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A.Fill out the given table below citing general views/opinions as asked. Just follow the format.

Major happenings in the history of the creation of Republic Act 6344 created Camiguin School of Arts and
CPSC Trades and was formally opened as a Secondary Trade
School in June 1979, supported by the Provincial
Government. This school was nationalized in 1980.

DECS order No. 59. S. 1987 authorized the school to open

a Two-Year Post-Secondary Technical Course in
Automotive Technology which was implemented during
the school year 1990-1991.

June 1993, the Bureau of Technical and Vocational

Education Division, DECS, Region X, issued the permit to
offer the Two-Year Garment Technology and Two-Year
Electrical Technology. The school had turned out
graduates in the 3 Technology courses until its
conversion into a State College.

February 24, 1995, Republic Act 7923 was approved

converting these schools, the Camiguin School of Arts
and Trades, the Central Mindanao University, Catarman
Campus and Mindanao Polytechnic State College,
Balintawak, Mambajao Campus into Camiguin
Polytechnic State College (CPSC). The former becomes
the main campus. After a brief transition period, CPSC
officially opened its doors to higher education in June

CPSC Vision Camiguin Polytechnic State College is a dynamic

institution of higher learning which is accessible, globally
competitive, culturally and morally sensitive towards
sustainable ecotourism and natural resource

CPSC Mission Pursuant to Sec. 3 of R.A. 7923, the College shall provide
professional, technical and special instructions for special
purposes and to promote research and extension
services, advanced studies and progressive leadership in
Agriculture, Forestry, Engineering, Arts and Sciences, and
other relevant studies.
CPSC Goals CPSC strive to:
1. Expand access to higher education
2. Integrate 21st century competencies in all
curricular programs
3. Strengthen quality assurance
4. Expand government-academe-industry
5. Improve research and innovation and
extension services; and
6. Promote excellence in all its programs

CPSC Objectives To secure the students in gaining knowledge during the class
hours, and to enchance their skill in every course that they
take and to provide them their needs of the student .
CPSC Quality Policy To achieve Cpsc Quality policy they. Deliver quality service to
stakeholders and Adhere to regulatory requirements,
established professional and ethical standard and to Adopt
changes in the educational system as required by law and also
Forge agreements with other SUC’s and line agencies locally
and internationally. Their quality policy has good impact to the
students, not jus in students but also for the teachers.
Descriptive Title of the *This course introduces students to ethics and
Course/Subject professional issues pertaining to Information Technology.
*It prepares students (who will be the future
professionals in a complex technological society) to deal
with issues related to computers.
*Through introduction to issues ranging from ethical,
social, legal, and economical relevant to being a
responsible computer user (professional or personal).
*It also exposes students to the use of ethical/value
analysis as a practical tool in defining and solving day-to-
day ethical conflicts they might confront as computing
and IT professionals.

Outline how the course or subject is to be delivered For online mode, students will participate in the course using
(Chose between online and offline) Google's learning management system called GOOGLE
coupled with social media platform namely FB
classroom/group and messenger. Or using any gadgets like
smartphones to access in class.
List the ways of establishing communication during * Announcements
the delivery of this course/subject * Online and Offline Consultation
* Submission Protocol
* Always keep a duplicate copy of your activity sheets in your
files in case you need to resubmit them (e.g., they are lost in
transit; or there is a technological glitch).
Submission of outputs protocols All outputs in online mode shall be submitted through
attachment/email. Late submission is allowed on case to
case basis. For offline mode outputs of the sent learning
materials or weekly module are to be submitted every
Friday at 8Am - 2:00 P.M. in the various designated
areas/learning hubs.

List the Netiquette *BE ON TIME

*Your written communication should be PROFESSIONAL and
reflect proper writing style (avoid shortcuts, slang words).
How to avoid Academic Dishonesty To avoid Academic Dishonesty we have to work in our own
knowledge, we have to be responsible enough in doing our
works and all we need to do is to trust our self that we can do
it in the end.
Course requirements to be 1. Use and appreciates the ethical theories as tools
imposed on the
course/subject to analyse moral problems
2. Discuss issues related to the introduction of
Information Technology into society.
3. Explain the legal and ethical implication of
Information Technology and Internet to
intellectual property, privacy, lifestyle, work,
wealth, and health.
4. Be aware of the vulnerability of networked
5. Be acquainted with selected professional codes
of conducts.

Grading System to be
imposed on the 1. Term exam - 30%
course/subject 2. Quizzes - 30%
3. Outputs of Learning Exercises -
4. Class Participation - 20%
Total = 100%
Final Grade = 1/3 Midterm Grade + 2/3 Final
Term Grade

B. Reflection

In paragraph form, reflect on how you could help attain the VMGO of the College. (at least 150
words, to assess your response on this, rubric will be used)

- I can help to attain VMGO to apply to yourself the following those VMGO like
Don’t underprice yourself and trust yourself and have confidence. In helping VMGO in college
we have to follow our mission in life. We have a dream that we have to achive to our family. We
have so many goals that’s why we entering in college. It is important that we apply the VMGO in
our school. In order for us to help the school In achieving their VMGO. In that way the school
well grow their economy. To have confidence that our school will compete in other school has
the power to compete. This will be achieved through recognition of diversity, being culturally
sensitive and responsive to change and by investing in the specialised skills and knowledge of its
people. Being a unique student will help you attain the VMGO in school. In applying mission and
vision in school as a student they give clarity and direction for a school. A
muddy vision or mission can help lead to continuing conflicts, and a school that has difficulty
identifying priorities.

Syllabus Contract
I have read and understood the syllabus in SP 101a Social and Professional Issues 1 First
Semester 2020-2021 of Mr. Richard M. Gomonit of Camiguin Polytechnic State College and I
agree to the terms required for coursework and other essentials such as the Grading System.


Name: Jenecel M. Jamito BSIT-3A

Date: Octuber 16, 2020

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