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English 3C (Evening)
Modern Novel
Assignment: Character sketches of Mr. Fielding, Dr. Aziz and Mr.God bole
Submitted to: Ms. Rabia Basri Malik
Submitted by: Hasina Khan
Date: 30/10/2020
Character sketch of Mr. Fielding

Mr. Fielding enters India when he touches the age of forty. He is a keen observer. He judges
the people on the bases of merit because he pays more attention to formal rules. He is
intellectual, kind and committed to help anyone in need. He does not have any issue to
teach the public schoolboys, mental detectives and policemen. One of his great qualities is
that he has no objection to adding Indians. By his great qualities and attitudes, he becomes
the Principal of the little college at Chandra pore. He has no racial feeling. He never
considers himself superior to Indians because he is a mature and an educated person. He
considers that everyone is equal and he does not favour the injustice. He defends Aziz
because he knows that Aziz is innocent.
Character sketch of Dr. Aziz
Aziz is a skilled surgeon and a well-educated, intelligent doctor. He also likes poetry; he says
that he is free to write his poetry. He is loving, high-spirited and a good-natured and
hospitable man. He is a great nationalist. He likes his own culture, norms and values but
sometimes he concerns on Western civilization. He is attracted towards the life style of
Western. He is a round character because in the beginning of the novel he is neutral and
after that he shifts his ideas towards Englishmen. He thinks that Englishmen degrade and
oppress Indians. In the beginning Aziz makes friendship with Mr. Fielding, Mrs. Moore, and
Miss Adela Quested; and he is affectionate towards them. At end of the novel, he becomes
extremely patriotic. He is very loyal to his friends although.
Character sketch of Professor Godbole :

Professor Godbole, an instructor at Fielding's local college, is the loopy guru of the school.
Godbole's behavior seems at odds with his high caste because he's a Hindu Brahmin, and as
such is at the top of the Hindu social ladder. But as Godbole's name (meaning "sweet-
mouthed") suggests, Godbole's behavior is just an expression of his peaceful world-view,
which emphasizes the unity of all things, from the highest Brahmin to the teeniest of wasps.
Thus Godbole's antics are just another way of affirming the unity of life: both high
spirituality and the lowest forms of humor are part of the cosmic order, and both have to be
celebrated. This big-picture way of looking at the world makes Godbole rather indifferent to
individual suffering because he perceives individual suffering as just a blip in the cosmic
flow, which is small consolation to the other characters

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