucer Watch. Inc. of.
Arizona and Citizens Against UFO Secrecy, a Washington-area public interest
- anization.

The organizatio'ns are appealing a Federal District Court decision which

allows the agency to keep over·200 pages of UFO documents secret. A hearing
in the_ appeal took place on May 1 in the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington.

Part of·the cost of the. litigation was provided by the Fund for UFO
Research, t·nc., a scientific, nonprofit organization which channels public .

contributions_ into UFO research and education projects.

''Organizers of the Fund await the ·court's dect

· sion with extreme int�:rest,"
says. Chairman Bruce Maccabee, a physicist. "Continued g�vernment secrecy is
hampering UFO research and exacerbating the UFO problem.

"If UFOs do not ·present a threat to national security--as the Air Force
. says--then there is no legitimate reason for the . CIA to withhold VFO-related
' which have not· been released," Dr.
information· extracted from· documents
Maccabee adds.

"The Fund for UFO Research· supports efforts to· declassify and disseminate
all official UFO documentation."

11 fl 11

EDITORS NOTE:.· Enclosed for your information is a c�py of an article by

Peter Gersten, a New York attorney representing.GSW and CAUS in the CIA suit.
The article will appear in the next edition. of. Frontiers ·of Science magazine.

·To obtain permission to reprint the article, contact Elizabeth Philip,

Editor,. Frontiers of· Scienc·e, 8 E Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20003; phone:
(202) 544-0233

For interviews wit h Peter Gersten, c all (212) 992-9600.

For. more information. on the Fund for UFO Research, contact Fred Whiting,
(703) 683-2786·.

11 11 11
.• '- . �

. S€IENC:E .. . .
. ..
. .

. .. .
elu ding nuclear weapons design, con·
. ___.


. Unfo�n�tely, 1t appears that the struction, testing and stockpiling sites.


A' .lasU N� �idence for th� NSC duecbve fell by the waystde. .
Securi ty great ly
.L1, existence of unconventional · �
officials were
ow. ��nty:nin�
years later, e � a larmed by these incidents.•

current SltuatJon, contrary to offtc1al A CIA documen t reveals that in 1952

aerial objectS relies no longer on the �enials, still �s seriou� implica-
credibility of civilian reports but on · "sightings of unexplained objects at
tJons for our nab onal �cunty. great altitudes a nd travelling at high
the records of scientists, military per·
sonnel, intelligence analysts, law en· UFOs as a Threat speeds'' were reported in the vicinity
forcement officers and other reliab le of major U .S. defense installations and

The Government's position:

and responsible people.. Their posed a threat to n ati onal security.
''No UFO reported, investigated The evidence is clear and convinc·
testimony can be found in three 1
thousand ·pages of previously
and evaluated by the Air Force has ing that the Federal government ha s
.. .classified documents on UFOs re· ever given any.indi�ation of a systematically misinformed the
American people about the real threat

leased (mostly through Freedom of In· i threat to our national security,"

formation Act suit5} over the past to our national security posed by sueh
-Air Force, 1980
y�rs by the Departments of State/ UFO encounters.
Army/Navy/� Force/Defense, . the. i The evidence:
Federal Bureau of Investigation, ,the 000, USAF, and CIA documents
I UP.O.A� Advanced
National Security Agency, the reveal �- that during. October,·
Defense Intelligence Agency and the. November , and Decem ber of 1975,
Central Inte lligence Agency. .
This overwhelming evidence in· '
I reliable milit�ry personnel repeatedly
sighted unconventional aerial objects
The Governmenfs po&ition:
'There has been no evidence sub­
dicates that Unidentified Flying 0)). in the vi�inity of nuclear·weapons mitted to or discove red the Air by
j ects do exist, and tha t some of them storage areas, aircraft alert _area s and
Force that·sightings categorized as
are unconventional cra ft that ( 1) pose a nuclear-missile control facilities at
threat to national sec�rity anq (Z} per· . LQring !'!i
Forte . Base. Ma!ne;. Wurt· 'unidentified' represent technolog..
form bey ond the range of present-day smith AFB Mich1gan; Malstrom APB, · ical devel(Jpntent�·or principles
technological development. Mon ta na ; ··Minot AFB. North Dakota; beyond the range . . o{present
Furthermore, there is evidence that and Canadian Air Forces Station, On· scientific knowledge.''
our government has continually tario.' Many of the sightings were con­
-Air Force. 1980
misinformed the publi c concerning firmed by radar . At Loring AFB, the in­
the true significance of the .,UFO prob· terloper "demonstrated a cl ear intent The official documents reveal bun·
lem." on the weapon s storage areas." dreds of sighting reports-·many coA·
· The incidents drew t h e attention of firmed by . radar and other tracking
National Security and UFOs the CIA, the Joint Chiefs of Staff ; and device$ that describe·. unconven· - ·

"It is my view that this situation the �retary of Defense.· Though the tional objects �ibiting advanced
Air Force informed the public and' the performance characteristics involving
has possible implicationB for our
pre ss that individual sightings were
na tional security." isolated incidents, an Air Force docu..
I maneuverabillty, speed, ·size and ·

; shape.
ment says that ,.Security Option Ill"

-Centrallntdligence Asency, 1952

A Defen� Intelligence Agency
In late 1952, a memorandum was was implemented and tha t security
1 document reveals ·.that on September
drafted for CIA Director Waiter B. .. measures· were coordinated with 15
19, 19761 American· made Iranian jets
. . Smith's signature, to be sent to the Ex· Air Force bases from Guain to New· enco unter ed several UFOs that
foundlan�. a Anottier AF doc ument

ecutive Secretary . of the National exhibi ted a t echnology beyon' d

Secu�i� Council. The memo's subject: reveals that the Air Force conducted : present-day development. Du ri ng the
"Unidentified Flying Objec ts ." The an investigation into th� incidents but l
night-time encounter, one F-4 jet ,
document shows that the CIA had . found no explanation for their occur· ; upon approaching one of the UFOs,
"reviewed the current situation con· rence. .
lost all instrumentation and com·
cerrung unidentified flying ob�cts It appears Air Force •security munications functions. Another F-4's
measur�s" provided no protection

which have caused extensive specula­ weapons-control panel b ecame in-

tion in the press and has been the sub­ against the •i:nvasion! One. �onth
ject of concern to government later , on January 21, 1976, UFOs "25 •, operable when· the ·pilot attempted to
or-ganizations." . yards in diameter, gold or silver in col· fire at the object.j ·

It w�s the Director's opinion, based or with blu� light on top, hole in mid­ The OIA .evaluation (October 12,
upo.� the review, that "this s�tuation . d.l�! and·.red · light on bottom"' _were l
1976} refers. ·-to. this incident as '-"�n
observed "near the fligh� line of Can· outstanding report" because the ob­
has ·possible implications. for our na· .1 were se en by many witnesses of
non AFB, ·N.M!' !fen', da ys later, -on , jects
tional security which transcend the in· credibility; the visual sightings
J� � 1, .a QFO was observed near ' high
terests �f a single service. had radar confirmation[ similar elec·
a radar site at Elgin AFB, Florida. 9n
1 therefore recommend that this tromagnetic effects were reported by
Ju�y 30, 1976, a UFQ was Qbse��
Agency •nd the agencies of. the aircraft;. and
•over the a:nuno storage area" at Fort three separate
Department of Defense be d irected to
Riphie, Maryland.a
fo rmulate and carry out a program of
The above accounts have numerous
intelligence atld research activities re·
historical precedents. From 1948 New Yor� attorney PETER A. GERSTEN hCis been
quired to solve the problem of instant prtsstng the legal effort on behalf o(UPO voups­
through 1950, an FBI document
positive ide ntificatio n of unidentified su.clt as CAVS{CitiumAgai,$1 VFOS«c.,e.c:pJ-for
· flying objec,ts." , reveah, UFOs were sighted by "per· Jtea.rl)l t'laree JN14rs. Gerst111 currertrly await! a U.S.
sons \\:hose r�liability is not ques· Appeal$ Court deci8io" O'l rel� ()( cvv � hu"·
A draft· of a . proposed National
tioned," near bighly sensitive military dred odditio,.al CIA docvmEmts relatirtg to
: Security Council directive was at·
apd gov�rnment installa t � 0ns , In� UF0$.0
tached to the n1unornr.·::h1m.
,,� pnt,siological effects-were reported immediate threat to your survival. In· criticized as long a$0 as 1952 b y the
:·:�! ,·�Q�!! of the crew memhers . �urtheby
r­ vest igati on would become- an inten·

CIA. The CIA compJained that t�e Air


! (hl <>re the UFOs disp la yed an sive emergency act ion to isolate the
"inor· Force'&· case·by·�e investigations

': �inate amount of maneuverability."

. ,

threat and to determi ne its precise and explanations were insufficient to

;� :-:.· :.· AStat� Depa rt
t me ssag e ( March nature . It would be geared to develop­
�� 197?) from themen determin e the exact nature of the

American E mb a ssy ing ade q·ua te defense measu res in a p henomenon . 1

-� Algters tells of "strange machine
minim um amount of t im e . It would

seen near Algeri a n mil ita ry insta

s" Similarly, the Air Force-sponsored
_ ;'
'j}ions �y "r�spectab lla· seem a litt l e more of this survival at· "Condon Committee• study by the
l e peop l e . " Sqme of
s•ghbngs were confirmed by·
.t�: t� e
titude is called for in dealing with the University of Colorado in 1968 never
UFO problem." earnestly intended to investigate the
·.:; ra da r. .

physical reality of the phenomenon.


,... And· anot h_er State Dep

meSSage from our e mbassy in K
The GoverD;JD:ent �nd UFOs Indeed,·an early memorandum by one
reports that during November 1978
uwait of Dr. Bdward U. Condon's staff in­
11Further scientj(ic investigah·on of
series of UFO sightings caused
, a. d i<=ates otherWise: 'The trick would
the UFOs is unwa"anted. ". .be. I t hink to describe the proj ect so
"·K��aiti government to appoint an in·
that to the public, it would *ppear a

-Air·Foree, 1980
v.e�_t.tgatory committee. from
the totally bbjective study ... one way to

Kq� it Institute for Scientifi

c Re· Per haps most d isturbing is the very ·

�afch. One UFO appearing over the

· fact that after thirty·two years, a small do this would be to stress investiga·
northern oil fields #/seem in tion, not of the physical phenomen�n,
gly did b,ut significant percentage of UFOs.

. �range ings" to the au tomatic ptunp· but rather of the people who are domg
stil l remains unidentified. While the . the observtng. . . ..., .

... Jt18 equ1pment. The eq uip m governptent has been conce�ried with
ent .is
designed to shut itself down wh
�n any .. the psychologi�l �anger the .-iJFO
f.Uure occurs that could· serio phen o menon .pose-s, it has been un·
·. Conciusion
. Jiamage the petroleum-gather
ing and willing to co nsider the pro spect that In June 1978, a Frencli government
···�nsmission system; when some UFOs pose an. ac�a l physical UFO study group (GEPAN) concluded
such an
. ��-
.,... event occurs, the pumping equ
ipment -threat. F' earful � of gen�ating ·-undue 'that "everything taken into considera..
'must be restarted m anua ll y . Wh concern, tlie___ government · has tion, a material phenome non see ms to
en the
. .. �.��

UFO appeared, the· pumping

system ·deliberately chosen to debunk UFO be behind the totality Qf the
automattcally shut down. But
when reports and has m1sinformed the phenomenon- a flying machine
the· U!'O "v�nishedl'' ·· the
system ··public as to 'the true·iinportance of the whose modes of sustenance and. pro-
. ,§tarted up agam, automatically. · ph enomenon ,
·-,�:�: The I · pulsi on are beyond our knowledge.•
. · · · · · . · · ·

of a Unconventional aerial objects
highly -1hat If the UFO phenome non is indeed
; · sophisticated technology-
a technolo- ' 1
boast unlimit ed and unre str icted

beyond the grasp of our understand ­


';� · gy beyond
Our presen t development·- : : access to our . m ost sensitive nuclear
. ing _technologically speaking- all the
:� em obvi s
ous. Why is it being ig-. installations- and which can re nde r
! mo re reason to strive towards learning
- ·��ored by our government? inoperable the instrumentationt corn·
. more about it. For although the United

��;··A Question of Survival

munication/weapon system of s 1 States may ignore the significance of
American·made. jets, or which can

the UFO ph eno menon. it is hardly
�1t would seem a little more of this shut down and restart at will
reasonable to suppose that the re st of
sophisticated hyd rau lic e quipment-
� survival attitude is ealled for in the world will do so.
do war rant further scientific study. And there are other considerations

I ·dealing with the UFO problem.'' Awareness of an advanced technology
-National Security Agency, 1968
I besides national security in following
and p ote ntial threat is not an
unreasonable pursuit. As the N ati onal
up the UFO enigma. As a report from
: The evidence indicates that 1 the Nat ional Security Agency in 1968
I. unconventional aerial objects coul
·S�curity A ge:ncy inqicates, it coul� be
a matter-of survival. _ p
ut it, j.
provok e , either· int entionally or
: ·i "Perhaps the UFO question
unintentionally, an international in­ . might even make man undertake I

., ci dent - with serious repercussions . hough admittedly the govern-
studies which could enabl� him
In March 1�7, an in tercept techni· to construct a society which is
· ment has studied UFO
. ently no government inost. conducive to developing a

cian · with the USAF Security Service r�ports, appar

-�,-"intercepted a communica tion . be· completely human being,
body has dwel t on those official

..tween the pilot of a Russian-made , government -��ports that indic at� cer·
h ealt hy in all aspects of mind and
Cuban MIG-21 and his co1nmand con· b ody '"'7 and , . most importantly,
tain UFOs pose a threat to. national ·
_:.:},. ee rning a UFO enco unter. s The techni-
securi ty . Is there any dou b t that it is able to recognize and adapt to
.. -cian has si nce stated that when the real environmeptal situations.''
these reports which· �e&erve further
· pilot attempted to fire at the object, the
scientific inve stigatio n? In isolating ourselves from the UFO

- MIG anc:l its pilot were destroyed by The now-defunct USAF twenty· year phenomenon we may risk missing ·' ··

the UFO� Furthermore, the technician what could be the most important
· "�roject Blue BoOk" UF.O study �ev er
alleges that all reports, t�pes, log en- had a chance to receive the "oq tsta nd- adventure man has yet embarked
t ries , and notes on the incident were . ing repprt" from Iran. Ail A ir Force upon. D
: > forwarded to the National Security . document states: "Reports of_ UFOs
_,;·�-Agency at their �;equest. which ·could affect national security Over the pi,st third of a century, the
: -.. Not surprisingly, several tnonths are made in accordance wit h JANAP government's conduct with rep.rd to .
:.. ·iater, the agency drafted a rep o rt en· 146* or Air Force Manual 55·11, and UFOs has been characterized .,
�:� ,. titl ed UFO Hypothesis and Survival are not part of the Blue Book system." nonfeasance, misfeasance, and
l ·Question. Re lea sed in Octobe r 1979 malfeasance. Citizens Apin�t. UFO.
The Air Force's UFO investigation was Secrecy, a public·mterest group. wu
.. ·under the U .S. Freedom of Informa�
formed to foster a review of the reality 1
. , tion Act, the report states that "the •j-oint Army·Navy·Air Force Publicatio11 146 is
, ._

published by the Military Communicati<m& Board

and significance o{ UFO$ and the govern· !
· leisurely scientific approach has too of the DODjoint Chiefs of Staff. It provided U.S.· rnent's policies and practice& regarding .
often taken preced ence in dealing Canadian ''Communicatioru Instruc·tions for
them. :
CAUS calls upon the Federal govern· i
. .·

: with the UFO question." The Agency Reporting Vitol Jntelligenct Sightings (CIRVISJ
ment to (1) admitthlt the publlc hat been ;
concluded that no ma tt e r what UFO from Airborne and Wate,borne Source.s." Section
misled about the nature of UF01, (ZJ:
111 {Security}, paragraph208, calls(or�tifff'nalties
hypothesis is considered, "all of them edmowledge that UFOs exist, and (3} :
{or divulging information a!'out such stghttng� once
have serious survival implications." reverse its position that� Kiefttific '
reported.-- Bd.
Comparing the UFO problem . to a study of UPO repcn11 is unwarretest. ,
CA US seeks the immediate declassifica·
rattler on a forest path, the NSA report tion . and public diueuiination of all of.
says, "you wo ul d have to treat the fteial UFO documentatiou.
alarm as if it w ere a real and CAUS believes that the public has a .
right to an objective r�p�isal of the im· ;
plications of the UFO phe�omenon. ·.

For.more inff;lrmatlon, write to CAUS,

�.C. �:!,).x 4.-'{t;.JF, Arlington, Virginia
. I
z,.: ··1.

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