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a) μd is given as u1 – u2 (difference of mean of Sample 1 & 2)

Null Hypothesis: H0 : ud =0
Alternate, H1: ud not equal to 0
b) Here, we need to do an independent sample t test, as two are different samples and assuming
different variance
t = (u1 – u2)/[(S12/n1) + (S22/n2)]0.5
Now if the t value is more than the critical value, reject the null hypothesis in favor of the
alternative hypothesis. If the t is less than the critical, we do not reject null hypothesis. And also,
if the p value is lesser than the alpha value(0.1), then we can reject the null hypothesis and
deduct that there is at least 90 (because significance is 0.1) percent confidence that the
Alternate will be true
c) The critical value is calculated based n N-1 and the significance level (here 0.1, which is 10%)
from the student T chart
d) B – is the right answer because as the t value moves away from the critical value, there is
greater evidence that there is a significant difference between means of two samples.
e) P value is the significance of the test value, obtained.
f) A – is the right option. We usually reject the null hypothesis when the p-value is lesser than the
significance, and do not reject the null if it is greater than alpha)
g) C is the answer. Reason – we generally use t statistic when we have number of records less than
30. Only if there are more than 30 cases, we can generalize the assumptions and inferences to
the entire population. P value gives the significance of out results holding true in the population
(not just in the sample)

Here, we need to do a one sample t test with 16.24(mean of the population)

1) Null Hypothesis:
We are doing a two-tail test, then Null Hypothesis: H0: u = u opulation
i.e., u equal to 16.24
2) Alternative Hypothesis
H1: u not equal to 16.24
3) t value is given by (mean of sample – mean of population)/ estimated standard error
Estimated std error is given by Sx = (Standard deviation of sample/ (number of observation) 0.5)
From calculation, t value = -6.21
4) Critical value, we get from the students table that, for degree of freedom = N-1 = 20 (where N is
number of observations) and significance 0.01 (given), critical value = 1.725, hence t value (6.21)
is more than the critical value hence null hypothesis can be rejected and we can say that the
average age

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